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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Star Keeper had gotten next to no sleep. He spent his night curled in a ball hating himself for his stupid blunder. Everything was now his fault, all of it. Rockshire getting injured, Nightfall also getting injured, the possible pregnancy. This was all too much. To top it off he blew his gasket at Dogboots. Oh, and he hit on Ice beam, great.


First thing's first; apologise to Dogboots for threatening him. It was a start. Well,that and he had searched all evening for Rockshire and came up fruitless. He took one last deep breath as he knocked on the Maintenance Door.


"Hello, Dogboots,anyone home. I need to say something about what happened last night. I-I... I'm sorry."

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Nightfall was fully awake when the doctor came in next time, but he wanted to sleep more.

"Hey, you're awake. ... Listen, you're not in the CC hospital anymore... they had the transfer you, and now you're in the main Canterlot hospital. They did that because while they most likely could have treated you at the CC hospital, you needed to come here to get your, er- prosthetic wing. It was made with magic so it weighs as much as your other wing, and it reacts in real time with what you want it to do. However, even though it has been tested, you'll need to go through rehab after you are fully cured... Your recovery, even with magic should take 12-14 weeks, but the rehab... that will take nearly 6 months. Now, we've ordered the CC hospital to let your visitors know you are here, and you are exempt from all classes until you have fully recovered and been through rehab, but still..."

His voice faded off. Nightfall didn't care much about what else he had to say. Six months, twelve to fourteen weeks... At least nine months... If Obsidian were pregnant, she'd be due when he got out... At least they had thought to make a note to let visitors know he was here and not there... He fell back asleep after the doctor bid him a good day and left.

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Dogboots was dazed from the teleportation and fell on the floor again. "I don't think I will ever get used to that." He said as he got up from the dusty floor. He glanced around the room checking to see if it was his. "Let's see here. tower of spam cans, check. Scrap book on desk, check. Radio on the nightstand, check and two bare mattresses, double check." The dazed colt thought to himself after checking everything was there. "Yeah, this is it alright. Home sweet home. Sorry about the mess. I would've cleaned had I known I was having company." He said trying to make a bit of light out of the situation. "The bathroom is over there." He said as he pointed at the open doorway.


"Thanks. I won't be lo--"


Rockshire's sentence was interrupted by somebody coming, and their voice being familiar. She knew who it was... STAR! She quickly hid under the bed, hoping Star did not notice her and Dogboots together... Or the fluids on her coat and mane...

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Star Keeper had gotten next to no sleep. He spent his night curled in a ball hating himself for his stupid blunder. Everything was now his fault, all of it. Rockshire getting injured, Nightfall also getting injured, the possible pregnancy. This was all too much. To top it off he blew his gasket at Dogboots. Oh, and he hit on Ice beam, great.


First thing's first; apologise to Dogboots for threatening him. It was a start. Well,that and he had searched all evening for Rockshire and came up fruitless. He took one last deep breath as he knocked on the Maintenance Door.


"Hello, Dogboots,anyone home. I need to say something about what happened last night. I-I... I'm sorry."


Dogboots got up and walked to the door. He didn't seem concerned in the slightest but then again the lack of sleep was getting to him. He opened the door and saw that it was Star. "What can I do for you Star?" He asked as he looked completely crummy. His mane was a mess and he was still wearing the dirty hospital gown from last night.

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Obsidian and Vinyl were in Vinyls room alone. It was cold and Obsidian showed no signs of calming down. Vinyls room was coated in a very thin layer of frost and the door would be cold to the touch. She paced back and forth, uneasy. She was furious. She used her magic to feel inside of herself and true enough, there was a very recently fertilized egg inside of her. Bastard. She could freeze it out of her easily. She wanted to, but something inside her wouldn't let her. She wanted revenge. She had already punished Nightfall...the 'father' of her foal. Now it was time for Star to suffer.


Deep inside her spirit, she was screaming, trying to gain control of herself. She tried to break through the ice but couldn't. Without something, someone to reach her, or her long strand of beads she was lost.


Winter turned and went for the door, opening it. She stopped dead in her tracks and narrowed her eyes at who she saw...




Else where on Campus, Security was search for the one who nearly killed Nightfall.

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"Whoa, dude, did you get into a fight?" Star was reasonably surprised by his more than usual shaggy appearance. Well, that and a particular scent in the air that was probably the most recognizable scent since a couple of days ago. Quite musty yet sweet, to put it one way.


"Dogboots, next time you shag somepony remember to change your clothes. You still smell of last night. Anyway that wasn't why I came here. I just wanted to apologise for the way I conducted myself last night. I blame myself for everything that happened, I was just trying to help a friend and it kinda backfired. I have plenty of apologies to make."


He was about to turn and leave when he remembered one last thing he was supposed to ask. "That reminds me; do you have any idea where Rockshire is. I haven't seen her since she took off with you. Funny that." He gave a small chuckle, but overall wasn't too suspicious.

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He was about to turn and leave when he remembered one last thing he was supposed to ask. "That reminds me; do you have any idea where Rockshire is. I haven't seen her since she took off with you. Funny that." He gave a small chuckle, but overall wasn't too suspicious.


"Don't worry about it. As for Rockshire I can't say that I do. As soon as we teleported back at the college, she headed off somewhere. Didn't bother telling me where though. Wish I could be more of a help but i'm too tired and my head hurts like hell. Plus, I got work to deal with on top of that. If I see her, i'll let you know." He said as he held his head. The metal plate inside was still causing him some pain but nothing some painkillers couldn't handle.

Edited by thor9356
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He was in and out of sleep a lot. Word on the street was somebody had tried to kill an alicorn. And even though the alicorn wasn't well known, he would be now. Nightfall groaned when he heard it, and rejected all 'rumors' of it, saying he had been injured in a flying accident. Somehow, he had lost his wing in it. The last thing he wanted was Obsidian arrested. And even if they caught her, he would ask for all charges to be dropped against her. Maybe by being nice, he could show her he really did love her, and maybe he could turn her over and calm her down himself. He wanted to see her really badly. He sot a text to Vinyl.

"Hey... I'm in the main Canterlot hospital.. I'll be frank, I want to see Obsidian. Just tell her to come over, no matter her state, pissed or not. There have been rumors going around that someone tried to kill an alicorn. I've rejected the news, and all I want is her. Just tell her this. I don't want her to get into any more trouble... I've already gotten her into enough, and I want to help her out of it."

He wondered if that was enough to get a obsidian to come over...

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"Well, yes. Okay then. That's all sorted. Have a good day Dogboots. Oh, and I'm not one for compulsive gossip, but who's the luck mare and/or stallion you have courted. You're not hiding anything from me." He had a slight mischievous grin on his face, not a rude one, just that of a very curious pony. "You seem nervous. Your heart rate has increased along with your breathing. Did I say something wrong?" Something was amiss.

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Whirlwind continued to knock at the same door with out any answer "come on if no one answer this door that mean there a possibility that Obsidian lives here, but that would mean i have to do this again tomorrow" he mumbled to him self before slamming his head again the door next door an pausing for a few moments. 


the door swung open as Whirlwind fell along with it until he was face to fact with the mare who opened it, "Whirlwind..." uttered Obsidian.

Whirlwind began to blush out of joy for the fact that he this was not in this head and even more so that he was in perfect range to just kiss her..... but resisting the urge Whirlwind put his hoof around her and hugged her as his tears brushed along Obsidian face.


"it's rely, you.." 

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"Well, yes. Okay then. That's all sorted. Have a good day Dogboots. Oh, and I'm not one for compulsive gossip, but who's the luck mare and/or stallion you have courted. You're not hiding anything from me." He had a slight mischievous grin on his face, not a rude one, just that of a very curious pony. "You seem nervous. Your heart rate has increased along with your breathing. Did I say something wrong?" Something was amiss.


"No. It's nothing just a bad dream. As for the lucky mare. It's no one you know. I went to the pub shortly after being teleported. Partially to drown my sorrow after what I did to Rockshire. I saw an old acquaintance of mine from a few years ago. One thing led to another and well, the rest you can imagine. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for work plus I don't feel comfortable talking about my sex life as i'm sure you aren't either. Have a good day, Star." He said as he closed the door and locking it. The colt made his way to the bathroom. He turned on the water to the shower and kept it running for a bit. To create noise for him to make Star think he was getting ready and because it took a while for the water to become warm. The water system at this dorm really sucks. Most mornings it's usually cold showers for the stallion but he figured he didn't want Rockshire to see that first hand. He exited the bathroom and sat on the bare mattress that was his bed. "He's gone. By the way, you might want to give the water a few minutes before you go in, otherwise I hope your used to taking cold showers." He said to the mare that was hiding under his bed while pulling out a bottle of painkillers from his nightstand drawer.

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"No. It's nothing just a bad dream. As for the lucky mare. It's no one you know. I went to the pub shortly after being teleported. Partially to drown my sorrow after what I did to Rockshire. I saw an old acquaintance of mine from a few years ago. One thing led to another and well, the rest you can imagine. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to get ready for work plus I don't feel comfortable talking about my sex life as i'm sure you aren't either. Have a good day, Star." He said as he closed the door and locking it. The colt made his way to the bathroom. He turned on the water to the shower and kept it running for a bit. To create noise for him to make Star think he was getting ready and because it took a while for the water to become warm. The water system at this dorm really sucks. Most mornings it's usually cold showers for the stallion but he figured he didn't want Rockshire to see that first hand. He exited the bathroom and sat on the bare mattress that was his bed. "He's gone. By the way, you might want to give the water a few minutes before you go in, otherwise I hope your used to taking cold showers." He said to the mare that was hiding under his bed while pulling out a bottle of painkillers from his nightstand drawer.


Rockshire emerged from under the bed, coughing a little. "I think I might've swallowed a dust bunny or two, *cough* *cough*.", she said, as she went in to the bathroom.


About 10 minutes later, she came out with a towel around her mane, clean and fresh. "Thanks again for letting me use the shower. It feels good to get off all the filth." She removed the towel to reveal an unusually straight out orange mane. 


"So, I don't have any classes today. Thank Celestia for THAT schedule... Maybe later tonight, you and me co--" Immediately, she dropped to the floor, holding her side. The broken ribs weren't fully healed, as she tried to endure the pain. A tear formed form her eye.

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Whirlwind continued to knock at the same door with out any answer "come on if no one answer this door that mean there a possibility that Obsidian lives here, but that would mean i have to do this again tomorrow" he mumbled to him self before slamming his head again the door next door an pausing for a few moments. 


the door swung open as Whirlwind fell along with it until he was face to fact with the mare who opened it, "Whirlwind..." uttered Obsidian.

Whirlwind began to blush out of joy for the fact that he this was not in this head and even more so that he was in perfect range to just kiss her..... but resisting the urge Whirlwind put his hoof around her and hugged her as his tears brushed along Obsidian face.


"it's rely, you.." 

She gasped and knocked whirl wind back from her.


"Don't touch me! I left you for a REASON." Her horn was still radiating frost and icy rings still encircled her eyes. She was not herself, not at all. She was still as out of control as she was when nearly killed Nightfall.


"Now get out of my way before I hurt you like I did last time."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Whirlwind was stunned for a moment as, but quickly gained his composer and moved closer to Obsidian again. "I'm not going anywhere" he spoke with a louder tone then he would normally ever give Obsidian and refuse to back down ever tho he noticed that Obsidian was stressed and her magic was under little control.


"I've just knocked an almost every single door on the campus just to find you and i'm not going until we at least talk" he said moving even closer to Obsidian before giving a smile "you've never hurt me before, so why would you hurt me now?" he was lying of course but it was her leaving him that hurt and not her magic.


"now could we just talk, its been suck a long time since I've seen you........... and i know the chance of us getting back together are unlikely ... but i just want to talk "    

Edited by PonyEcho
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Whirlwind was stunned for a moment as, but quickly gained his composer and moved closer to Obsidian again. "I'm not going anywhere" he spoke with a louder tone then he would normally ever give Obsidian and refuse to back down ever tho he noticed that Obsidian was stressed and her magic was under little control.


"I've just knocked an almost every single door on the campus just to find you and i'm not going until we at least talk" he said moving even closer to Obsidian before giving a smile "you've never hurt me before, so why would you hurt me now?" he was lying of course but it was her leaving him that hurt and not her magic.


"now could we just talk, its been suck a long time since I've seen you........... and i know the chance of us getting back together are unlikely ... but i just want to talk "    

"What do we have to talk about?! How I nearly killed you with that Blizzard I conjured when we had a fight? You could have froze to death! Or maybe about our friends that I sent to the hospital? Perhaps we could sit down and laugh about our foal I lost because I froze it to death out of spite!"


She started to cry now, the tears freezing on her face


"I'm a MONSTER. There is NOTHING to talk about. All I have is my hate, my anger, my.....my......guilt.......

"All I ever do is hurt ponies I care about because I can't control myself. There is a pony in the hospital right now because of me! The pony responsable is still out there and I'm going to make him pay! Now MOVE!"


She used her magic and slammed him against the wall.

  • Brohoof 2

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well it's not going like he wanted it to Whirlwind though to him self as he was slammed to the wall by Obsidian, then impact was hard, but Whirlwind refused to show pain in front of Obsidian, all he wanted to do was make her calm and make her happy.


Whirlwind recover from the ground and saw Obsidian heading to the door, "nope" he said as he pick up Obsidian and put her onto one of the bed (not exactly something he had planned .


"just calm down Winter, i'm here, it ok" he said in a soft tone as he placed his hoof on hers 

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"Yeah, but I- You just slammed the door on me. That's cool I'll just sit in the hallway and talk to myself for a bit. It's not that I don't believe you it's just that- wow I need to stop doing that."


"Okay, next stop Obsidian's place." From his saddle bag he took out a small greeting card, but decided the text on it was to brutally honest to have any help.  No one wan't a card saying "congratulations!" at this time. Oh well.


It wasn't long till he was standing outside her dorm, easy to find considering she shared it with his marefriend. He knocked on the door a couple of times before he heard another slamming from the inside. "Is everything okay in there? Sorry."

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"Yeah, but I- You just slammed the door on me. That's cool I'll just sit in the hallway and talk to myself for a bit. It's not that I don't believe you it's just that- wow I need to stop doing that."


"Okay, next stop Obsidian's place." From his saddle bag he took out a small greeting card, but decided the text on it was to brutally honest to have any help.  No one wan't a card saying "congratulations!" at this time. Oh well.


It wasn't long till he was standing outside her dorm, easy to find considering she shared it with his marefriend. He knocked on the door a couple of times before he heard another slamming from the inside. "Is everything okay in there? Sorry."

She struggled against Whirlwind, but he was strong, and her energy was fading. You can't weild that kind of magic and just NOT tire out. Her body started to warm and the frosty circles around her eyes began to fade, even though the sheer hatred in her heart was still there. Just as she was plopped on the bed, she saw Star Keeper...the one who caused all this. Her victim had come to her and she was going to break him...

In a last surge of pain and heartache her very body turned frigid to the touch. She was the pony of Winter after all and all its fury was in her at that moment. Anyone touching her would receive frostbite and the room changed to below freezing. Her eyes glassed over in sheeted ice and her full attention was on Star.

Inside her body, her heart was pounding, her blood was pumping so fast, her organs weren't actually receiving any oxygen. Her system was shutting down. She couldn't maintain this level for more then a few seconds before she just simple died of exhaustion. Her gaze was piercing.


"You did this to ME. You did this to Nightfall. All of this is YOUR fault."


Her horn glowed deep blue as she summoned all her power into one blast that would shatter the pony into small specs of ice and snow.

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That one gaze could have petrified a small animal. He didn't blame her, but right now she was cold as steel. "Technically yes, but the Love Potion is fuelled on ones own desires. It just amplifies them if you understand? Anyway, I just wanted to come here and apologise and ask if there was anything I could do to in anyway to make you feel a bit better about the whole situation. Although... you seem busy with this guy right now so I'll just pop in later and see if you're free then. I have to... look for Rockshire."


Star did seem a bit oblivious to the fact Obsidian's intentions weren't exactly savoury. Oh well.

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Whirlwind in his own kind of shock watched as Obsidian flop on to the bed "buck this isn't good" he said as he rush to the Pegasus at the door "get out of here and comeback later, don't worry i know what i'm doing" he quickly shouted as he push him away and closed the door before returning the Obsidian's aid, "Obsidian..... come on stay awake.....every thing that has happened isn't you fault" the magic around her horn began to glow brighter "don't do this, plz, plz," Whirlwind pressed his head against Obsidian's the chill from her horn was so cold that Whirlwinds tears began to freeze.


"come on ,i'm not gonna lose you to magic, just put that last bit away"



Whirlwind didn't know what else to do but hold the Alicorn in his hoofs 

Edited by PonyEcho
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"What? Oh, fine then! I'll just pop back in a few minutes after I'm done talking to a few others. You two seem a bit busy at the moment. Oh, and Obsidian, you might want to consider relieving some of that built up tension. Not safe for a magic user." Star trotted back down the hallway, unsure exactly what to do now. The dance probably went on all night, even to these early hours of the morning. He looked back down at his watch and saw it was still only 5:30. The sun seemed to only creep over the far horizon. This was probably a good time to just have breakfast and then resume the hunt for Rockshire.It wasn't normal for her to be lost this long. Where was she?

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Whirlwind in his own kind of shock watched as Obsidian flop on to the bed "buck this isn't good" he said as he rush to the Pegasus at the door "get out of here and comeback later, don't worry i know what i'm doing" he quickly shouted as he push him away and closed the door before returning the Obsidian's aid, "Obsidian..... come on stay awake.....every thing that has happened isn't you fault" the magic around her horn began to glow brighter "don't do this, plz, plz," Whirlwind pressed his head against Obsidian's the chill from her horn was so cold that Whirlwinds tears began to freeze.


"come on ,i'm not gonna lose you to magic, just put that last bit away"



Whirlwind didn't know what else to do but hold the Alicorn in his hoofs 

His touch must have been what did it. It had been years since last she felt his touch. She knew the danger of him being this close and yet he was here, with her, even though it could have destroyed him. There was a sudden deep imploding kind of sound as all that magic just shot back inside of her. It hurt. Alot. But it gave her the energy her body needed to keep going. She gasped and coughed, her breath easily seen before the room returned to normal. The frost over her body faded, melted by Whirlwinds act of bravery. She cried. She broke down. What she had become, what she did to Nightfall....the jerk he had been, all off it. She wrapped her hooves around Whirlwind and just let all the fear, pain and even happiness of seeing him again come crashing down.

  • Brohoof 1

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Obsidian's magic began to fade and the frost around the room as well as Whirlwind began to melt.


"oh, thank Celestia" he whispered as Obsidian started to recover and wrap her hoofs around Whilwind "it's ok, i'm here for you" he shivered, the cold air was still around and Obsidian's fur was cold too.


"you should get under the covers, you need to warm up quickly and rest...don't worry, i'll be right by you're side" 

Edited by PonyEcho
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When Nightfall was next awake, a doctor was already in the room.

"Sorry, we misread the length of time you'll be in here. With magic, it will be eleven days, including rehab. So, which one do you want? The shorter one is a bit cheaper..."

Nightfall wanted to roll over and sleep again, because he had only dreamed of Obsidian, but he couldn't roll over.

"The shorter one," he replied.

"Ok. I'll let the other docs know. You'll be asleep most of the time they use their magic."

He left the room. Nightfall felt like falling asleep again, but he couldn't... he would act asleep if anyone came, though.

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She looked over at Vinyl who had watched all of this in a state of shock. She gave her an apologetic expression and snuggled under the covers.


"What are you doing here? How did you find?"


She felt cold...she felt empty. All she wanted to do was disappear. She came here to learn control and yet it seemed she couldn't even be around other ponies without losing control. She had full memory now of what happened that night..the things Nightfall did in his lust and Parso did in his drugged state. She thought of the thing she let them do to her, wanted them to do to her and yet now, after the potion had left her system, she just wanted to be sick. She knew, from when she was in her out of control state, that she was pregnant. Her hoof moved to her belly and she began to cry all over again.


"Whirlwind....theres something you need to know."

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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