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Just introducing myself... and maybe ranting (for lack of a better term)


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Hi I'm Zack, and I was looking for a forum to hang around in, as I was once a regular in a forum and loved being part of a community. Now, to be honest, one of three things will happen:


1. I'll make 10 posts and then never be heard from again, as I've given up on the forum and I will go round, website to website in the shadows, past the shock sites, though the youtube videos, and sometimes spending a bit too long at the adult ones, trying to make the internet a better place, byte by byte.

2. I'll become a regular here

3. The mods will ban me after this first post because some mods are mean like that*


I'm hoping desperately for number 2, as the last forum I was in (Super Meat Boy forums) has 1. died down and 2. I kind of left it when other people started leaving.


Anyway have a profile, as I've never been sure what to put in these things:


Age: 15

Birthday: 23/4

Hobbies: Listening to music, Socialising1, Photoshoping

Favourite Artists: Owl City, The Beatles, Queen, Train, Smash Mouth

Favourite Food: Macaroni and Cheese, then Lasagna

Place of Residence: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Sites I regularly visit: reddit, EQD, jmtb02.com (not as much since he posts less), gmail, hopefully this site in the future.

Occupation: Student

Favourite TV shows: Futurama, Scrubs, Doctor Who, Episodes and MLP:FiM (duh)

Facts about me: I like to think of myself social, but I'm really not. I used to read all the time, then I stopped reading, but I'm starting to read more again now. I use too many comment, I sometimes make really bad jokes. Sometimes I get nervous posting comments/posts as I'm afraid people won't like it. Funnily though, when I'm in public I tend not to care what other people think. For example (some) people say how embarrassing it is to go out in public and wear a pony T-shirt, but even though I was a bit embarrassed at first I realised that people just don't care, even where wearing t to school, I didn't get teased at all about it, despite having bulling problems earlier in life2. Sometimes I rant a bit. Once I kicked my aunty's dog on purpose because it kept on stepping on my shoes, and when confronted about it I said I was practicing my tap dancing and was accidentally hit the dog. When I was (I think) 8 I did tap dancing classed for a year. I procrastinate a lot. I sung in the Australian Boys Choir for 5 years, and toured to Singapore/Malaysia with them. I have been to L.A, San Diago and Las Vegas all on (the same) holiday. I recently went to Nicaragua and Costa Rica on a trip with World Challange. I have been to every capital city in Australia. I like puns.





*As I said, I have been looking for forums, so I decided that I would try out this Photoshop forum after doing the first Photoshop I was proud of. Anyway I post a light-hearted shop in a request thread (Someone asked for people riding on dinosaurs and I posted a picture of a dinosaur riding on a person.) I then make a introduction thread with the shop I had done in it (It was a basic one (to me now) and I had remove a person on a not to plain background). The shop had a troll face right in the background really small. I got told off for that by the main mod, he deleted my other post and said if I posted the face in anything or did anything like my first post again I would be banned. So I typed out this reply saying how I was sorry and didn't realise that he would get that offended by the troll face that badly, turned out he had made it so everything I posted to the forum had to be approved. I asked him about it and he said he would only take it off "once I'd proved myself". Needless to say I didn't stay around for too long.


1with people I have at least 1 similar interests with, as even I, the social butterfly which I am (not), have trouble talking to people I have nothing in common with. For instance, I was at my cousins engagment party, I ended up in this really awkward conversation with this guy, who was early 20s. He had these fluorescent shoes on and we got to talking about clothing or something and he had a fantastic 4 comic T-shirt on [i think] so I commented on it, and he told me about that he liked comics and had a bunch of T-shirts with comic covers on them. I ended up telling him I have a Futurama shirt, which he thought was ok, but he didn't watch much T.V and a couple of others like this zombie one and a MLP one, when which I got to the MLP one he was like, "yeah, that's just weird" at which point I told him that I just thought it was an alright show and he told me that he had some friends that watched it and didn't get the appeal, I said "OK" and I really didn't know how to continue the conversation. I ended up asking him if he played video games, he didn't. Since the only thing I thought we may have in common was that he seemed to be taking a lot of pictures with my camera a lot, so I told him I got that camera for my 13th birthday, he replied "Yeah, I suggested it to your dad". I realised that he was much more into photography than me, anything I would say he'd know and that anything he would say about it I wouldn't have interest. I considered feigning interest in more advance photography and cameras, but decided that it wasn't worth it and that I should go find someone else to talk to.


2When I was in Primary school my bullying got so bad I had to move school, it then was ok, for about a year and a half, at which point the bullying got really bad again. When I moved into high school the bulling started again a bit after the start of year 7 and finally stopped about a year later. I haven't had any problems since (almost 2 years now), so I'm happy. The funny thing is I'm friends with some of my bullies now, and was friends with some of the people who ended up bullying me. Circle of life I suppose.


  • Brohoof 1
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I don't think you'll have a problem here! :P The mods are quite nice. 


Oh and welcome!




Welcome to the forums my fellow brony/pegasister! *yay* hope you have a nice stay!

Thanks both of you :)


Also, almost forgot to say, Pinkie Pie is my favourite Pony, Sweetie Belle is my favourite CMC, Vinyl is my favourite background pony, Discord is my favourite villain and it's tied between Celestia and Cadance as my favourite princess (I don't dislike Luna, just like the others better, Cadance and Celestia. Spike is my favourite dragon.


Anyway, they would be my top 5 characters (minus Vinyl, as she doesn't have any character development)


The Discord episodes are my favourite in the series so far.

Edited by clapallthetime
  • Brohoof 1
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Hey, what's up Clapallthetime? How's it going over there Victorian?


It was really hot at one stage but weathers cooling back down to low 30s to mid 20s (Celsius), and at this very moment it is raining. It made it up to 38 for the last couple of days, but being Melbourne, the weather is all over the place.


As for hows it going, fine I guess, school goes back at the end of January and I'm waiting on stuff to arrive in the mail. Having a good time.

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I was gonna use Pinkie's"Welcome to Ponyville" song, but I figured it wasn't very orignal, so welcome to MLPForums, me bucko. And the mods here are quite nice and do their job well, so that shouldn't be a problem. You'll also notice that everyone is much easier to talk to and reason with here, must be the ponies. So, above all, Welcome!



(I would've been using emoticons, but I'm on a phone right now)

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