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Can Friendship Actually Be Classified As Magic?

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I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this, as it is my first post, but this is a project I had to do for my own personal enjoyment. I plan to submit this to the newspaper for my school, and I wanted to get some feedback on my thoughts.



You are probably familiar with the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, which was produced by Hasbro Studios, and its constantly growing fan-base. I am a part of this fan-base for reasons that are irrelevant to this passage. I have constantly thought about the name; My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The first half comes from the main series, which was re-done to make the My Little Pony we know today. But what about the second half; Friendship is Magic? Many people who question the show’s existence say that “Friendship isn’t magic, it is science!” Which is true, but those people do not think about what magic can be considered to be. I have created this passage in order to explain: Can Friendship actually be classified as Magic?


What is Magic?

According to the dictionary, Magic can be either the use of means (as charms and spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural forces, or an extraordinary power or influence seemingly from a supernatural force. The definition that can relate to this situation more is the influence from a seemingly supernatural force.

Magic has been used in many situations, such as when you refer to a time where you believe that it was “magical,” since it changed your mood or thoughts of someone or something. For example, many people call a first date “magical” because the atmosphere influenced change on both you and your mate. Therefore, magic can cause emotions.


Causes and effects of friendship

The third law of Arthur C. Clarke’s Three Laws states: “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” As of now, scientists do not understand the human brain completely. But, it is definitely one of the most advanced organs in our body. We know that something sparks in the brain when someone can be called a “friend.”

You usually gain or lose a friend after you get to know someone very well, or experience many things with that someone. The information you received from your friend is stored in your memory as some sort of material or coding that mankind hasn’t been able to understand. Also, we all know that emotions can be determined from said memories. Friendship requires respect or affection, and if our memories provide that respect or affection, then whoever showed those properties can be called a friend. For example, when our brain has memories of the time someone has given a compliment that was heard by the ear, it stores the fact that the person that complimented you appreciates you for having that property. It can be concluded that the person has a little bit more value in your life, since he or she values you as well. That means he or she is a friend, and there is some sort of friendship between you and the other person.



Going back to the third law of Arthur C. Clarke’s Three Laws, our brain is very advanced. It may not be considered to be a piece of technology, but the brain can do things that are unimaginable. All emotions are a part of these unimaginable phenomena’s, friendship is one of those emotions, and can’t be scientifically explained due to the level of technology we have today. Therefore, it can only be explained as an occurrence that can relate to magic in some way, shape, or form.

So, the title that has been neglected by many has a great amount of truth in it; Friendship is Magic! Or at least, it can be classified as magic.

  • Brohoof 1
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