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"Ooh, Ice tea! And I was feeling a bit hot too. Thanks a lot!" Rhaïn tries to bring the pitcher the pitcher closer to himself, but halfway there, the pitcher falls to the floor with a loud clatter. Ugh, why must I always be so clumsy? Well, nothing left to do but... The easy grin disappears from his face, replaced by a look of grim concentration. At the same time, Rhaïn's horn begins to emit a dangerous glow. The fragments of the pitcher slowly float up from the ground and jiggle in midair until the fragments are each in their original position. Now for the hard part. The pitcher begins to heat up along the cracks, eventually glowing white-hot. I can't keep this up much longer. The glow fades from the pitcher, revealing it whole again. Rhaïn sags to the ground in exhaustion. "Pretty cool, huh?" he asks weakly. "Now, we just need a mop."


(OOC: I've been dying make use of my fire power for a while now. gratuitous uses of melting glass are always fun. If it seems a bit OP, I'll leave it for a while, though...)


(OOC: Ugh, gotta go for the night again. And we were going so well :( )

Edited by Rhain the Semi-Combustible

~Rhain the Semi-Combustible, AKA turiq or turqulis

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Purplepower followed Star Song up the stairs. She turned around to make sure that Looptyhoop was still following her. "Alright." She looked at Looptyhoop, who had decided to start talking in one of her many odd voices. Someday she'll realize how weird she sounds and start acting normal. She thought to herself. Well, maybe.

Edited by Purplepower



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"So, Rhaïn, you can control fire or something?" he asks. "That's amazing! If I could do that, I'd be years ahead in my work!" But then again, if I could do that, I'd probably be drafted into the Royal Guard, he then realized. "Anyways, I think I'd better go get a room at the hotel, but I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow, ok?"

He then leaves and heads for the hotel that Star Song mentioned.

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"It was nice meeting you." Star called as he trotted out the door. "I feel rather rude... I never asked his name." She said, grabbing a dirty rag and wiping up the mess on the floor. "Well, I found my violin... Whenever you guys are ready to go." She said, smiling and dropping the rag into a bucket of soapy water.

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((OOC sorry, I've had school so I haven't been on yet today))


Cloud Puff felt bad for being completely useless throughout the search, but the others were fairing well. She silently followed everypony. She followed Star to the rags, and helped clean up the mess. "I'm ready to go when everypony else is," Cloud said quietly.

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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Bronze enters the hotel and goes up to the front desk. "Excuse me, but I'd like to rent a room for a few days. How much would that be?"

"That'll be 40 bits a night," the mare behind the counter replies.

Bronze statue reaches into his bag, and counts out 40 bits. Sigh. I probably could find my own apartment for the same amount here, but I guess this' have to do for tonight. he thought.

Oh, I should probably ask Purple or one of her friends if they found a cheaper or more permanent place to live when I see them tomorrow.

"Your room is number 230 on the next floor up."

"Thank you, I'll see myself to my room." Bronze takes the rooms key and his bags, heads to his room, and unpacks.

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"Ok then, Lets go." She said, placing her violin over her shoulder then trotting out the door.

"If whoever comes out last could close the door, that would be great." She said, walking down the stairs and onto the busy street.

<Hopefully today I will get a little more business than yesterday.> She thought.

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Cloud Puff followed Star out the door, shutting the door behind her. "So... We're going to the castle now?" Cloud asked, slightly unsure of what they were going to do next. She had decided that should would stick with Star as long as possible, as she was Cloud's only good friend so far. She liked Purplepower and the others, but Cloud felt like she could fully trust Star.

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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Star Smiled at Cloud Puff. "That was my plan, Purplepower and her little sister needed a place to stay and there is a hotel by the castle, So I thought I would show them where it was. I thought Bronze Statue would come with us but I figured he was in a rush... or something." She said, as they slowly got closer to the castle.


((OOC: Sorry for the late reply... I was eating dinner.))

  • Brohoof 1

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"Thanks for showing us where it is, I'm not especially good at that kinda thing." Pony crap this is awkward. She was starting to get irritated at herself for being so awkward. "So, Star Song, do you play violin for a living? Or is it just sorta a hobby." Well that was a bright thing to say, wasn't it.



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"No problem." Star smiled at Purplepower. "Right now... Its sorda like an on and off job... I have another part time job at a shop that sells different kinds of herbs and remidies. But I do want to do this full time... once I get enough bits." She said as they walked below the giant crystal castle.

"The hotel is just down that road... Its big and noticeable... You cant miss it." Star said, smiling and taking out her violin.

  • Brohoof 1

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Bronze Statue looked around at the hotel room. Well, it's not exactly Fillydelphia or Canterlot, but it should do until I find a home.

He began unpacking his bags. Most of them were filled with tools, blueprints, and thick tomes on flight theory. The last bag he unpacked contained his favorite project: his exo suit. "Now, to work," he said, looking at the time. Bronze Statue spent the rest of the day tinkering with his suit, jotting down notes as to how to fix the problems it has. At the end of the day, he fell asleep.


(OOC when everyone else ends this day, I will join up with them again. I just needed my character to do something since he left the group for the day.)

(OOC the suit is in the character description and doesn't work well yet.)

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((OOC I'm home sick today, so I'll be on a bit... Also, where has Colgate Revoulution been?))


Cloud Puff silently followed as they had their conversation, feeling kinda like she was holding them back from something. Once Purple and her sister left, Cloud opened up a bit. "So... Where are you planning to preform today?"

  • Brohoof 1

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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" I just need a horn, I just need a horn, Quickjet will kill me if he knew i was her, I just. Need...a....huh?"

SkyeRibbon half-fluttered half-trotted down the sheer roads of the empire she'd taken three trains just to see. She desperately needed a crystal bugle for her new theatrical production in celebration of the Empire's restoration, and decided this would be the best place to obtain a few. However, she hadn't told her overprotective fiancee where she was going, and felt inclined to dart and sneak about in case there was some unfathomable chance he showed up. In her search she had become distracted by all the little kiosks and booths, quickly forgetting her mission. Skyeribbon flitted over to a small booth selling candies, involountarily hiding her face and unaware of whether said booth was being tended to or not.

"h...Hello?" She softly called, adjusting her bracelet.

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Once Purplepower had gotten checked into the hotel and unpacked, she decided to get some work done. She had been working on a sketch of the crystal palace, and she was trying to catch every detail. "Hey, Looptyhoop? Do you think you could come outside with me for a while?" It looked like there was only and hour before dark, and she wanted to get at least the basic sketch done today. Looptyhoop answered 'yes' in yet another one of her voices. She found a good angle, and sketched until it got dark. "Lets go, Looptyhoop, it's getting dark out." Purplepower had gotten her sister in bed. Ugh, I think I'm just gong to go to bed instead of working on anything. She turned her lights off and went to bed.

Edited by Purplepower



Current Project: The Seal of Tartarus: Audioplay, Animation, Comic

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"Right here" She said, pulling out her violin and leaving the case open for ponies to drop in some bits. "I don't get to perform on stage all that often... But I still enjoy playing my music right here." She said, Smiling and tuning a couple notes on her violin.

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SkyeRibbon decided to return to her mission and find the stupid horn. Quickjet would go balistic if he found out she went on a shopping spree. She quickly swung her flank around, stopping on her heel as she heard a few short notes of music. Unable to tell what instrument it was, and almost desperate to settle on anything that produced sound, She galloped towards the music, her wings fully unfurled crying out in joy. However, her excitement got the better of her tongue, and she made a face as she realized that she was running headstrong at a blue mare with the wrong instrument, a violin, screaming:


Edited by SkyeRibbonPony
  • Brohoof 1
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Star was just about to start playing her violin when she heard somepony yell from behind her. "Um... Are you alright ?" She asked, trotting over to the pony. "And... What do you mean by bugle ? Are you looking for a crystal Flugelhorn ? Because I saw somepony selling one somewhere around here."


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Another pony? After all the excitement today, I'm really ready to hit the hay! Rhaïn turned to face the pegasus who had just run up. "A fluegelhorn? There should be some in that tent a bit further back. At least there were the last few times I walked past here..." Rhaïn stared at the pegasus more closely. He looks familiar, is he... Nah, can't be. My mind is playing tricks on me again. Sometimes I worry if I'm not half-insane... "So, are you from here too? I just arrived in this morning."


(OOC: Rhaïn isn't a pinkie personality-clone. He has a more serious side, but you won't see it often ;) )

~Rhain the Semi-Combustible, AKA turiq or turqulis

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Gemstone was in his home back in the Crystal Kingdom. It had been two week since Sombra was destroyed, but he still felt a little off. Being a colt coming from a gem family, the past 1000 years have scared him. *sigh* It feels good to be home but.......Something still feels off. I know Sombra is gone but.......I just cant get it out of my head. I need to get out of here. Sunny Day. I'm stepping out for a sec. I wont be gone long. He walks out the door to see the kingdom back to it's former glory. It's good to see the kingdom back to normal.

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SkyeRibbon nodded at the mare, embarrassed but attempting not to let it show through. "Yes. I have to be quick though." She closed one eye and pushed her face close to the others.

"You're not familiar with a large green stallion are you? He didn't send you here to distract me?"

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"Um... No." Star said, taking a couple steps back from the pony. "Why do you have to be quick ? and why are you looking for a Flugelhorn ?

In my opinion they sound rather strange... I mean, there are some ponies who can play them well but... Why the sudden intere... ?"

She blushed. " I'm sorry... I dont even know your name and I am sticking my snout into your business."

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Bronze Statue woke up, hearing someone scream what sounded like "BUUUUUGLE!" Well, I'm not getting any sleep tonight. I wonder what all the commotion is. Bronze Statue opens his book: A Brief History of Slendermane. It's always good for a quick read, since it's only eight pages long!

  • Brohoof 2
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When Star went over to that pony who yelled, Cloud stayed by the violin case. She was determined to keep an eye on it, as a few bits had been dropped in. While Star wasn't looking over, Cloud Puff slipped four bits into the case.


Suddenly, something flashed to her left. Cloud looked back over, but saw nothing. 'Hmmm.... My mind must be playing tricks on me...' Cloud thought to herself.

  • Brohoof 1

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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SkyeRibbon blushed and backed away from the poor pony's personal space, feeling somewhat ashamed at her theatrical weirdness for embarrassing the unsuspecting mare. She took a breath to calm herself.

"I'm a director, and I am putting on a play in Hoofsten next week to celebrate the re-awakening of the Crystal Empire. I'm very particular about my props, and i want everything to be perfectly precise! all I have left is the darn....ah, what was it? Fluglehorn?"

She grinned broadly. "My fiancee doesn't know where I am." She chuckled. "He's afraid I'll shop our wedding fund away." SkyeRibbon neighed softly and shook out her wings as though she were proud at the annoyance of her future husband.

"I'm SkyeRibbon."

Edited by SkyeRibbonPony
  • Brohoof 1
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