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private Minath's House Party!

Minath Khalsi

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"I know it must not be Minath. She forgave my brother easily, and what he did has to be worse than any minor thing you did! It will all smooth out." Guin smiled.


"I don't believe I had introduced myself before you walked away. I'm Guinevere of the Sharfkal. But most just call be Guin"

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Blaze giggled hearing Shocks idea as she drank more of her Fire Starter and true to its name it was her cheeks were already flushed and she gently tugged on Shock. "Come on come on Shock I've got an idea and besides they're out of the pool for now so lets get in." Blaze kept her glass hovering next to her as she conjured up some magic in her horn and set a little flame on Ramblers swim trunks only enough to singe it and cause a good reaction. Blaze chuckled as she watched the ember start small and grow into a tiny flame and start to move around the bottoms of his trunks. She caught Minath's attention and just giggled and raised her glass showing her friend her own signature drink before heading towards the door with Shock and going out to the pool.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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"I know it must not be Minath. She forgave my brother easily, and what he did has to be worse than any minor thing you did! It will all smooth out." Guin smiled.


"I don't believe I had introduced myself before you walked away. I'm Guinevere of the Sharfkal. But most just call be Guin"

"It should," he smiled a little.

"My name's Nightfall... It's nice to meet you, Guin."

He held out his hoof.

"Did I pronounce it correctly?" He chuckled, finally removing his shyness. Maybe it wasn't a bad thing. Maybe he just misunderstood and didn't upset or offend anyone.

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Blizzardshock laughed quietly, following Blaze out to the pool. He thought of a halarious trick, calling Blaze. ''Hey, Blazey. Come over here. I need to show you something in the water.'' He said cheerfully, trotting over to the edge of the pool and ducking to look at his reflection.





King Sombra Forever.

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Guin was about to shake Nigtfall's hoof, but backtracked her hand "I..oh..umm...have talons." Guin disliked the fact she couldn't follow pony culture, as often as she tried. She also couldn't kiss due to the fact she has a razor-sharp beak.


"And you pronounced it as correctly as any pony could. I shortened it and changed the pronounciation so it sounds basically like the month 'June'. It makes ponies lives easier."

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Blaze kept her glass hovering next to her as she conjured up some magic in her horn and set a little flame on Ramblers swim trunks only enough to singe it and cause a good reaction. Blaze chuckled as she watched the ember start small and grow into a tiny flame and start to move around the bottoms of his trunks.


When Rambler noticed the flame, he shouted and jumped into the air, landing on his flank in such a way that the flame was snuffed out. If he were less drunk, he probably would have wondered where the fire came from, but as it was, he just brushed himself off and forgot about it. 

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Blaze followed Shock over to the edge of the pool laughing hysterically at her joke that she just played hearing him yelp in shock when she heard his reaction. She looked down and saw her cute Stallions face in the reflection next to hers. "I see a handsome stallion next to a cute and sexy mare in the water. *hic*" Blaze giggled taking another drink from her glass the alcohol really taking effect now but aside from last time she was still able to hold her balance and was able to see what was going on. Certain alcohol's seemed to affect her differently but it didn't matter as long as she was having fun. "What did you want to show me Shock?" Blaze looked at him quizzically.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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He held a loud laugh. He smiled at her warmly, teeth clenching. ''Close your eyes...'' He said quietly, laying a hoof over her head so she couldn't see. After a minute, he reached back, shoving her into the water playfully. He laughed cheerfully, happy that the trick actually worked.



King Sombra Forever.

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Guin was about to shake Nigtfall's hoof, but backtracked her hand "I..oh..umm...have talons." Guin disliked the fact she couldn't follow pony culture, as often as she tried. She also couldn't kiss due to the fact she has a razor-sharp beak.


"And you pronounced it as correctly as any pony could. I shortened it and changed the pronounciation so it sounds basically like the month 'June'. It makes ponies lives easier."

"Talons or not, I don't care," he smiled, still holding out his hoof.

"I think I could take on your whole name as well. I like challenges."

But he shuddered a little, trying to forget the race, which made his thought train lead back to Minath's decision. He didn't want to remember that.

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Blaze yelped when she felt herself get pushed into the pool. She swam up to the top and glared at Shock seeing him droop his ears in sadness. She gave a cheeky smile and popped up out of the water wrapping her forehooves around his neck "Why don't you join me cutie the waters perfect." She giggled as she pulled Shock into the water with her. As they sank a little deeper she looked at him while they were still in the water and gave him a loving kiss on the lips as they started floating back up to the surface.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Guin carefully shook Nightfall's hoof, making sure not to cut him.


"I find it's easier for me to also separate between ponies who call me Guin and Griffons who call me Guinevere. Sharfkal is just my native tribe. I guess griffon tribes could be qualified like the separations of pony species. Sharfkal is a tribe where our beaks and talons are especially sharp." Guin said.


"So you honestly don't mind the whole griffon thing?" Guin asked. Normally ponies ran and hid when she approached.

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Rambler took another hearty swig from his flask. He was really starting to feel the alcohol now. He turned his attention back to Minath and grinned.


"Well, I guess that takes care of welcoming the new guest. Say, how about we go somewhere a little more private, eh?" 

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Minath took more of her drink (that somehow magically followed her from her nightstand).


"And where, in fact, would you have in mind?" Minath asked, pressing her body against his. "Although I think I have a good idea." Minath whispered in his ear. "But it's all up to you."

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Rambler blushed. He was nervous. As much as he wanted this, he wasn't sure they were ready for it yet.


"Well, um, you wouldn't want to maybe, you know, go up to your room, would you?"


There, he said it. Now it was up to her to decide what would happen next. He just hoped she didn't get mad at him for trying to force her into something.

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Minath laughed, enjoying her mind games even when she was drunk.


"You'll have to get me another drink first" Minath whispered in Rambler's ear. Minath walked away and promptly jumped in the pool and started just...swimming in circles. Sometimes, at least, Minath could have fun in her brain.

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Guin carefully shook Nightfall's hoof, making sure not to cut him.


"I find it's easier for me to also separate between ponies who call me Guin and Griffons who call me Guinevere. Sharfkal is just my native tribe. I guess griffon tribes could be qualified like the separations of pony species. Sharfkal is a tribe where our beaks and talons are especially sharp." Guin said.


"So you honestly don't mind the whole griffon thing?" Guin asked. Normally ponies ran and hid when she approached.


"No, I don't mind it. I guess it's because I'm an alicorn and I get stares and stuff myself."

He smiled, then looked down. Guin hadn't hurt him at all with her talons.

"That's gotta take practice on her part."

He looked at her, blushed a little bit, then looked back down.

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Blizzardshock gasped as he was pulled under, relaxing as Blaze kissed him. His wings pushed upward so they could reach the surface faster. He laughed as they both got to the surface, kissing her sweetly. He swam to the edge of the pool and climbed out as water dripped off his cyan coat.


''HA! You ok Blazey?'' He asked kindly, helping her climb out of the pool.



King Sombra Forever.

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Rambler sighed and shook his head, more confused than anything. After a minute he decided to follow her into the pool. He really had to think about what he was going to do next. There was still something he wanted to give her, but it would have to wait until they could go somewhere private.

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Blaze climbed out of the water and used her magic to get a towel to dry herself off before grabbing her drink and taking another swig of it letting out a few hiccups. "Yeah I'm just fine as long as I'm with you Shock." Blaze smiled leaning up against Shock and nuzzling against him. She was being very flirty and affectionate most of which was her own and not the alcohol but some of it was in part to it, but she did love this pony after all. It was then she noticed Minath jump into the pool and Blaze used her magic to toss a beach ball at Minath while she was just coming out of the water and popped it on her horn laughing as it deflated over her face. "Hey Shock I'm getting hungry what about you?"

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Blizzardshock smiled as she made the loving compliment. He shrugged. ''Sure. I'm a little hungry. Want to get something to eat inside?'' He asked, wings tucking to his sides. He didn't like to get drunk infront of a loved one, so he watched what he was doing with the beer he drank. This happened once, and it made a big mistake that he will never forgot. He also hoped Blaze wounldn't get to drunk on him either, since he didn't want to leave her, nor act stupid around her.



King Sombra Forever.

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chatty and toxic was inside just talking and wondering what everypony was doing but they enjoyed eachothers confurt the sat next to each other not saying a word chatty was waiteing for the others to come and speak as so was toxic they were a little board and lost in each others eyes they were a lone for a long time and they just wanted to talk to other ponys but dont no where everypony is they are just waiteing now



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Blaze giggled as she walked inside with Shock and set her glass down getting the vibe that something was wrong. Using her magic she made a LTH Sandwich (lol Lettuce, Tomato, and Hay) and cut in half slowly. She took a seat and stared at Shock across the table she hadn't been able to take her eyes off of him for a moment. "Is something wrong Shock? You look a little *hic* distant all of a sudden." Blaze was worried that she'd done something to upset him if so she had to know so that she could fix it.

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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Blizzardshock looked at her for a moment before speaking up. ''Oh, yea I am fine.'' He said unsurely, wondering why she had asked that. He grabbed his drink from early and took a sip from it before settling it down and watching Blaze. ''Hey, have you seen the griffon? I saw her come in with Nightfall.'' He said curiously, wings tucking to his sides as he waited for the mare to speak. As he waited, he took another sip of his beer.



King Sombra Forever.

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Rambler swam over to Minath. He had something for her, and now was as good a time as any.


"Uh, Minath? Can we go talk somewhere... like... alone? There's something I want to show you, but I think we should probably go somewhere private first...I mean... not like that, just, it's something that's just between the two of us. 

Edited by Alex-Kennedy

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Blaze looked outside and could see Nightfall laying with the Griffon that had joined the party a little while ago and giggled. "Yeah I did. They look like a cute couple but I don't know if they're as cute as us." Blaze smiled as she walked over to Shock and nuzzled against him. She felt her heart beat so strongly when she was anywhere near him but even more when she was making physical contact. Blaze took one last swig from her glass emptying it and put it down. She was quite tipsy and figured now was a good time to stop she didn't want to loose her new love so soon and when got really drunk she knew she could be to much to handle. "Mmm I would be fine just being like this for the rest of the party." Blaze hummed a innocent smile showing.

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#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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