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visual art Photos I Took Some Weeks Ago

Viscra Maelstrom

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i decided to make a thread about it now.


basically i have photography class in school and it's a whole lot of fun. the very first lesson we had there we were instructed with cameras and were gonna take pictures of 3 things: landscape photos, close-up photos, and self-portrait. the whole point was to snap a whole buncha photos so we could then process the images in Photoshop through various means. i'm gonna pick up some of the better photos i took onto here. (warning: MASSIVE amount of images!)





the very first photo i took with the camera. thought it looked kinda cool from this particular angle, especially with the bottle being somewhat visible inside. one of the pictures i photoshopped.




close-up of a gray leaf. leaves for some interesting contrast with all the wet, green grass around it, i'd say.




bit of landscape of the place i were at. it's called the Observatory Hill, because it houses an old observatory at the top that was used before (but is out of order now).




a peculiar pillar of rock was at the hill. i wonder what this has been used for and how it came there, originally?




Facerock. no, not yet another variety of facepalm, i mean it quite literally: it's a face in this giant boulder. living rock, perchance? what living thing could have possessed this cold, non-living rock?




close-up of tree bark. thought it looked pretty neat.




how does that apple rigmarole go again? (another picture i photoshopped, also)




fairly blurry, but i was able to get a close-up of a owner's Jack Russel Terrier on the hill! pretty good considering the little critter was running loose on the hill and seemed quite eager to do that rather than pose still for the camera.




informatory sign about the Observatory Hill. can you understand it all?




colony of mushrooms! there were a lot different kinds of them there but this was the best of the 3 pictures i took.




behold! the obersvatory! quite liked the angle i took of this.




some fairly uninteresting graffiti makes for a quite more interesting picture. (and also for editing in Photoshop)




spider's nest inside of a tree. was hell to adjust the sharpness to get a good-looking picture of the inside.




portrait of a lighter: where the natural greens meets the synthetic pink plastics. (another picture i photoshopped)




where the park meets the city.




thought it looked pretty neat how it looked like it was "bursting" out of the tree.




your precious water graphics ain't got shit on this game called Real Life, bitch.




another spur-of-the-moment shot. was this a bit more clearer to look at, it would have been perfect.




even trees develop pimples! (not that many shots left to show, also!)




treeeeees arrrree preeeeetttyy.




whatever you do, don't look down...




the observatory reprise.




even more prettttyyy treeeees.




a shining photo.




wrongly adjusted sharpness, but it gave quite a cool feeling to it, though.




this picture was quite a waste, don'tcha think? (last of the photos here i've photoshopped)




Not Safe For Work.




another nice contrast of the green hill and the gray city.




doggeh fun. :3




as high as you can get up to while still having my school within arm's length, i'd think. notice the stair-case on the right. it goes down quite a bit.




Housto- err, Stairson, we have a problem.



that's all the good ones i took! i'll probably show my photoshopped ones soon, but this took way too long for me to post, so, uhh... pass for now. X_x


tell me what you think of them, and stuff. i put up all the ones i were particularly fond off, and it'd be fun to see what other people think of them. :3

Edited by Viscra Maelstrom
  • Brohoof 4




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They're really nice, i have started a media course and part of this is photography. My question to you is how long did it take to get to your level of knowhow.


glad to hear you like them :3


my level of knowhow? uhh... wow, i didn't expect comments like this to appear.

this... is actually the first time i have ever snapped photos in a serious manner like this. i mean yes, i've handled cameras before, but all in all, this is really the first serious photography set i have ever done.




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well i do hope i get to get good pictures like these, i had a task the other day of taking photos and i have to say they were terrible.


I just hope I can get better at photography.

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my advice would be to take a lot of pictures of everything you find to be interesting. it's easy to think that when you're only taking like 2-3 pictures that they are terrible, but if you go through a huge amount of them when you're photographing eventually you will get better and gradually take more good pictures than you do bad ones. you get a grip of it and develop some sort of knowhow for it. nobody's perfect at doing something the first time; that's why they're practicing doing it a lot.




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I sometimes like thinking I'm a cameraman because I've made stop-motion lego movies, used zooming effects and transitions. :D


I like the grey leaf among the green grass blades, it looks... lonely. The facerock made me think of the sentient pebble from "De Cape et de Crocs", a swashbuckler comic with anthro animals and a sh**load of classic references. The terrier's description reminds me of my uncle's female Beagle, she's very exciteable too.

I sometimes take photos of spider webs, they fascinate me for some reason; this here is better, it's more of a nest. Shiiineee water surface, and high balconies; two other things that excite me.

rofl NSFW pic.

I also find the hill-asnd-city picture intersting, it really shows the contrast between the lush beauty of Nature and unforgiving dullness of urban life.


Looking forward to the photoshopped pictures, I'm curious to know what you did. I first thought, when I saw "pictures I photoshopped", that these were the modified versions already; this shows that it pays to read the entire post before replying.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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I just have to say, It's almost 3:00 AM here so when I saw the tree with the "Bursting" effect I could've SWORN it was some kind of creature lurching at me. No more Silent Hill music at night for me... BUT IT WAS AWESOME. And those graphics on that game Real Life look so swag, wonder where I can buy it.


Oh yeah, those stairs have an awfully futuristic feel for some reason. Like, it pops to me. Might just be the angle.

  • Brohoof 1

When nothing's going right for you, why don't you try going left?


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figured i might post my photoshopped pictures here now. look at the original images for comparison.




the trash can. bumped up the contrast and lowered the brightness of the upper part of the can, while making the lower part of the can a lot brighter. i also made the bottle more green, so as to stand out more.




the ring with graffiti in it. thought the colours were too dull to look at so i increased the intensivety of the ring and the grass. now that i look at it though, it looks very plain, but oh well.




first time i utilized the layers and brushes of Photoshop. beforehand i had only marked certain areas with with the lasso tool and then edited the original picture as-is. thanks to brushes and layers, i was much more able to get the look i wanted in my pictures. in this case, i tried to brighten up the background a bit more and increase the darkness and contrast of the pole with Tiks bag, to make it stand out more from the picture.




first picture i ever photoshopped. this picture has went through 3 different stages until i finally came to here. the apple is brighter, more contrasting, and has better colours that stand out now. background is darkened down a bit to make the apple "shine" in there. quite like this one.




did this yesterday. ramped up the brightness and contrast a LOT in the background, while making the leaf bump down in brightness and contrast a lot. looks quite nice as the leaf now looks a lot more wet and lonely compared to the more luminiscent background it lies in.


and here's 2 earlier phases of the apple picture i photoshopped:




first attempt at Photoshop. very edgy and badly looking, but it was cool to see how much i could change pictures in Photoshop by just screwing around with brightness and contrast.




almost done with it now. did a few small touches yesterday on it to make it look more complete. next phase is what i posted earlier here.


that's all i've done for now.




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Nice pics! I espesially like that with mushrooms and that water-thing.


Are you from Sweden? I am! Where is the Observatory Hill?


the observatory hill is located at Odenplan, nearby were Stadsbiblioteket is positioned. there should be a large, green hill amongst the grays of the city. that's were it is positioned.


unrelated, but my school lies in the building next to were the Observaotry Hill is, also.




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The shopped trash can looks a little transparent on the left, dunno if that was intended.

I like brighter color of the graffiti ring, too. Not much difference I can see on the grass, but the ring is definitely more vivid.

The pole with wastebags definitely looks more like an object, and not part of the background. Not sure why you'd wanna look at trash bags, but any practice is good. XD

Same goes for the apple, but the detached piece looks like it still belongs to the background, and not the foreground with the rest of the apple.

The leaf is the exact opposite; while its surrounding is bright and lush, that one brown leaf is all alone. Someone completely alone in the crowd, that's what it makes me think of.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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The shopped trash can looks a little transparent on the left, dunno if that was intended.

I like brighter color of the graffiti ring, too. Not much difference I can see on the grass, but the ring is definitely more vivid.

The pole with wastebags definitely looks more like an object, and not part of the background. Not sure why you'd wanna look at trash bags, but any practice is good. XD

Same goes for the apple, but the detached piece looks like it still belongs to the background, and not the foreground with the rest of the apple.

The leaf is the exact opposite; while its surrounding is bright and lush, that one brown leaf is all alone. Someone completely alone in the crowd, that's what it makes me think of.


erf. the trash can had some horribly visible lines after i shopped it now, i see. >.> same with the ring, but not as visible. well, i guess i'll redo them sometime and make them better. >-<

i see your point about the apple. it's not really standing out, but blending in with the background. any idea on how to make it stand out more?

the leaf is definitely a better one i did. making the leaf a lot darker made its, presumably, wet texture become more visible, which goes perfectly in with the bright, wet grass; it gets "soaked" by the brightness around it, making it dark, wet, and alone.


thanks for commenting c:




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Uh, the way you improved the rest of the apple? I don't know how you did THAT, and I have no idea what tools PS has. I think it has filters though, maybe you could use them?

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Again, I don't know. How did you improve the REST (what I'd call the "body") of the apple? I'm pretty sure you did more than change the BG, you did something to the apple itself. You could do the same to the little piece that was torn out.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Again, I don't know. How did you improve the REST (what I'd call the "body") of the apple? I'm pretty sure you did more than change the BG, you did something to the apple itself. You could do the same to the little piece that was torn out.


and again, what do you want me to improve? what piece is it you're referring to? :S

i assume it's the part where the edge of the apple 'blends' into the background? as opposed to the original where the lines are a bit blocky? i could change that maybe, by making it more part of the apple instead of the background.


as for what i did, i messed around with the curves tool on the apple to make it darker and have more contrasting colours, and just decreased the brightness of the background to make the apple "glow". i also gave the underside of the apple a bit of yellow-ish colour so as to not look too black (like in the first, poorly made progress photoshop of the apple).

Edited by Princess Viscra Maelstrom




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The photos looks pretty good and I find it funny that 3/4 people in this thread are Swedes.


This reminds me of a thread I made with some random photos


Anyways, may I ask your camera's megapixel and quality? :3


i have no idea, honestly. it's not even my own camera i took pictures with. it was the school's camera since i took these during photography class there.




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what piece is it you're referring to? :S

Oh, it's the part of the apple that's torn off. A piece of the skin, hanging loose beside the apple's "body".

Sorry for not clearing that up, I thought you had seen it.

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Oh, it's the part of the apple that's torn off. A piece of the skin, hanging loose beside the apple's "body".

Sorry for not clearing that up, I thought you had seen it.


ohhhhhh. THAT was a piece of the apple? i thought it was some kind of leaf or flower or whatever that was lying next to it. i'll fix that up tomorrow, then.


EDIT: having little luck with fixing that shredded piece of the apple, i'm moving onwards to different PS projects (i just couldn't get it to look good no matter what i tried using on it). so here's two pictures i PS:ed today that i'd really like to get some feedback on, as i'm going to turn these into my old assignment for photography class next Monday.




probably the most layers i've used on an image, yet. not much to say here, i just made certain objects like the gilded ship and the observatory itself being a bit darker and have more contrasting colours to stick out from the rest of the background.




the doggy. i found that the colours of the picture made it look a bit "cold", so i played around with the red and yellow colour values to get a kind of warmer sunset-feeling to the picture. does it look natural, or odd to you? i'd really like to know.

Edited by Justin Bieber
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another day, another dungeo- err, i mean another pagebreak, another pair of photoshopped junk for me to post on here.




started work on this one long ago, but just today i finished it. i like how it turned out.




i wanted to make this one look better, but i'm unsure if i did a good job at it or not. is there something amiss with the picture to you?




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That is a ton of photos. Two questions I have, though...


1. What camera did you use?

2. Is this strictly natural photography (Meaning no filters added in photoshop or anything like that)?

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That is a ton of photos. Two questions I have, though...


1. What camera did you use?

2. Is this strictly natural photography (Meaning no filters added in photoshop or anything like that)?


no clue. it's school's property, so i dunno what version it is. i do know it was a Niikon, however.

all the photos in the OP are natural photos. all the other ones i've posted after this are photoshopped ones (like the one with the lighter and the tree)




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no clue. it's school's property, so i dunno what version it is. i do know it was a Niikon, however.

all the photos in the OP are natural photos. all the other ones i've posted after this are photoshopped ones (like the one with the lighter and the tree)


Ah. Well, nice to see natural photos for a change. You wouldn't believe how much of photography ends up getting photoshopped.

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