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Fallout Equestria RP (Private)



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  1. 1. Would it bother you if I used Ideas from the original FoE? (Namely Watcher and the character and general story behind him - try not to reveal it to those who haven't read the story plz)

    • Yes - make it all original please.
    • A bit - try to limit what you copy.
    • No - do whatever, I will love it either way!

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Autumn walked over towards Strong Hooves and Melody. He whispered, "We need to know about what Equestria is like nowadays. Ask about the war, and why everything looks so sickly. You should also try to find out about any nearby shelters and supplies."


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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"hey, hey, I'm on your side. I'm of the opinion that ponies new to the wastes deserve some time to learn how to survive, I can't stand these ponies who try to rob you the minute you leave the Stable." Sigh said. "And they would've succeeded, too. Where would you be if I hadn't come along, eh?"

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Melody was at a loss for words. She knew for a fact that she would be enslaved, or dead, at this point - but to not be so, so many had to die. Suddenly she was fighting whether or not an evil justified an evil.

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Gizmo looked at Sigh. "We'd be dead, enslaved, or some other thing that these ponies would do to us. We're fine with you being on our side and helping us out, but those who do not need to be killed can be left to their own devices instead of killed outright. Now, I respect your authority in terms of experience, but please allow us to try to handle this situation." He turned and nodded at Melody to keep trying to get information out of them.

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Strong Hooves contemplated what the unicorn said, he had a very good point, if he hadnt've shown up, he and the rest of the group would either be slaves or dead. He looked to Melody, her expression showed that she was going over the same thing in her head. I'm still not sure we can really trust him, he thought, but seeing how he is the only one that hasnt attacked us and was willing to help us, he couldnt be all that bad. Instead of going back to the other two as Gizmo had done, he asked the unicorn, "So, what all can you tell us then about the wasteland? What are we to be wary of, what are the biggest threats, how do we avoid them, and what civilizations are still around?"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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Sigh rolled his eyes at Gizmo. "Fine, I'm not going to force you to kill them. But remember, they tried to kill me, too, and I haven't decided what to do about that yet."


He turned to Strong Hooves. "Hmm... Well, the wasteland is mostly all like this. Desert, a few plants, some poisonous lakes here and there. There are a few rivers were things grow, but it's not much. As for threats, well, you don't have look far at all. Other ponies, obviously, bandits, gangs, things like that. Most of them can be avoided pretty easily, they don't like coming out of their territory much. And if you have to, most aren't that great of fighters anyway, they mainly rely on numbers and fear. There are plenty of creatures you don't want to mess with, either. There are some giant mutant spider around, manticores have become a bit more prevalent. A dragon here and there, but most are dead." he looked up into the sky, thinking. "The biggest group around is the NCR, the New Canterlot Republic. A big group of soldiers and politicians joined up and rebuilt parts of Canterlot, and now use it as a capitol while they control most of Equestria. There are a few rival groups, but none pose any threat to the NCR, other than the occasional skirmish."


He began trying to stand up again. He succeeded this time, and placed a hoof on his forehead. "I'd rather not get into Equestrian History 101 right now, though. I still haven't fully recovered from those chems. Have you got any pain killer?"

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Strong Hooves took in all that the unicorn had said, it wasnt much, but the group could use it. Manticores were a definite problem, gangs of ponies? Well as long as the group had adequate weaponry, they should be okay, I'm gonna have to teach them on weaponry basics though, especially Melody, I saw her during that fight, she wont last a minute without proper training on gun use, he thought. Dragons? Well he will worry about that when the time came, then his thoughts drifted to the NCR... Are they good? Or bad? He thought, his thoughts were interrupted as the unicorn asked him for painkillers, he shook his head 'no', "You can ask her though" Strong Hooves said, nodding toward Melody, "She might have some"...


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Melody was about to refuse the painkillers when she remembered that he HAD saved them and therefore did owe him something - plus he did take a few bullets, but shouldn't those have healed? Perhaps it was a side affect of these 'chems' he had taken? She assumed those must be the drugs referred to in medical books, but they were non-existent in the stable. She reached in her bag and took out a bottle, tossing it to Sigh.


"Here, take some if you must."

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Strong Hooves took the time that he had to look at his two new weapons, one seemed to be in relatively good condition, the other, not so much. Getting an idea, he reached into his saddlebag and pulled out his weapons book. He flipped through a few pages until he came to the spot he was looking for, to his luck, the book had a section on combat shotgun repair. Strong Hooves immediately went to work taking apart the more broken shotgun, using whatever salvagalble parts he could find to make minor repairs on the other, by the time he was finished, the combat shotgun looked much better, he had unjammed the loading mechanism, replaced the firing pin, tightened the loose trigger, and replaced the worn grip. Smiling with satisfaction, he lifted the shotgun to get a feel of what it was like, he looked through the sights to make sure it was aligned properly, then slid it into the strap on his barding. He placed the book back into his saddlebag, but then froze, the locket he had put in with the book was gone! "Oh no no no!" he said, dropping to the ground to look for it, he began to panick, "No NO NO! This cant be happening! Where is it?!"...


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"Where is what?" Autumn said looking at the ground. Whatever it is, I hope he didn't leave it in the Stable. If he did, it's gone now. "Wait! I have some spell books here. I think I might have a locator spell. What is it you're looking for."


(Question for Authetius: When does this take place during Fallout Equestria? Before, during, or after LittlePip? Or is it an alternate version?)


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Strong Hooves felt a wave of relief when Autumn mentioned a locater spell, but then tensed up and blushed slightly when he asked what the item was. Strong Hooves didnt really like to talk about any personal items of his, especially his locket, but he decided it had to be done if he were to ever find it. Lowering his head, he whispered into Autumn's ear, "It's a small locket with a gold chain, the locket is shaped like a circle and is ruby encrusted, do you think you can find it?". He looked at Autumn with pleading eyes as he simultaneously thought to himself, Godesses I hope nopony else heard that...


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"I'll try, but I have to admit, I'm not very good with spells." He brought up the spell on his Pipbuck and began reading. "Yes, I remember the spell now. I'll try my best." Autumn's horn began to glow as he started the spell. He consentrated on the object as Strong Hooves decribed it.


(Should I find it?)


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Melody's ears perked up as Strong Hooves whispered. She knew it wasn't right, but she couldn't help but use her special hearing to listen in - it was a guilty pleasure of hers. She only managed to capture "shaped like a circle and is ruby encrusted, do you think you can find it?"

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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Sigh was genuinely grateful as he took the meds. "thanks for this. I don't remember the last time I had real pain meds. This is the shit that actually works." he smiled. "I had to take some enhancers before that fight. I mean, I'm pretty good in combat, but even I can't take that many ponies without a little boost." he cocked his head to one side. "I don't suppose they have enhancers in the Stable, do they? I used my last ones in that battle."

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Autumn managed to find the locket in the dust, buried along with some shrapnel from the grenade. He waved Strong Hooves over, so the others wouldn't see. I should respect his privacy. He whispered, "I hope it wasn't damaged" as he walked away to join the others.


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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Strong Hooves stifled a yelp of joy upon seeing his locket, he gave the teacher a gracious look and whispered, "Thank you" to him as he rejoined the group. He opened the locket, breathing a sigh of relief as he saw the picture it held was undamaged, he closed the locket and began to put it back in his saddlebag, but then, thinking twice, he put the locket around his neck and tucked it into his barding. He then got back up to join the rest of the group...


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Strong Hooves joined the group when he heard Melody ask about the drugs, he then remembered the section of batlle enhancement drugs in his war book, "Of course they have side effects" he snorted, "Battle enhancement drugs were created during the war, they were meant to be used only if the odds were against the group that had them. What they didnt realize was how bad of a crash they had after they wore off, as you all saw, these drugs are harmful enough to render you unconcious" He then turned to Sigh "If I remember well, you used Hyper Spark, a magic enhancer, and a common battle drug known as Stampede, am I correct?"

Edited by Strong Hooves


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(BTW - to the earlier question i forgot to answer. I had originally planned this to be before lil'pip's timeline and in the same map as lil'pip's adventure with even durpy, but now Evilshy went ahead and named the NCR and all that, and it's kinda changed up. I can see it still being the same, im just not sure anymore, or if I even want to keep it the same. I kinda felt like cheating for going after the same map anyway).

Muahahaha - I has a sig - Muahahaha


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(Wasn't Canterlot destroyed by the Enclave, or did Sigh/Evilshy mean the ruins? Also, if this is after Little Pip, why is it still overcast? Are we under a pegasus city?)

Edited by Slendermane


Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster,

and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you.

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