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First OC drawing in GIMP


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So I was bored last night and decided to turn on some music and start drawing something in GIMP... I made two drawings. One was My OC Mellow the other was something that looked like a waffle in space (Im not very good XD) anyways I thought I would put the one of my OC up. I spent absolutely forever on it... I hope you like it!

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  • Brohoof 5
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It's very good! I just resent;y drew a picture of my OC to, although I have yet yo put it up. I'm not very good at drawing on the computer (I use Paint.Net), But some day I would love to be as good as you.

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Tracing doesn't count as drawing, sorry sir xD You should have posted the space waffle since I doubt you traced that one : lol


Its not traced though... I did draw most of it except I used the paint can tool for the body cause I couldnt be bothered to take the extra time to draw it. Edited by Mellow
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Well if you didn't trace it then I can say you did a great job. It looks really really good for being un-traced... If you did trace it then I will say nice job tracing a picture.

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Even if you did trace it nice job! It looks great and you used a computer program, which means using a mouse to draw, now that is hard.


Most digital artists do not use a mouse. They use tablets. It's 99.9999999999999999% impossible to digitally paint or draw using a mouse and result in a professional drawing.
  • Brohoof 2
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Most digital artists do not use a mouse. They use tablets. It's 99.9999999999999999% impossible to digitally paint or draw using a mouse and result in a professional drawing.


hmmm nope, you might work the double as harder with the mouse as someone who use a tablet, but still you can achieve pretty cool results even if you don't own a tablet.
  • Brohoof 3
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hmmm nope, you might work the double as harder with the mouse as someone who use a tablet, but still you can achieve pretty cool results even if you don't own a tablet.


Here then, I challenge you to find a professional quality drawing or painting that was done with a mouse. Good luck. I'll be here waiting.


EDIT: Double? haha no, try 99999999x harder. It's barely shy of impossible. You have a higher chance of winning the lottery.

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Here then, I challenge you to find a professional quality drawing or painting that was done with a mouse. Good luck. I'll be here waiting.


what would you call professional, a realistic style or a comic book style, there is a lot of professional styles out there.
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what would you call professional, a realistic style or a comic book style, there is a lot of professional styles out there.


If you could sell it to the vast public then it's what I'm talking about. Not a drawing you could sell to a few idiots, I'm talking about like marketing selling. It has to be something that an art professer would actually consider good or talented.
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Tracing doesn't count as drawing, sorry sir xD You should have posted the space waffle since I doubt you traced that one : lol


I agree.


When I first saw this I was going to say it looked traced right from the pony creator thingy.


If you say you didn't trace it...eeh, don't hold it against me if I don't agree.

  • Brohoof 1
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I agree.


When I first saw this I was going to say it looked traced right from the pony creator thingy.


If you say you didn't trace it...eeh, don't hold it against me if I don't agree.


Maybe not parts of it, but give me a second. I'll make an overlay of the hair and body. Here is why I believe it is a trace: If you are good enough to do that without tracing then why are you drawing a pony creator pony T_T
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If you could sell it to the vast public then it's what I'm talking about. Not a drawing you could sell to a few idiots, I'm talking about like marketing selling. It has to be something that an art professer would actually consider good or talented.


I'm tempted to show one of my drawings that I did like 1 or 2 years ago, and I did it all with the mouse because I didn't have a tablet by that time, but for now, I'll show you this :D 100% mouse meat


Edited by Motion Spark
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Maybe not parts of it, but give me a second. I'll make an overlay of the hair and body. Here is why I believe it is a trace: If you are good enough to do that without tracing then why are you drawing a pony creator pony T_T


Because it was the first thing I saw and this is still my first drawing that took me a couple days to get even this good... And what I did to make it was have the ponycreator image on one side of my screen and the drawing on the other side.
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I'm tempted to show one of my drawings that I did like 1 or 2 years ago, and I did it all with the mouse because I didn't have a tablet by that time, but for now, I'll show you this :D 100% mouse meat


You could sell that, yes, but I doubt an art professor would say it was talented or "good". We can't truly know on that point, so instead consider this. She now uses a tablet. Here is the difference. There are many things about that arial drawing that are amateurish and she was definitely helped by her strong traditional background. Care to guess which came first. Mouse or traditional drawing?

Posted Image


I rest my case. Find me a drawing that isn't from 5 years ago.


And what I did to make it was have the ponycreator image on one side of my screen and the drawing on the other side.


Wow, why do I not believe that. I would rather you draw a terrible image without tracing than draw an ok image by tracing. I'm also not particularly a fan of lying, but then again, who is.



You rotated the head a little, thats about it.


the red line is the pony creator duplicate, the transparent purple is your pony.

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Because it was the first thing I saw and this is still my first drawing that took me a couple days to get even this good... And what I did to make it was have the ponycreator image on one side of my screen and the drawing on the other side.


Ah. Well, even so, pony creator images are not art. Even if you did a very nice freehand drawing of it.




Posted Image(quick copy I made :P tried to be accurate)Posted Image




I think you can see my concern with why I thought you traced it.

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@@Bohtty, that's what I'm saying, she was supported by her knowledge in traditional art, but still, that Ariel drawing could be comissioned without any problem, making it profitable, actually, a high quality work is not always a Da-Vinci inspired painting, art is endless and things that you may consider crap, is high quality for someone else, who is willing to pay for that work.


You're last comment was rude, so I'm just going to ignore it since it's you.

  • Brohoof 2
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@@Bohtty, that's what I'm saying, she was supported by her knowledge in traditional art, but still, that Ariel drawing could be comissioned without any problem, making it profitable, actually, a high quality work is not always a Da-Vinci inspired painting, art is endless and things that you may consider crap, is high quality for someone else, who is willing to pay for that work.


You're last comment was rude, so I'm just going to ignore it since it's you.


I stated 2 conditions. It had to be sellable and an art professor would have to consider it good. Based on the several mistakes in the drawing that are amateurish, I would say it would not be considered "good".


My comment was rude, maybe, but none the less it was quite deserving. You asked for it by trying to prove me wrong in art. Even if you find a technical art piece that qualifies mouse art, I'm still right because I did not say 100%.


It sounds like you interpreted it as rude because you think I'm a rude person and that I enjoy being rude at others expense.

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@@Bohtty, I know where is this leading and I'm going to put a stop to it, know what Bohtty? fine you win



Hell yah I did. Good playing with you lol.


At OP, I'd be willing to help you get better at drawing (not tracing), but you need to put up at least one drawing for me to go off of.

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I can't stop staring at that gif, help.



As for the drawing, I'd really suggest not even referencing from the Pony Creator. The poses it generates are pretty stiff and lifeless. It's fun to make little designs on, but it's a better idea to reference from the show, where the characters are in motion, rather than a Flash game where they act more like mannequins than actual moving creatures. The colors are a bit too harsh. The characters in the show are more pastel-colored, so I would suggest softening them a bit.


But I really love your lines, they've got a lot of personality in them.


Hope this helps!

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You could sell that, yes, but I doubt an art professor would say it was talented or "good". We can't truly know on that point, so instead consider this. She now uses a tablet. Here is the difference. There are many things about that arial drawing that are amateurish and she was definitely helped by her strong traditional background.

Aside from anatomical issues like the exaggerated size of her forehead and such... anything else amatuerish about that piece? Just thought I would learn something along the way.

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Aside from anatomical issues like the exaggerated size of her forehead and such... anything else amatuerish about that piece? Just thought I would learn something along the way.


It's hard to notice because the image she posted is so small (probably for that exact reason). Basically the result is akin to something you'd expect from an ipad where they have to use certain techniques, not because they want to, but because there isn't a better or more realistic way to achieve the effect with tablet technology.


The main problem is that it's rather blurry all over. Especially noticeable around Ariel's fingers. Also if you look at the tentacles you can see that the highlights are just single strokes and is not really blended in. Usually when rendering a full image you can blend these in because the tablet has multiple levels of sensitivity. Similarly, the wrinkles on Ursula look like they were drawn with chalk.


It only looks so good because the artist has a strong backbone in traditional art. It looks like a good ipad drawing, not something done entirely on the computer. When compared to her tablet work there is no contest.


Plus the reflections in Ariel's hair make it look really corse. I would say a better color could have been used for that. For the most noticeable mistakes, just look at the background details like the scales on Ariel and the tentacle.

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