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private Hearts and Hooves Gala RP


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Sugar Rush arrived late to the gala, she nervously glanced at the entrance, and sighed *well, here goes nothing* she said as she slowly trotted inside, she looked around, ponies everywhere, she looked at her back *This was a bad idea, why did I even came here?* she thought regretting having to waste the afternoon getting ready for the gala




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"I bet you're being modest, that you do have talent, you just don't know it yet"

he smiled when he saw her cheeks start to go red

"I've tried to write books before, though it wasnt really something I was good at, they had a few good ideas but were never finished. I had my special talent elsewhere"

'oh you pillock! now she's gonna ask what your talent is, she's gonna think you're weird' his mind was telling him


She looked at him. He was such a gentlecolt. She smiled and then asked, "What might your special talent be, I bet it has to be amazing for a pony as amazing and awesome as you." Oh Quillusion, he is going to think you are weird saying things like that. A little compliment is nice, but you don't have to overdo it. She lectured to herself.

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Sugar Rush arrived late to the gala, she nervously glanced at the entrance, and sighed *well, here goes nothing* she said as she slowly trotted inside, she looked around, ponies everywhere, she looked at her back *This was a bad idea, why did I even came here?* she thought regretting having to waste the afternoon getting ready for the gala


Solawind saw amare standing alone. He sighed and thought to himself, "If I dont go talk to her, Somepony else will." He trotted over and stood next to her. "So, waiting for somepony?" He asked honestly glancing around at the party going on around him. She was pretty thats for sure, He still felt a bit awkward chatting to a random mare though.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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After his set was finished, Red took off looking for Artemisia. "I hope she didn't leave...." he thought to himself, "There was something different about her...."

Red found her waiting patiently at the bar, in the same seat she was in when he left! She had actually waited through the entire set for him to return!

"Hello again Miss Artemisia!" he cheerfully greeted

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Sugar Rush nearly jumped as the pony talked to her, she took a quick glance at him before responding "Um, no actually" she said as her voice changed into a slightly more relaxed tone. Her eyes suddenly traveled off to the ceiling of the room "My name is Sugar Rush" she said as her attention returned to him, she recognized a small hint of her small Manehatten accent, which hadn't been heard as soon as she was settled in Ponyville, she blushed slightly, "Umm... Your name?" she asked politely, hoping to get a conversation started.




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"Hey Red!" She replied cheerily to him. "You were great in that set Red!" She smiled, "How does it feel to be up there on stage?" She asked with a curiousity in her voice which showed that she was interested. She patted the stool next to her gesturing for him to sit besides her.

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Living in Filly so close to manehattan Solarwind noticed the accent immediately. His ownFillydelphia accent was mild so he hoped she wouldn notice it to much. "Im Solarwind, I didnt mean to make you jump, im sorry its just so far this party hasnt been exactly... thrilling."

He hoped that he wasnt sounding to awkward, this was the first person he had talked to all night. Well unless you counted the mare he had bought the cider from. He took a sip of the cider remembering he was still holding it and glanced around at the decorations.

"So have you been enjoying yourself? Im sure you've probably already had a million stallions bothering you." He smiled at her, and said "And I get to be one million and one! I feel like I ruined the number! Instead of all those zeros now you have that one annoying one at the end... Thats me!"

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Red sat down gently, wanting to make a good impression on the mare. "Honestly? It's never the same.....sometimes it's the scariest moments of my life.......sometimes it's easier than kicking an apple........." Red felt himself blushing again, "What about you? Tell me about what it's like for you. Can I get you a drink?" Red made another risky move by putting his hoof over Artemisia's

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Artemisia blushed and smiled when he put his hoof over his. Her heart was leaping with joy, and her heart started to beat faster. "what do you mean by that? Like when I'm speaking or what..?" She was a bit confused as to the meaning of his question. "Sure, I'd love a drink."

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Red thought for a moment, what DID he mean? What did he want to know about her?

"I guess I'd like to know about your occupation? If you don't mind telling me that is......"

Red ordered a nice mug of alcohol-free cider, "Would you like to share it?" Red felt himself freaking out, MORON!!!!! YOU'RE GOING TOO FAST!!!!! he thought to himself.

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"Well mainly I write academic papers and research different cultures and languages, I graduated from school early, then when needed I work as a translator between diplomats." She smiled at him, then she noticed he looked distressed. She smiled gently "Sure, that sounds nice."

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Red listened intently as she told about her encounters with diplomats. He actually found it quite interesting! She seemed to be perfect for him!

She was kind

She was beautiful

And she was incredibly smart!

Just then he heard her answer to his question: Sure, that sounds nice.....

Red froze......he didn't know what to think.......he had just accidentally offered to share a drink with a mare he had just met and she said yes! Red suddenly felt himself falling backwards out of his chair, but couldn't move his legs for some reason........

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Artemisia's jaw dropped in surprise as she grabbed his hoof to pull him back up."Are you all right?!" She asked him. She was wondering if she had said something wrong, or something to shock him. She didn't want to mess it up with this stallion, he was kind and talented and humble, and interested in her, or so she thought.

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Sugar Rush giggled a bit, which followed another quick blush "Oh, I actually just got here" she said with a nervous smile "In fact, I think you're the first pony I've talked to this evening" She said as her voice got slightly quieter, she took another glance across the ballroom "Have you been here for long?"




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Solarwind laughed a bit and looked around. "Well I did take that nap in the garden so I'd say about an hour or two? And to be honest you're the first pony I've talked to today as well..." He wasnted to ask this mare if she would like to go get a drink but his mug was still half full of cider. He took a chance and when she wasnt looking he threw the mug out the door. "Im a bit thirsty... Can I buy you a drink?" He asked as calm as he could. He did feel like it was going a bit fast but at the same time he felt odd chatting in the doorway.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Sugar Rush turned as soon as she heard him, she looked at him before looking down at his empty cup of cider, "Sure, I guess" she said smiling warmly as she walked outside, and waited for Solarwind.


(This'll be my last post for the day, see ya'h guys tomorrow xD)




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Solarwind smiled and followed the mare outside. "Shes so cool! Shes not annoying, or scary. Sure I've only known her for six minutes but that doesnt matter right?" he trotted back up to Sugar Rushs side. "So where are you from? I mean where are you staying now, I know you're from manehattan." He said slyly. "I live in Filly I could hear you trying to cover your accent almost immediately. Alot of people come from Manehattan and most of them hide their accents." He hoped he wasnt being pushy but he didnt know what else to talk about.


((Goodnight everyone. Im done for today.))

Edited by SolarWind

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"Well, I moved to Ponyville some time ago, I say two or three years the most" she said as she looked at her side"Manehatten was far too crowded, there wasn't much to do but visit the attractions I've visited millions of times before, not to mention some of the ponyfolk there" she said smiling a bit more.




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"Ponyville huh? Never heard of it. Sounds nice though, I havent been traveling to much but maybe someday I'll go check out the new places and things." He smiled as well, up until now the night had well, sucked. It would have been nice to talk to anyone let alone a pretty mare like her.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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Sugar Rush chuckled a bit "Yeah, Ponyville isn't exactly that well known, I'm not sure why I moved there of all places in Equestria, but I don't regret it either" she said trying clearing many of the memories of ponyville such as Discord's return, the dragon, and many others like the parasprites.




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"So ms. Sugar rush. When you got invited to this Gala, what were you expecting? Did you imagine all the frilly hearts and slow music, or were you thinking it would be a bit more like... A party." He asked this question because to him the party was nothing like he was expecting it to be. It wasnt that he disliked all the hearts, and romantic stuff its just when you show up to one of these things alone it felt kind of like playing an instrument without any sound.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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"I figured it'd be more like a party, since I've seen how excited someponies can be when they have received an invitation to Equestria's greatest party" she said before she turned her head to look back "I guess I was wrong though, but after all, it is the Heart's and Hooves gala"

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"Ha yeah I suppose the hearts and hooves gala implies you should have a special somepony huh?" He walked up to the stand and waited to order wanting to ask Sugar what she wanted first. "Hey Sugar how about that drink? Its on me!" He smiled at her hoping she would accept his offer and let him buy her a drink.

See, I'm Greed. I want everything you can think of. Money and women, power and SEX. I want everything this world's selling! and immortality's topping the list!

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She looked at him. He was such a gentlecolt. She smiled and then asked, "What might your special talent be, I bet it has to be amazing for a pony as amazing and awesome as you." Oh Quillusion, he is going to think you are weird saying things like that. A little compliment is nice, but you don't have to overdo it. She lectured to herself.


Parso smiled at her compliment and hesitated a little bit when he was about to say his talent

"I...I have talent in the sport of skeet shooting, I'm good at what i do, I even competed for the Canterlympics"

'don't overdo it' his mind told him and he complied to his own command. he heard the music start at a steady pace

"the music is superb tonight"

he smiled as he reached across the table and offered her a hoof

"would you like to dance?"

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Red woke up on the floor of the refreshments area, Artemisia was standing over him. "what happened?" he asked drearily. He felt his heart race as soon as he saw Artemisia's face. "Did I pass out? I'm sop sorry if I worried you, it happens whenever I get too excited...."

Red felt himself blushing....

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