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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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She looked over at Vinyl and smiled. "Take your time." She went to the bathroom and showered again..She just felt like she need to wash away everything in her head and hoped the shower would somehow do that. She dried off and did her make-up. After a while she sat next to Vinyl and blushed.


"Vinyl, could you maybe, help me with my mane and tail...I'm not too good at that kind of thing."



"Oh, sure. No problem. I'll just finish up with my own, then I'll fix yours." Vinyl put the finishing touches on her hair and turned on some music. "Hope you don't mind. I love this song." She then started working on Obsidian's hair. "Ooh, I love your hair. It's so easy to work with." After about ten minutes, she was done. They both looked perfect.

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"I understand. By the way if your planning on going to the dance tonight, I would suggest finding some proper attire. You don't want to look like that on the dance floo-" He said being interrupted by a sudden chill down his back. This chill was different than last time though. This chill felt more like a warning than something bad happening. "Huh that was weird." He said out loud to himself as he turned his head in the opposite direction that lead to the dance. "Is my mind playing tricks on me? It wasn't last time I got a chill down my back but this one feels different. It's not bad but its lingering. Did something happen at the dance? Probably. Can't say for sure but I best get back soon." Dogboots thought to himself still staring at the direction the dance was being held at. He hadn't realized yet that he stopped mid-sentence talking to Nightfall.


"The point is I can't really go... I don't have a date. And going without a date... Well..."

"I thought I had one, but she left and said she wasn't going... What if she is going..? If she is, I suppose I deserve it. Still, it's a bit depressing to think..."

"Hey, I'm going to a friend's room. I'll see you later, maybe..."

He trotted over and soon found himself in front of Vinyl's room. He wanted to knock, but didn't know if she was inside. He knocked anyway.

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"Yeah...see ya." Was all Dogboots could spit out still concerned about the dance. He checked his watch and he still had 20 minutes before it started. He galloped back to the dance making sure not to waste anymore time. In less than a minute Dogboots soon returned back to his post, a little winded from the run. He observed the auditorium noticed a few more ponies. He saw Star Keeper and Rockshire near the punch bowl already having some sort of discussion. "I wonder what they're talking about? I wonder how Rockshire's doing after the whole incident with Eris? Should I approach them and say, "hi" to them? nah. They barely even know who I am plus, the rest of the staff would be on my tail if I were to associate myself with any of the students. Damn, It's times like this that I hate being in the shadows or on the sidelines. Still, I should be careful here. That chill earlier means something happened so I should be careful. Damn, those cookies and punch look good though but its for the students not the staff." He thought to himself as he stared at the two in wonderment. He picked up his radio and checked in with the others. "This is Dogboots, anything happen while I was gone? over." He asked in the receiver of his radio. "That's a negative unless you consider somepony having trouble getting a glass full of punch. It was kind of hilarious, over." One of the security stallions said as they squawked in over the radio. "Roger that, wish I could've seen it. Anyways keep your eyes peeled and lets hope this dance doesn't become a mess, over." Dogboots said trying to keep some bit of authority. Even if it was a dance there was still reason for Dogboots to be cautious. With that chill from earlier and nearly everypony coming. There was no way that nothing would happen which was more reason for him to be prepared for whats to come.

Edited by thor9356
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"Um, um... I-I wouldn't do that if I were you. I mean seriously I wouldn't do that. It's hard to explain but you know when you shouldn't do something and you do and something goes wrong- how do I do this? Um..."


Star panicked... again. "Maybe we should do something else. Who needs punch, really?"

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Rockshire looked to Star with confusion. 


"Well, for one, I need punch... How come you're so jumpy all of a sudden? Earlier, you were just fine."


She walked over and poured herself a glass, just about to take a sip.


"We can do something as soon as I can drink this, OK?"

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He trotted over and soon found himself in front of Vinyl's room. He wanted to knock, but didn't know if she was inside. He knocked anyway.

Vinyl heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it. She opened the door and peeked her head out. It was Nightfall. She stepped out and closed the door behind her. "What is it, Nightfall? I'm busy getting ready for the dance wit-... Look, if you're looking for someone to talk to, I would, but I'm busy right now." Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it. She opened the door and peeked her head out. It was Nightfall. She stepped out and closed the door behind her. "What is it, Nightfall? I'm busy getting ready for the dance w- Look, if you're looking for someone to talk to, I would, but I'm busy right now."

"So you are going... that's nice..."

He sighed. He felt like everyone around him was starting to slowly hate him... No, she was just busy, and he had interrupted some time of hers... Maybe intamite time... Who knows?

"Right. Ok, so then, I'll see you later."

He started walking off. He noticed she hesitated and didn't tell him who she was going with.

"Well, that's her choice. Maybe she'll tell me later, maybe not."

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Vinyl heard a knock at the door and got up to answer it. She opened the door and peeked her head out. It was Nightfall. She stepped out and closed the door behind her. "What is it, Nightfall? I'm busy getting ready for the dance w- Look, if you're looking for someone to talk to, I would, but I'm busy right now."

Obsidian was getting in her dress. It was a lovely thing that accented her color scheme. Her mane looked great, she had to admit. She took some crystal snowflakes out and placed them in her mane and tail with her magic. They were perfect. Everything looked perfect. The dress was winter themed with Ice and Dark Blues with Winter white and silver snow flakes. It was satin and she couldn't believe she found a dress so perfect for her. It matched her Cutie Mark and everything. She heard the knock and stuck her head out and around.


"Vinyl, whos at the door?"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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His ears perked up. He thought he had heard Obsidian. He stopped and spun around, his mouth open as if he was going to say something. He closed it, moving his head about as if he was confused. He slowly walked back to Vinyl's room. After some time, he finally spoke again.

"Are my ears playing tricks on me, Vinyl..? Is this a spell, or is it really..."

He faded off.

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His ears perked up. He thought he had heard Obsidian. He stopped and spun around, his mouth open as if he was going to say something. He closed it, moving his head about as if he was confused. He slowly walked back to Vinyl's room. After some time, he finally spoke again.

"Are my ears playing tricks on me, Vinyl..? Is this a spell, or is it really..."

He faded off.

Obsidian didn't hear an answer so she walked to the door, wondering Eris had dared to show up again. She swung open the door and her eyes landed on Nightfall. Well, damn it. Cats out of the bag now.


"Hey Nightfall. Something we can help you with?"


She moved closer to Vinyl for support.

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"So this is how you view me, then... I'm not good enough for you? I tried getting better so we could get closer together, but when you ran off, you said you weren't going. Now look. You don't even try to get better. You just sit there, asking what you can do. What you could at least do is explain yourself, like I tried while you ran off, not giving me enough time to tell my story. I'll sit here until you're done telling yours, and don't think you'll get out until you're done."

He snorted, very angry, blocking them from getting out of the hallway, wings extended to block them.

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"So this is how you view me, then... I'm not good enough for you? I tried getting better so we could get closer together, but when you ran off, you said you weren't going. Now look. You don't even try to get better. You just sit there, asking what you can do. What you could at least do is explain yourself, like I tried while you ran off, not giving me enough time to tell my story. I'll sit here until you're done telling yours, and don't think you'll get out until you're done."

He snorted, very angry, blocking them from getting out of the hallway, wings extended to block them.

Vinyl stepped into Nightfall's face and looked him dead in the eyes. "Back the fuck off! It was my choice to go to this dance. Get out of the way before I get physical. I don't even care if I mess up my mane." The crimson pools in her eyes were nearly glowing with anger.

  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl stepped into Nightfall's face and looked him dead in the eyes. "Back the fuck off! It was my choice to go to this dance. Get out of the way before I get physical. I don't even care if I mess up my mane." The crimson pools in her eyes were nearly glowing with anger.

"Right! Your choice only after I asked and after she said she wasn't going with anyone!"

He dragged his right forehoof across the ground.

"And don't you threaten me. You decided to ask even though she called you a slut. What it seems to be is that life favors those who don't give a damn about other's feelings."

He got a bit lower to the ground.

"And if that's the case, I'm about to stop caring about that. Now back off, and let Obsidian tell her story before I have to make you back off!"

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Vinyl stepped into Nightfall's face and looked him dead in the eyes. "Back the fuck off! It was my choice to go to this dance. Get out of the way before I get physical. I don't even care if I mess up my mane." The crimson pools in her eyes were nearly glowing with anger.

She cleared her throat and kind of nudged her out to the side. "Sweetie, let me please. No reason for you to mess up your mane"


She looked Nightfall dead in the eyes.


"You want -truth-? Well thats a first. fine. My -Date- decided she wanted to go, so plans changed. I needed someone who could be honest with me. I knew she had crushes on other ponies, unlike -you-. Now, you have another Alicorn and a Unicorn with a temper problem you're blocking in here. I suggest you tank your flank out of here before we show you out."

  • Brohoof 3

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She cleared her throat and kind of nudged her out to the side. "Sweetie, let me please. No reason for you to mess up your mane"


She looked Nightfall dead in the eyes.


"You want -truth-? Well thats a first. fine. My -Date- decided she wanted to go, so plans changed. I needed someone who could be honest with me. I knew she had crushes on other ponies, unlike -you-. Now, you have another Alicorn and a Unicorn with a temper problem you're blocking in here. I suggest you tank your flank out of here before we show you out."

"You didn't give me time to explain! I would have explain if you would have listened! But no, of course not. You're not going to be predictable; no, you're just going to be a time bomb. Eventually, you will snap. And I do honestly hope I'm there to tell you that you would. In fact, right now, I hope I'm the one who makes you snap!"

He snorted again, still blocking their path.

"I always told you the truth, but you didn't think. I'll bet that you are actually here, not just to control your so-called 'anger problem,' but to also wise up on brains you should already have!"

He was shouting by now.

Edited by Nightfall
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'No no no no no! You can live without- she's going to do it anyway. This evening can only go badly. Wait, what do I do with a pony that has ingested love potion? If only I still had that infernal warning sheet.'


"Um, Rockshire... this is going to sound odd but..."


'Too late, abandon ship.'

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"You didn't give me time to explain! I would have explain if you would have listened! But no, of course not. You're not going to be predictable; no, you're just going to be a time bomb. Eventually, you will snap. And I do honestly hope I'm there to tell you that you would. In fact, right now, I hope I'm the one who makes you snap!"

He snorted again, still blocking their path.

"I always told you the truth, but you didn't think. I'll bet that you are actually here, not just to control your so-called 'anger problem,' but to also wise up on brains you should already have!"

He was shouting by now.

She laughed warmly.

"Let me tell you something Nightfall. I'm going to this dance tonight, with my date, with the person I gave myself to last night. Thats right, I was with Vinyl last night because at least she makes me feel protected. She makes me feel safe. She tells me the truth. Why don't you go find that girl you wanted to be with before you ever met me and let me and my Marefriend go on out our day without being bothered by a pathetic, weak, turns his back on the mare he supposedly cares about, poor excuse for an Alicorn before us!"

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She laughed warmly.

"Let me tell you something Nightfall. I'm going to this dance tonight, with my date, with the person I gave myself to last night. Thats right, I was with Vinyl last night because at least she makes me feel protected. She makes me feel safe. She tells me the truth. Why don't you go find that girl you wanted to be with before you ever met me and let me and my Marefriend go on out our day without being bothered by a pathetic, weak, turns his back on the mare he supposedly cares about, poor excuse for an Alicorn before us!"

He stepped back for only a moment.

"Oh, so I should give up hope with the mare of my dreams just because she spent a night with somepony? I've learned almost all of the good mares have. I'm over that. But what I'm not over is that you've known her for even less time than you've known me, yet you are getting into a deeper relationship! You are the poor excuse! You ask for the truth, yet don't give it yourself!"

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She stepped closer to him, looking at him deep in the eyes, almost like she was looking through him.


"Nightfall, do you remember the times we talked. Do you remember that night? For that night I thought I felt something. I thought that maybe you were a colt I could believe in. I had no idea why, because I have always been so careful. I trusted you. I'm not your toy. I'm not something to make your life feel less lonely. All you had to do was just tell me the truth about Lovely. Thats it. Just when you mentioned relationships to have told me. You lied our first night talking. I don't have time to spend on a child. I'm sorry Nightfall, I don't. Sometimes we don't get second chances....."


She slowly turned and went back inside the Dorm and into the bathroom where she shut the door and cried.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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He stepped back for only a moment.

"Oh, so I should give up hope with the mare of my dreams just because she spent a night with somepony? I've learned almost all of the good mares have. I'm over that. But what I'm not over is that you've known her for even less time than you've known me, yet you are getting into a deeper relationship! You are the poor excuse! You ask for the truth, yet don't give it yourself!"

Vinyl slipped behind him in the moment he stepped back and snapped his wing in two with her hoof. "You shut the fuck up! We've committed ourselves to each other because we make each other feel special. Looks like you can't do that with a mare." While he was on the ground in pain, she grabbed his hoof and pulled him out of the way of the door. For final measures, she stomped on his front leg and she could hear bones crack. "I told you not to test me." Vinyl walked back over to Obsidian and closed the door behind them. "Now lets get to that dance," she said with a smile on her face

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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The pain from Obsidian's remarks, plus the pain from Vinyl's attack caused him to see a tunnel. He hadn't lied, he had just never told her. And he looked at her not as a toy, but as a friend. And Vinyl... The things he could say about her.

Unfortunately, he didn't black out. The pain killed him, and he lay there for quite sometime, wondering if they would really go to the dance.

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"Vinyl! Did you just break his BONES? Are you fucking crazy?! What did he do to deserve that?! He's weaker then you! You can't go beating up someone whos weaker then you!"


She huffed past her and opened the door and looked down at the poor Alicorn on the floor. She had tears in her eyes and this wasn't helping. She leaned down and touched her horn to his leg, focused her will into it and brought the image of his bone mending into her head. She focused so hard, her beads began glowing and suddenly the light faded. the leg should have been healed but she could do nothing for his poor wing. She was exhausted. She turned her head toward Vinyl with pure anger in her eyes.


"Just because you can hurt someone doesn't mean you should. Will you break my bones if we get into a fight? Maybe you and Eris were perfect for each other."


She shook her head in disgust and walked back over to her dorm with she shared with Rockshire.

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Vinyl's smile quickly disappeared. What had she done? She walked back up to Nightfall after Obsidian had healed his hoof. "I- I'm so sorry, Nightfall. I don't know what came over me." She put her horn to his wing and mended broken bones. She then ran to catch up with Winter. "Winter, please! I'm sorry..." Tears were streaming down her face. "I don't know what happened. I just-"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl's smile quickly disappeared. What had she done? She walked back up to Nightfall after Obsidian had healed his hoof. "I- I'm so sorry, Nightfall. I don't know what came over me." She put her horn to his wing and mended broken bones. She then ran to catch up with Winter. "Winter, please! I'm sorry..." Tears were streaming down her face. "I don't know what happened. I just-"

She stopped and turned to face Vinyl.


"Vinyl, I know what you are...what you do for the royal family has made you harder and I know being with Eris has not helped but you can't just be that way with others when they get in your face. You can't just hurt people because they are weaker then you. I won't stand for it. You know because I've told you that some of my biggest regrets we're things I've done to hurt people with my Magic. You have to promise me, PROMISE me you'll work on that..."


Her tone softened and she nuzzled Vinyls neck


"I know what you were doing and I love you for it. You were defending me. But you took it too far. Please, in the future remember that those of us with power and skills must but careful who we use them on, okay? I'll help you because Luna knows I need you to help me."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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She stopped and turned to face Vinyl.


"Vinyl, I know what you are...what you do for the royal family has made you harder and I know being with Eris has not helped but you can't just be that way with others when they get in your face. You can't just hurt people because they are weaker then you. I won't stand for it. You know because I've told you that some of my biggest regrets we're things I've done to hurt people with my Magic. You have to promise me, PROMISE me you'll work on that..."


Her tone softened and she nuzzled Vinyls neck


"I know what you were doing and I love you for it. You were defending me. But you took it too far. Please, in the future remember that those of us with power and skills must but careful who we use them on, okay? I'll help you because Luna knows I need you to help me."

Vinyl's smile returned, this time a bit softer. She closed her eyes and rested her head on Winter's. "I promise I'll work on myself. I don't know what happened. I just sort of... snapped..." She dropped her head and looked up at Winter, one eye covered by her hair. "So... You still want to go to that dance?"

  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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