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private Winter Resort Romance and Slice of Life


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"Nice to meet you Snowdream" he shook her hoof, "I'm River Bank, or River for short, heh" He laughed awkwardly, he liked her voice, surely not what he had expected from such a mare, he thought she would be more posh, having such a color and ability to get into awkward situations, and such a cool mane, not very many mares have their mane like that, but River liked it, and he liked how friendly she was, and how welcoming, and the fact that she was looking at him earlier and-

At this point he realized he was still holding her hoof, having doing so for about a full minute.

Occupants of the blimp stared at the two of them.

"Oh sorry, I uh..." he let go of her hoof, "sh-should we get back to our seats now?" he asked.

"Yes please" said an occupant from behind River, the stallion was displeased with the fact that they have been blocking the way for a good 4 minutes now.

He looked at Snowdream waiting for a response.

Edited by Brook
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"I... Guess we'll catch up later then?" Snowdream replied smiling. It wasn't a forced smile either.


The two ponies parted ways, each returning to their own seats, Snow being particularly careful when she placed her hooves, hoping to avoid an incident like before.


River, such a nice name, gentle peaceful. Hopefully I get to spend more time with him.

Edited by Snowdream
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"Finally!" Garnet happily thought, he was already bored and the only landscaps he could see was the extremely crowded train station.

"Maybe i get to know someone," Garnet thought with a smile on his face, "Odds can't be against ne the whole time, but again, who would a redneck hillbilly like me?". He then started to watch throubh the window again.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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"I... Guess we'll catch up later then?"

"Yeah, I hope we do" he replied. Snowdream smiled at him, he smiled back, and they each started walking to their own reserved seat. River looked back to see her graceful mane once more, and then turned his head to the seat. He sat back down and soon sunk into thought once more.

'Wow, this is going to be better than I thought, already I found a friend... or maybe even better' ​a smile appeared on his face when that thought occurred to him, River never actually had anything more than a friend as a mare, and surely he's not very experienced at being anything more.

'I hope I don't screw this up...' 

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Night Song looked outside of the window, waiting for the train to move. She then dozed off and went to sleep. She had a dream about being chased by a cold blizzard, a wind with sharp ice like daggers. Then the silhouette of a stallion saved her from it and that was when the dream ended. She then rolled off of the bed.

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Starshy fell back onto her bed, closing her eyes and lying there for a moment. The bed was so comfortable, it was like as though she was on a cloud. She snuggled into the linen sheets, almost thinking of falling asleep. However, her stomach had other ideas, as it began to growl.


She sat up, deciding to leave her room and check out the dining car. Maybe they would have some snacks available. Starshy leaped off her bed and approached her room door, sliding it open with her hoof. She trotted out and closed it with the glowing of her horn. Smiling to herself, she went off in search of the dining car.


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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When Night Song fell on the ground, she let out a short, but loud scream and was panting. " Oh my gosh, wh- what happened?!" she asked herself. She got strange looks from the ponies around her that caused her to flatten her ears in embarrassment. " Oh, um, sorry..." she replied with a quieter voice.

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Mask began to dose off after the attendant announced the train's departure. His snooze didn't last long, as the pastel cabin's resident behind him slammed the door of the posh linen area. Mask jolted awake as the door shut, and looked around for a moment. He watched the mare pass by him for a moment, but his attention was diverted as the train lurched and began to move. The train, after the extended wait, began to move. Mask chuckled as another mare across the car climbed back into her seat, having fallen out for seemingly no reason.

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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The blimp kept sailing through the air for a good while after that encounter between River and Snowdream, and it took long enough for River to miss Snowdream, to want to talk her again, but then again it could just be the fact that he wants to know her, she did seem to take a liking into him after all.

*Ding-dong* "Attention passengers, our blimp will be arriving shortly in your destined resort, please remain seated" a loud female voice was heard through a speaker at the front of the blimp. 

River knew he has to depart alongside Snowdream if he ever wants to spent more time with her, if he does not he might lose her in the crowd.

The blimp eventually arrived at the station, and River was already itching to get out.

"Attention passengers" said a mare near the door the pilot's cabin, "we have arrived at the resort, you may exit your plane for here" said the mare and pointed to the door. The occupants soon started to leave, and River left as well.

River exited the blimp and came down to the docking platform, he was excited to hang out with Snowdream some more, and he showed so on his face.

He did not see her depart from the blimp unfortunately, but he saw the blimp's doors were closed, meaning everyone has already left it. He began searching with his eyes, scanning everywhere around him, he looked left, he looked right, he looked south, he looked straight ahead, and a-ha! there she was at 3 o'clock. River began trotting to her direction and as he got closer he noticed she looked oddly confused, as if someone gave her misguided directions or she lost something in the station. 

River finally got to her. He was right behind her.

"Hey! Remember me?" he asked, Snowdream turned around to him, and he smiled as he saw her face.

Edited by Brook
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As the train began to pull forward everyone in the train seemed to lurch forward, all except for one who seemed unaffected by the world around him. His golden eyes continued to watch the window while the world outside began to slowly pass by. Even while he stood in one of the cabin corridors his mind seemed to be elsewhere. He was planning out just how he was going to go about getting his work done. If he didn't waste any time he would be able to get everything sorted out and head back to the mines and fields the very next day. 


Just then he noticed a small line had formed behind him. As big as he was, he shouldn't have chosen that particular spot to idle in. He had unintentionally blocked the aisle. He could see the impatient looks from some ponies and stepped aside. "My apologies." He said to them, The chocolate scented stallion decided it might be best to head for another cabin for now. Hopefully somewhere he was welcome.

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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"Hey River! I was just looking for you!" exclaimed Snowdream, her long mane blowing in her face.


"Did you enjoy the flight? I think I must have slept through most of it, because I don't remeber most of it, either that or I passed out from my fear of heights!" Snowdream joiked light heartedly.

Edited by Snowdream
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Night Song was getting hungry by the time the train tarted moving. She carefully climbed out of her bunk bed and went over to the diner bar. She almost tripped on the way there a few times, being the clumsy little pegasus she is. When she got to the diner car, she paid for roasted apples and cookies and a milk. She found a table to sit at, and sat down to eat.

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"Uh yeah, I think I slept too actually, but there's something that's bugging me... Like I'm forgetting something..." River made a strange expression, as if he's trying to remember but at the same time he doesn't really care. He then shrugged.

"Oh well, I guess, maybe that means it wasn't that important" said River and smiled, he was not sure what he could have forgotten, but he figured it might come to him later.

"So do you want to go check-in? We should probably do that first" asked River and pointed to the counter in the direction behind Snowdream.


(OOC: Sorry I didn't respond I was studying :P)

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Starshy felt the train begin to move, and she hadn't time to think to steady herself and bumped into a tall stallion that had been moving along in the corridor. She blinked a few times, her green eyes glancing upwards and backing away a bit. "Oh.. so sorry, I was just trying to - " She began to explain but paused to take in the tall stallion before her. He was taller than any stallion she had come across before, a beautiful chocolate color to his coat. Wow, he's so pretty She thought to herself, blushing.


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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The flight to her destination was just boring since Blazing had nopony to talk to. On the positive side she enjoyed the free blue sky and the couple of clouds on her way. The resort were she had to deliver some mails got in sight. "Prepare for landing!" she said laughing to herself. "Landing gear functional!" Blazing said while preparing to get down to the ground. With a screeching noise she landed on near the resort. Ignoring the ponies who looked at her irritated she got to the resort and started her work. The resort was a nice place and just a few ponies lived here so it was easy to find all the adresses were the mail had to go. Some of the ponies kept talking about the drastic weather changes that could happen any time, but Blazing didn´t really listen to them. She was busy with her job and it was very nice to smell the fresh air of the resort. It was just so different from the air in Ponyville and the view on the mountains was awesome from here.


After a while she finished every delivery she had within her saddlebag and it was too late to fly back now. Also she wanted to stay for at least one or two days to relax and to recover some strength. Blazing Storm got into the cafe on the resort which had a nice view over most of the place. A blimp apeared from that probably came from Ponyville. Perhaps she had seen this one in the morning. Also a train could be seen in far distance and it wouldn´t take long for it to arrive at this place. She enjoyed her coffee and the cake and watched the blimp land majestic on the landing platform. Some Ponies came out and started to interact with each other. She loved to watch Ponies who socialy interacted with each other because she could learn so much things about them.

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Night Song's heart thumped loudly in her chest after she finished eating. She could see some buildings on a mountain in the distance. It must be it! She absolutely couldn't wait to get there. In fact, she wanted to get there now! So she went back to her bunk bed, took out a pencil and a sheet paper, and began to write:


Dear Nana,


By the time this letter gets to you, I will be at the resort, getting settled into my room. I hope you're doing all right and healing patients like you always do. After all, it's your special talent. I'll write again after I receive a response.


Love from your kid,

Night Song


She then placed it in an envelope, sealed it, put a stamp on it, and kept it between her hooves so that she could send it the first chance she gets.

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Storm tumbled out of bed as the train made a particularly sharp turn. He landed on the floor with a loud 'thump' and bolted awake in a instant. The pegasus let out a laugh when he realized what had happened and decided on grabbing some food while he was awake. Storm exited his room and began to search for the dining car. The walk took him past a (rather cute) mare and the largest stallion he had ever seen in his life! He decided it was best to move on and soon found himself at his destination. He ordered a hot chocolate (the best part of winter) and sat down at a table, watching snow capped mountains pass by the train.



“I never found beauty in longing for the impossible and never found the possible to be beyond my reach.” 
― Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged


I can poem well: Rhymey Time with CamRad18

Poet's Club: share, critique, and chat

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While he started to trot through the narrow corridor he felt somepony bump into his side. He turned his head to see a smaller white unicorn mare looking up to him, she seemed to be in awe at his appearance. "You do not need to apologize, I should watch where I am going." He smiled weakly and his ears fell on his head as he tried to step aside. The two shared an awkward moment as he tried to move out of her way only to accidentally step in her way again. At first he seemed nervous but looking her over he seemed to settle. She was a very attractive mare, and he was generally not one to notice them. "You are... a unicorn?" He asked taking an interest in her. He hadn't met many pegasus or unicorns so he was generally curious about them. "Sorry, I don't mean to stare." He said averting his gaze for a moment.

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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Mask's appetite began to grow as he saw various ponies walking to other cars, and coming back with enough food to feed a small family. He didn't realize how hungry first-class passengers could get. Nonetheless, he began to get hungry, and decided to go get something to eat. He ordered a piece of plain cheesecake (far to expensive at 12 bits) and headed back to his car, only to see a sign titled "no food in first-class cabins. Thank you!". He turned back to see that every table was completely full, with exception to one table with a royal-blue pegasus mare sitting at it, and one with a sky blue stallion. Mask walked to the closest one with the mare and asked "Er... You mind if I sit here? There... Um... Aren't many tables..."

My active RP characters.

Shining Mask

Marble Stripe

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Starshy smiled at Chocolate, the nervous feeling she had previously for bumping into him had faded. She had hoped he wouldn't scold her for doing so, and he hadn't at all. They had shared an awkward pause, where she had looked away and tried to move pass him but he got in her way again. At the sound of his inquire however, she looked up at him again. "Yes, I am." She said, and blushed again when she realized that he been staring a bit. "Oh, it's alright.. don't apologize.. " She said softly.

Edited by Fluttermoon


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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He glanced back down to her, she was one of the few ponies that wasn't afraid of him. Generally most avoided him because he of his rather intimidating appearance. Though he didn't look it, he was happy to mingle a little even if it distracted him from his work. He noticed the mare was lacking a cutie mark which was struck him as a bit odd, it was usually easier to learn about somepony by looking at their marks. He decided not to bring it up since it might be a sensitive subject for her. "My name is Chocolate." He finally said introducing himself with a large extended hoof. He looked to her expectantly hoping she would do the same.

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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Mask's appetite began to grow as he saw various ponies walking to other cars, and coming back with enough food to feed a small family. He didn't realize how hungry first-class passengers could get. Nonetheless, he began to get hungry, and decided to go get something to eat. He ordered a piece of plain cheesecake (far to expensive at 12 bits) and headed back to his car, only to see a sign titled "no food in first-class cabins. Thank you!". He turned back to see that every table was completely full, with exception to one table with a royal-blue pegasus mare sitting at it, and one with a sky blue stallion. Mask walked to the closest one with the mare and asked "Er... You mind if I sit here? There... Um... Aren't many tables..."

" I won't mind," Night Song said in reply. She moved her food closer to her to give the unicorn stallion some space to eat in. She was about to ask if there was any tables left, but then she looked around and the crowd pretty much answered her question. " So... where are you headed to?" Night Song inquired, strangely unknowingly becoming interested in the stallion.

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Starshy extended her hoof to him, another smile gracing her face. " I'm Starshy, it's nice to meet you Chocolate. Do you really like chocolate? " She giggled a bit, attempting to lighten up the mood even more. She usually wasn't every confident in speaking to stallions, they often made her feel nervous. Chocolate, on the other hand, was very calm and gentlemenly. It made her feel a little more at ease but she still felt her nerves where on alert and she hoped that he wouldn't notice.

Edited by Fluttermoon


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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"Starshy?" He repeated. "...What a lovely name." He said while gently shaking hooves with her. His cheeks filled with blush when she asked him about his feelings on chocolate. "I do enjoy chocolate but that is not how I earned my name." He said surprisingly speaking more than he had in a long time. "Everything about me is..." He paused and shook his head. Perhaps now wasn't the best time to explain that to her. She might think he was strange. He could see she was a little nervous and decided to change the subject. "You seem a little perturbed. If I am interrupting you from something important I will let you be. But if you would like some company I wouldn't mind accompanying you to wherever you were headed." 

Untitled.pngHuzzah! Sega Dreamcast~

Character(s): Chocolate | Pegasus (WIP) | Milo (WIP)

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Starshy titled her head, curious for what he would've said next. He didn't seem to want to speak further and she wasn't about to push it. Maybe she'd learn more about him in time and he'd learn more about her. They might even become good friends, or...perhaps something more?


Starshy shook her head of these thoughts. It was best not to dwell on them. This was suppose to be the start of her vacation, and she couldn't enjoy herself if where to think about all these what ifs.


She blinked when Chocolate spoke up again and she instantly began to shake her head. " No, no. You weren't interrupting anything. I was just going to the dining car to get some hot chocolate.. " She grinned a bit, "And I'd love to you'd accompany me."


I support Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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