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Ancient Evils


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Lapis and Asteria trotted in after Meta Knight and sat down upon the ground and listened intently. It seemed like the masked pony had things under control. Either of them would speak up if anything caught their attention. But for the time being, they would listen. It was what they normally did. And if someone else felt like asking the questions, it was of no consequence to them.


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"I'm a travelling trader. My brother and I travel all around the world, trading things, learning about new lands. He's the smart one, always writing some sort of map, or book. I just help him out with things. We've had a bit of downtime, so we came back home. He's in his room, probably studying, or working on his maps. One second."


She turned towards a hallway behind her.


"Topaz! We have visitors!" she yelled.


A unicorn stallion came walking out, his blue mane poorly kept, hanging down his shoulders.


"Hmm? Oh, hello!" said Topaz.


"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?" asked Star. 



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Meta knight he filed the name away, as the masked stallion took over now, talking pleasantly to the young mare about other things he only half payed attention to. It confirmed his thoughts on the zebra - either unused to leadership or didn't want it. He lowered himself to the ground, rearranging his cloak as looked around the small house as the others talked and chatted.

The new unicorn, Topaz came into the group and he got up to find a more exclusive corner, passing a self he noticed a rare map behind glass - it was old, and beutifull - he stopped to admire it grudgingly and turned away before he started looking at the other objects - there were things fom all over here. He even saw some things from near his homeland, he smirked, looking at another open map, he had come a long way from the war torn country he had come from. still havn't changed, he thought as he lay down again, this time near a corner so he'd be out of the way - the house really wasn't big enough to accomodate so many, and it was making him decidedly uncomfortable. He came from vast areas without boundries and used to living in the open of the warrior caravans that traversed the dangerous territory. How could that Thunder be so calm...had he never been to his own homeland to know what 'open grasslands' meant? eyes half closed he listened for more clues to the mystery of this place and about his new 'comrades' grimacing as the term popped into his mind..

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Meta bowed to the new pony. "Hello... Topaz." He turned to Shooting. "I have come on royal orders to inquire about the mysterious happenings in Trottingham. May I ask, what do you know about them?"


These other ponies... we have a strong, silent one, a mysterious one, a hyperactive one, a happy go lucky one, and one that is constantly on guard. This will turn out interestingly, indeed.

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Collision fidgeted restlessly. He had loads to ask the group, questions about who they were, why they were here, what they liked to eat... but he didn't want to interrupt Meta. He resorted to glancing out of the window. The songbird was back, hopping freely along the near deserted high street. Collision watched it for a while, longing to hop after it. But he couldn't! There were more important things at hand! He tried to listen to what was being said, in the hope that he might glean some information.

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"Well, ponies have been going missing, but I'm sure you knew that. I was looking out my window late one night, as I couldn't sleep. I saw some black robed ponies heading down from the mountains, and some sort of glowing creature. It seemed...lifeless. They had somepony behind them, being dragged to the mountains. I would have reported this to the guards, but we lost the last one last week. I would have left by now, but Topaz says we need to figure this out. That's why we have all the locks, he says that we need them to stay safe."


Topaz nodded from the back of the room, looking at some sort of book.


"One of them was carrying something, wrapped in a black cloth. I have no idea what it was, but it wasn't much bigger than a normal-sized head." Topaz added. "I would go investigate, but it's much too dangerous. I'm no good in a fight, and my leg isn't helping anything." he said, glancing at his bum leg.

Edited by Brosparkles



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"Well, I guess it's up to us then. It looks like we should head out for the mountain, and quickly, before anyone else gets taken. But first, is there anything else you can tell us that might help? We want to be as informed as possible before we go to investigate."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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hyperactive colt and bad leg sould stay away..he thought to himself but it's thier funeral and none of my conscern...

He stretched out, cat like, to crack his back and release the tension there when Thunder made his voice heard. His eyes narrowed again as he shook himself off and straigtened, interesting, no tactics from the Knight...

He shuffled closer now, "before we charge off, " he rasped quietly, again not looking quite at anyone."Powers? we have unicorns in the group.."

Edited by SunsetDancer
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Hmmm, black-robed ponies. An object wrapped in a black cloth? Sounds like a cult or worshippers or something. And another pony being dragged behind them?! Star Rain thought. "Is this the work of some cult or something who's sacrificing ponies?" she suggested.

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"You're heading up there?" said Topaz. "I'd say watch for dragons."


"Yeah, I saw a drake with them. Not a fully grown dragon, but still, watch out." said Star. "And watch out for a unicorn mare, with a purple mane. She seemed to be in charge, and the glowing monster was following her."


"You'll want to be armed, I'm sure they will be." said Topaz. "I would join you personally, but I'd weigh you down. Anything you need, I'll try my best to provide." he said.

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Asteria replied the the older unicorn's inquiry. "Well, I'm proficient with shield magic, and I can cast a basic fireball spell. Beyond that, not much else. Although, I'm skilled with the standard telekinesis." She wasn't known for her magical abilities, but rather her creativity with what little she had.


Lapis went over the facts carefully. It was clear that some sort of cult was kidnapping ponies and probably sacrificing them to some made up god. Hopefully is was just that, and not something worse. He'd encountered some awful creatures in the past, and it was very likely one such entity could have orchestrated these events. "Well, I for one think we could be dealing with unknown forces along with mysterious creatures and ponies."


The mention of a drake worried Lapis. He had had a run in with a dragon not too long ago. They'd escaped before the dragon had attacked, but the thought of what it might have done to them lingered. He closed his eyes in thought. "We'll be careful." he murmured.


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"Do you know where we could find weapons and equipment, then?" Big Thunder didn't like the sound of this. It looked like they were going to have quite a bit of fighting ahead of them. Well I'm no stranger to that. Growing up on the street does have it's advantages, I guess

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I've got some basic arms, forged in the Griffin Kingdoms. Picked them up to trade here, but they won't serve me much of use beyond that." said Topaz.


He directed them to a cart outside, where he had all sorts of goods. Various weapons hung on the walls, while all sorts of other goods littered the floor. Most of it was from Zebrica, along with some things from the Griffin kingdoms, and basic things which the origin country couldn't be determined. The cart was rather disorganized, and to get through it required quite a lot of effort.


"Take whatever you want, and consider it a small thanks for what you're doing for this town. "

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"Thank you for all the help you've given us. I promise your faith in us is not misplaced- we will do all in our power to stop whatever's going on.", Big Thunder said, selecting a particularly heavy set of horseshoes and a spiked helmet. All of his fighting experience came from brawls where he was either unarmed or using only improvised weapons, so a helmet for charging and heavy shoes for kicking were all he needed.

Real men don't need signatures...


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Meta Knight nodded and bowed again. "Thank you, good ponies." He looked around and picked up a whetstone. He drew his gloden-plated sword and began to sharpen it.


A drake...? I haven't seen any of those in a while. He shook his head, continuing to sharpen his sword. And an object wrapped in black cloth... definitely an artifact of some kind. The size makes it seems like a crown. If the cult is true, then we probably will be fighting undead...


When the question concerning magic came up, he said, "I am proficent in magic of most types. I do not use necromancy or ice magic unless in dire circumstances.

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Nameless looked into the wagon, noting that most of these wepons were practical, like the heavy horseshoes that Thunder had taken, there were a couple of swords and spears which he looked at, but direguarded mostly in the end - in  close quarters they would be inthe way. He ended up taking a few chakram from the Ib'Xian continent and a sickle chain combination that ensured distance and accuracy. Distance was best. After a moments hesitation, he also shod his feet in iron, one couldn't count on an opponent to stay far after all. He distanced himself again, putting the Chakram pouch on the collar on his neck - the sickle he tucked away under his cloak.








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I'm pretty good with magic in combat, but I guess having a weapon won't hurt Star Rain thought as she looked into the wagon. After a few minutes of thinking, she chose a samurai sword and charged it with some of her magic. She also found some leg guards and strapped them on to her legs. When the question about magic came up, she replied,"I know some combative magic and I can use some water and light based magic. So we won't have to worry about water supply. Not only that, my art spells can help make some decoys too!" With that, she levitated some rocks and changed their colors and luster to make fake gems that acted as distractions and bait.

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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Lapis looked over all the tools and weapons. He really didn't think he'd need one, but lifted up a pickax and found a harness to keep it in. He was used to using one since he had been raised a miner. With a little help from Asteria, the blue stallion had everything set up. At a moment's notice, he could pull out the tool with his mouth and swing it with pride. In close quarters, he would probably just use his back legs. Asteria took nothing, as she was confident in her shield spells.


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After turning the rest of the townsfolk into his undead minions, Tondrak walked out of the cave and looked down the mountain at the village of Trottingham. "I can sence that my staff is near, it's somewhere in that village." Tondrak looked at the leader of the cultists. "Tell the rest of your men to prepare, were going to burn the village to the ground... It's time that the world knows of my return." Tondrak began to walk towards the village, with his zombies following behind him.


(OOC: i thought it might be more interesting if i came to u guys. Also i wont be able to roleplay until 4:00 pm tommorow because i have an exam. But its my last exam :) after this i can put my focus on the roleplay)

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Collision glanced down disinterestedly at the weapons, before addressing the group. "I can wall jump!" he exclaimed, "I can climb stuff, bounce on things...." he trailed off, realising something. "That's a lot of weaponry..."Why do we need so much? It's just an adventure right?

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The cultist bowed her head.


"Immediately." said the mare.


She gestured once more, and the group behind her dispersed, heading into a chamber behind them. She soon followed them, and gathered her forces. Various cultists in red, green, or purple trimmed cloaks of black prepared themselves within.

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Nameless looked over them all, fire would be usefull as would the shield although he noticed the couple was less versed in weapons than the others. The purple one had combat experience as far as he could tell, and the child....was still a child.

Let someone else explain the reality of the world to him...

He shook his mane beneath its hood, trying to think of a next step; Going up against many with a group was a first for him as well, it would mean protecting others instead of fighting in his own style...one of the reasons he didn't normally join up in adventuring groups..But the thought setting a fire in a wooded area was appealing. He shook that thought off mentally and summed up thier situation: two bookworms - one with magic.. the mask would and could magic and fight..the zebra would be strong like most of his kind, so he wasn't conscerned about either of the two warriors.

"Why here?" he muttered, "what is near here that a cult might want..?" he came closer to the group still milling around the cart and confronted Topaz ((and shooting Star)) "Are there legends about this area that may conscern us?"

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"Well, one such legend I've heard was about the defeat of Mad King Flare, which is nothing more than an old tale. They say he was sealed up within those very mountains, long before Celestia and Luna had taken rule. But he was said to have been sealed away eleven-thousand years ago,  you'd think he'd have made his move sooner. That, and some ponies have been telling myths about the undead, but I'm sure it's nothing. I'd be more concerned with the threat we know about."



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"Well, one such legend I've heard was about the defeat of Mad King Flare, which is nothing more than an old tale. They say he was sealed up within those very mountains, long before Celestia and Luna had taken rule. But he was said to have been sealed away eleven-thousand years ago,  you'd think he'd have made his move sooner. That, and some ponies have been telling myths about the undead, but I'm sure it's nothing. I'd be more concerned with the threat we know about."

"You know... I'm pretty sure that is the threat we're dealing with!" Star Rain said after much thought. She then levitated her mythology book out of her saddle bags and flipped through the pages. She found the page the same legend was on, but strangely enough, half a page was torn out. The only thing left of that missing half was "requires a forbidden it-". Unknown to Star Rain, it was like that a very short time before she bought it. 

Edited by MagicalStarRain

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