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Ancient Evils


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"So, I trust the spells have been successful?" said Flare. The cultist nodded, and a dark, cloudy orb of magic appeared on her hoof. He would point in a direction, and the beast followed. "Excellent. With this new spell, we shall be unstoppable." The beast continued to look at him lifelessly.



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There it was.


Collision stood at the top of a hill, staring in awe at something in the distance, a shining city clinging to the side of a mountain.


"Canterlot..." Collision breathed in wonder. "There it is..."


The city was far off, many miles away, and it would take forever to reach it... but Collision continued regardless. He had a job to do!

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"Bring me a test subject." said Flare. Cerulean walked into a chamber further in the caves, and grabbed a chained up cultist. "We'll show you what we do to traitors." said Cerulean. She threw the cultist on to the floor, and Flare raised his hoof to the traitor's head. A dark wave shot from his horn, and the cultist began to wither. He completely faded,and Flare seemed to feel a bit stronger. A bright green spirit emerged from the body.

Edited by Brosparkles



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Nameless looked on after his introduction, watching as the glowing creature walked in, his eyes narrowed against the glare - he delt with shadows, and even though most of his powers had been locked away, he still disliked bright lights. He shuffled back a bit and watched the cultist through the haze of light the being threw off. He had been hopeing that he could ask the possessed stallion to free him from his chains and release his...*darker* side. but he supposed he could ask later. For now, he would observe and remain silent.

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"So, why is it you cannot use your abilities? You'll need to be at top strength, or I can't see much of a use for you, and I assure you, you don't want suffer the fate of the useless." Flare said, glancing to the pair of spirits, looking at Nameless with hunger and greed.



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Nameless narrowed his eyes, king he might be, but also lacking in manners..the stallion had basically insulted him in the worst way possible, he might have offered his services to the unicorn but that didn't mean he had debased himself!

"I come from near the Monoceros mountains, being useless is not an option there..." He stood tall, now staring directly at the stallion as opposed to his earlier covert gazes. "I am an outcast of the Licorne Warrior Caravan tribe. Magic other than basic levitation is generally reserved for the shammans or magician warriors. I was only given that honor after I had already killed my first crocotta* and proved myself a stallion to the tribe. Even without my powers i am far from useless." He calmed, eyes turning from blazing electric blue to icy cold, "My master, a shamman named Fornax was trained by his master Escultor to forge magician warriors who would be loyal to the clan. Unfortunatly, I was more interested in power and discovering thier limits than to bowing and scraping. I was uninterested in the wars and feuds of my Tribe, nor did I care about thier peace treaties. I wanted knowledge, and cared little for anything else. I was soon cosidered Mad and dangerous, and my master was told to stop me." It was the longest speech he had ever made, and realising this, he cut it short, " These Chains were forged by my Master to controll my more...irratic behaviours, by consuming my powers when I attempt to use them - anything that demands to much energy takes double that energy away from me, besides the original power consumed by the spell. He forged it from Star metal, from the Starridge Aeries of the Eastern Hippogriff Clan, I cannot break it, and I would have asked you later at a more appropriate time...Had not you taken the task from me, yourself."




((crocotta - dog-wolf/hyena creature of an enemy tribe that wander the same lands as the Licorne Caravan. Far from Equestria and may or may not have been around/known about in King Flares time, your choice. :) ))

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Cerulean seemed very absorbed in a magical orb floating in front of her. Changelings were shown within the orb, flying on an airship. "My lord, take a look at this." said Cerulean, throwing the orb his way, while pulling up another, which was showing a view of the nearby town. "I don't know much about this star metal, but I'm sure I could break it." said Flare, looking into the scrying orb. "Flare had mastered some rather powerful magic during his life, perhaps they would work." said Flare.



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Every changeling stopped, and leaped into rank and file, with Dark Meta at the lead of it, facing them. "The wise King Flare has just accepted our request for peace!" Cheers rose up from the crowd. "Yes, yes. Now... you follow my orders as law, correct?"


"Good! You are to treat him as me if  he gives you orders! Although..." He seemed to look directly into the scrying ball. "He has no permssion, in any way, to use my troops as... experiments. I did not give him 7,000 skeleponies, I gave him 7,000 changelings."

He paused, and then continued. "Your quarters will be on the Arcship Demonstone unless he provides us with different ones, which I can respect if he can't..."

He turned back to the changelings. "You are dismissed! I want companies A and B on patrol, but the rest of you,get back in the airship and prepare yourselves to be placed under his command!"


Just then, a brown dot appeared in the distance. He took out a telescope and looked through it. The Halberd! So Meta Knight was en route...


Meanwhile, on the Battleship Halberd...


"Just say you don't know how to drive this thing," Sailor Yellow  complained.

"Well, I would, but then I would be lying." Sailor Blue commented.


"Will you two SHUT UP already? You've been bickering ever since we left Canterlot!" Sailor Red exclaimed.

"Yeah, sure... and what have you done?" Blue asked. "Sit in the back and comment the entire time we've been driving?"

"Are we even going in the right direction?" Yellow said.


"How do you know?"

"I'd bet a year's pay that it's that smoking volcano with the Arcship Demonstone over it."


Edited by Meta Knight
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Star Rain uses her magic to sharpen her blade and charges it again with her magic. Her magic had gotten stronger from that fight with Tondrak. As she was performing these tasks, Star Rain had started to sense a connection between Meta Knight and Tondrak. Had these two met before? But that's impossible! Tondrak's a thousand years old... unless Meta Knight is like Princess Celestia in terms of age! Could it really be possible? Whatever it may be though, I have to help defeat that guy! she thought to herself.

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Meta Knight leaned up on his staff. It sure was the Demonship Arcstone. He shook his head. It only got harder and harder. He sighed and staggered over next to Star. "Hello... Star, is it?" He rubbed his eyes and sat down on a nearby bench. "You are certainly brave... Necromancer certainly are a strong opponent." He sighed, and grumbled, "May a curse be on all of those who practice the dark arts."


It certainly was the Battleship Halberd. Curses. Now he had his twin to deal with. Cursing, he went back into the smoking mountain.

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Meta Knight leaned up on his staff. It sure was the Demonship Arcstone. He shook his head. It only got harder and harder. He sighed and staggered over next to Star. "Hello... Star, is it?" He rubbed his eyes and sat down on a nearby bench. "You are certainly brave... Necromancer certainly are a strong opponent." He sighed, and grumbled, "May a curse be on all of those who practice the dark arts."


It certainly was the Battleship Halberd. Curses. Now he had his twin to deal with. Cursing, he went back into the smoking mountain.

"Yeah, thanks. Do you need some healing?" Star Rain asked. Without waiting for an answer, she attempted a healing spell on Meta Knight. Her magic went from cyan to minty green as she struggled to perform it well. After a minute, she succeeded and fell down on the ground. Then a question came to mind. "Meta, you know that skeleton guy well, don't you?" she asked after a quick recovery and a magic-restoring apple.

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"Meh... A long rest would benefit me the most." He sighed and shook his head. "I didn't know that skelepony... I mixed him up. All necromancers look the same from a distance." He shook his head. "I have fought here before with a different necromancer... but his name..." His eyes widened. "Quick! When you defeated and redeemed gust, what was the name of the person that had corrupted him to evil?"

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"I wasn't there when he was defeated and redeemed. I was fighting that skeleton guy with you, remember?" Star Rain replied. It would've shocked her to find out that Gust is now on their side, but she didn't have time to be shocked when there was possibly a large army of necromancers and zombies gathering, along with some changelings. " Thunder may know, though. Why not ask him?" she suggested.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Thunder, overhearing their conversation, told them what he had learned from Gust, "He doesn't seem to remember anything from while he was possessed, but the last thing he does remember is that he was in Canterlot fighting King Flare. So I guess we can assume it was Flare who made him that way."

Real men don't need signatures...


or legitimate usernames.

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Tondrak had left the others and approached a graveyard. This was a war graveyard, from a long time ago, a battle was fought and many ponies died. Tondrak began raising the dead soldiers so that they might fight again. Tondrak had built an army that began to march. Undead moans could be heard.

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"Flare... Flare... FLARE! Oh, no..."


He stood up suddenly. "If we are going to go, we are going to go tomorrow morning. Any later, and it will be too late." Suddenly energized, he got up and started pacing furiously. "Bah. Remind me the next time I kill a master level necromancer to make sure he doesn't come back to life."

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"Oh ok. Got it!" Star Rain said with a salute. She laughed a little at Meta Knight's comment about making sure the necromancers were dead, even though she knew he was serious. And judging from his pacing from hearing Flare's name, Star Rain started to see that he most likely has a connection of some sort to him. " Ok, so maybe you never met that skeleton guy, but did you meet Flare?" she asked, hoping he can shed more light on his weaknesses. Her book told a lot, but it won't be enough.

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"Yes, yes. An eternity ago, I was the one who dug his grave, if you know what I mean." He continued to pace. "He almost got away with destroying the princesses, but then, like a cliche, I came in and threw him out." He shook his head. "And then I slit his throat and threw his crown into a lava pool."

He paused and looked at her. "But... I assume you want details, huh?" He shook his head. "And I mean it about the necromancers. If you leave them alone, they will eventually come back to life." Still shaking his head, he sat down. "As for the details... I can't remember too well. All I know is that I didn't do this great act alone."

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Finally! He was there, the mighty city of Canterlot. In all its beauty, the colt nearly forgot what he had come for, but memories of the carnage that had befallen his friends quickly got him back on track. He ran up to the nearest guard, and began to fumble in his battered saddlebag.


At last, Collision pulled out the letter triumphantly. "Got a letter for Celestia!" he announced to the guard. The guard responded by sighing, and replying boredly.


"Nice try kid. Run on home, Celestia is too busy for your games."


Collision looked back at the guard uncertainly. "Okay..." he replied, pushing the letter back into his bag. "So, the castle is that way huh?"


"Yeah," the guard replied, "It's just over..."


Before he could finish, Collision bolted off towards the castle, leaving the guard behind. "I'll deliver it by hand then!" he shouted back to the stunned soldier.

Edited by Silverpoint345
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"Enough waiting around, we shall take action." said Flare. "Cerulean, do any of the chosen but you yet stand?" "Gust is the only chosen we have lost, my lord." said Cerulean. "Go get Ember, we need him with us." "Yes my lord." Cerulean headed down a set of stairs, and headed back up with a drake accompanying her.



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