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open Dead Silent Ponyville.

Cherry Blossom

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Hearing the slamming from inside the room, Ruby got even more worried. She pushed open the door and saw Octavinyl violently smashing her head towards the table, making her nose bleed in the process. "O-Octavinyl! You're hurt!" was the only thing she managed to utter when she carefully approached the depressed pony in front of her. Her feelings of concerns blended in with her fear of socializing, but also a small part of seeing herself in the way Octavinyl was acting.


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Octavinyl didn't stop to turn around to Ruby. She just kept on slamming the wooden desk with her skull. Blood began dripping onto the table as she started to hit the in a slower rate. A few minutes later Octavinyl stopped, her face was laying there with all that blood now covering her face.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Flame was about to sit down when he heard yelling coming from the office, leaving his cane behind he ran as fast as he could down the hall.

Once he got to the office he saw Ruby standing next to Octavinyl who had her head laying in a pool of blood, on the desk. What happened ? he asked Ruby, looking at Octavinyl with a concerned look on his face.

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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(OOC: Got ninjad, updated my entry)


Noticing that Octavinyl stopped, Ruby rushed over to the other pony. She first hesitated, but put her hoof on Octavinyl's shoulder. "H-Hey? Octavinyl? P-Please say something!" Ruby was really worried now, but then heard Flame entering the room. "S-She was slamming her head in the table, I-I tried to stop her but I couldn't"

Edited by Mayuen


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Emerald Blaze was wandering around the hospital, searching for food, or something edible at least, when he had heard a loud shout, crying and then a repetitive banging sound coming from a nearby room...Fearing the worst, he grabbed a couple of bandages from his jacket that he had nicked earlier and switched the radio down into his jacket, leaving a small blade and a few bandages slowly circling his head.

"Um, Hey, I was just trotting past when I heard, OH CELESTIA! What happened?! Was she attacked!?"

He was pretty surprised to see Ruby appearing to comfort Octavinyl, whose face was covered in blood,as was the surrounding desk area. He noticed she was crying slightly, tears and blood mixing to create a light pinkish liquid, slowly growing in volume...

"Uh, something tells me that these bandages could be useful...If they're enough..."

He said slightly nervously, also noticing Flame in the corner, Emerald looked quizically at him, as if asking for an explanation.

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Ruby turned her head towards Emerald. "P-Please help her, I-I don't know what to do" the tears were burning behind Ruby's eyes now, everything just made her head flood with memories she didn't want to think of and this wasn't the time to get a panic attack.


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Misty just sat there in the lobby. She had her chin on her hoof. The grey mare was completely oblivious to Octavinyl's pain. Even if she had known, she wouldn't care. In her mind ran battle strategies and a plan to take leadership without killing anypony. She'd have to wait for the perfect opportunity. The way some of the ponies had stared at her earlier had bugged her a bit, though. If she was going the lead these ponies to survival, she would have to pretend to be nice or something. For now, she would wait. Unbeknownst to Misty Leaves, now would have been good. But sadly, she was too wrapped up in her ego at the moment. This time she was certain she had saved Octavinyl. Sure, Lapis had distracted them, but she had done most of the work. Yeah, they were going to totally love her.


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Octavinyl just kept her head on the table and didn't reply for a long while. She got herself up and started to fly towards the elevator. Her movement was extremely wobbly and unbalanced. Octavinyl turned back to them with a emotionless face. Blood was dripping from her face, which covered from down her nose.


Meanwhile Fae and Starbolt were on the roof looking out for any zombies coming by. The whole place seemeda little secure for today, but the fog was getting thicker.

Edited by Octavinyl

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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"Right then, Ruby, calm down, one over done pegasus is enough. Next, is Octy even concious still? I think we should get Miss. Silver in here."

Emerald was in slight shock himself, why had Octavinyl done this to herself? He levitated the bandages over to the bloodied, slumped figure at the desk and as he was about to apply them, he froze.

'There's no way she'll stay even slightly calm with these covering her face, besides, Ill probably smother her'

"Can somepony use these? Ruby, I know it's kinda bad but, can you do this? I don't wanna hurt her."


(OOC: have to go, internet down, using phone, feel free to control Emerald 'til I return tomorrow

Or just force him into doing something. Guten Nacht AllesPferde...Fur nach...

Edited by Shardikku
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Ruby took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "I-I'll try, y-you maybe can get Silver Heart?" Ruby answered, grabbing the floating bandages. Suddenly Octavinyl moved, and Ruby jumped a little in surprise. "N-No, wait! W-we need to get you patched up!"


(OOC: Got to go and get some sleep now, good night everyone! If something big happens, feel free to decide something for Ruby."

Edited by Mayuen


Signature made by me, screenshot as base

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Misty became startled by a loud noise. It seemed to have come from the stairwell. Curious as to what it was, she proceeded with caution. "Hey, who's there?" she called out. She hoped it wasn't a zombie. Her wounds were still regenerating. Only the small cuts were gone. Beyond that, she was still bleeding. She had a lot of bandages all over her. Even if they healed, blood loss could kill her.


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Octavinyl refused the bandages and turned back around. As she opened the door, she left the room feeling terrible. She slammed the door and started walking down the hallways towards her room. 'What am I doing?' She thought to herself as she finally reach her room. While opening the door, she thought about what she had just done in front of everypony in that room. She ignored the thought and went inside to get some much needed rest. Octavinyl climbed onto the hospital bed and just stayed silent.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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There was a pause, and then the hammering and whistling resumed, the tune changing slightly, with some humming being thrown in. When Misty tries the door, it won't open, as if it's boarded up. After a couple minutes, the noises stop.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Hey, open up in there or I will break this door down!" she yelled. She wasn't bluffing. The mutation she had contracted from the zombie bite had enhanced her strength. Misty became impatient, so she turned around and bucked the door as hard as she could. It hurt a bit because she wasn't fully healed yet, but the door began to budge.


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Silence. Silence, and then the single ominous click of the safety catch being taken off of an automatic weapon. And then a whisper: "As if life vasn't short enough already." Whoever said it walks up the stairs, and the noise resumes further up the stairs.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Misty forced the door off it's hinges. It took 4 minutes for her to push through. By now, whoever it was would be far ahead. She followed a faint sound up the stair, hoping whoever this pony, or perhaps other, was would stop moving at a point. This was getting on her nerves. When she found them, she was give them a good buck to the head. "Hey, get back here!" she called after.


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*Whack!* *Whack!* Suddenly, a rope drops down, and a lanky brown pony with shocking red hair slides to the bottom. He knocks Misty into a wall, and grabs her throat with one hoof, and wielding a deadly-looking combat knife in the other. "If you try to move, I vill kill you. If you try to call for help, I vill kill you. You vill answer my questions, or I vill kill you. Ready to get schtarted? Who are you? Vat are you doink? Vhy are you takink up residence in an obviously fortified zone?"



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Misty resisted the urge to spit in his eye. This pony meant business, and provoking him would have been a bad idea. She might have actually been able to push him off, but she was curious. "Yeah, sure, I'll answer questions. I am Misty Leaves, pegasus pony. What I'm 'doink' is investigating a noise. And, what do you mean by 'takink up residence in an obviously fortified zone'?" she, mimicking his accent at times. She stifled a smirk and tried not to move. If she got cut in the throat, she wasn't sure if she'd survive.


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Misty resisted the urge to spit in his eye. This pony meant business, and provoking him would have been a bad idea. She might have actually been able to push him off, but she was curious. "Yeah, sure, I'll answer questions. I am Misty Leaves, pegasus pony. What I'm 'doink' is investigating a noise. And, what do you mean by 'takink up residence in an obviously fortified zone'?" she, mimicking his accent at times. She stifled a smirk and tried not to move. If she got cut in the throat, she wasn't sure if she'd survive.


"Mmm. Interstink how you seem to feel zat you can taunt me, even sough I am holdink all ze cards, as VELL as ze only knife. But... oh vell. Vat I mean is, I have been on ze roof almost ze entire time, und zere are roadblocks everyvere. You could not have gotten in vis a vehicle, und ze body count vould have been very high on foot. Vat is in zis hospital zat you need so badly? Zere is no cure for it, you know. By ze vay? You don't have very long left. I can shmell ze sickness on you."



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Octavinyl couldn't sleep at all, so she just got off of the hospital bed and started flying towards the door. Afterwards she went to the mare's room and wiped the blood on her face clean off. She was still busy planning out the assignments for scavening for supplies so she flew towards the elevator to get back to the main office. As she stopped in front of the elevator, she heard some rather strange noise coming from the stairwell, 'Huh? What is going on down there?' she thought to herself as she flew to the stairwell. She didn't now what was down there, for all she would know, there could be a monster down there. So Octavinyl went around looking for a weapon to defend herself with, she found a wooden crutch, but it was the best thing she could find anyway. She cautiously started flying down the stairwell and called out, "Hello? Is anypony down there? If so then please reply!"

Edited by Octavinyl

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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The pony narrowed his eyes. "You never told me zere vere more in ze hospital." He raised his voice to be heard. "Hallo! I have your vounded friend down here, und I also have a knife! Piece togesser for yourshelf vat vill happen if you attack me!"



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Octavinyl heard the strange pony's voice and got startled, 'That is one really heavy accent he has there.' she thought to herself as she kept flying down the stairs, but slowly. "Hey I have a wooden crutch and I'm not afraid to use it!" She yelled as she continued to fly down the stairs cautiously, 'Why did I say that? It sounded like I was going get beat up easily...' she thought to herself as her last line felt very awkward. "Please just put the knife down and I will put my weapon down." Octavinyl said in a soft tone, trying to reason with the stallion who was now a threat. But then she noticed that Misty was the hostage, so she started to have second thoughts on this... 'He's taken Misty as an hostage, do we really need her?... Dom't say that Octavinyl, Lapis wouldn't have wanted that!... I'm so sorry Lapis, I'm so sorry...' She thought to herself as she started tearing her eyes for Lapis.

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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Earth Opal followed Octavinyl silently to see what was happening. If whatever there was threatened them, he would for sure kill it. As he silently followed Octavinyl into the stairwell, he felt the presence of another pony. Looking back, he saw Air Opal with him. To make no sounds, which Air Opal was used to, he nodded his head to show that they had the same intentions. Their heads snapped back toward the sound as the pony made himself known to Octavinyl. As Octavinyl attempted to make a peace treaty, they crept closer, trying to catch a glimpse of the pony.

Edited by Strawberries Yum

Signature made by me!

Here's a list of my old names so you all remember me, old to new. Strawberries Yum/The Opal Family/The Opals/Luna Opal/Bumble Berry/Rainbow Jack/Colgate Revolution/Bad Seed/Bad Apple/The Alicorn Amulet/Opalicious/Doctor Who/The Tenth Doctor. I can't believe how long I've been here :')

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Misty stared at the stallion pinning her against the wall. She din't care what happened to herself, in truth. She'd stare death in the eye and die for it. Misty Leaves was not a marginally sane mare. She yawned at his threats. "So you have me hostage, eh? What do you hope to prove?" She continued to resist the urge to push him off. His comment about illness didn't seem to phase her, either.


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