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private The Chambers (The Living Prison)


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Jacob keeped his distance. He keeped his hunting rifle pointed at the body. After getting a better look he saw that it was a girl pony. Jacob spoke "Hello if you can hear me please respond?" He didnt get an answer. Jacob found a small piece of rubble and lightly chucked it at her, to see if she would react.

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Jacob keeped his distance. He keeped his hunting rifle pointed at the body. After getting a better look he saw that it was a girl pony. Jacob spoke "Hello if you can hear me please respond?" He didnt get an answer. Jacob found a small piece of rubble and lightly chucked it at her, to see if she would react.


She twitches slightly after being it by the rubble, good to know she's alive but she's still not awake.

It might not be smart to leave her there, but you can't exactly take her back to the Yard, and who knows when she'll wake up.

Decisions, decisions...

What do you do?

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(Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.) Quillusion looked around, wondering where to start looking for the zebras. Wait before she did that, she should go and try and get better supplys, so that was what she did, walked over to some merchants and asked them what they had, hoping they had something. But then she remembered what had happened last time, so she decided this time to take a much lighter approach.

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Church yells in happiness. "Finally! It's about time something went right for me! I've been getting a lot of bad luck lately but maybe things are turning around!" He throws down the plank of wood and begins to hammer the glass mercilessly with his hoof.

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(Sorry I haven't posted in awhile.) Quillusion looked around, wondering where to start looking for the zebras. Wait before she did that, she should go and try and get better supplys, so that was what she did, walked over to some merchants and asked them what they had, hoping they had something. But then she remembered what had happened last time, so she decided this time to take a much lighter approach.


(It's fine. If you don't mind me prying, where were you?)

"Depends on what you're looking for." One of them grunts. "Whatever it is, it won't be cheap either."

That's a bit worrying, at least it wasn't as bad as the last time you tried shopping.

Let's see... what so you need to help protect you from the horrors of the Prison?

What do you do?


Church yells in happiness. "Finally! It's about time something went right for me! I've been getting a lot of bad luck lately but maybe things are turning around!" He throws down the plank of wood and begins to hammer the glass mercilessly with his hoof.


Somehow, you feel like the Warden is smiling at that comment.

You beat the glass mercilessly, but you eventually shatter through it. With a few small bits of glass lodged in your hoof, you look inside and see a sealed container. Is this from The Warden?

What do you do?

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Jacob was thinking about what to do. (I can't just leave her like this, she could have valuable information. If she get in the yard...Well the other prisonners we'll definatly notice her, most of these prisonners havent seen a female in years. Who knows what those idiots would have planned for her...Damn it, it looks like im gonna have to play babysitter.) The girl looked uncomfortable, so Jacob dragged her out of the liquid she was coverd in and put her in warmer and more comfortable place. Jacob got some of the liquid on his hoofs. "Damn it, I better get something out of doing this." He waited for the girl to wake up.

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"Well I have this shotgun." She said, moving it so they could see. She didn't show them the whole thing, in case they thought of robbing her, or other things. "I do believe I could get something for this." She knew they would try to scam her for it, but she a few tricks up her sleeve this time around.


(I was trying to keep up with the other two RP's, plus school has been keeping me down.)

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Jacob was thinking about what to do. (I can't just leave her like this, she could have valuable information. If she get in the yard...Well the other prisonners we'll definatly notice her, most of these prisonners havent seen a female in years. Who knows what those idiots would have planned for her...Damn it, it looks like im gonna have to play babysitter.) The girl looked uncomfortable, so Jacob dragged her out of the liquid she was coverd in and put her in warmer and more comfortable place. Jacob got some of the liquid on his hoofs. "Damn it, I better get something out of doing this." He waited for the girl to wake up.


After a while, and a long while at that, her eyes finally flutter open.

She turns to you, and stares deeply into your face, but doesn't make a sound; it's almost like she expected this day to arrive.

You both sit silently for a while, and she just stares blankly at your face.

What do you do?


"Well I have this shotgun." She said, moving it so they could see. She didn't show them the whole thing, in case they thought of robbing her, or other things. "I do believe I could get something for this." She knew they would try to scam her for it, but she a few tricks up her sleeve this time around.


(I was trying to keep up with the other two RP's, plus school has been keeping me down.)


(Oh okay, don't worry about it either.)

He eyes the shotgun greedily. "Yeah, I say you would too..."

Looks like he's interested. He beckons you behind a number of crates, obviously he's become fascinated by the purchase.

You see him pull out a number of things; a kevlar vest, a set of night vision goggles, a number of drugs, but he never gets back from behind there. This could be a tape, or he could have a lot of stuff.

What do you do?

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The blast is scattered from the hasty repair, but it finds its target. Instantly two Skags are vaporized and a number are singed. They back off slowly, but not for long.

You'll need a plan to get out, you still remember the way back thankfully.

What do you do?


Rich blasted at the Skags a couple more times and then at roof of the tunnel, hoping it would collapse. He then turned and ran for his life. He kept an ear open for the Skags chasing him. Despite all the tension, he thought to himself, 'Damn, I left the flashlight.'

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Jacob keeped his distance just in case, he spoke "Hello, who are you and what are you doing here?" Jacob had know clue if he would get a response or not. He didnt know if she even could speak, or if she even knew that she was in a prison. Jacob waited for a response, he really was hoping that she was at least mildly intellegent.

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Church crawls into the vent and smiles at the container. As he approaches it he wonders what could be within, or if it was really from the Warden. Another question popped into his mind. He thought about his dream... How could the Warden gave been in his dreams... And real life? He decides to think later as he gets to the container at his hooves. He smiles and prepares to open it.

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Rich blasted at the Skags a couple more times and then at roof of the tunnel, hoping it would collapse. He then turned and ran for his life. He kept an ear open for the Skags chasing him. Despite all the tension, he thought to himself, 'Damn, I left the flashlight.'


Unfortunately, the walls are too strong and don't collapse.

You run as fast as you can, you can hear the Skags breathing down your neck. They're so close, you can nearly smell their putrid breath.

You've reached the main room from before. There are a number of tunnels you could try and lose the Skags in the Tunnels, but you could also climb back toward everyone.

What do you do?


Jacob keeped his distance just in case, he spoke "Hello, who are you and what are you doing here?" Jacob had know clue if he would get a response or not. He didnt know if she even could speak, or if she even knew that she was in a prison. Jacob waited for a response, he really was hoping that she was at least mildly intellegent.


She opens her mouth, then closes it. She puts on a troubled look, then begins to make a sign with her hooves.

The first sign is a box, then she forms a pair of wings, then she forms an energy symbol.

Huh... you don't get it.

She never gave you any hint toward a name, does she not have one?

What do you do?


Church crawls into the vat and smiles at the container. As he approaches it he wonders what could be within, or if it was really from the Warden. Another question popped into his mind. He thought about his dream... How could the Warden gave been in his dreams... And real life? He decides to think later as he gets to the container at his hooves. He smiles and prepares to open it.


You open it up and you see a container full of a weird green liquid.

There's a note that reads:

You won't realize how importance this is, but it is the most important part of your journey.

For now, you wlll know nothing of it, just show it to Red and he will tell you more.


The Warden.


What... the... hell...

What do you do?

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Jacob thought to himself (Damn it, it looks like she can't speak. I was afraid that something like this might happen. Well at least she has someway of communicating with me, even if I cant understand a f**king word of it. This is such a pain in the ass.) Jacob lets out a sigh of stress. "Im sorry, i can't undestand what your trying to tell me...If you can understand me, then nod your head up and down." Jacob still wanted to go to the yard but he was too interested in this pony who was grown from a test tube.

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Church examines the container. Through all his years in his field of science he had, once again, never seen anything like this. The Warden seemed to be full of surprises. He simply grabs the container and runs as fast as he can. The quicker he gets back to Red the better. He wanted Red to see this.

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Jacob thought to himself (Damn it, it looks like she can't speak. I was afraid that something like this might happen. Well at least she has someway of communicating with me, even if I cant understand a f**king word of it. This is such a pain in the ass.) Jacob lets out a sigh of stress. "Im sorry, i can't undestand what your trying to tell me...If you can understand me, then nod your head up and down." Jacob still wanted to go to the yard but he was too interested in this pony who was grown from a test tube.


She nods her head. She has a very annoyed gaze when she learns you can't understand her.

She draws a question mark in front of her, then points to herself.

She has a question about herself? Maybe she doesn't have a name. Well, you're sort of qualified to name her, you guess.

What do you do?

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Boss examines the container. Through all his years in his field of science he had, once again, never seen anything like this. The Warden seemed to be full of surprises. He simply grabs the container and runs as fast as he can. The quicker he gets back to Red the better. He wanted Red to see this.


You make your way through the twisting labyrinth that are the Tunnels. Eventually, you're back in the Yard, and the container is still secure.

You look around the Yard, and eventually spot Red. You're about to head over, when you suddenly think: Is revealing this stuff to the public really safe?

What do you do?


Quillusion had the shotgun ready. She was not going to be taking chances this time. Either she got what she want, or this merchant would die. "You know, it sure is taking you awhile back there, what all do you have?" She asked, hoping to draw him out without him trying something.


"Just some stuff. I don't want to make everything in the open, it's dangerous out in the markets." He answers.

That seems like a legitimate reason, but you still have to be wary. Not trusting this guy could be unfortunate for your already shaky reputation , but trusting him could be just as dangerous.

What do you do?

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(OOC:heads up, i suck at picking names. ps in the roleplay do we need to find things like food)


Jacob was thinking of a name. Jacob decided to name her based off of the signs she was doing earlier. She did a sign of wings and an energy symbol. "Uummm...I think i'll call you...Power Fly." Jacob though really quickly. (If she knows how to make a question mark then logically she knows how to write.) Jacob walked up to a desk and took the clip-pad, he ripped off the note involving the code to release Power Fly, so he could free up some blank pages. He handed her the clip-board and a pen. "Here, Power Fly take this, it should be easier than writing on the floor...I want you to write everything that you remember about your past."

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(OOC:heads up, i suck at picking names. ps in the roleplay do we need to find things like food)


Jacob was thinking of a name. Jacob decided to name her based off of the signs she was doing earlier. She did a sign of wings and an energy symbol. "Uummm...I think i'll call you...Power Fly." Jacob though really quickly. (If she knows how to make a question mark then logically she knows how to write.) Jacob walked up to a desk and took the clip-pad, he ripped off the note involving the code to release Power Fly, so he could free up some blank pages. He handed her the clip-board and a pen. "Here, Power Fly take this, it should be easier than writing on the floor...I want you to write everything that you remember about your past."


She gives you a dissatisfied look, but starts writing. (Dat name... oh god... And yes, you do need food, but usually the AI provides that for you.)

She begins to write:

I was born from a time without time, before I lived but was not dead. They took me away from the ones I loved, and created me anew. The voices from outside the tube spoke to me, but never poke at me. They called me 'Alpha 1', saying I was the forefront of 'pony-kind'. The Princess herself came here and oversaw the project many times, demanding my support systems be pushed to critical levels; I could feel myself dying...

They said I was born to be a new kind of 'being', a being of energy and flesh, a being capable of doing terrible things. They were going to use me for something awful, but suddenly everything stopped. No tests. No voices. Nothing. Then you came.


Well, it sort of clears things up, not as much as you'd like, but still...

What do you do?

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Church thinks for a moment. A container like this could attract a lot of... unwanted attention. On the other hoof the note that accompanied it said specifically to take the container to Red and he would tell me more. He decides it's likely not the best idea to go against the Warden's will what with the current position he is in with him. He conceals the container and then walks up to Red. "Hey Red... do you have anywhere... private where we can talk?"

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Unfortunately, the walls are too strong and don't collapse.

You run as fast as you can, you can hear the Skags breathing down your neck. They're so close, you can nearly smell their putrid breath.

You've reached the main room from before. There are a number of tunnels you could try and lose the Skags in the Tunnels, but you could also climb back toward everyone.

What do you do?


Rich turned and shot at the skags a few more times before attempting the climb back up. Hopefully he'd be able to make it back to the entrance where the others would be waiting. From there, they'd be at a bottleneck and the skags would either get wiped out or end up retreating.

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Church thinks for a moment. A container like this could attract a lot of... unwanted attention. On the other hoof the note that accompanied it said specifically to take the container to Red and he would tell me more. He decides it's likely not the best idea to go against the Warden's will what with the current position he is in with him. He conceals the container and then walks up to Red. "Hey Red... do you have anywhere... private where we can talk?"


"Defining 'Private' as 'safe', yes there's my cell." He answers.

The two of you walk to his cell, where you present the container.

"Well I'll be damned, I haven't seen one of those since... Icarus' days. Where'd you get something like that?" He seems rather surprised to see this.

Icarus, who is that? Well, it seems like he does know something, but is it worth telling him who sent it?

What do you do?


Rich turned and shot at the skags a few more times before attempting the climb back up. Hopefully he'd be able to make it back to the entrance where the others would be waiting. From there, they'd be at a bottleneck and the skags would either get wiped out or end up retreating.


You attempt to climb, but they begin to claw at your legs. They're weighing you down, you don't think you'll be able to make it.

A crack from the sky, the smell of smoke, and the wretched screams all hit you at once. You look up and see Ironsides pointing a gun down at you, he's shot off the Skag.

"Give your ass up here!" He shouts.

You climb up as quick as you can, and you find yourself back with the group.

"We have to go now, there's no way we're equipped for a swarm that massive." Crimson yells.

"If we run, we're fucking dead. We need to make a stand here, or we'll be overrun." Ironsides responds.

You did manage to get the Artium rifle operational.

What do you do?

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"We don't need to kill them all, just make the rest think we're not worth it. Shotgun, save you shots for ones that get past. We look like we're being overrun, take the atrium and leave me the other rifle, I've still got what little extra ammo I had. Also, I left the flashlight behind, sorry."

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"We don't need to kill them all, just make the rest think we're not worth it. Shotgun, save you shots for ones that get past. We look like we're being overrun, take the atrium and leave me the other rifle, I've still got what little extra ammo I had. Also, I left the flashlight behind, sorry."


*You decided to stay

"Fine, but if we lose anybody, it's on both of your heads." Crimson is furious.

The horde approaches, and you all take a position. You begin to fire into the crowd, and they all let off terrible screams.

You're doing well, when suddenly two Skags launch onto to Crimson and Ironsides.

"Oh god, get it off!"

"Shit, hep!"

The scream, Deadeye is distracted with the Skags, you'll have to save them; you only have time for one.

What do you do?

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(OOC: sorry if i made my post to long)


"Wait, you were taken from your loved ones, as in kidnapped, you werent sent here...I dont know how to tell you this...but were in a prison, the prisonners rioted, the prisonners now control the prison." Jacob though about what she just wrote and tryed to piece the timeline of events based off of what he knew. (Wow the princess kidnapped her subjects to experiment on. What a bitch, that's cruel even by prison standards... So everything probably went down like this. The princess kidnapped her subjets to experiment on but when people were complainning about the disaperances. The princess was forced to come up with a better solution. Witch is when this prison was built. She then experimented on prisonners sentenced to life in prison. No one would care if criminals went missing. And then came the day of the riot, i can assume that during all the choas, some stupid prisonner happened to come upon the AI's mental anchor, what ever that is, and decided to smash it; causing the AI to go crazy and lock everyone in, including convicts and guards alike... The scientests probably took all their research notes and portable experiments out of the prison during the riot. It would also explain why the armory was mostly empty... That's why they never sent anyone to take the prison back from the criminals because they got their research notes, so they just left us here to die... So that mean the prison's whole purpose is for reaseach, their testing weapons, and trying to make a new race of pony kind... I wonder just how right i am, i could also be completly wrong.) Jacob looked at Power Fly. "Turn around and close your eyes for a second." When Power Fly closed her eyes, Jacob headed for the vent that he hid all the armory's remaining inventory. He took out the broken plasma shield. "Ok you can look now...Listen to me carefully, im planning on escaping this prison, I want you to escape with me. I need to leave for now, it's to dangerous from you come with me, if you get into trouble you can't scream for help, not to mention your presence would endanger me too. Right now, this is probably the safest spot in the whole prison, there's absolutly no sign of skags, it looks like im the first pony to come here since the riot. No one knows where this room is, except me and you." Jacob handed her the broken plasma shield. "I might take a long time to come back so you can play with this if you get bored... So what do you say, do you wanna escape with me?"

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