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private The Return Of Discord: The God Of Chaos

Feather Gem

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North Arrow, instead of immediately rushing to Celestia's side, rushed to the only door that still seemed to be shut. He pounded upon it, only to hear snores from inside. "Rose Petal! He got Celestia too! She needs all of us, and now!" 


At the mention of Celestia, the door was thrown open, sending North Arrow flying through the air somewhat comically. A very tired looking Rose Petal rushed to Celestia's side. Her horn and wings were gone, just like Luna's! Rose was dismayed. She also noticed that Celestia's hair was no longer long and flowing, but now rather still, and a solid shade of pink.


Rose started ruffling through her satchel, looking for various herbs. "Are you hurting, princess? You should at least take these for the stress..." She pulled some herbs out of her satchel and offered them to the Princess.

Edited by Descant
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* alright!!!! This is awesome!!!!! Now I feel that discord will start the chaos... Seeing how the elements of harmony don't seem to get along discord and I will be unstoppable!!! Il see to it that the elements will never get along... So the so called power of friendship won't touch us!!! *


Shade was really happy in the inside

Then she ran to the princess


"PRINCESS!!! Discord has gone Too far! We must find what our element is and use them on him... He CAN NOT get away with this"



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Princess Celestia tried to stand up, and immediately fell back down.  She gave a yelp of pain and looked at her left, front ankle in dismay.

"I think something's broken," she said softly.  Her mane was falling over her face like it hadn't done in years.  it was incredibly annoying.  She looks down at the herbs in Rose's hoof.  "Oh...thank you," she whispers.

She carefully takes them in her hoof rather unsure.


When Angel Feather heard the banging, she immediately burst out of bed and out the door.  She saw Princess Celestia down below on the ground, surrounded by the others. 

Oh, Celestia, no... she thought upon seeing the lack of a horn and wings.


Mystical Flow rubbed her eyes and stumbled out of bed.  Whats with all this racket.  She looked down the staircase to see a wingless and hornless Princess Celestia.

Oh, geez.  What did I miss.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Electro Dash stumbled out of bed, rubbing the tirdness out of her eyes. All of this noise going on in the hall had woke her up, and she hated bieng woken up. when she went into the hallway, she saw some of the others gatherd around celestia, exept there was something different about her. both her wings and her horn were missing. Electro Dash ghaspd.

"oh my, what happened now?!"

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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"You know what I think... We are causing this... We don't have the power of friendship... We need to forget about the elements and start working on friendship... Only then, will the elements call to us"


"So what are we going to do?"



Shade looked at every pony... They knew that she was a changeling... But they don't know everything



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Yavolin looked over to see Luna he questioned what he saw."Discord what is this some kind of joke"? Yavolin didn't know if Luna was in his dream but he was now seeing two Luna's but he didn't understand , why he was having this dream then he remembered his brother Marvolin he feared he'll fail Luna like Marovlin.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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Princess Celestia nodded at Shade.  "Shade is right...I...I'm so sorry," Princess Celestia bit her bottom lip and tried not to let the tears flow.  She could do that when she was alone.  "I...I can no longer help you without any magic.  You...you will have to go and defeat Discord on your own...when you get along that is," she added.

Mystical Flow glanced over at Lightning Dancer almost ashamed at what had happened only this morning.  "Hey...I'm sorry," she said softly to her.

Angel Feather blushed.  I can't just sit around quietly anymore.  I have to start talking...to...to some pony. 



Luna stared into Yavolin's eyes.  "It's okay, Yavolin.  I'm here.  You're dreaming.  Don't worry," she whispered gently.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin embraced Luna he was sure that she was real, he even kissed her. He was sad that she had to see this dream were he was failing to protect her, he hoped that this dream wouldn't happen but he wasn't sure how would he get her to come with him to his house so that Discord could leave her alone.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"So what's our next act? Just make friends with eachother? Oh wait... I'm a changeling, there's no way I can have friends"


Shade started to walk away heading towards the front gate of the castle.


* what should I do next? Should I keep this up a bit longer or head on over to discord... This is getting sooooo boring*



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Princess Celestia looked around at everyone.  She stared at them.  "Well, don't just stand there," she said.

Angel Feather blushed and stepped back into the shadows, hoping no one would notice her hiding...or notice her all.  I want to go home.  At least i have friends at home...

Mystical Flow stood there, waiting for any pony to make a move.  When they didn't, she turned and trotted straight towards Shade.  "Hey!" she grinned.  "Where are you going!  Can I come?  I don't want to go back to sleep!"   Might be fun anyway.  Hanging with a changeling.  Too bad every pony will think badly of me.

Oh well.  What do I care?



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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"wait a minute!" ELectro Dash, well, dashed up next to shade "whats it like bieng a changeling? can you do any cool stuff other than change? OOH! can you change into me? that would be awsome! and i dont see WHY you cant have friends, just why people wouldnt be friends with you.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Princess Celestia smiled.  Really, these elements seemed okay.  Maybe everything would be okay...

Angel Feather watched Shade and the other two ponies from her spot in the shadows.  She couldn't help lift the corners of her mouth up as she heard the two ponies talking excitedly.

Mystical laughed as Electro babbled on.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Yavolin spoke to Luna."I am sorry you have to see this horrorible dream Luna, I scared that Discord will take you away from me".  Yavolin tried to keep himself from crying openingly , he wanted to end discord so much but he feared that discord will kill her or try to do her harm beacuse of him.

From chaos we all began, and to Chaos we shall all return. For i am Bob the definition of perfect embodiment of all things Chaotic.  







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"Why would any pony want to come with me... Cairful... I may suck on your love and take your forum"


"The thing is.... I'm only half changeling... I can't turn into another pony, nor do I eat love... I don't even think that's posable"


Shade knew if she lied about what kind of changeling she was... She could sneek around easer


"I can only change between my pony forum and changeling forum..."



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"pff, i dont belive that! every changeling has to be able to change! and besides, i got plenty of love to give around." she winked cheekily.

Meanwhile Bright Spark was sitting in the garden, looking at a flower.  With this new electrical stuff he had, he hoped that he could wilt the flower. If he could, i might help him get closer to learning magic about nature.

(OOC: he isnt OP BTW. After learning such magic he would have to spend months to use more complex/usefull spells for that magic.)

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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Shade changed into her changeling forum...


"Well... Iv never tried to change into another pony... I suppose I could try"


She put her hoof on electro dash's shoulder...


Green electricity came out of her horn, it took great effort... But finally a green fire surrounded shade and she changed to look like electro dash...


"Pant* pant * well... Do I look like you?"



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"hmm..." electro dash examined the copy of her. everything from the hair to, other things... "I LOOK GOOD!" she chuckled to herself "ah im funny" just as she said it, a small explosion occured outside. Somehow, Bright Spark had made a flower explode. Somehow at least.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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shade ran to the window reverting to her pony self... then looked at bright spark that was standing next to a smoking flower...


"um... what was that?"


"did that flower just explode? how? what? ???"


shade asked confused with what just happened...


"i dont think i should ask"



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Rose heard the flower explode, and slowly made her way down to the garden, where she looked at Bright Spark, and then, the flower. She knelt down next to it, and with a cerise light from her horn, the stem of the flower started to regenerate, and the petals, and the flower was rebuilt, now more beautiful than it was before, as it was tinged around the edges with that same shade of cerise. She smiled at the result, and looked at Bright Spark.

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Bright Spark coughed as he got a flower to explode in his face. He looked up at the window. "Don't worry! its just a flower. They don't like me!" He realised he had been there for some time, and he was getting cold. So he walked up back to the hallway where everypony was.

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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(OP: *no comment*)


"Hey! If your going anywhere, you arn't going without me!", shouted Lightning Dancer, amused.


Metal was in his room, thinking about what happened, and about those stories his mother told him about. "The ability to Discord ponies.. isn't that when their personality flips?', he thought out loud, siliently.

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Shade looked at the ponies that were trying to make friends with her...


"I don't see what's so interesting about me... But if you want to follow me, so be it"


Shade walked out the gate of the castle


"I fear now that celestias and Luna's magic is gone... Discord will go none stop with the chaos"


* I bet he's resting up for the chaos to start*



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Mystical Flow skipped after Shade.  "You look cool in changeling form!  Which is more comfortable?" she grinned.

Angel Feather scurried back upstairs and climbed into bed.  No more disturbances.  I have no idea what tomorrow holds.  Let me sleep... she thought, pulling the covers up over her head.



"It's okay, Yavolin," Luna whispered, finding it hard to find words.  "I'll be okay.  I...I'm a princess after all," Luna bit her bottom lip.  "if...if anything happens to me though, just remember that I love you."


(OOC: Sorry I haven't been online much.  Tomorrow I won't be on a lot either.

Should we move on to the second day now?)



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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Shade went outside, she climbed to the roof of the castle. She fell asleep there. Sge liked it better on a roof and in the cold.


"Tomorow, that's when it will all start"


Shade drifted to sleep


She had another dream... She still had a crown on her head, it looked like an element of harmony. As she looked down and saw the otherponines sinking into the chaos, discord had his arm around her.

"Isn't this beautiful! And check this out, the princess will be turned to stone!"


Shade looked over as discord was turning Celestia into stone

"I knew you changeling could never be trusted"

Said Celestia, then turning completely into stone.


Then her dream turned into every pony that she has encountered, they were all yelling at her, saying different things about how bad changeling were.



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Mystical shrugged and hopped off to bed.  "Time for bed, I guess.  Finally!" she sighed.



Princess Celestia stood up carefully, hoping she wouldn't stumble.  A few nurses rushed into the room with a stretcher.  Princess Celestia sighed.

"Really...thats okay.  I can walk..."

"Don't be silly, Princess!  Your ankle is broken!  We'll have to fix it!"

"But...I really should get some rest..."

"Princess, you'll need your ankle to be okay!  Don't worry.  You can sleep while we work!"

The nurse proceeded to practically shove her onto the stretcher.  No wonder I chose her to work for me.  Otherwise, me and Luna probably would never get fixed up if anything happened.  She didn't even comment on the lack of my horn and wings.



Discord opened his eyes and sighed.  "Will my work ever be done?"

He slowly flew back to the castle.  Maybe I can finally rest after this.



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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