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open Hide and Seek: The Experiments I- The Escape


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Kit stopped running as he collapsed to his knees on the floor. "Water.... I need water," He insisted. The scientists nodded and got him a dog dish full of water. "You know, I hate this place so much... In fact I fully intend to escape. And after I've escaped and made up for 17 years of not having any women around me I'm going to make you all go through these tests," He told them. "Why you little..." one of the scientists started angrily as he reached for his electric stick and extended it toward Kit. Kit smirked and splashed his dog bowl up at the scientist before he could electrocute him causing the scientist to receive the shock instead.


Kit laughed as he was dragged away by Seekers.

Kit laughed as they preformed physical and mental tortures on him.

Kit laughed until he fell asleep.

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Cornix was silent. He refused to scream, He refused to cry. He was almost used to these experiments. testing his bone structure, muscles, every tiny detail of his body was monitored. The scientist were disagreeing over him. He caught small pieces of their conversation. ...Most successful avian hybrid...Don't mess it up...fine the way it is. He liked this side, though he didn't like being called an "It." ...best test subject...trained to fight...almost complete... he knew that this side was going to win out in the end. 

By the end of the debate the two sides had agreed to wait whatever it was, test it out on other subjects.

Cornix knew he had just barely dodged a bullet. He was thrown back in his cage. He showed no emotion but on the inside he cursed the scientists for not their constant poking and prodding.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Felidae dreamed for the first time in her life. As she lay in the cold darkness of the Holding Room, in her semiconciousness, she saw what she imagined to be Freedom. It was wide open space. It was light. It was fresh and breezy. It was green, green, green, as far as the eye good see. Though she'd never seen it up close and personal, she knew what grass was. She knew the trees and the sun, and the flowers and, of course, the animals. She imagined this was freedom. Nothing holding her back. Never fearing to step out of line. A will of her own. And even in the world of her dreams, the feel of it was amazing....and bittersweet. She didn't want to think about waking up back in her cage anyhow, though. For now, she would lay in the mirage of grass and listen to the wind play flute-music in her ear



((OOC: Scene inspiried by this song:

 It fit the moment. ^^ Beautiful but sad...))
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After the tests Cornix was sent back to his cage. He sat in the center of the small enclosure with his wings wrapped around him, Shielding him from anyone who could have seen the tears roll down his face. He wiped his eyes. He looked down at his hands, now wet with his tears. His hands appeared human by any passing glance, but they were grafted with DNA from an some kind of bird of prey, They ended pale Talons. strong enough to shred his prey.

He clenched them into fists. No more! The next time they put him in a battle scenario he would tear his opponent to shreds. Then he would get out of this hellhole.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Felidae opened her eyes to darkness. It was likely that testing was over for the day, and the rest of the experiments were back in their cages. She sat up slowly, the lashes on her back had stopped stinging, fortunately enough.  She wanted badly to stand and stretch, even if only for a little bit. Not every Hybrid was called out each day, and it was probable that she wouldn't be tested on tomorrow. While she was releived, at the same time she felt bitter disappointment. She was stronger than any one of those Scientists. All they did was hide behind the Seekers. All the hybrids were stronger.

She didn't doubt the Seekers' powers, no.

But she didn't doubt the Hybrids' either......

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Xion had a bitter taste on her tongue. Not because she tasted something bad, it was because she had to be moved twice already, so this is her third time being moved to a different cage THIS WEEK. Or was it a week, may be a month...who knows. She looked at her tag.


'Experiment 498: Xion

Status : Imperfect'


She wished she knew what it meant, but she lost all of her vocabulary during these two dreadful years here. She was about to ponder why she got here in the first place when she was dumped out of her previous cage. She got up and muttered something that most people wouldn't say, and went to the nearest corner. She wasn't much of a talker.

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There was a new experiment in their Holding Room. Felidae could just barely see her silhouette in the growing dimness. New indeed. How long had she been in this facility? She couldn't tell at first glance. Couldn't have been too long anyways. She shifted slightly, sitting on her knees and watching this new hybrid with curious eyes.

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Xion sighed. She had a couple things on her mind already, and that extra cat part of her wasn't helping at all. Actually, it was distracting. She always thinking about grooming herself for no reason. Well, for some reason she didn't know.


When she looked down, she noticed that she could still make out her shadow even though it was about dark. 'At least this has some pros...,' She thought to herself. 'That's the spirit!', The other side of her thought.


Then her right ear twitted and pressed itself flat onto her head. She took it that somebody was watching her. She didn't know who, but then again, she didn't care. She just wanted some alone time.

Edited by ~Bluenote~
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Felidae fought back a sigh. She turned away from the new hybrid and grabbed the bars of her cage. She wished she could just bend them. Bend them and run to freedom. With pale ears drooped, Felidae curled up on the frigid metallic floor. She wasn't tired. No, not in the slightest.

The day had already wound to a close, really there was nothing left to do but wait

.....and watch, listen, and learn.....

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Carullo curled around, still hurting from his beating. He stretched his upper torso so her head near touched his backside, giving his a rather freakish appearance. He could feel the resentment growing in him more every day-he had tried to escape once before and had been tortured within an inch of his life.

He listened carefully to the others, realizing that a new hybrid had been brought in. After the morning's incident, he decided it was probably better to remain silent and observe.

Edited by Captain Hammer


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After a very, VERY long silence, Xion decided to rest for tonight. Besides, I would be the first one to be tested on tomorrow, and that was a pretty good bet. However, she knew she would have night terrors, it was staple at this point. She laid down, tried to make herself comfortable, and started to try and wait out some of the night.

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Kit woke up with an aching body. He still held a grin though and leaned on the bars of his cage and looked towardstowards the new Hybrid. "Hey! More chicks!" He said quietly. "So you're a ti.....g.....er," he read slowly off her chart. Well I may read like a retard but at least I can.

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Kit woke up with an aching body. He still held a grin though and leaned on the bars of his cage and looked towardstowards the new Hybrid. "Hey! More chicks!" He said quietly. "So you're a ti.....g.....er," he read slowly off her chart. Well I may read like a retard but at least I can.

(I am perfectly fine with that)


At this point, Xion didn't really care who that was, all she cared about was some time alone...until she heard chicks in there. That was WAY over the top. "If your going to call me a chick, then at least be truthful about it!", she said.


'He's gotta be a fox,' she thought to herself. 'I mean, what other Hybrid,' she shuddered at the word, 'would be a womanizer?'

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"Man you female hybrids are so uptight, I say you look pretty and suddenly I'm a bad guy, sheesh. You try spending 17 years without interacting with females and see if you don't want a roll in the hay," Kit told the Tiger hybrid. "What does a guy have to do to get some in here," He muttered.

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Carullo heard the whole exchange and chuckled a little.

"When you start treating women as people and not as objects from which to, as you put it, 'get some'," he said with a sarcastic smirk, and glanced at Xion. Yet another feline Hybrid, he thought boredly. He wasn't sure what kind of animal she was but it was obvious that she had cat-like qualities.

"I apologize on his behalf," he said in his accented voice.

Edited by Captain Hammer


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Cornix was getting rather annoyed at the fox hybrid. So annoyed in fact that he spoke his first words in 3 years. It wasn't that he had a strange voice or anything but kept silent as a way to get back at the scientists. His voice rang clear, with just a hint of venom due to his annoyance.

"Why don't you suggest a breeding program? I'm sure the scientists would love to watch and rate your performance." 

Sarcasm was dripping off his voice. He wasn't exactly like the other hybrids. He had been taught, just like everyone else in the outside world. He had seen it, lived it. but his parents debts came due and the scientists had bought him. somehow altering his DNA after he was already a teenager.

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Hmph. Most people here didn't know that she was a mutant before she was a hybrid. People didn't understand. "Well, you may have been here for 17 years, but you still didn't have some vocabulary. I, on the other hand, stayed here two years and FORGOT my vocabulary. It feels worse that way, son of a -" , Xion said, stopping at the last word. She was too fumed to bother staying up anymore. She'd rather have nightmares than this.

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Felidae chittered softly at their words, a quiet sound in the back of her throat, half amused at the avian-Hybrid's words, half annoyed at the argument in its entirety. She uncurled herself, blinking blurriness from her eyes and banishing the last traces of her short catnap, glaring icily at them.

"You're not seriously having a conversation about breeding are you?"

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Kit looked over to the Avian and snarled. "look bird beak, you try going seventeen years with the feral mating instinct of a Fox and the lonelyness of a teenage boy and tell me if you don't want to get in the pants of every girl you meet," He told him annoyed.

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"Apparently we are," replied Carullo with a sigh. "Because foxy here's need to act like a...a...twyllo is waking everyone up. His...ah...ysfa rywiol is apparently important enough to garner discussion." He glared at Kit unnervingly. "Shut up and go to sleep before you make even more of a spectacle of yourself."


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"Boys" Felidae huffed quietly, looking sympathetically at the tiger Hybrid. She sat back on her knees, continuing her quiet mutterings and fussing with her twitching ears.

"At least show a little restraint when addressing a girl. No self respecting lady would ever pair themselves with a boy who lacks tact and subtlety." She advised.

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Xion didn't know what happened after this point; she was asleep. Nonetheless, she would probably be awake not to soon. In fact, it's probability of happening was certain. It was ridiculous.


'...Actually, why hasn't it started yet?', she thought. Most of the time the nightmare starts right after she drifts off, but today it didn't seem right...

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Kit looked towards Felidae and shrugged. "Sorry, it's just that every time I See you females all I want to do is bite into the scruff of your neck lean you over a table and...... Sorry," he said, his cheeks getting a bright red color. "I'll just go back to sleep," he concluded before curling up and sleeping.

Edited by Half-Note
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Cornix smirked as the fox embarrassed himself once again. He looked over at the Felidae, His expression hardening. 

"Im getting out of here. But I can't do it alone. Once we get out under the open sky I can take only one other with me."

He was about to say more but he heard the sound of a guard making his way down the line of cages. He quickly shushed the cat-hybrid before she could speak and alert the guard. He curled up in his wings and feigned sleep until the guard passed. He removed his wings from in front of his face so he could see the other hybrid again. 

"Are you in?"

Why is it called Common Sense if it is not that common?


Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/SystematixDancer?feature=mhee                Sig by Lost


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Felidae almost stopped breathing. A chance to get out! She crouched down as the guard made his nightly round and then left. She sat up immediately.

"S-seriously?" She choked out quietly, staring at the avian Hybrid in wonder, "how will we break out though? No one's ever done it before, it's impossible!"

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