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searching The End Times [OOC, Sign ups start now]


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At the end of the world, a unicorn named Dusk managed to use a spell he thought would stop the end times. The spell worked, but not the way he expected.


It created a new Equestria identical to the other. Only he and *insert the number of the role-players that will join* remember any of the events of the universe they had previously been in.


All was well, until the world ended again.


Dusk learned that Equestria would keep recreating itself, and he and the others would enter this new universe three days before the end times.


This would keep repeating itself until they managed to survive in the post-apocalyptic world.


Every time the universe recreates itself, there will be a new thing that brings the apocalypse. Ranging from an alien invasion to a zombie virus to a dolphin uprising.


Rules and other shtuff

-Your character will die multiple times in this role-play, and will only be reincarnated when all others have died.

(Making the right decisions will prevent this from happening too soon)

-Pleas notify me in the OOC thread if you will be absent for a while

-Everypony will be able to vote on what will happen in the next universe.

-Have fun :P


Sign ups start now.


What should the first apocalypse be:

-Global natural disasters

-Zombie Virus

Edited by Zalgo


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