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Shade: a rope for rari?


Shade grabed a rope and ran with rainbow and split to see what was going on...


Once they got there... Once shade saw rarity... Her eyes shrunk and her hart stoped...


Shade: oh no


Tears came out of shads eyes


Shade: w what do we do?!?!


Shade gave the rope to Applejack...


Shade: ok applejack... Tie her up!


Twilight was trying to think of a heal spell... She tryed some but they did nothing



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parso sat and thought about whats happening, with an element of harmony gone does this mean that their plans are doomed. when applejack tied rarity up he got a piece of tree and stuffed it in her mouth so she wouldnt bite anypony

"shade, you'll never guess who i stumbled upon"

"so i finally get to meet your marefriend, hello shade, my names Wynter"

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Shade: oh hey! Your parso's bro right? Good to finaly meet you!


Shade looked at rarity... Who was infected...

She thought about... Healing magic...


Shade: twilight.. Have you tryed healing magic?

Twilight: Iv tryed everything... But nothing seems to get through to her

Shade: hm...........


Rarity was struggling to break free...


Shade: have you done the calm mind spell? I don't think it's good to have her like this...


Twilight shot a bolt of magic at rarity...

Rarity seemed to just sit there growling at everypony...



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"how do you think we can get her back, i mean we cant end this with rarity toast"

"if i remember, the manehatten library had a book on necromancy, i remember reading through it and found a turn from undead spell. I didnt take any notice to it, well pegasus and all. but maybe its still there, that might help groaning glamorous here"

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Shade: ok... This is it... The zomponies have gone to far!!

Rainbow you come with me and we will enter manehatten... Parso and wynter you will provide us with sniper Suport...

The rest of you stay here and keep rarity tied up!

Ok... Lets move out!


Shade, parso, rainbow, and wynter went to manehatten to get supplies... And the book



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the group had reached the library entrance, parso and wynter headed to the rooftop of the building across the street

"you know how to work these things, right?"

wynter laughed as he handed parso a rifle

"big talk for someone who cant hit a 50 metre target with a handgun"

parso laughed as he took the rifle and readied it. the two were overlooking the library entrance with their rifles, they gave a signal for shade and rainbow to enter

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shade and rainbow entered the library... shade looks through a bunch of books.... she took as much as she could and found the one she was looking for...


shade: thees books might be useful for twilight... good here's the one!... now lets get to the market and get some food!

  • Brohoof 1



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(50 meters is nothing for a handgun bro...)

Rainbow was was balancing books in an awkward tower as they both made their way out of the library.

"I hope they still have some supplies in the market place, we could use them" rainbow said to shade "we should probably keep our eyes open for trouble"


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(ooc: i was trying to make them sound like pros XD)

parso and wynter scoped shade and rainbow leaving the library, surveyed the area and then strapped the rifles to their backs.

"alright, where to next?"

the group up and left for the manhatten market district, same as before, parso and wynter stood atop the closest building and gave sniper support

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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as shade was looking through the market... shade found some caned food... enough for everypony... then looked around somemore.. she didnt find much... she just got some bandaged... painkillers... and some drinks...


as she exited the market... she signaled parso to head back home



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parso and wynter got back to camp, fluttershy was hiding behind a log, trying not to see the infected rarity. she saw wynter and freaked out more

"don't mind her, shes shy around new ponies"

"is that so?"

wynter made his voice softer as he crouched down next to fluttershy

"hello, im sorry i frightened you. my name is wynter, whats your name?"

"I'm fluttershy"

"thats a nice name, aww look at you, you're scared stiff"

wynter started brushing a hoof through her mane, 'wow he sure knew how to make friends with shy ponies'

  • Brohoof 1

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(some reason i didn't see those posts until after i posted)

Rainbow Dash and Shade entered camp a few minutes after Parso and Wynter.

"Let's seperate these supplies"


As they entered camp they noted that the zombified rarity was still tied up. Applejack was tending to the rope, and Split Focus kept a close watch nearby incase

rarity tried to get a quick snack. Rainbow Saw wynter and fluttershy, and winked at shade.

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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Shade nudged rainbow... And put all the loot down...


Shade: let's see... Books for twilight... Plus undead magic book, 5 cans of baked hay... 4 bandages, 2 painkillers, and 7 cans of coal.

Well... I can tell we forgot to head to the police stations... But I was starving... We can make a second trip later... Right now... Twilight read through that book!


Twilight read through the book...

Twilight: revert undead here it is... Oh no... This spell needs power from ponys like Celestia or Luna... What do we do?



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"umm twilight, you do realise that shade is a princess right? she might have the power"

parso looked over to rarity once more

"at least this one isnt hell-bent on her hygiene"

he cracked a chuckle. wynter was still trying to calm down fluttershy and rainbow was watching them, he approached dash.

"you dont think..."

he was waving a hoof to and from wynter and fluttershy

"...something tells me, i dont see that happening"

he spoke so only rainbow can hear

  • Brohoof 1

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shade: i may be a princes of storms... but im not as powerful as day and night... but i guess its worth a shot... what do i half to do twilight?


twilight: well...


twilight shows the spell book to shade...


shade: hm... ok... i think this is ok for me to do... but i need some of your power twilight...


Twilight: ok


Twilight shot a beem of magic at shads horn... Shade was aiming her horn at the infected rarity... A ball of energy charged up on shades horn... Lightning and thunder started bursting out of the energy...


Finaly... The energy shot at rarity covering her in lightning...


Shade and twilight were out of breath after that... They look at rarity...


The light around rarity faded away... And...


Shade: rarity... Are you there? Are you ok??


Rarity: ... AAARRRGGG


Rarity struggling to get untied... She was still an infected...


Shade: ... NO!!! NO!!! Why didn't it WORK!

  • Brohoof 1



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(I know rainbow's is a prankster still...)

Parso came up

"yeah yeah" rainbow said to parso


The group conversed for a bit and tried to use the spell.

It only seemed to agrivate the undead rarity.

She started to move about violently,, Split got ready just incase.

  • Brohoof 1


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"your bucking book didnt work, mate"

"how was i to know if it would work or not? its not like i've tried it"

wynter all of a sudden started to glow

"anypony care to explain what the buck's happening to me?!"

the stone tablet from the temple flew out of twilights pack and smacked him in the face

"ow what was that for?!"

"nopony did that to you, seems you're our missing element"

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Rarity was struggling... She finaly broke the rope and got loose...


Rarity was about to attack twilight when shade shot a lightning bolt at rarity...


Shade's eyes glowed... And heald rarity in a levitation... A big storm was brewing in the sky... Lightning and thunder files the surroundings and rain fell down hard...


The wind was picking up and made all ponies around get blown off balance...


Shade then picked up twilight and shot some magic at her...


Twilight's eyes started glowing and she couldn't controle her magic...


Then a beem connecting to shade and twilight shot at rarity and a MEGA sonic thunderboom exploded... A flash a white light and the storm stoped...


Twilight was fainted on the ground with rarity... Who was not infected.. Shade wasn't in sight



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"shade. SHADE! SHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADE!" (see what i did there)

parso rushed around the place hoping to find her, she was no where to be found

tears started to thrush out of his eyes, his fiance was missing. he knew shade wasnt the jokey kind so this wasnt a prank, it was serious

  • Brohoof 1

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Twilight woke up... She looks at rarity...


Twilight: rarity... Are you there?

Rarity: zzzz

Twilight: well your hide seems normal...


Twilight sees parso calling for shade...


Twilight: parso what happened? Last thing I remember was shade striking me with magic... Oohhhhh boy that wasn't a good feeling...



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"s-she's gone, i-i cant find her anywhere. no, no, no, no, no. this wasnt supposed to happen. buck buck buck buck BUCK!"

parso was pacing back and forth, still with tears rivering out of his eyes. he stoped for a second to drop to his haunches and screamed into the sky

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Twilight started to get a massive headache... Magic came out of her horn and shot to the ground... A blue cloud rose from the ground and Luna came out of the cloud...


Twilight: Luna?! W what happened...

Luna: I saw rarity turn infected... And I feared the worst for all of you... Then shade got overdosed with power to heal rarity... She couldn't do it alone so she used some of your magic twilight... Soon enough rarity was heald... But shade was still overloaded...

Twilight: what happened to her?


Luna closed her eyes


Luna: I'm sorry but I don't know... Perhaps she vanashed to cool down her magic... But I don't know where...



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"at least she's alive thats all i care. i swear if she was gone for good, i would rip every individual head from their undead necks"

fluttershy cringed at parso's latest aggressive statement and she clung to wynter trying to block her ears. even pinkie pie was shocked at what parso said. wynter knew what parso was feeling, it was the same when his mother died

  • Brohoof 1

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Shade: h hello?.... Um... What happened?... Where am I..


Shade was in a dark room made of clouds...


She looked at the floor... And saw an image of what was going on with the otherponys...

She saw parso freeking out...

And then the image faded away...


She looked around after being shocked with magic from her horn...



Twilight: what are we going to do without shade?

Luna: we can only hope for the best... It wasn't plesent my first time being imprisoned in the moon... Who knows how long shade will be gone for...

But we must get back to canterlot and get the elements of harmony and life... Now that there are two more elements we can add to the collection... It might be enough to stop the zomponies once and for all!

  • Brohoof 1



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Rainbow Walked up to Parso who was still fixated on where shade was last seen

"Don't worry parso... we'll get her back for you" she said trying to reassure him. He seemed to lighten up a little bit.

"So... should we make our way to canterlot?" split asked luna and twilight.

  • Brohoof 1


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