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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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The two ponies walked closely together as they started towards the statue of a draconequus in the royal gardens.  The two royal guards looked up at the statue.  The mare nuzzled the stallion gently.

"So what would you like to tell me?" she smiled up at him.

"Ah, yes," the stallion smiled at her softly.

The stallion stepped backwards and faced her square on.  The mare's eyes lit up.  Her heart leaped in her chest as she stared straight at him.  This is it! she though.

"I...I would like to say...that...that..." he stuttered.

"Go on!" the mare smiled.

"Okay...i-its not working out..." he finally got out.

The mare froze in place.  She stared at him in horror.  "You...what?"

"I'm sorry.  It didn't seem to be working out.  I'm really sorry.  I...I'm breaking it off.  I'd say I'd like to stay friends, but that wouldn't work out either, would it?"

The mare's eyes filled with tears.  "But...but---"

The mare burst into tears, sobbing.  The stallion bit his bottom lip and patted her back awkwardly.  He looked around quickly, hoping the Princesses weren't around to see this.  It would be embarrassing and he already felt ashamed enough.  And he didn't want to get her fired.  If anyone saw a royal guard crying like this...


Both ponies looked up at the statue.  They watched the crack that started at the head of the creature slowly begin to go down its body.

"Oh no..." the mare whispered, wiping away her tears immediately.

The mare stood up quickly.  She looked at the stallion and slapped him across the face.  The stallion gasped in shook.  The mare turned away and started to gallop in a beeline for the entrance of the royal gardens.

"I have to tell Princess Celestia!  I have to---"

The statue exploded, cutting the mare off.  The mare didn't turn to look.  The stallion coughed as dust swirled around.  He looked up as the dust floated away and found himself looking up into the face of the hideous creature known as Discord.  The stallion gasped and took a step back.

"Discord!" he gasped, turned to gallop away.

The draconequus gave a low growl.  The plants around them began to move and vines struck out and grabbed at the stallions hooves, tripping him and stopping him from being able to trot. 

More vines also grasped the mares hooves just before she reached the entrance of the royal gardens.  Discord laughed, an evil laugh that made the two ponies shiver in fear.  Discord smiled at them and gave a snap of his claws.

The two ponies immediately turned to a clay-like, plastic-like substance.  They didn't move.  They stayed in the shape of ponies though.  Discord began to guffaw at them.  When he finally got a hold of himself, he went over and stepped on them both, they gave a squeak-squish sound and turned to dust which floated away immediately.

Discord smiled.  He slowly decreased in size, going back to normal.  And then he was gone.


Princess Celestia opened her eyes as Princess Luna shook her violently.  Celestia rubbed her eye with a hoof and looked at her sleepily.

"Wha-what?" she said, blinking to focus better.  "Whats wrong, sister?"

"Sister!" Princess Luna shrieked.  Celestia got a better look at her and saw tears streaming down her face.

"Luna?!  Are you okay?!"

"Sister!  He killed them, sister!"

"Who?" Princess Celestia gasped.  "Who killed who?!"

"Discord!  He killed two royal guards!"

Princess Luna pushed her face into Princess Celestia's bed sheet and began to sob hysterically.  "And-and I just sat there!  I just sat there and did nothing!  I just watched!"

Princess Celestia hugged her tightly.  "Luna!  Calm down.  We...we..." Celestia looked around the room in horror.  "We need to do something!"

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Electro Dash was annoyed. Not only had she had her pay postponed, and her position lost to derpy, But now she's apparently going to get fired If she dosent work harder! all because she told the boss that he wasnt taking care of the weather buisness correctly. sometimes she just though to herself, why am i so honest? She returned Home, to find a note had been posted in her letterbox. She read it aloud.

"miss. The instructions on this note will take you into a secluded part of the everfree forest. I cannot tell you who i am, or why. But i need you to show up there as soon as you can. Do not tell anypony, not even your closest relatives. you have to trust me." There was no name at the bottom of the note. On the Back was a list of directions to take. Electro Dash was nervous. Was it a smart idea to go to this?

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Yavolin was getting up to a normal day in ponyville he went about his busyness in getting some food from the market. He had a long list of stuff that he needed he didn't get involved with any ponys busyness except his own. His wing was a constent rememder to keep his noise out of every ponys busyness.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Ahhh....", exclaimed Lightning Dancer as she eased her way into a sauna candy bath. She had been getting these after Pinkie showed her a candy bath. However, Pinkie has passed away. That day, she swore that she would continue her legacy as best party person. Lightning took up an orange gumball and popped into her mouth.

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Rose trotted out of the Everfree Forest, head held high. She had just returned from deep within, having managed to procure the rare flower, the Gem of the Forest, which had petals made of a crystalline material, and the shade of which gradually shifted. It was the single most beautiful flower she had managed to procure, and had dozens of unique properties. She hoped to breed from it. Trotting back into her garden maze, she scooped a hoofful of dirt out of the ground, and gently placed the rare flower in the ground. Satisfied, she was about to go inside when she noticed a letter sitting on her doorstep. She took it out and read it, then sighed. *I just got back from the Everfree Forest!*





North Arrow was resting. He had worked a long, full day, and was satisfied with the new portion along Equestria's northeastern coastline that he had detailed just earlier. He had noticed a strange cave that could not have been natural along the cliff ledge that fell 20 feet into the maw of the ocean. He was going to have to go back and look at that again tomorrow. He began to doze off, and slept. He slept so heavily, in fact, that he didn't even notice when a letter appeared in a burst of fire and fluttered down to rest on his snoring face.

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"Yeah Aloe?"


Lightning Dancer has been to this spa long enough to tell which voice is Aloe's and which is the other's. She turned to face Aloe. Aloe gave her a small slip of parchment. It had some very nice hoofwriting, yet seemed like it was rushed. 'The Everfree forest? Isn't that place cursed or something?'




Metal was busy, he didn't have time to respond to the note he was given by a messenger He was trying to move a boulder out of the entrance of his home. But, he just figured out that his home was in close promixity of his house. He facehoofed and decided to go ahead and go.

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Bright Spark on the other hoof was having a great day. his knowladge of technology had revolutionised half of canterlot, and it was believed that his new tech the "computer" would soon reach the royals themselves! Just before he got home, Derpy had collided with him. A simple note landed on his nose. "thanks again, derpy." he sighed as he opened and read the note. *everfree forest? who would need me there? unless its that good looking pegasus i saw earlier. then id definatly go!* he thought to himself. He eventually decided he should go, and trotted his way to the everfree.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Rose was considering not going, and just supervising the growth of her new flower gem instead when she heard somepony walking up the road past her garden. She spied an aqua colt with a cutie mark that looked like a hairy green square pass by the front of her garden. She gasped. He was carrying a letter just like the one she recieved! "Hey! Hey! Is that letter telling you to go into the Forest?"




Edited by Descant

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Shade was in the crystal mines underneath canterlot when she hird something strange comeing from the garden...


"Now what could have happened up there? It seems like some ponies got murdered... But for what? Had the time come where chaos returns? I can only hope"


Shade trotted out of the caves and into canterlot...



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Princess Celestia closed her eyes, her horn glowed brightly.  Princess Luna came over.  She followed her sisters example.  They touched horns and almost immediately, a hurricane of magic escaped their horns.  Above them, an image appeared.  They opened their eyes to see nine different images of different ponies.

"Nine?" Princess Luna whispered in confusion.  "But sister, are there not only six Elements?"

"I...I thought that there were..." Princess Celestia whispered back.

"Should we send a letter to them all though?  What if it is a trick from Discord?"

"I think that all we can do...is...send them each a letter..." Princess Celestia sighed.

The images above them disappeared.  Princess Celestia went over to her desk.  She dipped the feather into the ink using her magic and began to write.  She wrote to these ponies to go to the Everfree forest.  She gave them directions.  But she didn't include her name.  She sent the letters.  She could only hope they would go without hesitation.



Angel Feather hummed softly as walked home from the park.  She had just finished writing a whole story.  She felt extremely pleased with how it went.  She went up the stairs of the porch to the front door of her home in Canterlot.  She slipped her key into the lock before noticing the edge of a letter poking out from beneath the door.

She pushed the door open and picked up the letter.  She closed the door behind her and went into the kitchen.  She opened the letter and read it.

The Everfree forest?  Who could have sent me this?  she felt the color draining from her cheeks.  I...should I go?  It all seems suspicious to me...



Mystical Flow jumped down from her porch.  Her mane bounced on her head as her hooves touched the ground.  She yawned.  She had just woken up, even though it was already late afternoon.  She opened her mailbox and pulled out the letters.  She went back inside.

She read the letter last.  She opened it and read it out loud to herself.  As she read it, she came into focus better.

"The Everfree forest?" she wondered aloud.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Bright Spark heard the pony acll out. he stopped to reply. "yeah, it is! why? Do you have one aswell? When he turned (OOC; im pressuiming i can see her.) he saw the pony that adressed him. She was a simple yellow, with messy green hair. and a cutie mark of a rose, with the stem bent into a heart.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Yeah, I have one too!" Coming out from behind the bushes, Rose addresses this new pony face to face for the first time. "Do you have  any idea what the letter is about? All mine says is that I should go into the Everfree forest, and says it's important. Nothing else."

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Mine says the same thing." he said "to be honest, I thought it was some mare who wanted to meet me in private. Buut now that you have one, im thinking it could be something else." he saw a pegasus, fly past with a grey suit on. She had a note in her mouth "HEY!" Bright Spark called, "you got one of them note things too?"


Electro Dash heared the colt, who was with somepony else "Yeah," she returned "you got them too?"

Edited by darklord260

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Rose looks at the grey-suited pegasus, "I'm starting to think everypony has one. Well, since it looks like we're all going to the same place... I'm Rose Petal."



North woke abuptly. What the? As he sat up, a scroll fell from on his snout onto the floor. He picked it up, and said to himself, "Everfree Forest, huh?"

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"well if were doing names then Im electro dash!" she opened her wings "this suit helps me fly by the way" she looked at the colt who adressed her "so who are you?"

"Me? Im Bright Spark. The revolutionizer of equestrian technology!"


"calm down, i make them to help. i dont make anything to replace jobs that must be somepony elses work."

"oh, sorry" she mumbled.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Mystical Flow walked silently towards the Everfree.  She noticed a group of three ponies in a garden.  She noticed they each held a letter which looked suspiciously like hers.  She stopped in her tracks and looked at the letter in her mouth.

She turned to them.  "Oo haf dis letta tooo?" she asked, the letter still in her mouth.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Bright spark was first to notice the other mare *well im gettin ALL the ladies today* he though, to which he pulled a grin at. "yeah we have a letter each. the names Bright Spark." he levitated to letters out of the mares mouth, and from Electro Dash. "ill carry theese if you dont mind."

Edited by darklord260
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"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Flow couldn't help but laugh at that.  "Well thanks.  I'm Mystical Flow.  Call me Mystical, or Flow.  Whatever suits your fancy," she said with an easy shrug of one shoulder.  "Are you guys going to the Everfree then?  Isn't it a bit suspicious?" she turned her head towards the direction of the Everfree forest.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Electro Dash replied "I was just going cause i can. i mean its better to go to something bad than to miss the oppertunity for something good. and with theese babies," she opened her wings, "nothung can get to me in time. Dont worry, ill make sure you dont get left behind when we run."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Mystical Flow laughed.  "Well then shall we go?  I---" Mystical stopped in mid-sentence and looked over to see a tiny dragon fluttering towards her on dragonfly wings.  "What the heck is that?!" she said, raising an eyebrow at it and gesturing a hoof at it.  "Is that a dragon...fly?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Bright Spark saw the tiny little Dragon creture "i think it is..." he said pulling hoof up to make a little perch so the dragn thing could land.

"He dosent seem very harmfull." electro Dash said confortingly. She looked up at the clouds, they appeared to be a shade of pink? She flew up, and took a piece. she tasted it "uhh guys" she said "theese clouds are made of cotton candy."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Cotton...candy?" Mystical said slowly.  She looked up at the fluffy, pink clouds.  "You're kidding me.  You're kidding me right?"




Meanwhile, Angel Feather appeared in the Everfree forest.  She gazed around suspiciously before slowly walking, following the directions on her letter.  It seemed unnaturally dark for late afternoon...

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"no, im pretty sure this is a cotton candy cloud." she tears a large chunk. and passes a piece to mysitc, "try some."

"lemmie try it" Bright spark said. electro dash handed him a piece, and he tryed it. "hey your right it is cotton candy! How is this even possible anyway?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Mystical popped the cloud into her mouth.  The cotton candy immediately melted in her mouth.  "Mmph."  She chewed the part of it that hadn't melted.  "That's so weird."

She turned to the direction of the Everfree forest.  "Do you think this has something to do with our letters?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"Ohai dere.", Said Lightning Dancer, perched on top of cotton candy cloud. Lightning jumped onto another cloud, causing chocolate rain to fall out. "You ponies enjoying yourselves?", She asked.




Metalhead saw another group of ponies walking into the Everfree. He decided to follow them, and make sure *THEY* (She what I did there? xD) weren't doing anything reckless.

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