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private Hearts and Hooves Gala RP


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Link to OOC Topic: http://mlpforums.com/topic/34853-hearts-and-hooves-gala-romance-rp-full/#entry819231

its been three hours since Parso Incendiare got the invitation to the Gala, he was already showered, groomed and was now deciding what to wear. he hoped to find his perfect mare, he's lived in ponyville for two weeks but hasn't been out that much.

first he tried on his black statescolt suit with red tie and red fedora

"hmmm, too formal, less filly-magnet"

until he tried on something perfect, a red button up shirt coated with a black blazer, a cross pendant chain to finish it off

"haha stunnah"

he said to himself in his deep horsetralian accent. he grabbed the invitation and slipped it into his jacket, he headed out the door, locked it and headed for the train station

"canterlot, here I come"

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Artemisia combed her mane with a brush being held by her telekinetic magic, she brushed it back and twisted it into a low chignon. She slid on her silky blue gown and smoothed it out. She slid a bracelet she had gotten in her travels onto her wrist and decided she was ready to go."Ready." She said to herself her canterlot accent showing through. She grabbed the invitation that she had received in the mail and headed for the Hearts and Hooves Gala.

Edited by pegasister1552
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Shade was at the ponyville spa... Not that she wanted to be there... But she had to look sparkling if she wanted to find a special somepony...

She went and got a grayish blue dress from rarity and headed to canterlot...


On the way there she stoped on a cloud and plucked all the diamonds off the dress...

Shade: rarity will never learn... I'm not a sparcling diamond fan...


She got to canterlot... She didn't know where to start... So she just did what she dose at any other party... Sits in a corner in the shadows...



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Parso arrived in canterlot, upon coming to the gates, he flashed the invitation to the guards and they let him in. as he walked into the castle, he gave a bow to Princess Celestia and sat waiting for the other guests to arrive. hopefully they wont be late, or he had come too early

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Shade sees a pony enter the party... She sees him go bow to Celestia...

Shade: hm... Guess I better show my respects to the princes...


Shade walks out of the shadows and enters the throne room... She bows to Celestia then walks to the snacks table... She looks at some of the things that were there... She just taks a blueberry muffin and walks back into the shadowed corner...



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Artemisia reached the castle and showed the burly royal guards her invitation. She curtsied to Celestia and swept into the foyer. She spun taking in the grandeur of the beautiful palace. She waited for someone to great her and so she instead sat down on a couch on the side of the room.

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Shade sees a pony enter the party... She sees him go bow to Celestia...

Shade: hm... Guess I better show my respects to the princes...


Shade walks out of the shadows and enters the throne room... She bows to Celestia then walks to the snacks table... She looks at some of the things that were there... She just taks a blueberry muffin and walks back into the shadowed corner...


parso saw a mare greet Celestia and then go into a shadowy corner, he decided to get up and trot over to her

"bit of friendly advice, you'll meet him a lot quicker if you don't stick to the shadows too much"

he smiled at the shadowy mare, that was the first time hes ever spoke to a mare in equestria that didnt involve purchasing something

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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parso saw a mare greet Celestia and then go into a shadowy corner, he decided to get up and trot over to her

"bit of friendly advice, you'll meet him a lot quicker if you don't stick to the shadows too much"

he smiled at the shadowy mare, that was the first time hes ever spoke to a mare in equestria that didnt involve purchasing something


Shade was shocked to have a stallion walk up to her and talk to her...


Shade: um... I... I um............ Hi


Shade was so shy that she steped back deeper into the shadow...


Shade: I.... Can't help it.... I'm just made to be in the shadows regardless what my cutie mark says...


Shade thought to herself...: what am I doing??? This hansom stallion comes up to me and I'm chickening out???? Come on I gotta just move out of this shadow and sparkle!"


Shade moves out of the shadow and

Shade: I'm.. I'm shade bluewind...



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Shade was shocked to have a stallion walk up to her and talk to her...


Shade: um... I... I um............ Hi


Shade was so shy that she steped back deeper into the shadow...


Shade: I.... Can't help it.... I'm just made to be in the shadows regardless what my cutie mark says...


Shade thought to herself...: what am I doing??? This hansom stallion comes up to me and I'm chickening out???? Come on I gotta just move out of this shadow and sparkle!"


Shade moves out of the shadow and

Shade: I'm.. I'm shade bluewind...


"my name is Parso Incendiare, nice to meet you"

shade had stood out of the shadows, 'this mare is absolutely gorgeous' ran through his head as he gazed at her, but constanly moved his eyes away every now and then to stop the illusion that he was staring at her

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Artemisia sighed as no other pony but the stallion and mare in the corner had arived. She crossed her hooves in her lap and began singing a quite song she had learned abroad under her breath so that noone could hear her. "Je ne veux pas travailler, je ne veux pas dejuner, je veux suelment oublier, et puis, je fume..." She hushed herself into silence, no where in Equestria nor the World was she able to find someone to love. She sighed and began humming the tune under her breath.

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"my name is Parso Incendiare, nice to meet you"

shade had stood out of the shadows, 'this mare is absolutely gorgeous' ran through his head as he gazed at her, but constanly moved his eyes away every now and then to stop the illusion that he was staring at her


Shade got really shy when parso started starring at her...

Shade thought: why is he staring at me?? Dose he like me?


Shade: um... I... I'm going to get some punch...


Shade waked away from parso... Heading to the punch bowl...


Shade was never this shy before... This isn't what she expected... Not so soon...


Shade thinks: is this what flutershy feels like? Well maybe I should feel like this all the time... In always hiding in the shadows... Hm... I think il try again after this punch.



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parso hung his head low when shade walked away. 'did I do something wrong?' floated in his head 'maybe I'm not cut out to be a charmer like my best friend'

he saw another mare at the other end of the room, she looked so lonely. he looked around the room more, 'no wonder she's lonely, I'm the only stallion here' he thought

(ooc: i think we should wait for the others to enter)

Edited by ParsoOfEquestria

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(I'm here!)


Quillusion sighed as she set a book down. She had just finished reading it, and could now finally get ready for this Gala she had been invited to. She rose from her chair and went into her bathroom, and grabbed a brush. After a few minutes of brushing she left the bathroom and went into her room. She didn't know what to wear, so she just grabbed a simple black dress with a blue trim. With a smile on her face she headed out to the Gala. Once she got close she showed her invitation and slowly walked in. After greeting the Princess with a hi, she looked around. There didn't seem to be alot of ponys here yet, so she walked over to snack table and grabbed a blueberry muffin.

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Red glanced over the crowd and saw nopony that he knew......as usual he would not be performing for any familiar faces tonight. Though he enjoyed the chance to play with the famous cellist Octavia, he still felt his heart sink at the thought of afterward. He would walk to where the drinks were being served, sit in a corner, then leave after an hour........."....best night ever huh?" he mumbled to himself....

with this last thought he picked up his bass and began to tune it, when he was satisfied it was perfect he checked his bass guitar and adjusted his bowtie and made sure his tux wasn't wrinkled

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Solarwind trotted around and prepared himself for the gala. He was due to board the train from Fillydelphia to Canterlot in twenty minutes, he was weareing a black tuxedo with an orange tie. "Hearts and hooves gala? Why would Celestia want ME at her hearts and hooves gala? Im not special, she taught me back in the fourth grade for goodness sakes! Its not that I dont wanna go... its just I never really found a mare who... Ah nevermind look at me! Im already a mess! Im standing here talking to a Koala!" He pointed his hoof at Korey his pet Koala who was minding his own buisness chewing on a eucalyptus leaf. Solarwind scooped him up and placed him on his back. "You know Canterlot gardens have Koalas? You have a better chance of finding a special someone than I do..." He spread his wings and trotted out of the house towards the train station.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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parso sat down on the chair he was before, looking over his memory to see what exactly went wrong. he couldnt see any problem why she left.

"forse dovrei aspettare fino a quando uno parla con me" (maybe I should wait until one talks to me)

'well this night's not going according to plan' was flowing in his mind and he wasnt going to deny it

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After the first few songs of the night, Red finally got a break. So he proceeded to the bar and found that all of the tables except one were full. He grabbed a glass of water and sat down next to a white stallion wearing a red button up[ shirt and a black blazer. "obviously this guy's not here for the classical music......" Red thought to himself

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Artemisia watched as people began to arrive, not a familiar face in sight, all her friends had met their special somepony so there was no point in them cominng. She decided she had to stand up and socialize in order to get noticed. She stood up from the bench she had been sitting on and walked softly towards the refreshments and tables, her blue silk dress fluttered about her giving her an airy and ephemereal appearence. She looked around as she tried to decide where she should go.

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parso saw the red stallion sit beside him

"how you doing, mate?"

he asked trying to be friendly

"enjoyin' your night so far?"

he managed to force a smile

"got your eyes on anymare?"

he laughed and then turned serious

"ah, I'm kiddin' mate, you dont have to tell me, I'm Parso by the way"

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"Pleased to meet you Mr. Parso," Red stammered, "I'm Red, I'm with the orchestra tonight."

Red extended his hoof for a formal hoof shake

"May I ask what sort of music you are into?" He inquired, "Judging by your clothes I'd say you're more into rock?"

Red quickly shot his hoof back to himself suddenly feeling as if he was prying into this stallion's life too much.

Red then noticed a yellow mare standing next to him looking lost, "Excuse me? Are you lost? I'm with the orchestra maybe I could help?"

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"Oh no just..." She shook her head "Just looking for someone to talk to, something to do...Just looking around." She was startled by his approach, she heard his voice crack, how old was he? "You are with the orchestra? What do you play if you do not mind me asking?" she asked with curiosity.

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"I play the bass." Red stammered. Crap! I didn't think she'd actually give me the time of day! This NEVER happens!

"So, you came alone I'm guessing?" Red worried, "Oh! Sorry if I'm prying!" :blush: "Are you enjoying the music so far?"

Red felt his face practically catch fire as he made a complete fool of himself. She probably thinks I'm some kid trying to crash the party.......

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Shade was done at the refreshments table and she thought "Why am i so shy? i came here to meat somepony..... not chicken out at them...."



sigh* " i just im not meant to have a specialsomepony... "


shade walked back into the shadow and just looked at every other pony... with tears rolling down her cheek



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Solarwind dropped Korey off and watched him goo play with the other animals. He walked inside the door after showing the guards his invitation and was actually glad he cold be here. He walked over to get a drink and saw a mare standing in the corner. "Hey um do you by any chance know where the bathroom is?" It was a lame excuse to talk to her but he didnt want to sound annoying. Suddenly he felt a bit shy and silly talking to a random mare. "Err im sorry I'll just... Go this way, the left." He trotted off and sat near a pony with a cello.

Edited by SolarWind

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Why yes the music is wonderful, and yes I am here alone. It's not prying if it's a party." She giggled after she said the last thing. "So the bass? How long have you been playing...errr...what is your name by the way?" She was glad to have found someone to talk to. She started to sway slightly to the song that was playing.

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