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private Doctor who?

Solar Wind

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The doctor examined the others. Able to switch between forms sounded like a nice idea but he had to concentrate. "Im not sure how many of us are left. This year during a battle with daleks we lost three other lords. And many disapeared without a trace. Something or Someone has been hunting us. We have lost many in recent times and most disapeared. I believe Pixie here is the last known Time lady to be confirmed... Living." He said. The mood in the room had shifted from casual to serious very quickly. "Im new to this still but I have been doing alot in the past year. I have lost many close friends including my partner. I can not allow any more of my colleagues to simply vanish!" He said pulling his tie and fixing his hat again.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"As much as working with other Time Lords tends to bug me we do need to stop this i have lost three friends already. i dont think this is the Daleks thought, they arent the hunting type, this sounds more like cybermen." said Sam


"Oh those technologically enhanced men that took over the world not to long ago" Twilight asked

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Lance's tardis quietly landed into the room, inside the tardis he was standing at the door hoping there were others there. lance steped out and saw the others sitting, " sorry I'm late i somehow got stuck inside a star in the hourglass nebula, am i the last one here?"

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Doctor looked over and gestured for Lance to take a seat. "As I was saying. Cybermen arent capable of kidnapping three skilled time lords. In my eyes neither are the Daleks. Im not quite sure what it is but I am sure of this. I dont particularly adore the idea of working together but the alternative is currently unkown. Presumed death. He looked over to Twilight. "Miss if you dont mind my asking... Why are you here? How did you manage to come across Dr.Sam here in the first place?" He asked. He had heard of a planet that housed a species of ponies but he had never been there himself.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Icicle was trying hard to concentrate on the conversation, "time lords dying? hunters more skilled then a dalek or cyberman?" Icicle knew who they where talking about, living for so long he knew a lot, he even knew about the last great time war, the god of winter didn't just work on one planet but all. Icicle soon realized he was concentrating too hard on the conversation and had accidentally let some of his magic flow through to the room the time lords were located at, and having no specified form to take, the magic formed the only thing it new best... ice, soon a small corner of the room started freezing up, Icicle cut himself from the conversation as much as possible, but it was too late the damage was done and they knew something was watching them.

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With my limited research, I can only think that if they were not taken away or killed by the daleks or cyber man, I can only think of a few others. The Vashta Nerada are one of the most deadly species in the known universe, able to lurk in the shadows without anyone noticing. The other species I can think of would be The Silence or The Weeping Angels. Both have the upper hand when the enemy is turned around. Was anyone with the now missing Time Lords so that we may have an idea as to what the culprits we're like?


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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Twilight turned to the doctor that had spoked to her

"Well im here because Dr. Sam brought me because i assist him and i meet him one day when he showed up in ponyville and started talking about Daleks freeing Discord. So we stopped them using the elements of harmony and his screwdriver and i have been with him ever since. The giant library is also a nice perk."


Sam also spoke up

"She has a mind like an encyclopedia is is fairly handy with what their race has dubbed Magic. She is a good ace in the hole to have around"

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Pixie nodded, "oh, discord i read about him in a old book" she heard barking from her tardis. She blushed a deep red before, the lab/greyhound cross opened the door. His silver pelt ran towards Pixie and sat down. Pixie blushes a deeper shade of red, "sorry, this is my partner, moses" she told them. She then looked around, "It could be anyone the time lords have build up enough hate to be blast this planet and us out of space it's self!" she pointed out.

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"It could possibly not be any of our enemies at all," lance blurted out catching himself off guard and breaking his self-induced trance,"for all we know it could be a new enemy that feeds on the energy of our tardis's or that there could be some kind of *being* outside of the universe residing in the void that can come in to the universe and pluck us one by one, if I remember corectly the cult of skaro found a way to get in and out of the void." realizing what he just said he looked around to see the looks on the other time lords faces, " It is way out there and somewhat impossible but stranger things have happend."

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"Agreed..." Chaos said, wondering. Only one female time lord left! That was a bit much...

He was fitting his seven soul gems into the grooves in his top hat.

"Well... I have several ideas, many of which have been inferred from you're suspicions.

1. 3 time lords have been ambushed by the Dalek and/or Cybermen, which is unlikely, but not impossible.

2. They were killed by chance, also unlikely.

3. They are currently in a healing trance, or,

4. They are on their way."


He sat back. "But that's just four of the things that happen There are countless others. I would prefer to believe that it is the last thing holding them up, but... who knows."

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Icicle had cut himself from the conversation but had resumed listening, being more vigilant not to let any excess magic through. the question, "who is killing the time lords?" running through his head, he had an idea, he would search every planet with his mind and find out who did it. After a short while he found what he was looking for... and what he saw was horrifying, and he knew that he must warn the time lords, concentrating back on the conversation, he decided to send them a signal, using his magic he sent a small glowing object that looked like a mini star to go float in the middle of the room, sending a message, "you time lords that be hunted i have the answer!" "the only sad part is that when it will get there, it will probably be distorted and hard to understand!" but he hoped they would figure it out.

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Pixie looked up at Choas, "Everything is possible, to think that it's impossible is human like thing" she paused "or pony" she pointed out. She then looked at Icicle and back to the other time lords. She wondered, "Though I think it's wise we work together, do we want to work together and make a bigger target for them to hit?"

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Does anyone know where we should look first? Also, although we are one group, for the duration of the search, will we be a whole group or will we be split to cover more ground to search for the suspects and the other Time Lords? I personally am in favor of splitting up into small groups. Another option that we could use is by going alone, but reporting what we find to the group via some form of communicator that links us together, whether it's through the TARDISes or our sonics or some other medium.


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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Chaos thought about it. "How about... hmm." Chaos's eyes got wide. "I don't know where you guys will go, but- oh, why didn't I see it before?" He got up and began pacing. "There have been signs of Dalek in Equestr- in the "pony" world. They haven't revealed themselves yet, but..." Chaos cursed and continued to pace with renewed vigor.

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The doctor was thinking things through. "No others... I beleive we are among the few left.... Listen. Wether it is the Silence, Daleks, Cybermen, does it really matter? The problem now is what we need to do with ourselves. From henceforth I propose a group. An organiziation made up of us known as "The Clock." Now. We will team up. Time lords will pair up with one another. Together we can figure out what threatens us. And perhaps find the others. In the meantime we must find a base a place where all of us can be safe. Does anyone have any ideas?" Doctor said picking back up his book. He smiled and opened it. "Have you ever heard this joke? Its quite funny honestly! Have any of you heard of a Geocentric model? Get this! Its a theory that the universe revolves around the earth! Haha!" He said jumping up and heading over to the blue Tardis. "Oh and another thing. Get out of here all of you! Someone has been spying on us. I picked up their signal exactly 7.23 minutes ago. Im not sure who or what it is. Hurry." And with that he shut the door and headed over to his desk. He traced the signal and looked at it. "Its coming from... Equestria?" He stood up and hit the coordinates. He was going to the ponies planet.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Icicle heard the doctor, "Someone has been spying on us." and that was all Icicle needed to hear, he new what the doctor could do, and though the fact that he could never truly die rang in his head every waking second that he was alive, the doctor still scared him. He knew though that he was only trying to help and would gladly explain everything to the doctor, "all i want to do is help anyway." as he said that he thought how he would get the time lords attention seeing how he lived on a giant mountain in the middle of the everfree, and then he knew! a Storm, a storm so big it would have to get the doctors attention, so in Equestria, in the middle of spring, in every single part of the globe it snowed, just enough to raise a question, Whats going on?

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The doctor sat in the Tardis and grabbed the coordinates from the signal. He punched them in and took off. He felt himself hurtling through time and space and as soon as it started it stopped. He opened the door and stepped out. The first thing he noticed were the clouds. He knew very well that the pegasi controlled the weather but he noted something strange about this storm. He walked around the mountain and called out. "Come out of there. I know good and well you're here." He pulled out his sonic screwdriver and waved it around. He knew someone was here. "I know you were spying. Im very precise you see. You did a poor job of discguising that signal of yours I hardly needed to use my screwdriver to know I was being watched." He creeped around and again noted the clouds formin ahead. He walked back to the Tardis and locked the door. He looked on the desk and cursed under his breath. All the golden watches were still there he had forgotten to give them to the other time lords! He was going to use them to contact the others but he hadnt given them out. He decided to instead send up a signal from his own Tardis to the others calling them to him. Hopefully the others would get it and come to his aid.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Icicle sat on the top of the mountain, concentrating on what he knew would come to him eventually, he saw the doctor at the bottom of the mountain, and he did want to say hello, but he was unsure of what would happen, so instead of going to the doctor the doctor would come to him. as quick as a wink he made snow form infront of the doctor and using a simple trick he learned thousands of years ago he projected his shape and voice through it. "hello doctor..." the snow pony said, "i've been waiting for you and for you alone, there are a few things you must hear, come up the mountain and i will talk to you..." and as soon as it stopped talking it melted and on the ground was a dry leather coat thick enough to withstand any temperature.

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Prince came out of his trance and ran into his beeping TARDIS. Prince looked at the bright red light coming on the inside, "Its coordinates to another TARDIS...Its an SOS!". He francticly Pulled switches and pushed buttons before finally shutting the cockpit and pulling the stick back. The jet engines fired to the max thrust and the plane disappeared like all TARDISs do. Within seconds Prince and his jet were flying over the Doctor. Prince tipped the plane to one side before flying away so as the find a big enough clearing to land. "This VTOL feature doesn't help much if you cant see anything" he said getting frustrated as he came back around.

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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Pixie ran into her Tardis and turned round. Her dog ran in she patted the center control pannel. She laughed as she started pushing buttons and grinned "oh, doctor your not getting away from me that easy" she told her self. She ran to the touch screan and started pushing the screen, "Locked on, we are ready to go" she turned and the dog barked at her. She watched as the inside started shooting out bits of fire before running and flipping a switch, "always leave the breaks on" she said opening the door seeing the Tardis next to hers.

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A yellow Phoenix landed on Prince's shoulder and chirped. "Ahhh! Amy, drive the TARDIS and land it nearby, i have things to do." THe bird chirped once again before taking the stick. Prince went into the cargo bay and threw down a water balloon. He looked at it for a moment then moved his hoofs about in a fast sequence. With every touch a neon blue wave came from it. with the last touch Prince sunk into the floor and came out beside The 2 TARDISs. "The magic of Random my friends, it'll save your life."

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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"Already an SOS he just left come on Twilight we are going to Equstria we have to figure out what is going on and if there is dalek activity in equstria then that is a good place to go. Get information and save this incarnation of the Docter."


Sam got in his Tardis locked on to the signal of the Tardis in distress and flashed to Equstria. A few seconds later and he and Twilight were standing by the Blue telephone box. wondering what the trouble was.

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Icicle was shocked, suddenly he was picking up three other time lords in the vicinity, he knew that if all of the were to visit him at once there would be a problem, one of the time lords would probably acuse him of something and then a fight would brake out, that would be the last thing he wanted so he sent another glowing orb down to the bottom of the mountain in front of the three other timelords excluding the doctor, with a message, "Please wait here, the doctor will have to go on his own, i will only allow one other timelord to follow, i warn you though the higher you go the colder it will get." hopefully they would get the message.

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As Ramasus was about to head off to search on Skaro, he noticed a ringing and a flashing light coming from his control panel. He read over the message carefully and then told Velgar "hold onto something sturdy! It's vortex time!" and with that, his TARDIS was slingshot into a wormhole that lead to Equestria. So that his ship would blend in, he altered the cloak to show it as a black taxi cab. Once again, he felt the sensation of multiple Time Lords. To ease his pain, he transformed into his pony form and hiked up the mountain with Velgar to where he felt the sensation coming from.


This signature was created by coastercrutchfield. |--(0)--| techno915

Previously: TARDIS915

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looking around the room watching everyone leave lance got up to stretch, " well guess i will take my leave too where will i go next," entering his tardis he notices the flashing light, " hmm a distress signal form... the doctor!? guess he needed us faster than i thought he would, well then time to go to lets see... equestria, okay." Lance's tardis disappeared in to the vortex to its destination. he found the largest group of doctors on his scanner and meet up with them.

Edited by LisKira
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