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critique wanted second opinion pleaseee :)


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soooooo heres a drawing i made as i was in school and we had some free time. it shows no one special just a picture i had in mind^^. i asked some classmates how they find it but they werent very interested so i ask you all for a second opinion^^


good or complete shit? :)


  • Brohoof 3
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It's good, but there are a couple things you could do to improve it a lot First, the lower body is too small compared with the upper body. Secondly, the neck is too long. The exact shape of the chest area is also a little off, and you could add more detail to the shirt to get a more finished look to the drawing as a whole. The top of the hair may be a bit too high as well. That sounds like a lot of issues, but really, I think you did a good job. :)

Edited by MelancholicMemory
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It's good, but there are a couple things you could do to improve it a lot First, the lower body is too small compared with the upper body. Secondly, the neck is too long. The exact shape of the chest area is also a little off, and you could add more detail to the shirt to get a more finished look to the drawing as a whole. The top of the hair may be a bit too high as well. That sounds like a lot of issues, but really, I think you did a good job. :)

yes i give you right i noticed the thing with the neck too and that with the hair but at this point i already finished it and i was to lazy to erase the whole head again XD i was also thinking about the shirt but i simply had no idea how i could make it more detailed especially a blank one^^ i was never good at cloathing my drawings :P actually this is the first time i drew detailed pants lol what i dont see is the point with the lower body may it seems to small because there is a bit missing and the legs were supposed to stand infront of each other... anyway thanks for your comment,opinion and your tips ;)

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