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private Canterlot College : Dorm Life


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Parso woke up in a messy state, he obviously didnt sleep well the night before. its been a while since he's ever spoken to somepony, the silence was driving him mad. getting up, putting on his casual clothes and heading down to the cafe for some breakfast. Parso grabbed his food and went to find a table, he noticed Cherished at a table, but sat two tables away.

 "what the buck am I doing? have I gone soft? buck me, I've gotten attached to Cherished. she wont feel the same, not one for commitment, that mare. you know what WILD CARD!" 

Parso got up from his lonesome table and sat next to Cherished

"we havent spoken in a while..."

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Cherished looked up at Parso in shock, she wasn't expecting him. "Oh yeah, that's right." Cherished cocked her eyebrow in an attempt to play it cool. Cherished smiled at Parso as she tried to hide the butterflies she felt inside. "How've you been?" Cherished was a natural born actress, only she could appear so calm but be in a panic on the inside. "Any interesting stuff going on?" 

Eris looked Parso up and down. He knew Cherished enough to know when she wasn't quite herself. It would take a pretty impressive stallion to get Cherished worked up. Eris shot Lovely a knowing look, she returned the glance with confusion.

"We've all been a little missing in action lately." Lovely announced eager to hear any interesting new Parso might share with the group.

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"I've been better but I'm fine, another late night last night. cant say I know much, I havent been keeping an ear around campus. all I know is that there's a few newbies, but that's about it"

Parso felt really uncomfortable, trying his best to hide any signs of nervousness, which seemed to be working. he was trying to hide any form of feelings towards Cherished, it seemed foolproof that not even celestia herself could see through him

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Lovely nodded her head knowingly, "I remember meeting one. His name was..," Lovely paused for a second in thought, "Persuasive Force." "Some sort of highfalutin lawyer pony?" "No. Not at all. He was dirty and he spoke strangely. Maybe it wasn't Persuasive." Lovely continued to ponder to herself. 

"So... Parso is it? I'm Eris Nova; captain of the ponyball team and world-renowned stallion extraordinaire. I don't think we've ever been formally introduced. Hard to have a conversation with your tongue down Cherished's throat." Cherished blushed, "do you lift?"

"Percussive!" Lovely shouted out. Eris and Cherished turned to her confused as Lovely blushed shyly, "his name was Percussive Force." "Ah. Very good Lovely." Cherished sneered, she was not impressed. Lovely figuratively shrunk into her seat and decided to let the adults talk.

"Uh-" Eris turned his attention back to Parso, "the reason I ask is because we are in need of a wide receiver for the team. If you're interested that is."

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Nightfall woke up in some grass. He was shivering, but luckily there was something warm near his belly. The ball he curled up into didn't help much. When he uncurled and stretched, he noticed it was a cloak- no, Obsidian's cloak, that he had. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"I may have screwed it up with Lovely... so how did I screw it up with her?"

He got up, finding he was in a garden.

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"Sorry about not meeting you out in the garden last night." Cherished spoke in monotone and avoided eye contact. Cherished open her phone to reveal the message Parso had sent her last night. "I was busy." Cherished lied. The text in reality had struck panic through Cherished, she didn't want a romantic love confession or anything like that. How would she even handle something like that? Cherished sighed, she couldn't make sense of her feelings and the more she tried the more of a headache she got. She was a strong pony, the kind of pony nopony could touch; so then why did she feel so weak?

"Eris. I need to ask you something serious."

Eris gave his sister a confused look, "what's up?"



"Well, Nightfall."

"Nightfall what?"

"He's been saying some stuff."

"Stop screwing around and spit it out."

"He said you raped Rockshire."

Eris paused for a moment of silence and then let out an arrogant scoff.

"Are you bucking with me?"

Lovely shook her head.

"Wow. Buck me. That little bitch. She was ALL OVER me last night. I could hardly keep her away and so I did what I had to do. I had to please the lady in a way that scrawny little ponyboy couldn't. When I told her it didn't make her my marefirend afterwards she got all pissy. And now she's telling ponies that I raped her? Crazy bitches need to come with a warning."

Lovely smiled in relief, "I knew it couldn't be true." Lovely lunged and tightly embraced her brother. Eris' heart began to pound fast, it had been awhile since Lovely had made physical contact with him. Eris cleared his throat as Lovely let go, "so where is Nightfall? I'd like to have a little conversation with him."

Lovely pulled out her phone and sent Nightfall a text, 'heeey! Where are you? (:'

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Vinyl felt horrible for coming between Nightfall and Winter. She felt she had caused enough trouble for Nightfall, so she left and went down to the cafeteria. There, she saw the trio, Eris, Lovely, and Cherished. She sat down next to Eris and scooted in close. Vinyl rested her head on his shoulder and looked up into his eyes. "You didn't get my text last night?"

Edited by Feld0's Overlord
  • Brohoof 3

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Vinyl felt horrible for coming between Nightfall and Winter. She felt she had caused enough trouble for Nightfall, so she left and went down to the cafeteria. There, she saw the trio, Eris, Lovely, and Cherished. She sat down next to Eris and scooted in close. Vinyl rested her head on his shoulder and looked up into his eyes. "You didn't get my text last night?"

She awoke a several hours later. She must have fallen asleep while arguing with Draco over leaving her alone. She looked around and didn't see him anywhere and breathed a sigh of relief. It felt cold to her. He only wanted to help but she was just in no mood for him. As she tried to stand and stretch she thought back on last night and all the mistakes she made. She made a fool of herself in front of Vinyl and most likely hurt Nightfalls feelings all over insecurities. She could have made some allies,,,,,maybe even friends. She kicked herself for being so stupid.


Her wing had swelled and hurt terrible. she would need to get it fixed before visiting the dean office. She made herself presentable as possible and began walking the campus, searching for the Clinic.

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My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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"Right, so she may head to the Dean's office soon... Better make my way to the offices... Wait..."

He remember he had just barely grabbed his phone when he rushed after Obsidian. He checked and saw a text from Lovely.

'Heeey! Where are you? (:'

He felt a bit nervous, and he sent her a reply.

'Heading to the campus offices.'

"Great," he muttered to himself. "What if I do end up seeing Obsidian, and Lovely finds the both of us..?"

He shook his head and started trotting to the offices.

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It didn't take long for her to find the clinic and it was early enough that the wait wasn't long either. She had been told she was lucky. It was just a bad sprain. He wrapped up her sides -which she adored because her wings were hidden again...kinda-. She nodded her thanks, paid the clinic almost all the bits she had left, which wasn't much to start with and headed back toward the Admin Offices. Maybe she would see Vinyl or Nightfall and apoligize.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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It didn't take long for her to find the clinic and it was early enough that the wait wasn't long either. She had been told she was lucky. It was just a bad sprain. He wrapped up her sides -which she adored because her wings were hidden again...kinda-. She nodded her thanks, paid the clinic almost all the bits she had left, which wasn't much to start with and headed back toward the Admin Offices. Maybe she would see Vinyl or Nightfall and apoligize.

He found himself at the Admin offices sooner than he expected. He was trying to figure out how he should apologize... He felt like he needed to. Maybe.."Never mind," he muttered. He sat on a bench outside the Dean's office, still holding her cloak. It seemed as if there was something inside it... Almost like... Like a scroll... He decided against opening it and reading it. She had mentioned her Grandmother's scroll...
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Percussive Force was fully awake, heading down to the cafeteria. The words that Star Keeper told him sunk into him easily, but he was still feeling a little off. As he entered, he was sulking a little, seeing as though Lovely was sitting in a chair by herself. He decided to go and talk with her, wanting to apologize for his actions from before.


"Um, good morning, Lovely..."


At the same time, Rockshire also entered the cafeteria, seeing the depressed pony, but not very caring about him. She went over and ordered a Mocha Latte, then sat into one of the two-pony couches, watching the rest of the ponies converse.

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He found himself at the Admin offices sooner than he expected. He was trying to figure out how he should apologize... He felt like he needed to. Maybe.."Never mind," he muttered. He sat on a bench outside the Dean's office, still holding her cloak. It seemed as if there was something inside it... Almost like... Like a scroll... He decided against opening it and reading it. She had mentioned her Grandmother's scroll...

She finally made it back to the Dorms that attached to Admin offices. First thing was first. She realized along the way she HAD to find Nightfall and see if he had her cloak. The scroll would be in there and without that, all this had been pointless. She made her way up to the hallway where she vanished. No cloak there. She then went to Nightfalls room and knocked a few times on the door. She didn't know he was waiting at the office already. She stood there at his door replaying how things should have gone over and over as she waited to see if he would answer.

  • Brohoof 2

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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He wondered if she would ever come. Yet, for some reason he felt compelled to stay. Maybe she would show up eventually, looking for the scroll. Maybe she was at... No, even if she was at his dorm room, if he left her, she would be bound to come a different way, and they would be locked in a forever chase of each other. He wished he could teleport straight to her or something.

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Star Keeper didn't wake to the comfort of his room as expected, instead in a very nicely furbished police cell. Was he in jail? No, couldn't be. He hadn't done anything wrong. The room was white and sterile, the only thing giving it any life was a small vase of flowers sitting on the side table. This was especially odd, not exactly remembering how he got there in the first place.


Then the door creaked open, the officer stepping in. He was a tall brown stallion, his blue coat and hat giving a clear indication of his profession and rank. If there was one thing that Star respected, it was ponies in uniform. "Sorry for the confusion, we just needed to bring you back here or some questioning were we felt you would be... safe. We had concerns as to how the others would behave."


Star got up from his sot bed, looking up to the officer. "And why is that exactly?"


"We got a call from a very distressed mare the other evening, saying that she had herself forced upon and you were subjected to harsh narcotics. She has insisted that she stays, but insists care for you. Last night we came to your room and brought you here. You seemed to be out cold."


"That is a very odd way to bring somepony in." Sta rubbed his eyes with his hoof. "You said that a mare called in. Why exactly do you need me here?"


"A number of reasons; she said you might need some protection, we need more information on the actual events that took place, names and address's. Simplest form is that we need answers. We cant just go making claims on no basis. That's why you are here."


He averted his gaze to the white floor. "I only know what I've been told. What happened that night was beyond me. But-"




Star took a deep breath before speaking, not sure if he should keep his mouth shut. "But I still know a few names, if we could take this somewhere else?"


"Don't you like our first class cell? Only seemed fair since you are not actually imprisoned here."


It was kinda nice, but he would prefer to be someplace else to talk about something so serious. "Either way, it's a jail cell. Could we take this to your office."


The tall brown stallion unlocked the doors and them swing open. He beckoned to the dazed Star Keeper to follow. "As you wish. I might as well mention now, we'll have our standby medics check up on your progress, after the overdose situation. We found out after you were checked in and out of hospital. We just need to see how that's developed."


"Seems fair enough."

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"I wouldnt be the one to talk to about that, Eris. I'm a good aim but I'm not a good runner"

"Sorry about not meeting you out in the garden last night."

"hey, its cool. you did leave in a hurry last night so something must've come up." 

if Parso's heart beat one more beat per minute, it would explode. 

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Eris put his hoof around Vinyl Blade, it seemed she was in a much happier mood now. "Good to see you too." Eris gave Vinyl a quick peck on the lips and flipped open his phone, "I haven't been getting any texts lately." Eris shook his phone in frustration, "I think it's broken. I dropped it when I was away so, it seems there is some internal damage." Eris put his phone on the table, "I'm not really one for fix-it spells either. How has your night been?"

Lovely smiled brightly she was happy to see Vinyl Blade. She was hoping they were still friends even after things got weird with Rockshire. Lovely was about to strike up a conversation when her phone began to vibrate. Lovely checked the message, it was from Nightfall. Lovely quickly sent a reply: 'well come down to the cafe ASAP. We miss you! (:'. Lovely smiled as she hit the send button, she felt awful for leaving him hanging the other night and wanted to apologize in person. Suddenly Percussive approached Lovely. "Oh hey!" Lovely nearly jumped out of her seat in excitement. "I was literally just talking about you! There must be some magic afoot." Lovely smiled brightly at Percussive as she pulled out a chair for him to sit at. "These are my best friend's Vinyl and Cherished. This is my brother, Eris and this is Cherished's coltfriend; Parso." Lovely grinned as she introduced Percussive Force.

Lovely hoped Percussive felt welcomed.

Cherished giggled to herself, "wow Lovely. When did you become such a little slut?" Lovely gave Cherished a confused look, but Cherished rolled her eyes and brushed it off. Eris nodded respectfully at Parso's response, "if you know anypony who'd be interested let me know." Cherished leant in close to Parso, she could feel the warmth of his breath on her nose. "You know," she whispered, "we can still go to the garden and talk if you want to."

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"we can still go to the garden and talk if you want to."

Parso froze, he would have liked to tell her, but there was fear of her reaction. he swallowed his nervousness and calmed himself down without showing any signs he was nervous

"sure Cherished, c'mon"

Parso stood up and stretched a bit before leading Cherished out

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Well, it's good to see that Lovely doesn't want to kill him, that's for sure. Percussive went ahead and sat in the seat next to her, waving at the ponies that she introduced, still feeling scared and depressed.


"Uh, Lovely.... Could I just say something real quick? I want to apologize for my recent behavior... Totally out of line, and it just wasn't me. And I had no idea where that dirt came from, honestly."

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Vinyl kissed him back and looked into his eyes. Oh, those gorgeous eyes of his. "My night was fine. Look, I'd like to apologise for hitting you the other night." She placed one hoof on Eris' thigh and wrapped the other around his waist. "I miss you, baby. Don't leave me again."

  • Brohoof 1

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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Star Keeper had explained what he could, all that he could remember. As far as he knew, legal action was up to him. Was it worth the effort though? I could just as easily work my way round it.


"We have enough information here to press charges against three individuals as it stands. Whether you want to go through with it is up to you."


"Who are the three in question?"


"Well, obviously Eris and Cherished, but we have reason to believe that Ice Beam may have had some part to play in this, fleeing the scene soon after. Do you have any concerns?"


He simply couldn't do that to Ice, sure he was a right idiot for what he did, but surely he deserved a chance. There was only one option left for him. "I'll drop all charges and be on my way."


"Are you sure?"




"Well then, before you go we will still have our medics check your condition. Please exit on the left side door, follow it till you reach the medical wing."


"Will do, and thanks for the help."

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Cherished walked a quick step ahead of Parso as the two left the cafeteria. Cherished gave the group a quick nod as Lovely smiled and waved good-bye. "Don't get me wrong. I love that filly to piece, but only in small doses." Cherished giggled to herself and she strolled down the corridor with Parso. Before Parso had a chance to respond Cherished stopped in the hall. A post on the bulletin board had caught her eye, "what's this about? A school dance?" It was only a few days away and it was themed. Cherished huffed and ripped down the poster, "practically a breeding ground for teen pregnancy." Cherished ground her teeth together. "I hate school dances," she hissed.

Lovely smiled sweetly, "don't give it a second thought. I know how hard it is to be the new pony. You've got a friend in us!" Lovely felt a little guilty. Percussive didn't do anything to her that warranted an apology, he sure was a sensitive little pony. "How you likin' CC so far?"

Eris smiled gently, "course I won't baby." He knew better than to upset a class five clinger. Eris cleared his throat, "so who did you spend your night with?"  Eris wanted to make sure Vinyl knew they weren't exclusive, in case any of his other bed buddies showed up wanting a piece of Erisloaf. 

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"Who did I spend my night with? Lets see. There was Rockshire and the linebacker, running back, safety, center, and kicker for the ponyball team. Who did you spend it with? And who do you want to spend it with tonight?" Vinyl bit her lip and leaned into Eris.


  • Brohoof 2

Thanks goes to ~Lugia~ for the sig
My OC: Vinyl Blade
Vinyl Blade's filly, Violet Minx

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"Oh, well... The education here proves to be of a good standard for me. A lot better than the past colleges I've went to... Oh, and the food here is really great. Once again, a lot better than the past colleges. Along with the rooms, really nice and clean. Better th-- Oh, I'm going off. You get the general picture.", Percussive said with a bit of a blush. 

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"Well, it seems that the narcotics are still present in your blood stream, also doing quite a bit of damage to your liver along with the alcohol. I'd say first of all that you should stay away from bars if this is what the result is. Also, the drugs in your system have managed to effectively poison your vital organs. It isn't life threatening  but don't let your heart rate rise above 210. The results vary from passing out to even possibly death, but the odds of that happening are 1:1500. Well put you on some medication to help until the effects wear off."


"Sounds good. Can I go home now?"


"Of course. Just stop by the chemist and enter in for a prescription."


"Easy. Thanks for that."

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