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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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Bright Sparks ears went up "electricity? since when can a pegasus use electricity?" he shrugged it off. "zap me!" he stood infront of Electo Dash, making himself a target "cmon, ive practiced this. it wont hurt nopony trust me!"

Electro Dash stopped moving for a second "what are you doin'?!"

"just trust me. cmon shade, your not afraid of ol' sparky are ya?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"Since when? Since the beginning of time..."


A black cloud appeared in front of shade... The black cloud had electrical waves come out of it...

Shades mane had waves of electricity come out of it aswell


"Who do you think controlles the weather... And this Pegasus is the one who specializes in lightning"



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"no. making clouds out of nothing is impossible for anypony." Electro Dash said, "and we dont use electricity for anything other than scheduled thunderstorms. youve just made a cloud from nothing. nopony can pull that off."

"yes thats all fine and dandy, but are you going to hit me wtih it or just brag about it?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Shade looked at the white cloud...

"So your a storm Mage as well... Figures because your name is lightning... However... I'm a storm Mage too, my cutie mark says so..."


Shade poked the cloud with her electrified mane and turned it black


"And I didn't make this cloud out of nothing... I always keep a cloud under my wings"


"Now... Didn't you want to feel a strike of my electricity?"


Shade turned around getting ready to buck the cloud



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Princess Celestia looked around is dismay.  Were these the Elements Of Harmony?  They couldn't possibly be could they?  Could they?  Princess Celestia looked back as Princess Luna jolted awake.  Princess Luna looked around, dazed.  Wha-what's happening?!

Princess Celestia turned back to everyone.  Her horn began to glow and it shot out a burst of light that illuminated the room, taking away the pain and wounds from every pony.




Discord covered his eyes as the room become extremely bright.  He looked back into the room in surprise.  Awh, she ruined all the fun!


(OOC: I always thought Shade would work for Discord)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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(OOC: true... But wasn't the original plan to have shade be an element, then reolise that chaos is wrong?)


Shade looked around as she felt more energized...


She walked up to the princess

"Princess Celestia... We coudnt possibly be the elements of harmony if we have no HaRMoNy..."


"Keep accuseing me of being a changeling, working for discord... Who would work for discord???"


"I don't know much about the elements... But back then... There were only 5 known elements... What if there are 10 elements, but the tenth is unknown?"





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Princess Celestia sighed.  "That's the problem," she said.  Then she thought for a moment.  "It could be like that.  But there would be no where for us to know.  Back then, it was already known...but not at this time."

Princess Celestia looked around at them all.  She looked back at Shade.  "But are you?  A changeling?"



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade froze in place... All she could heir was her hart beat...

* no... I'm not... No I'm not... No I'm not... Quit lying to yourself... You are... Only half.... Grrrr what do I say? *


"No... I'm not... Why dose everypony suspect that?"


" but with all respect, shoudent we be focused on dealing with discord?"


* he's bound to do something... I know it*



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Princess Celestia nodded.  "Of course, Shade.  I'm just making sure."

Princess Luna stared at Shade.  Why is she acting so nervous?  Is it because she is afraid of being accused, so is she really a changeling?  Should I say something?  Shade has really been acting  defensive...



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"So... What is our next move?"


Shade asked Celestia


*i think I'm going to loose it... Keep strong... Come on, it's no use... Just stay with it... Il always be overlooked as a changeling... Unwanted, more cared for... I can't let that happen *


"Should we just rest up? I think this... Missunderstanding is caused by the tiredness of everypony... But I have a feeling that discord will attack you next..."



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"Yes...yes, I suppose we should all get some rest.  But I cannot risk the lives of more ponies to guard me," Celestia looked worried for a moment.  "If Discord comes...I'll have to face him alone."

Princess Luna looked around.  If she was going to speak, she would have to speak now.  "Sister..."

Princess Celestia went over immediately.  Princess Luna whispered into her ear.  "Does Shade not seem over-defensive and nervous, sister?"

Princess Celestia looked at Luna and nodded.  She turned back to Shade.  "Shade...are you telling us the truth?  You seem very defensive and very nervous..."



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shades hart raged... It pounded so hard... Enought to pain shade


"And there you go again"


Shade droped her head


"If I was a changeling why w would... Would.. B be helping you?"

Shade studdered as she spoke

Then shades eyes filled with tears


"Do you know what it's like to be accused of being such an evil creature?"



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Celestia looked back with a pained expression at Luna.  Luna bit her lip as if she was sorry to have mentioned it.  But Princess Celestia turned back to Shade and bent down so she was eye to eye with Shade.

"You don't have to be evil to be a changeling," Princess Celestia said gently. 



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade looked away from Celestia

"Can we please move on to a different subject?"

" Iv been accused of being a changeling for a long time now... But I'm not... I'm not a changeling"


It really paind shade... She hates being a changeling... She was only half changeling, but everypony sees her as the same love hungered monster



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Princess Luna slowly went over to Princess Celestia.  She stumbled, trying to gain balance without her wings.  "But...why do you want to change the subject, Shade?"

Princess Celestia wanted to stop now.  But she didn't say anything.  Luna rarely questioned anything, so if she did, there must be a reason. 


Discord watch interestedly from outside.  His eyes flicked towards the box of elements.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin got up and went towards Luna."That's because Luna Shade is hiding something , if shade won't tell us the truth then how can we trust her"? Yavolin wanted nothing more then to see taken to canterolt jail cells, but he hoped that Celestia would take his side.

Edited by ArcDemon Lithimeal

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Luna looked back at Shade, her face  not judging.  "Is that true Shade?  Are you hiding something?"

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Angel Feather, Mystical Flow, and Discord all stared at Shade.

This is getting very bad.  We have to get some answers...now.

If Shade is hiding something, we may have to keep a close eye on her.

I...I've never seen an actual changeling before...they must look scary...but...maybe she is a good changeling...

A changeling, huh?  Well, uhm...okay then.  Good for her?

Nice is getting pretty good.  But there's not enough action.  I prefer action.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade closed her eyes... She rubbed them... Then opened them...


Her eyes were all green... Like the eyes of a changeling

" I'm not a changeling... I'm only part, but ponies still judg me on what I am... A monster...

But the thing is... I don't feed on love. They don't judg me for who I am"


Shade blinked and her eyes were normal



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Electro Dash looked in amazment, but tried not to show it. "you know, you couldve just admitted it and i wouldn't have tried to nearly kill you." she said, crossing her hoofs and turning away, like a little  shcool filly.

Bright Sparked sighed "so are you going to hit me with lightning or not?"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Rose and North both just stared at Shade, mouths hanging slightly ajar. North speaks first. "I didn't know halflings existed... This is awesome!" Rose, on the contrary, just couldn't believe her eyes. She had been defending a changling! Well, Rose admittedly hadn't trusted her in the first place. The only reason she had jumped to Shade's defense was because the Elements of Harmony were setting a rather poor example of being, well, in harmony. Now he just didn't know what to think, and thusly said nothing.

Edited by Descant
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Shade turned to bright spark quickly and a bot of lightning shot out of her forehead,

Hitting and sending bright spark across the room



She turned back to Celestia

"I don't know why you'd call me here to be an element of harmony... I think il just Make my way to the dungeon, since i am a creature who is unwanted and hated"




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Bright Spark slid across the room, hitting the wall. When he got back up, his smile was still there.

"ha ha yeah! my spell worked!" his horn had electricity running along it. "now i can use electrical magic!" he hopped around, before realiseing he was bringing attention to himself. "oh uhhh, continue."

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Yavolin shacked his head no."O, you will be heading to a cell shade but not a normal cell which you can escape from, we are going to put you in an anti magic cell were you can't use your magic and don't worry i promise i'll send a guard down there with something for you to eat".

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Shade stopped walking...

"No... I promise"


Shade turned around and faced yavolin


Quickly... A green fire surrounded yavolin and a green shield went overtop of him...


"Maybe I should send you away... Somewhere where nopony will think to look for you... Or somewhere where love hungered changelings can feed on your love for Luna"


"But like I said... I'm not a changeling"


Shade wasn't that kind of pony/ changeling... But she didn't like yavolins adittude





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