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open Harmony Vs. Chaos (RP)

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Diamond tried to ignore what Shade said and continue back to her apartment. <What if its something important... No no no, Discord probably just wants something evil......... which is exactly what I want.> She thought, changing her direction and trotting towards the Canterlot gardens.

Something something something something


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After her treatment, Medley walked to the front desk to pay. After doing that, she noticed Shade hanging around, presumably waiting for Medley. She sighed and tried to ignore her. She didn't want to be nice to Shade. She said goodbye to the spa ponies and left the building.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Shade watched as medley walk out of the spa...


Shade went into the shadows and followed her silently...


Once she had the chance she flew up in front of medley and


"Since I have a tight schedule, I'm going to make this quick.. Discord has chosen you to be apart of the elements of chaos and wishes to speak with you... Il meet you at canterlot guarded."



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Mornki spoke to Discord."Master i have failed you Rarity as escaped us, Chaos breaker took her, master if you let me i could free you from your prison by force ". Mornki wanted another chance to prove himself before discord but knowing his master discord isn't about second chances.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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After a couple minutes of walking Diamond pushed open a small gate and trotted into the Canterlot gardens.

She trotted past a couple statues but then noticed the pony she had seen earlier standing next to the Discord statue.<I wonder if discord is using him as well.> She thought, watching Mornki.

Something something something something


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Mornki spoke to Discord."Master i have failed you Rarity as escaped us, Chaos breaker took her, master if you let me i could free you from your prison by force ". Mornki wanted another chance to prove himself before discord but knowing his master discord isn't about second chances.


discord replied " that wont be necessary... shade has found the ponies i need, i no longer need the elements of harmony to be my key out of this stone prison, once thees ponies get here and accept there role of being an element... the chaos shall begin! hahahahahaha"




shade flew to canterlot garden and landed beside mornki... "howd yout task go?"



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"Then we must destroy the elements of harmony before they are used against you". Mornki wanted to keep discord free from is eternal prison and that meant destroying the mane 6 and the elements of harmony that Celestia and Luna created to keep discord at bay.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Then we must destroy the elements of harmony before they are used against you". Mornki wanted to keep discord free from is eternal prison and that meant destroying the mane 6 and the elements of harmony that Celestia and Luna created to keep discord at bay.


" my last plan to turn them into elements of chaos faild... but with the new elements of chaos, i think we could overcome the elements of harmony and turn them into elements of chaos PERMANENTLY!, if all fails... then you may have the honer of destroying them!"



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Medley sighed as she watched Shade fly off to Canterlot Gardens. She thought about it. How bad could being an Element of Chaos really be? Medley shrugged and flew off towards Canterlot. It took her a while, and once she got there she had to walk instead of fly, as she was tired. She saw a few other ponies and trotted up to them then looked up at the statue of Discord.



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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Diamond hid behind a bush watching Shade and Mornki then she saw Medley the pony she met at the spa, join the two ponies.

<Ok...I gotta get in on this.> She thought, walking around the bush and over to the statue. "So... Why did you want me to come here ?" She asked, in a rather bored tone.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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Shade gave a sinister smile and said

"Good your both here... Discord, there here."


Discord spoke to every pony there

"Ah you 2 are perfect! I can feel my power returning! Now that most of the elements are here I will grant you all a gift!"


A golden necklis appeared in front of all the ponys... Each had a jule the shape of there cuty marks


"Your elements! Ah I haven't felt like this since last time I was free! Now when you have your element, your powers will be increased! But I won't get into this now because..."


A glow came from discords statue and then it exploded...


"Ah it's good to be free! Now my little ponys... Start spreading the chaos! But just do a small amount... I want to give the word to Celestia!"



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Mornki smiled at Discords return he showed his true from to Discord but Mornki spoke in his true voice."Master we must move fast against the elements of harmony , if you let me i can unleash you wrath upon this world". Mornki smiled at the though of his natural disasters ruining a muck in this world.

Edited by Prince_Morningstar

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"This should be fun... I cant wait to get revenge on that stupid spa." She muttered, placing the necklace around her neck. "And its rather stylish as well... How nice." She said, admiring the necklace. "So... We just go around and spread chaos ? Sounds pretty simple." She said.

Something something something something


Ask me stuff...and all my OC's

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"Soon enough mornki... Soon enough... I just want to turn the elements of harmony first! But if that fails... Then your true chaos may be unleashed!! And to spread the chaos... your elements give you an enhancement on you natural abilities! Hahaha I'm off to canterlot to give the news to Celestia!"


Shade smiled!

" and I'm off to fill equestria's sky's with gray sky's! Should I do Cotten candy or caramel?"



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Mornki was feeling greedy he wanted to destroy this world he was sitting down. He looked up at the sky , then at the chaotic ponies."I wonder who is really in control". Mornki said it out loud so that the others around him may hear, he didn't care if discord could over hear him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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(Just editing this post in hopes that this rp won't die.)

When the necklace appeared in front of Medley, she poked it doubtfully. Is it really worth being the bad guys?

"So... Uh... What's the point in this whole shenanigan anyway?" She asked Discord. She wasn't sure if she was up to the task. She looked closely at the necklace and saw that the gem was in the shape of her cutie mark. She still wasn't quite certain.

Edited by Snowdrop



(I used to be Sapphire until I drank some cactus juice.)

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