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Fallout Equestria RP (Private)



8 users have voted

  1. 1. Would it bother you if I used Ideas from the original FoE? (Namely Watcher and the character and general story behind him - try not to reveal it to those who haven't read the story plz)

    • Yes - make it all original please.
    • A bit - try to limit what you copy.
    • No - do whatever, I will love it either way!

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Strong Hooves stayed at the entrance to the shop, looking out into the darkness, he kept his new battle saddle on, in case he were to need it in a hurry. He took this quiet time to reflect on his day, This is not at all what I had expected when I left the stable, but I asked for excitement right? I guess its true whenever they say be careful what you wish for... Strong continued to stay up for a couple more hours, when he saw nothing, his body decided to overtake his mind and he eventually fell asleep, battle saddle and equipment still on. While he slept, his movements caused his locket to come out of his barding, its ruby encrusted top glinting what little moonlight there was...


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Lunar peered over at Gizmo and Melody. "How cute!" He whispered to himself as he slid to the ground. He pulled off his equipment and used one of his saddlebags as a pillow. He drifted off to sleep...

Call me Super. If you see me outside of RP World, call Animal Control.

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As Sigh limped into the building, he looked around warily. Nothing seemed to be dangerous, but he did a thorough check of a small area in the corner before putting his things down. He noticed a back room and peered into it. Seeing a medical box, his eyes lit up. He walked to it as fast as he could and tried to open it. Frowning at the lock, he examined it. After a few moments, he shrugged, tapped his horn against the lock, and created a tiny explosion inside it. He tugged and jiggled the lock for about a minute before he got it off. He quickly looked through the supplies, pocketing sleeping pills and a single adrenaline shot. He looked for another, but that was the only one. He called out to the group.


"Hey, I found some medical stuff in here! It's not much, but it should be useful."


He walked to the fridge and looked through it. He grabbed a bottle of soda and walked out of the back room, placing the pills, needle, and soda with his other things. Then he noticed the counter and smiled. Ah, drugs and cash registers!


He used two small explosions to open the cash registers, but found that they only contained a negligible amount of money. Slightly disappointed, he looked through the drugs, sifting out the poorer quality ones, and putting the rest in the pocket of his jacket. He walked back to his corner, sat down, and began to sort them into a few piles.


When he had finished, he pulled a few small bags and put the different drugs in them. Then he rolled up his jacket, swallowed a few pills, and went to sleep.

Edited by Evilshy

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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"I guess I'll take next watch" Autumn managed to get a little bit of sleep before he woke to relieve Strong Hooves. As he kept lookout, all he could think about was It's all my fault. Jet would still be alive if I hadn't gotten everyone to leave the stable.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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And so the night past without incident, slowly melding into early morning.


Aria awoke, her eyes snapping open and flying all over the room in panic. *Damn, it wasn't a dream.* She shivered and stood up as silently as she could and found her gear on the ground next to her and Gizmo next to her. She didn't know what to make of this, especially since she didn't remember how she got here in this room last night, but she dismissed it. After last night's nightmares, she wouldn't be going anywhere without a gun anytime soon, so she picked up her rifle and walked into the back room, silencing her steps for what she assumed were sleeping ponies. She found an opened medical box with some first aid supplies and a potion and she started to sort through it, laying against the wall. She found a medical knife and played with it for a while, deep in thought, before taking it and carving four lines into the stock of her rifle. She had killed four ponies in the space of a day since leaving the stable. She quickly recounted and drew a bolder fifth on the end. She had forgotten Jet, whom she counted as her kill as well. She had been the one to start the ball rolling to leave the stable after all.

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Strong Hooves finally roused from his sleep, yawning widely as he did. He heard rustling behind him and looked over to see Melody sorting through supplies. He sleepily walked over to her, not noticing the locket now hung openly around his neck, and tiredly said, "Mornin, you sleep well?"


(I have church at 12. at that time i will be off until about one-ish)


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Autumn was looking through his collection of books he had stored on his Pipbuck. Almost all fiction. At least I remembered a few helpful books. Grey Hoove's Anatomy, Advanced Spellcasting for dummies, Supernaturals: Natural Remodies that are simply super!, Those will be useful. Who knows on the history texts, probably not. He heard the others starting to wake up. Time for another day of hell.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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"No," she admitted. Aria put a hoof on the stock of her rifle, hiding the carved lines, and started going through the items in the pile again without looking up. "how about you?"

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Sigh rolled over in his sleep, mumbling. About a minute later, he sprang up, groaning.


"Sweet fucking Celestia..."


He dug through on of his drug bags and pulled out a single pill, swallowed, and then repeated this process with a different bag. He lay back down and went to sleep again.


A few minutes later, he woke up normally. He tenderly rubbed his injured shoulder, and winced slightly. He walked into the back room, greeted the two ponies already there, looked in the refrigerator and found something he liked. As he was walking back towards his corner, he noticed melody with the knife. He looked at her oddly.


"You don't seem like the kind of pony who would be counting kills. You seem more like the get-drunk-and-try-to-forget-it-all type."

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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"Honestly, I dont know when I fell asleep... I was thinking about what had happened yesterday." a solemn look came over his face, "Is this what it comes to now? One wrong move and we die?" Strong shook his head and sighed. His ears perked at what Sigh had said, He looked down where Melody's hoof covered the butt of her gun, and noticed a hint of a couple marks, he looked at her questioningly.


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"Mornin' everypony. Did anypony find any food rations last night?" Autumn said as he walked in. He opened his pack to start making breakfast.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Aria dropped her hoof from the rifle. "It's not like I'm keeping score, ok. One shouldn't try to forget what they have done." Though forgetting did sound like a good idea. She peered around the corner and glanced at the alcohol on the table. She pointed a hoof at the fridge at Autumn's question. "There's some stuff in there apparently."

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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At the mere mention of food, Strong's stomach growled loudly, I could eat a whole bushel of apples right about now, he thought to himself. He then noticed his locket was exposed, so he quickly tucked it back into his barding, hoping nopony saw it.


(Had to do that since no one seemed to notice it lol)


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Gizmo grumbled and woke up. He rolled around once. He got to his hooves and looked around at all the talking going on. "Good morning, everyone. What's going on?" His body swayed back and forth, still sleepy.

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Lunar got up, too. "Did the building try to eat us?" He half-joked.


"Not yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if it tried." Autumn said as he got up to search for food. He managed to find some food supplies in the fridge, and carried them back to the group. "Hey Sigh, are any of these safe to eat? You'd probably know better than me."


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Gizmo looked around and saw the five marks on her sniper. "So I'm the one who's changed, Aria? At least I'm only keeping track in my head: Nine."

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Aria looked up at Gizmo and frowned. "I just don't think I have the right to forget who's blood I've spilled. You seem to think it a scoreboard, I think it a graveyard."

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Gizmo shook his head. "It's neither a scoreboard nor a graveyard. It's the number of creatures which I have to make amends to when I depart from this world. Giving the number a physical form is no better than making it a scoreboard; you're showing it to the world the amount of them that you've killed."

Edited by Linguz
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"Except it is not. Those aren't just animals that died yesterday - they think, they feel. While the raiders may not deserve it quite as much, Jet's blood is still mine to bear. It was my plan to leave the stable and it ended in his death. You deal with it your way, and I'll deal with it mine, ok? I don't want to talk about it anymore." Aria stood up, last night's nightmares flooding back into memory. The souls of the dead weren't going to leave her alone no matter how much she reasoned it wasn't her fault. She started making her way towards the stock of booze in the main room, intending to experiment with their supposed effects on memory.

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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"The past is just as important, if not more so, then the present. It defines what we've done and what's been done to us and what's been done in general. It allows one to learn from it and a whole lot more." Gizmo stood up and walked towards Aria. He stopped her before she got to the booze and shook his head. "It's not your fault that Jet died. For the last time, if anything happens to one of us, it's that person's fault because we ALL wanted to leave the stable and we ALL had the choice."
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"Everypony wanted to leave the Stable. I always dreamed of seeing trees in the fall, to see my namesake. I thought the Stable was dying. I filled your heads with my optimistic dream of the outside world. If anypony is to blame it's me. I honestly thought I would be the first to die. Jettson didn't deserve this. No pony deserves this."


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Aria looked up at Gizmo with a pained expression for many reasons. She turned and walked back to her bag and violin. "Let's just take what we need and leave. I don't wish to stay in this place any longer."

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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