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Equestrian Hunger Games

Lightning Fluttershy

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"Don't worry Med, I'll make sure the Hunger Games end forever. Nopony should have to go through this... So many innocent lives lost..." She said sadly, thinking back to Ezio. "Anyways, we should just wait for him. We have to be prepared, in case Celestia gets angry and comes down here."

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Pshh! Why would Celestia come down here? All she does is send her henchmen or her sister down here. She's too chicken to come down here, I'll bet." Medley scoffed

"For now, we should be happy that those xewatsits have gone now. They were horrific." She shudders.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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"Yeah. Celestia wouldn't even be at the throne if it weren't for her little henchmen! She is just a wimp..." Shade said. She laid back on the cloud, looking at the sky. "Soon, I'll be out of here, and Equestria will be restored..." She kept reminding herself. She started to take a nap.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Medley watched as Shade took a map and thought about what she had just said.

Equestria will be restored, eh? She thought to herself. She looked for the nearest camera, and when she found it, she flew to the sky and pushed the nearest clouds into the words Equestria will be restored Medley thought about adding 'Buck you Celestia', but she thought that that would be too much. She made sure that the words could be seen through the camera, and looked for more, so that on every screen the message could be read.

Once she had done that, she sat down on the grassy plains and admired her handiwork.

Not bad, she thought, not bad at all.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Celestia looks away from her monitors and looks to Luna. This is good Luna. I'm very lucky to have a sister I can depend on. Now what became of Game Maker? I saw the tribute named Boss beat him but he is still necessary to my plans. Did you retrieve him? If not then return and bring him back to the palace. With that she looks back to the monitors and sees the message from Medley. Hmhmhmh. We'll see soon enough...


Boss was still in that state, looking over Game Maker's unconscious body. He is quick to cool back down to Boss though and pops another of those pills. He walks back over and looks up into the cloud. Hey why don't you come down here? You forget I can't fly you know!

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Shade awoke to Boss's voice. She flew down, but on landing her leg hurt like hell. "Ow!" She said. "Hey guess what Boss? Diehard escaped! He is gonna get to the control room and open up an escape route!" Shade literally jumped for joy. She looked over at GM, who was still unconscious. "So, what are we gonna do about him?" She asked.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quillusion smiled as she walked away from the group. She had a plan, a way to end the games maybe in her favour. "Celestia," She whispered, hoping she was listening. "I promise you I can still win this game for us. But I'm going to need your help. I need supplies, and am in desperate need of a weapon. If you can give me what I need, I promise to win the games for you." She said, as she continued to walk away.

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Shade turned and saw Quills walking away. Curious, she snuck up behind her. Then, she froze. "If you can give me what I need, I promise to win the games for you." Quills said. That traitor. She grabbed her, and held her out in front of her. "What was that I heard, Quills? Why were you talking to Celestia?" Shade said, angrily. "I'm not happy, Quills. Explain."

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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"Please let me go Shade." Quillusion said, a smile on her face. "Just let me go please, I really don't want to fight now, and..." She put her mouth up to Shade's ear, ..."will explain everything later." She whispered and backed away. She hoped Shade would listen to her, she seemed like a smart pony.

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Boss sees what's going on and stops them both. Whatever you two are talking about I want to hear it. We're in this together now. Boss walks in between them and separates them. So what's with all the whispering going on over here? He looks as Quillusion. and just gets a smile. I don't like what's going on here.

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"Boss, she was talking to Celestia, asking for a weapon! She was going to backstab us all!" Shade said with rage. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted her!" Shade began to charge at Quills, but Boss stopped her. All she could do was glare at her. "So Quills, tell us the truth now!"

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Quillusion smiled as she continued to back away. "You know, your not very nice ponies." She said, taking a drop of the potion and running. She knew she could most likely get far away if she just kept running. They were ruining her plan, and she needed to get Celestia to send her some supplies and soon.

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Game Maker woke with a start and choked on his own blood and a few extra teeth. He looked around for his last hope: the BFG-9000. He found it lying next to a dead peacekeeper, covered in blood. He started crawling towards it, pushing aside his teeth lying on the ground.

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Shade watched her disappear, but then immediately turned around. Gamemaker was conscious, reaching for his gun. She walked over and kicked the gun away. "Not so tough now, huh GM? You know you don't agree with these games. You know you want to go back to the old Equestria. You know that these games are not right." Shade glared at him. "You should join us, and end Celestia's reign. Because you can't really win against us right now. No armor, no weapons, and 3 versus 1." Shade whistled for Boss and Medley. "So Gamemaker, you have two choices. 1: Join our cause. or 2: Get killed by whatever mutts that Diehard chooses to release. That's right, GM! He's at your control room! Which means your powerless!"

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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having a very low tolerance for drugs, Merzai finally wakes up from the gas, and begins weerily clambering around the forest, unaware that he had left his tools behind, all he cares about at the moment is quenching his terrible thirst and making sure starvation doesn't get to him...

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*cough* *cough* I'm already a dead pony. If you don't kill me, *cough* Celestia will. She's too powerful. I'd sooner face any mutt you throw at than be tortured by her. You know, I had a perfectly fine life before you all ruined it with your suicidal revolution attempt. Game Maker fell into a violent fit of coughing and hacking. Boss had broken many of his ribs and even ruptured his spleen.

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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"Oh no, GM. You aren't going THAT easily." Shade said, casting a healing spell. "You know, GM, you once told me that you killed many ponies while being the head gamemaker. It wasn't you that killed them. It was your fear of Celestia that drove you to do so. What you don't know is that we are able to rival Celestia!" Shade said, flapping her wings and making her horn glow. "We have control of the arena!" And most of all..." Shade said, casting a mind spell on GM. "Is that you are free from Celestia's evil spell." The spell was to change his mind into not fearing Celestia, but the fear being replaced with hate for her and the Capitol. "So now, I ask you again: Do you want to help us overthrow Celestia?"

Edited by Shade

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Boss steps in and pulls Shade back. Shade stop! Don't force him to do this! If you implant hate in his head... well if you do that than how are you any different from Celestia? You go on about how she is such a horrible tyrant but you are doing the same thing right now that you claim to fight to oppose. Let ponies make their own decisions.

Edited by Like A Boss
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Sade hesitated, then stopped the spell. "Fine, Boss. But we could have used GM on our side." Shade walked away. "So Boss, what do we do now? Just wait?" Shade began to grow bored and anxious. "When is Diehard gonna get us out of this hellhole? I'm sick of this DOME!" Shade stomped her foot in anger. She wasn't a very patient pony.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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Diehard found some higher up Peacekeepers. Orders from Celestia. I am to take GM post in the control room due to his discharge. The other Peacekeepers look at him as if he were crazy. And who are you? Yea what is your name and classification? Taking his helmet off. I am Brigadier General Diehard of Princess Celestia's Special Task Force. If i tell you anymore ill have to kill the both of you. Pulling his hoof blades out. Very well then. Here is the way to the master control room. And forgive us for the hold up General. No problem. Oh and....Your both demoted to guards now. Good-bye. As he gets to the master control room he takes a seat and starts to send all kinds of goods. This is for you shade. Boxes then fall from the top of the dome to where ever all the tributes were. Lets see now. More blots for Shade. New weapon for Boss. Some food and meds for the others. And so this does not look too suspicious......lets see lets see. Looking over the buttons of beast he could release. Ummmmmmm.....lets go with a pack of Timber Wolves.....let make it two.


(12 wolves in each pack)

Edited by Razorwing
  • Brohoof 1

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Shade saw the dome door opening above, and packages began raining down. "ALL RIGHT DIEHARD!" Shade said, opening a package with a new, more powerful bow, and more powerful arrows, medicine, and food. Attached to the package was a note. "Shade, so this package didn't look suspicious, I sent in 2 pack of timberwolves, 24 in all. But with your new weapons, it should be a piece of cake." Shade read out loud. She then heard a howl. Out of the forest came a pack of timber wolves, but she shot then down with one bomb arrow. "Woah! Celestia, you are SCREWED!" Shade said happily.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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You can't win. She's too powerful. Shade you're crazy! Game Maker said. He stumbled pathetically towards the hole in the barrier. He only fell down one step in. He looked behind him to see Shade and Boss looking at him. Not wanting their pity, he got up again and started shakily walking away.

I would swallow my pride

I would choke on the rinds

But the lack therof would leave me empty inside

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Quillusion heard the growling and ran. Apparently Celestia didn't care if her choice won, she just wanted the others to die, so now more were coming for them. "Celestia why." She yelled into the sky as she saw a pack of timberwolves and continued to run. She doubted she would outrun them, and knew her time was most likely up.

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Princess Luna was coming down to bring Gamemaker back when she saw him standing by Boss, Shade, and Quillusion. Gifts were raining down and other things, controllable only by the Gamemaker in his office, were going on. How could the Gamemaker have betrayed us like that? I must go back to tell Celestia! Luna then flew off toward the castle. When she arrived, she told her sister of the situation and that there was reason to believe that somepony else was impersonating the Gamemaker.

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Shade watched GM stumble away. "It's a good thing that the spell is only temporary... He is worse than I thought when controlled by a spell!" Shade said, sighing. Another pack of Timberwolves came charging in, and Shade slit one's throat with her new knife. "You ok over there, Boss?" Shade asked, cutting another one's head open.

Parabolas. Quadratic equations. Ahahaha, I hate Algebra.

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