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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Draco finished his song and walked to the bar tender "Cut off the one that is drunk" Draco said as he pointed to Parso. Draco sat at the bar and ordered a hard cider to whet his whistle. The song had cut him alittle more deeply than he thought. Draco shook his head slightly he ony drank after his performances.

  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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The pub was pretty silent for Dogboots. The only noise was the sound of the Jukebox playing throughout the pub. He knew there was nothing left for him here. He payed for his drink and made his way back to the dorm. As usual the walk back was uneventful. He could feel the vibrations of the music coming from the club as he passed it. He neared the dorm when he saw something catch his behind the building. He went to check out the other side of the dorm and saw a patch of dirt. He pulled out his small flashlight and shined the beam of light to the small piece of earth. It was an unfinished garden. "Looks like you need some attention" He said to himself quietly as he turned of his light and made his way back to the dorm. The day was done for him and at least it was better than last night for him.

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"Ah, right, um... Lovely. Sh-she's over with Cherished and Ice Beam."


As Star Keeper spoke to Eris he turned back to see Lovely kiss Ice on the cheek. Unfortunately, if Eris saw this his death was utterly certain. Star Keeper quickly turned back as if he had seen nothing, hoping that Eris wouldn't notice. Did he just send his friend to his own death? Well, he will be missed.

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Draco laughed as he saw Ice get kissed by Lovely. "Oh boy getting kissed by a pretty lass like that lucky stallion I say" Draco said as he ordered a bottle of cider just to thro at Eris. Draco smiled slightly as he poured himself a drink. Draco shook his head "Wouldn't you say even the mightiest of stallions fall to time no?" Draco asked loud enough for them to hear.

Edited by dragon4111
  • Brohoof 1

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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Eris nodded his head, "ah yes. The random mare I pinned him up with to loose his virginity to. Glad to see you were successful." Eris smirked and patted Star Keeper on the back, nearly knocking the wind out of him. "Have either of you seen my little sister? She wanted to talk to me about something."


Lovely's eye's lit up at the sight of the necklace, "wow it's beautiful." Lovely lifted up her mane for Ice Beam to put it on her. "It's just my style. This is just so thoughtful and sweet of you." Lovely was back to her glowing self. Lovely her her arms around Ice Beam in a tight embrace and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, "you know exactly what to do to cheer me up," she sung.


Cherished noticed a shy Nightfall approach her, "aren't you suppose to be backing Eris up? You need some help with that?"


"He came here because- I think because Lovely texted him or something like that. He's here for her."

He sighed Lovely was already better and preoccupied with Ice Beam. He had looked over in time to see the kiss. His hopes immediately crashed and he felt sad for himself and sorry for Ice Beam at the same time.

"I came because Eris invited me and-"

He got a bit closer and talked so only she could hear him.

"- And because Lovely was here."

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Ugh, this is starting to be too much! Everypony here is either making an enemy with me, or trying to flirt, or crying, or..


GAH! I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! I want to be alone with Star.. No one else, but him. But where? It's late out, there's no place else that's-- Wait. That could work out well...


Rockshire whispered into Star's ear.

"Hey, I think it's safe to say that we're both uncomfortable here. I know a place where we CAN'T be bothered at all..."

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She did of course have a point; clubbing was not an activity either of them seemed to enjoy that much. There was that and also the fact that Eris may any second find out how Star Keeper upset Lovely and murder him. He didn't like that idea all that much. Star decided to concede, turning back to face Rockshire.


"Okay, but we have to be quick otherwise we'll get into more trouble with ditching them."


Star Keeper took Rockshire's hoof and they silently shuffled their way through the crowd. They seemed to go unnoticed and made it out with ease. The loud music still wrung around in Star Keepers ears, but he was glad to at least taste fresh air again. He discovered he wasn't much of a party pony after all.

Edited by The-Master
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Once both of them got outside, Rockshire just stood there, closing her eyes and starting to concentrate. She started up another teleporting spell, as they both flashed out of the scene.



Another flash came through, as they both appeared in what looked like a rose garden.


"Well, we're here. Please tell me you're not allergic to roses..."

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Once they had teleported, which he seemed to be getting the hang of, his nose caught a whiff of the sweet aroma of roses. The air was heavy with the fragrance and the water droplets settled on the petals shined an orange glow in the sun set. The very scene was stunning, and he was sharing it with her.


"So... what are we doing here?" Probably wasn't the most romantic or deep thing he's ever said, but he was curious.

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"Well, you had a secret place.... And here's mine. Technically, it's anyone's, but the since the gardens are closed, no one is here. I always sneak in here whenever they close, just to take in the scenery, the scents... This is honestly my favorite place to come to, a lot better than any art museum..."


"And I figured...", Rockshire said, looking into Star's eyes passionately, "I could show you this place... Amazing, isn't it?"

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It was truly beautiful. The sights and the sounds, everything about it seemed perfect. Oh, and the garden was nice as well. To say that Star Keeper was completely focused on the garden would be a lie, his gaze constantly hooked back by Shire's blue eyes. It was hard not to look back into them.


"It is amazing. I can't believe this is still here. I remember coming here when I was small. My adopted parents used to take me out to see the gardens. It doesn't seem to have lost any grandeur." He smiled at Rockshire warmly, nuzzling her neck fondly.

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"Well, this place IS one of the best in the world. A nice place to relax, spend time with a certain pony...", Rockshire said, winking over to Star Keeper. Then, she quickly remembered something.


"Oh yeah... Didn't you want to ask me something back at that club? Before you ran to the bathroom?'

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Oh crap. He didn't expect that. Star thought they'ed dropped it, but it seems to have been resurrected. He nervously scrapped the dirt with his hoof, averting his gaze to the ground.


"Heh, funny story about that. Um... well, I... was kinda wondering if it actually meant anything. I mean, wait, no... um. What I guess I'm trying to say was... did you actually like me, or was it the drink talking?"


Star Keeper closed his eyes and instantly regretted what he had said. Maybe it was a bit to good to be true.

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Rockshire smiled right when he got nervous. She took a hoof to pick Star's head up, and put her lips against his, closing her eyes as well. She put most of her passion into that one kiss, the scenery helping along as well. The scent from the roses was intoxicating to her, only driving her passion more and more. Finally, she broke from the kiss, both of them looking back into each other's eyes.


"Does that answer your question?", she calmly replied.

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"I think so."


Star Keeper couldn't have asked for a better response. Without warning he drew her back in for another kiss, adding his own element of passion. Maybe it was the scents or the scenery, but something seemed to send his mind into a flurry. He ran his hoof through Shires soft mane and brought her closer to till they were at full contact. Improvisation seemed to work for him, so he pressed on.


'I hate to say it, but I think we may be the only couple with ant sense of stability on this entire campus. Why is it that the romantically hopeless are having the best romance of the lot? That's irony for ya.'

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All that Rockshire could think about was how intoxicating those roses were, building to the kiss. Feeling her mane being handled by him, she draws her tongue into his mouth, interacting with his own tongue. She even to moaning a bit before she realized how much she was getting into this kiss.

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Star Keeper pulled away from the kiss, his head struggling to come to grips. He gazed into her eyes and nearly lost the will to speak. He put an foreleg around Rockshire and nuzzled her cheek.


"I think we should retire for the evening. What do you say?" He gave warm smile and kissed her on the cheek, making sure to not be overly affectionate. This was a new playing field for him.

  • Brohoof 2


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Once they broke from the kiss, she could literally taste the scent of the roses going into her mouth, making her feel... weird. Her body felt tingly, nearly shaking. She hadn't felt like this since the first time they-- Oh... Is THAT what he's going for?


Rockshire giggled, kissing his cheek back. "That's a good plan. But... I don't know if I can put up another spell to get out of here..."

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"Well, it looks like you have no other option other than to some fly with me." Star Keeper extended his wings out and gestured for Shire to climb on. He knew she wasn't quite into it last time but he would try and be extra careful this round.


"And you don't have to worry about me going too fast, I'll keep it slow and close to the ground for you. So, what do you say?"

  • Brohoof 2


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Good... At least this time, I won't be falling to my death and i can actually SEE the ground. And... I sort of enjoyed it, not the height issue. More of the rush through her hair kind of deal.


"Okay.", Rockshire agreed to, as she climbed onto Star, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before her took off.

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"Let's get going then." Star took to the skies, just remembering he's meant to be slowing down. Sometimes he forgot he was a reasonably fast flyer. Keeping low to the ground he soared across to the College campus. Life had not dulled there it seemed, just as many ponies were out now as in mid day. He managed to stay above the ground and landed just outside the girls dorm.


"Well, that wasn't that bad, almost enjoyable. Here we are then anyway."

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For once, Rockshire wasn't scared to death of the ride, seeing that it was actually safe. Once they reached the entrance to the mares' dorm, she hopped, content with the ride back.


"It was quite fun, honestly. I really enjoyed tonight, even with..." She shook her head. No use beating a dead horse.


"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

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"I guess so." He tried to keep the mood high but he was failing. Star didn't really want to leave her, but he also had Sugar Rush to consider, she still lived there. Right about now would be a good time for a brilliant idea to come forth.


"Wait a second." Star Keeper had an idea. He pulled out his phone and quickly texted Ice Beam,


You're going to need to find somewhere else to sleep tonight. Don't ask.


He turned his attention back to Shire once it had sent. "Rockshire, do you want to come back to my dorm?" He gave a smile, trying to look like he wasn't too nervous. It seemed to be working.

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Rockshire could obviously tell where Star Keeper was going at, making her grin. He was in this type of mood tonight? She wouldn't mind at all.


"Of course, Star... I would love to... But this time, lets walk there. It's not too far from here..." Rockshire complied, immediately getting close to Star as they walked.

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(OOC:Oh god I just had a hilarious idea for the rp pm me if you want to hear it)

Draco was looking around the place as the ponies began to leave. Draco didn't really care anymore it was the aniversary since his family died and he was going to get drunk. He cursed for his father for passing on his high alcohal tolerance to Draco.

Edited by dragon4111

A knight is sworn to valor. His heart knows only virtue. His blade defends the helpless. His word speaks only truth. His wrath undoes the wicked.


http://www.fimfiction.net/chapter/561674 My story

http://pre01.deviantart.net/a52b/th/pre/i/2014/015/5/5/runes_1_0_by_dragon_fangx-d72cibe.pngNice Runes

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