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Rarity: Actuly it's a transparency spell that I use to locate gems... I think it might work for this temple...


Rarity uses the spell and once the walls were trans parent...

There were swing axes, pop spears, log rams, poison dart launchers, and lots more.


Every pony gasped*


Shade: is it worth going through this to get some rock?



Luna and split sneek out of the aria they were in...

Luna: why are you flying? You attract the zomponies... Oh... Your leg...


Luna takes a cloce look at splits leg...

Luna: it seems bad... I can't use my magic on it... The zomponies undead magic is starting to take affect... Come on... Let's get you to a safe place...



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Rainbow Dash entered the temple to join the others.

"Wait!" rainbow dash said, everypony stopped "do you guys smell that? Smells like... Adventure!"

You could hear a sigh let out of the group.

* * *

Split reluctantly descended and walked on his 3 good legs, letting the other hang uselessly. The bone is destroyed, and it looks like part of his leg is missing, though hard to tell through the deformity. He just kept his eyes off of it.

He limped as quick as he could following Luna to wherever she was leading him.


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As shade sighed when rainbow sayed adventure...

Shade: come on rainbow we know your soooooo fast at things... But really... Stay focused, and let's not activate any of thees traps...

We are lucky to have raritys spell...


Just then the spell stopped working...


Shade: me and my big mouth... What happened rarity

Rarity: I I don't know shade... My horn isn't responding... (try ctrl alt delete... Lol)

Shade: my magic seems to be going out...

Twilight: it must be the undead magic... It's magic that comes from zomponies that decreas the powers of living things... It must be that



Luna lead split to a tower... On the wall of canterlot


Luna: I must help Celestia and other ponys... Stay here!



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"Ugh... Fine." rainbow replied rolling her eyes.

She looks back at rarity

"oh no" she thought to herself. "I hope those zomponies aren't close"

* * *

"A...A..al-alright" split focus stuttered in no condition to argue. He opened the entrance to the tower and limped inside. Closing the door behind him very quietly, to be sure no zomponies were aware of his position or luna's.

And so he found a seat, rested his "leg", and waited for luna's return.


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"I bloody-well hope not, i left my gun at home because i thought we would already have stopped this mess"

parso picked up a stick, he remembered reading a daring doo book where she used a stick to locate traps in a temple

"alright everypony, follow close behind me"

he started dragging the stick along the temple floor in front of him and sweeping it side to side, trying to find triggers

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As the last of the light in shades horn went out... It left the ponys in darkness...


Shade try's to put her light back on... But it didn't work... ( in other words the Ctrl Alt Delete task manager wasn't responding... Ok ok enough with thees jokes...)


Shade: well... Looks like we will be here for some time... Unless somepony has a flashlight...



Luna was looking all over canterlot looking for other ponys but the number of zomponies were growing in canterlot... There were no dead guards around... There were zomponies that had royal guard armor...


Luna: oh no... They might be infected now... Only some hits from one could turn you instantly!!! I must warn twilight and the others!


(OCC: this had been brought to my attention... Celestia dosnt have a dragon... So how dose spike barf the letters sent from Celestia? Magic? Any ways this might be my last post for the night)



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"Well that's just greaaat!" said rainbow dash sarcastically

( i think you mean

If light goes out{


screwed = false


Boolean screwed

if true = live

if false = dead


(that's a computer joke, or even... 404 not found?) (anyways enough^^)

* * *

Split focus could hear the shuffling of many zompony hooves. It had been 20 minutes since Luna left. He hoped she was alright.

It grew very quiet, so quiet you could cut the silence with a knife.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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"wait a min everypony, my watch has a light, its not much but its bright 'nuff for 3 metres"

parso pressed a button on his watch and a small sector of the temple lit up in an orange glow

"i have no idea how long it'll last with batteries and all"

for a second, parso wondered, is a rock even worth this trouble?

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Shade: ok then everypony... Move fast but slow... And watch your step...


Shade steps on a stone pad... A ram log swings right in front of shade...


Shade:...um.... Ya... Let's keep going


Luna gets back to split...

Luna: you might be the only one left... Celestia and shining armor are no where in sight...

We need to get out of here!

  • Brohoof 1



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parso led the others down the stone corridors of the temple, his watch being their only source of light. after avoiding all the traps of the corridor they came to an open room. there infront of them stood a podium with the stone on it

"I don't trust this, it looks too simple"

cautious that another trap would trigger upon touching the stone

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(Ok I know this will turn into Indiana Jonse If I get a sand bag...)


Shade: hm.... Maybe all of you should exit the temple while I grab the stone and run out before the traps trigger? Unless rainbow wants to do it...


Twilight: hmm... It seems risky but I think it's the only way...

Twilight looks at the stone closely

Twilight: I think this might be an element of life... Although the symbol isn't clear on witch one it is...



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"Rainbow Dash i think you better take this one"

after receiving a 'you cant be serious' look, he quickly said

"you are the fastest out of all of us, we all leave, you grab it and speed outta here"

"yeah go on Dashie"

pinkie was hopping in one spot, hoping that RD would do it

  • Brohoof 1

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Rainbow Dash (lol didn't see parso's post, editing)

"well I see how it is" she said with a grin "alright you guys head out, i'll have that slab in ten seconds flat." she said cool headily.

* * *

The door creaks open and split focus was expecting a hoard of zomponies... It was luna.

"Way ahead of you!" Split Focus replied as he stood up just barely. "Let's get out of this hell hole."

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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shade and the other ponys leave the temple.... not triggering any more traps... once they were outside...




luna leads split out of the watch tower and they fly off the edge of canterlot...


once they get to the bottom of the cliff luna thinks on what to do next...

luna: i guess i could warp us to where shade and the other survives...

  • Brohoof 1



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Outside the entrance you hear a large woosh of air exit the archway, then it went silent...

Rainbow Dash was dodging pillars and obstacles left and right. She made it to the main chamber and saw the slab, she swung by and snatched up the slab, now the trick was to get out of the cave.

Outside you could hear a faint. "aaaaaaaa..."

It grew louder "AAAAAAAAWWWEE-"

Then rainbow dash burst out of the entrance-"-SOOOME!"

As she left you could see some darts fly in the entryway and a boulder slam near the exit.

She found shade..."So... What was my time?"

* * *

"Alright do it... just get us out of here" he said as he waited for luna to take a course of action.


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Shade: your time was 10.2 seconds....


Shade smiled and laughed a bit...


Rarity: I'm just glad you made it out...

Twilight: ok rainbow... Lets see what was important about the stone...




Luna try's her best to get the portal open...


Luna: it's only strong enough to let you through... Jump in!!



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everypony sits down to rest, parso obviously next to shade

"anything interesting, twi?"

his curiosity grew stronger, he wanted to find out that if that rock was worth anything to them. he laid back and rested his eyes a bit

"for Faust sake, I'm tired"

parso had a small rest whilst twilight was figuring out the stone

(ooc: see what i did there with Faust XD)

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"I think you started too early" rainbow dash said defensively as she handed the tablet over to twilight.

* * *

"Wait what!?" split said "you can't stay here! you're the last princess, this place is crawling with zomponies"

He could see he wasn't getting to her.

"Jump in!!" she yelled

"Good luck luna" he said as he reluctantly jumped in...


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everypony was resting....

twilight was looking at the element...

twilight: the symbol is hard the figure out... but it is an element of life...


just then shade felt some magic, she had a shot of pain in her head... she twitches...


then a portal comes from her horn and split appears


shade rubs her hoove on her head...

shade: ouch... i told luna it hurts to do that.... split??? is that you?

  • Brohoof 1



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Split was standing in front of the group. Then lost his balance and flopped over.


"Can someone help me out?" he said trying to keep everyone from freaking out. "And maybe get a bandage for my leg?" everyone then looked to his leg and he could tell they didn't like what they were seeing.


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Shade takes a look at splits, split leg (lol see what I did there?)


Shade: oh what happened split?


The element of life started glowing...


Twilight: w what's going on?


Split toled shade what happened...

Shade: hm... Your leg is beyond my skill... ( I would mention flutershy... I'm giving flutershys spot 3 days before someone eltes takes it)


The element whent strate to split and orbited around split...

  • Brohoof 1



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He knew nothing could be done on his leg by the group.

Then the element whizzed towards him, he flinched, but other than that, remained still.

Split sat and stayed transfixed on the element now floating around him.

Everypony stared and watched the orbiting element.


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The element floated above split... Then the stone faded into light striking split giving him an element of life...


Twilight was stunned apon the sight..


Shade: w w what happened twilight?? Split is an element?

Twilight: hm.... It seems that split is the element of..... Courage


Shade: then he must be some brave pony... Look at your leg split... It seems parly heald...


Shade pointed to splits leg.. Chunks of hide was put back into place... But still badly brused



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"well, at least we didnt drag our plots through a faust-forsaken temple for nothing"

parso began to grin

"how many more of these elements are there?"

parso began to scratch his mane, all at the same time watching his old friend start to trot lightly again

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Twilight: well... From my research there should be...

Well now we have leadership, love, and courage, now we must find... Um... All I know is the next one is intelligents...


( I think we need more oc... Unless we stack elements... Idk let's talk about this in the OCC...)


Shade: where do we go?

Twilight: the locations are unknone at the moment...


Shade: we might need to get Luna's help... Where was she when you were warped here?


Split told shade up to the part where Luna warped split to shade...


Shade: oh... I hope Luna is alright.... Witch way should we go now?



Luna was back in canterlot... Wrighting a letter...


Dear twilight and friends

I am ok... The zomponies numbers have doubled since the invasion a year ago... And they are much more powerful...

Shade... I'm shure that you learned your lesson about loner missions... But the zomponies can infect now... Just some hits from one could turn you!

I will stay in canterlot awaiting for your return... If things start to heat up... I might half to vanish to the moon... Witch is what I assume Celestia has done...

All of equestria is counting on you! Good luck!


Luna strapped 3 bandages and a pack of painkillers to the message and sent it to spike.



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