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private Minath's House Party!

Minath Khalsi

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(You were offline for so long I was actually starting to get worried about you... yeah that sounded creepy, didn't it... yeah...)


Rambler laughed and flashed what he hoped was a devilish grin.


"Oh, you'll be perfectly safe with me. I'd never take advantage of a woman like that. Well... except maybe if I was wasted too, then anything could happen. But, anyway, you never answered my other question. Would you like me to play you a song?"

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(That was very creepy lol)


 Minath laughed at his attempt to reciprocate, and while going on major beer blush, shook her head no


"Maybe later in the night when I've had more alchol!" Minath laughed and threw her head back, pushing her mane out of her eyes. "OOOOH EVERYPONY! I HAVE AN IDEA! LETS GO SWIMMING!" Minath raced out the back glass screen door, throwing off her clothes (while running) so to uncover her bikini swimming suit underneath, and then promptly jumped straight into the pool.

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Rambler followed suit, heading to the pool and taking off his clothes, leaving him wearing only his swim trunks. Having spent much of his life in port towns and occasionally  working as a sailor, Rambler was a pretty good swimmer and felt perfectly comfortable in the water. Carefully laying his clothes to the side, Rambler dived into the pool.

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Nightfall sat back. More ponies had arrived, so he wasn't alone with two mares anymore.

"It doesn't matter much more, I guess..." He muttered. And then Minath mentioned swimming. He chuckled,  walking out to the edge of the pool. He took off his clothes, revealing his board shorts, and carefully put them away from the edge of the pool where they wouldn't get wet. He jumped into the pool with the purpose of splashing Minath.

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chattydash wanted to go swimming he took of his jacket and jumped in "come on in everypony" toxic just sat by the pool chatty shouted come in toxic "no" she replyed chatty then grabed her hoofs and pulled her in she screemed "i can't swim i can't swim" chatty laughed because she was in the shallow end she giggled chatty then tryed to talk to over ponys but nopony wants to talk to him or toxic he swam up to the deep end and left toxic he shouted "come up along the edge of the pool i will teach you how to swim" he then waited for her and other ponys



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Hansel wasn't much of a swimmer, and did't even own any swimming clothes, let alone have any with him. However, this didn't mean he couldn't sit by the pool and be with the others. He followed the ponies out to the swimming area and sat down by the pool with his drink.

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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Minath turned back to the house only to be promptly splashed by Nightfall. Mianth giggled, then splashed him back. She then used her wings similiar to a motor, quicly getting her to the other end of the pool. When she was a safe no-splashing distance away, then she stuck her tounge out at Nightfall.

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Minath turned back to the house only to be promptly splashed by Nightfall. Mianth giggled, then splashed him back. She then used her wings similiar to a motor, quicly getting her to the other end of the pool. When she was a safe no-splashing distance away, then she stuck her tounge out at Nightfall.


He laughed.

"D'aw! You're being cute now," he joked, laughing. He dove under the water, keeping his eyes open, and aimed at Minath, swimming at her very quickly.

"Surprise!" He yelled as he jumped up from the water, not doing much to splash Minath. He laughed hard.

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Rambler couldn't help but feel a little jealous when he saw Minath and Nightfall playing around together. He'd been the one talking to her all night, by all rights she should with him, not this random guy. He swam over towards Minath and floated next to her protectively. He wasn't going to risk losing her like this.


"So, Minath, what do we do now that we're in the pool? Wanna play a game or something?"

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@, @@Nightfall,


Minath felt the jealousy radiating off of Rambler like idiocy off of an alicorn. Huh?


"Sure Rambler! What do you want to do?" Minath floated on her back, spreading out her wings to stabilize her. "Of course, everypony should be able to play too!' Minath added as an afterthought

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"Well, we could do some kind of race or something. I'm a much faster swimmer than you'd think by looking at me. Comes from a lot of time in port towns growing up, and occasionally working as a sailor. Or we could do something else. It's up to you, really. After all, it's your party."

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Minath smiled, glad to have Rambler back to earth.


"Seems fun! So, what do you think the rules should be?" Minath sat on the edge of her pool, kicking her hooves in the water while sitting like how Lyra taught her. It was unusual but comfortable at the same time. Minath spread her wings and flapped them madly to get them semi-dry, without making an attempt to fly though.

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Rambler smiled, just glad her attention was back on him, and excited to have a chance to show off his exceptional swimming.


"Well, it's a pretty big pool, so how about two laps end to end? That's a fairly long distance, but it shouldn't be hard for a good swimmer."



Rambler turned away from Minath and looked over to Nightfall; his jealousy from earlier still wasn't entirely gone, making him especially competitive.


He shouted over to Nightfall, "Hey, you! Pretty boy! Are you up for a race?"


This was going to be good.

  • Brohoof 1

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hay Rambler chatty shouted i'm game i will race you i am a very strong swimmer he then paursed and thought but who will look after the ones who cant swim he then shouted what do you recon i should do race or look after and teach the ponys who can not swim toxic was at the side of the pool she shouted teach teach teach chatty laughed and said so what should i do i dont mind and swam a lap of the pool back down to toxic where he cudled with her



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Hansel giggled slightly a what was clearly going on between the Rambler, Nightfall, and Minath.  

He finished his drink and used his magic to bring over the bottle of rum from the main room. He began pouring some into his cup, forgetting about the coke, and started to drink it straight instead.

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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chatty then whet to get a drink nearly bumping in to hansel sorry chatty said how are finding the party chatty began to say befor he drink a mouth full of beer he was not drunk this was his first drink of the night toxic then ran other and bumed chatty he spillt his drink on hansle by mistake toxic was very apologetic sorry sorry sorry she said  chatty knew it was not her fault but he was sorry he spilt it on hansel chatty then apologised sorry it was an accedent i hope you understand chatty has had a very bad history makeing friends and this made him feel like he will be disliked again he wanted new friends because he has not got many thats why he whent to the party he explained toxic then walked away thinking it was her fault chatty followed and explained he is not mad whit her and they made up he and her then both whent in to a bed room and shut the door................there where in there a while when the door opened again the both walked out with ruffled manes and laughing they where happy but chatty was still worryed hansel was mad whit him so he tryed to talk to him again he waited for him to speak to him toxic waited too

Edited by chattydash



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Hansel looked up. Whether it was the alcohol's effects taking place, or just because of the speed of everything, he wasn't entirely sure what had just happened. All he knew was that his face and clothes were covered in cold beer, and that Chatty was standing above him with a worried expression. He put two and two together.


"It's... okay." He said "...Really, it's no problem."


He looked down at the headphones around his neck.


"It's a good thing these are so waterproof." He giggled awkwardly.


Hansel regretted not bringing any change of clothes, but didn't anything as he didn't want to upset Chatty.


"See, no harm done." He smiled at the two.

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 1

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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chatty was pleased to see he was not mad but he was still feeling gilty he then thought i have a spare jacket and clothes if you want to wear them he said he look at toxic she smiled and drank her drink she gave him the ok so chatty also was pleased his earphones where waterproof but chatty still wanted to make it up to hansel so he let him keep the clothes don't worry they are my spare clothes i dont ware them that much he looked at toxic when he drank his drink he is geting drunker now she lookd and smiled to say it was ok toxic was danceing on her own and she was a bit drunk but not fully drunk she was haveing a good time  



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Rambler smiled, just glad her attention was back on him, and excited to have a chance to show off his exceptional swimming.


"Well, it's a pretty big pool, so how about two laps end to end? That's a fairly long distance, but it shouldn't be hard for a good swimmer."



Rambler turned away from Minath and looked over to Nightfall; his jealousy from earlier still wasn't entirely gone, making him especially competitive.


He shouted over to Nightfall, "Hey, you! Pretty boy! Are you up for a race?"


This was going to be good.


"Pretty boy..?" He muttered, laughing.

"It won't be fair for you!"

He laughed harder.

"But still, I'm down!"

He swam over.

"Where to? And the rules?"

He spread his wings, moving them about as to stretch them a little bit. He looked over and smiled at Minath, then back at the other pony, awaiting a response.

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Rambler chuckled at Nightfall's confidence. He clearly didn't know who he was up against. No pretty boy Alicorn was going to beat him, he would make sure of that.


"Two laps, to the far side of the pool and back. You think you can handle it?", Rambler said, pointing towards the far end of the pool.

  • Brohoof 1

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Rambler chuckled at Nightfall's confidence. He clearly didn't know who he was up against. No pretty boy Alicorn was going to beat him, he would make sure of that.


"Two laps, to the far side of the pool and back. You think you can handle it?", Rambler said, pointing towards the far end of the pool.


Nightfall laughed.

"Think I can handle it..? I know I can!"

His confidence was pretty high. He hadn't realized Rambler was hitting on Minath as well, so he thought the race was just all in good fun, with nothing on the line.

"Hey, Minath," he called, looking at her. "Count us off!"

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Hansel looked at Toxic dancing, and then down at the clothes handed to him.


"Oh, thanks, Chatty. These'll do nicely."


He smiled at the two and took a few sips of his rum before heading inside to get changed, stumbling a little on the way.


*hic* "Oh dear..."


After a bit, he came back out wearing the clothes chatty had given him, taking another sip from his rum. He went over and sat back down by the pool.


"You know, I don't think I've ever worn brown before. If I visualise my wardrobe, I can't see any brown at all. Mind you, brown is a very interesting colour. It reminds me of watermelons. I don't like watermelons much, though. I can tolerate them, and if I had to choose, I'd much rather have a watermelon to a melon. Melons are awkward. Watermelons are at least refreshing. Do we have any watermelons? we can throw them in the pool and see whether or not they float." 

Edited by Hansel
  • Brohoof 1

Pancakes taste like well seasoned DVD cases.

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Blaze had wandered off to a small room and sort of sat in a corner after getting the hint from Toxic. Blaze just tapped her hoof on the floor wondering what to do next. It wasn't long until she heard the laughter coming from the backyard where the pool was so she got up the nerve to stop pouting and have some more fun. Using her magic blaze gabbed a few beers drinking one down in one breath she took a gasp of air standing by the door leading outside Ok Blaze you've been sulking long enough time to get back into the game. She thought to herself and she trotted outside in the coolest way she could. She could see Minath talking with the rest of the ponies and she decided to sit next to the white pony wearing a brown shirt for some reason. She waved over to Minath and then looked at the pony "Hi I'm Fire Blaze or just Blaze I don't think we've met who are you." She felt bad for not being around but she wasn't sure what do once Toxic drew the line.


(Sorry everypony for not posting in like forever but I wasn't sure were to go with Blaze after that part with chatty but rest assured I'm back and ready to party.)

#136-Flareon (Storm Fire)


Moveset: Flamethrower, Sunny Day, Bite, Flare Blitz

Current FiMFiction (Writer/Author) : Fractured Loyalties

My OC's:  Ignis Sica Leader of the Midnight Guard Melody: The Shy Vocalist Storm Fire- The Pegasus of Fire Snow Breeze- The Cold Hearted Pegasus

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@, @@Nightfall,


Minath still felt alittle attitide radiating off of Rambler, but decided to see how this competition played out.


"I have an idea! Instead of participatting, I'll be the ref. I have speed to rival even Soarin's, the Wonderbolts even wanted me. I'll fly up and watch to see who wins." Minath was telling the truth, in fact, she even went on a date with Soarin' once, but she decided to keep that to herself. Maybe later in the night she'll bring it up.

(OOC: wink wink hint hint)

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