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private Pirate Adventure RP!


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Rambler nodded.


"Well, as first mate and co-captain, that's certainly well within your power. Ideally we're going to be boarding the ship anyway, because we don't want to risk his majesty getting hit by a stray cannonball or something. The ship will be very well guarded, though, with several other ships protecting it. I'm not sure we'll be able to take it by ourselves. I think we may want to contact some of the other pirate captains in the area and see if we can agree to work together. The ransom will be more than big enough to split with them and still be worthwhile."

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Storm walked over and leaned up against the wall "You can leave getting you on that ship up to me. I'm the best there is when it comes to getting someplace undetected." Storm was boasting he wasn't the best. That one time that he got caught and thrown in jail was a stupid mistake that not only cost him fame and money but a friend as well. He did feel all giddy inside he was itching to do some thievery and get some fighting in as well.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Spark thought for a moment, then came up with somwthing brilliant. "You remember when I came up to your ship, and I looked so pathetic on my make-shift raft?" Spark said "What if, say, I did that with the Zebra king's ship? He'll be sure to take me captive. But ;et's say, for a moment, that I'm wearing what I'm wearing now." Spark gestured to her outfit, the same one from the fight a day or two ago. It wa positively ripped to shreds, but it  was still clinging to her body. "The Zebra king will take me as his little pet. And then ya'll arrive" Spark smiled, liking the sound of a little re-con.

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((Yep...totally forgot about this roleplay, apologies))


 Enigma nodded his head, turned around, and trotted out of the cabin on to the deck. He looked over, and saw the helmspony right where he should be - at the helm. Smiling a little, Enigma walked slowly over to him and then cleared his throat.  

"New heading, back to Stalympos" he announced to any and all ponies above deck "Cap'ns orders." 


The other ponies on deck looked a little confused as their gazes shifted between one another.

"Problem?" Enigma growled, glaring over the deck. There was a sudden hush and the crew quickly started back to work. Enigma decided it was time for him to head back below deck.

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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When Spark called attention to her outfit and the body in it, Rambler just stared for a minute, his mouth practically watering. Soon enough, however, his focus returned to their mission.


"I don't know... it's a pretty solid plan, but I wouldn't want to put you in danger. I certainly don't want you to be forced to have... relations with the king. And if things go wrong, you'll end up either dead or a slave. We can do it if necessary, but I'd rather try to come up with something else, and keep that as a last resort."




Rambler nodded towards the cocky pony


"Storm, I'll leave it to you to try and think up any other way we can sneak somepony aboard the ship and take it without a fight. I'll focus on battle strategies in case things don't work out." 

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Spark understood Rambler's logic, and read his facial expressions with ease. She had seen that look, although more subdued, from him in Casaflanka. Not much of a shocker.


Spark nodded in agreement. If anypony could think of something, Storm could. He was, after all, the one who saved her life on the Wasp.

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Storm paced back and forth in the main room he was thinking hard on what would be the best way to get in and not have any fighting. He then came up with a few good ideas but he would need some help to finalize it all. "Rambler do you happen to have a blueprint or something that shows me the current state or what the ship looks like?" Storm looked to Rambler waiting for a reply.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Rambler shook his head. He hadn't thought about that yet.


"No, I'm afraid I don't, but we might be able to get one if it's important. Do you have something in mind?" 




Rambler could tell from the look on Spark's face that he was busted. Oh well, at least she didn't slap him or anything. 

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@, @


Storm thought about it for a moment and then decided to change his plan around a little bit. "No it's not necessary but I think I've got a plan that just might work."  Storm walked into his room before coming back out with a new change of clothes on. They were all black with leather guarding on the inside for light protection and one sleeve covering one foreleg and the other a short sleeve version with a silver shoulder guard. "Ok here's the plan I've got a contact on the docks that can make a small supply delivery to the ship. The boxes will contain small gas containers that will open at night while the crew is asleep. After an hour I'll fly Spark over and we'll secure the ship giving you enough time to get into boarding position." Storm then looked at his blades and stuck a few Kunai into their holsters. "If things should happen to go south Spark and I will escape out the bottom and into the water I can move faster in water by using my wings and we'll regroup on the ship ok."

Edited by storm-fire

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"You're sure the gas will work? And that there will be enough of it to fill the whole ship? We can't afford to mess this up; the last thing we want is an entire navy going after us for an attempted kidnapping. Of course, if it does work, it's a brilliant plan, and I'll make sure you get an especially large cut."

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Storm's eyes glimmered with the thought of the treasure that he'd be getting and it made him lick his lips before snapping back to reality. "Oh don't worry I've used this before on a raid once it's really powerful stuff and it covers a wide area since it's magic triggered and released." He had to admit the plan did sound sketchy but he was sure that it was a full proof plan even the higher ranking officers on the ship wouldn't be able to not get a hit of it. "Let me put more confidence in this...see that painting of that 4 level building. The gas from just two containers filled up the whole place but we'll be using at least 7 for this. So needless to say the ship will be covered and don't worry after the hour runs up no gas will be left for your crew. The only problem is that it doesn't last forever so we'll have to move fast."

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Rambler nodded. He had to admit he was quite impressed with Storm, especially considering how quickly he put this plan together. It was a solid plan, but there was still one important question.


"Are you sure an that much gas won't kill them, or at least seriously injure them? Because if anything happens to the king, we lose our payday." 

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"If somepony can get me a small sample, I can take it to my *ahem* friend here. He can weaken it, and make sure that it's not fatal" Spark said. all she had to do is basically return to the shop she had been at ealier. peice of cake!


"But it's your call, of course" Spark added. She liked being second-in-command, she wasn't built for leadership. She was meant for enforcing leadership.

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Rambler nodded appreciatively at Spark.


"Good idea. We should probably at least test it to make sure. Like I said before, we can't afford to mess this up. See if you can get your friend to make sure it will put them to sleep long enough for us to complete our mission without killing them, or harming them permanently."

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"Will do. He's at the shop I got those from." Spark tilted her head to her overly-large bag. Only she and Arcane, her former captain, knew what was inside. And of course, Potion Master, the pony who made it.


"Just tell be when to swing by, and I'll go. But I wold prefer getting some n ew clothes. I get new clothes everythime I'm in port, so look forward to alot of clothes, and alot of alchohol aboard your ship" Spark laughed, unsure of how the joke would play over with Rambler.

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Rambler laughed.


"Well, I can definitely guarantee you one of those things, and it's not the clothes! But yes, you're free to go shopping for something new if you want. I'll give you a little extra money if you need it. Although I must say, you look...", Rambler might have said something indecent, but thought better of himself at the last minute, "fine, in the clothes you're wearing now."


As he spoke Rambler's eyes wandered over her body again. He was going to need a cold shower once they got back to the ship.

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(OOC: I laughed, for like, 2 minutes lol)


Spark knew she needed new clothes, and she was thinking something similiar to what dhe had. Just more, non-ripped.


"I will need some extra bits for the adjustment of the gas, and some alchohol, and just one outfit. Maybe a top only." Spark said. "And maybe I can get something that won't show my whole back. I don't get why pegesi have to have their whole back exposed, basically connecting the whole top by just four strings" Spark sighed. pegusi and their wierd taste in clothes.

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Rambler nodded, still struggling to keep looking her in the eye and not... elsewhere. He pulled out a hefty coinpurse and sifted through it a bit, making sure he had plenty of money.


"Right, I'm sure I can manage that. Would you like me to accompany you, or should I just wait for you at the ship?" 

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"You can come along. Acrane used to shop with me." Spark said. "But I'll need those gasses until then. I'll swing by the ship toget them after all my domestic shopping's done. After all, I haven't bought anything for myself." The only thing Spark had bought was in her saddlebags, and those things might save the ship one day.

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Rambler nodded and turned towards the exit.


"Alright then, well let's go shopping! Storm, you can head back to the ship whenever you're ready. In the meantime, enjoy yourself. That's what shore leave is all about, really. Spark, you lead the way; you can get whatever clothes you want, my treat."

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Spark smiled. If one thing pleased her more than repairing and building, it was clothes.


Spark walked into the first store that looked her style, and found some of the best things in there. Rushing into the changing room, she tried them on. Walking out, she expected Rambler's jaw to drop around 3-4 feet.


The top was connected to her by ony a string near the small of her back and a string beding her neck. The front was black and red, they contracted her skin well. It was clinging to her body like a magnet, and it was oh-so-comfy. The bottom was a skirt similar to the one she had beofre, but this thime the skirt was layered, not strait. Her pants were layered read as well, to go with the red of the top. This outfit, while it was going to get ruined before next port, fit Spark's style nicely.


(Over 600 characters.. in an outfit....)

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(Over 600 characters.. in an outfit....)


(Try writing 800 characters about a bottle of whiskey sometime. When you've never even had whiskey.)


When Spark walked out of the changing room, Rambler couldn't believe his eyes. Somehow she managed to become even sexier by putting on less revealing clothes. She had to know he was staring, hay, the whole store had to know he was staring, but he couldn't help it. 


"Wow, Spark... you look... great!"

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@, @


Storm thought about what he would do a raid would be nice but it could possibly lead back to the ship and that wouldn't be good for what they were planning to do. He then looked over at his blades and got an idea he'd been wanting to upgrade them for a while and the time he had he could finish reforging the steel and add in his own personal spoil, draconite. He wasted little time after his crewmates had left heading into an underground smiting area tempering the steel and melting it down. using his wings to hammer the new steel mixed with draconite was hard melding the two into an unbreakable blade wasn't easy. It took him several hours to finish his new blades and after trying them out he realized that they were lighter than his originals. The blades were still a shiny silver but now had swirls of black mixed in with the silver making an intricate look. He chuckled with his new creations "Yes these will do just fine. Now to go find the others."


(ahhh carpel tunnel carpel tunnel!!)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"Well, I'm not entirely sure, so I guess the only thing to do is try it all!", Rambler said, laughing.


"Of course, we don't really have time for that, so I guess I'll just show you one of my favorite pubs on the island. It's called the Dusty Saddle. A strange name, but they have top-notch booze, and trust me, I know good booze when I see it."


He lead her down the street to a fairly small, brightly lit tavern.


"Well, here we are."

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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