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private The Amulet of the Eventide (RP)


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@Creeping Dusk


chatty ran over to the marks and he looked at them. he noticed that they where prints that where made. but something big chased the thing that made the first prints and chased it away in a rush. the first prints where hoove prints. but the second ones that have covered them are unknown to chatty. he told every pony what he knows. he walked over to the pile of rocks that discharge knocked over. he notice they had a glow about them. a magical glow. "hay i found some thing intresting i need a unicorn over here to help me with this!" he shouted in excitment. he rearanged the rocks. they made a pattern that made a word. "waite these spell out a spell i will translate it but it will take me a while it says hsgfjhdgsjsdvfgjgd. which translates to the one who seeks the lock will have to find the key and know how to use it it also gives a spell hold the key to your horn to find the the lock all a long"  chatty thought the one who seeks the lock will have to find the key and know how to use it. hang on a minute "discharge do you know anything about a key?"  (do we know?).


(there is writeing on the key hold the key cast the spell and the door will open at the in a place it leeks (cave))



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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"Maroon Sky has a key, we found it under the chariot. I would assume that it was for a lockbox of some kind, given the size of it. It's quite small. My guess is that they found the Amulet, locked it away and started traveling...It's anyones guess as to what these tracks are, but the tracks and the obvious conflict zone..." he looked off into the distance, still scanning the area for anything that may be helpful "Something's telling me the guards are in trouble, if not worse. We need to follow these tracks..."


He went into deep thought about the key and the message for a while.

"Maybe...maybe the key is a magical one, maybe it needs passphrase to unlock the lockbox? We'd need to know the spell though...it's not going to be easy to find. We really need to find the guards."

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@Creeping Dusk


chatty ran over to maroon sky and took the key. he looked at it. "ah ha i know what to do i need a unicorn to hold this key to there horn and say this spell. i hold this key to my horn now the lets find this lock and where it belongs. and if done right the text says it will guide us to a place that leeks so that must be a cave this key is the answer to our problems. so i need a unicorn now. and sorry for takeing the key" chatty was pleased that he helped. he gave the key back to maroon sky and then walked over and stode still waiteing for the riddle to be solved


(i am going now and i will be back monday so have the spell cast go on to the cave and somepony control my character for me please)



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Maroon Sky could only stood there, stupefied on Chatty Dash's words about the stones and the key. How could a pegasus can see and understand something that usually reserved to unicorns? He decided to keep his questions to himself. It had been decades since the last time he learned anything about spells other than the ignition based ones, he had no idea how to do something like what Chatty Dash described to him. He telekinetically lifted the key in front of him, regret was clear in his face. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea how to do any of that. I think Lost knowledge could do something about it." He gave the key to Lost Knowledge


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Discharge chuckled as he looked at the expression on Maroon's face. "You didn't think I brought him along for his fighting ability, did you? He claimed he was good with things like this, and we'll see if he's right soon enough." He looked off down the road, along their intended path, then back down into the forest where he found the tracks. "Still though...i'm at a loss now. Chatty is saying we need to find a cave, I would assume that would be in the mountains, no? But we still don't know where these tracks lead...what does everypony think we should do?"

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Still not daring to fly, Night Song walked up with a sightly increased speed. She overheard Chatty's speculation and highly doubted it was true. "Hey, um... what about following the tracks? It could possibly lead us to the guards. Then we can always turn around and head to this cave," she suggested.

  • Brohoof 1

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Pondering the possible outcomes of either situation, Discharge sat down on the ground as he spoke.

"We follow the tracks, we possibly find the guards and maybe the amulet. We head over to the cave...well, we find a box, if we're lucky. It may contain the amulet but...I wouldn't want to stake the odds on it. Personally, I think finding the guards would help us more than going on a potential wild goose chase...that, and we need to find out what left these tracks, i've not seen anything like them before."

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"There is no guarantee that the Royal Guards are still alive. For all we know, whoever attacked them may have had them locked up somewhere and are currently torturing the Royal Guards for the Amulet." Maroon Sky pointed a hoof to the small key, which was on Lost Knowledge. "I suggest that we find the box first, and after that we can decide whether to find the Royal Guards or not."


The three claw marks were quite interesting. The only intelligent creatures that have such feet and big enough to wreck the chariot were Diamond Dogs. He silently hoped that Chatty Dash was wrong and the box was not in a cave, where Diamond Dogs had the terrain advantages.

Edited by Starshine


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Digging his hooves into the floor, getting frustrated and the new complications that had arose, Discharge finally decided the course of action. "Maroon, can you walk alright? We're all taking serious injuries here and we can't afford to slow down, we're already behind thanks to that thing" he glanced at the still crippled Manticore as he spoke. 


"We should follow the lead of the box...at least that way we will know for sure what this key is for. Who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and the Amulet will be at the end of the road." he shook his head, before hopping over the chariot to the front of the group once more. "Let's get moving, if everypony is ready. We can't afford to linger."


((Okay so...slight change of plans from the original idea, having to improv again, apologies.))

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Maroon Sky moved his left hind hoof around and stomped it to the ground a few times. It still hurt a bit, but it felt much better than minutes ago, thanks to Flame Dancer. "Give me another hour and I'll be able to gallop again." He followed Ardent's gaze to the crippled manticore. Some might argue that it was a bit sadistic to leave a crippled, living creature alone in this forest, but killing it straight away would be too merciful for the beast.


Maroon Sky took a few moments to ensure that everything was still strapped to his saddlebag. When he was done, he nodded to Ardent.

  • Brohoof 1


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Flame tightened the straps on his saddlebag and nodded. "I'm ready." He said, walking over next to Discharge. "What are the likes of the amulet being here and...I understand if this is a question you want to answer later but...What do you think is so important about the amulet ?" He asked, curiously.

Something something something something


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((Okay so...slight change of plans from the original idea, having to improv again, apologies.))

(I'm guessing were mostly blaming ChattyDash on that one... probably should have steered away from that one in the first place :X)


Quip sighed. "If we come all this way to be lead off our main path to end up without the Amulet, I'm holding you personally responsible for wasting our time" he said to Chatty Dash.


Quip fastened his bags just to be sure they wouldn't fall off, and then gave the 'ok' signal to Discharge... but there was just one problem left with Quip. The manticore left there, to die... Quip wasn't exactly the nicest pony, but he got this strange feel to his stomach. Leaving the manticore there wasn't right. If Quip was the manticore, would he really want to be left there, filled with shrapnel and pain, to get eaten by whatever comes by? No. Thats why Quip had to do something about it. Every animal had feelings, just like ponies did.


Quip walked over to the manticore and pulled a bomb out of his pack, and moved in front of the manticore, where its mouth was. Quip sat down and sighed. He petted the beast a few times and put the bomb down in front of it. "You can end it right here and now... or, you can stick around and get eaten... Tough choice, I certainly wouldn't want to be in your paws right now" he said just loud enough for the manticore to hear, but nopony from the group. Quip moved the bomb a bit closer to the manticores mouth and stood up, walking back to where the group was. 


(I feel so bad for that manticore T-T)

Edited by The Original PWD

Cyril Coltefeller, the Head of Magical and Technological Development.

Fierasil de Rosa Canter, the optimistic flyer.

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Lost Knowledge followed along with the rest of the group, not sure what to make of this whole situation. Aside from the abandoned chariot still lingering on his mind, there was the matter of the key, the burn marks, and whatever left those strange tracks. Yes, this certainly was turning out to be a strange day.

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"Well, my guess? That key holds the emblem of the night, just like the chariot does. I would assume, as I said earlier that key opens a lockbox of some sort. Now...if Chatty is right, and the key points to the lockbox it belongs to - the chances are good we'll find it on our path. It's close to where the tower stands, anyway." He turned around and acknowledged the rest of the group, just in time to see Quip return from the back of everypony. He looked over his shoulder at the Manticore behind him, seeing one of his bombs lying infront of its face, Discharge frowned at the waste of resources. "I hope you've at least lit that thing..." turning his attention back to Flame Dancer, he continued "as for why it's so important? I've been thinking about it for a while, and honestly I have no idea. It must hold some serious power though - think about it. Princess Luna requested we collect it...why didn't Princess Celestia ask us? And who are these other ponies who want it, and how do they know about it? The more I think about this whole thing, the more suspicious it gets..."


He started walking, signaling everypony to move with him. Periodically glancing back over his shoulder, he noticed something on Lost Knowledge "Lost...you're bleeding, are you alright?"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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He started walking, signaling everypony to move with him. Periodically glancing back over his shoulder, he noticed something on Lost Knowledge "Lost...you're bleeding, are you alright?"


Lost Knowledge was confused and looked himself over. He didn't seem to be in any pain.


"I am? Sweet Celestia's mane, I am bleeding! I didn't even notice. When did that happen?"


Quickly using his magic, he tried his best to stop the bleeding, but with little success.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Starshine,  @,  @@MagicalStarRain


"Maroon, do you still have any bandages on you? I think we could use some. Night Song, will you look around for anything we may be able to use to cleanse the wound? Some water or moss we can sterilize or something." He hopped over to Lost Knowledge, and looked him over "well, it's only the one hit. You really didn't know about that?"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Lost Knowledge shook his head, still in shock from just realizing he was bleeding, and that he apparently had been for a while now.


"No... I had no idea. Almighty Celestia, I can't even feel it. How does that even happen?"


He rubbed the wound with his hoof, wondering why he hadn't noticed it before.

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Discharge sat down as he looked around the wound, there was no deterioration on the surrounding flesh. "No signs of poison, so that's a good thing. I would assume this was during the fight with the Manticore, unless you brushed past an aggressive tree on the way in?" Rubbing his chin with his hoof he pondered any possible solutions as to why he hadn't felt the pain. "The only thing I can really think of, is adrenaline. If you can feel it now, or in a few minutes when your adrenaline wears off, it's that. Otherwise...I don't know, maybe the Manticore had some sort of anaesthetic in its stinger?"

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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"I have some bandages, and you can use some water from my canteen." He said, reaching into his bag and pulling out a roll of fabric and a large canteen filled up about half way with water.

He trotted over to lost and unscrewed the top of his canteen. He grabbed another old rag from his bag and poured some water over the rag, then he dabbed it gently against Lost's wound.

Something something something something


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@Starshine, @Alex-Kennedy, @Creeping Dusk, @MagicalStarRain, @~Flame Dancer~,@The Original PWD,  


chatty was surprised by the fact that everypony was going the way he described. but he also thought maybe luna wants it to turn into nightmare moon he kept this to him self. he then suggested. "what about splitting up one group of 5 goes to find the gauds and a group of 4 go and find the box. i will go and find the box. plus i think if we cast this spell we have to follow the keys path to the box. thats if it is a box?" chatty thought about the spell. i hold this key to my horn and the the key will lead to way it belongs. maybe this is the spell. he gave it a shot and asked. "can somepony hold this key an cast this spell. i hold this key to my horn and the the key will lead to way it belongs." he asked and he waited for the responce of another pony.



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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Maroon Sky was about to give some bandage to Lost Knowledge, but Flame Dancer was faster. He folded the bandage back to his saddlebag. There were six rolls of it left, if they needed more they would have to improvize with leaves.



The unicorn could only blink several times, almost dumbfounded on what Chatty Dash just described. "I'm sorry, but I'm not sure if I understand what you're talking about. As far as I know magic just doesn't work that way." If reciting mantra was enough to cast a spell, Maroon and his old friends would never had to spend so much of their childhood studying enchantments, when every unicorns could easily cast an intricate spells just by memorizing the mantra words. If Chatty Dash was referring to an entirely different field of magic, then he still couldn't do anything about it. "And no, splitting up and thinning our number would be a terrible idea. Princess Luna sent us to retrieve the amulet, not to rescue the guards."


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"ok but you do need to try. i never said it would be easy like that. maybe a percific pony needs to do it or something. i dont know spells that well. but strange writing and patterns and stuff out of the norm i do know well. so just give it a try to see if it works. if i could i would. but i am not a unicorn or alicorn i cant use magic" he looked at his head and seen no horn he just waited to see what happens  



sorry for the spelling problem i try my best its so hard to wright write with my mouth


credit goes to Gone ϟ Airbourne for the epic sig

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"While we where sent to retrieve the Amulet, I would like to save the guards too, if possible." Discharge interrupted. "we can't have any falling out between ourselves. We need to rest up, and follow Chatty's idea first. We're more likely to find the lockbox that the key is pointing to if we actually follow it. Maroon, can you just cast the spell please? We need to at least try." Clearly getting agitated at the choice ahead, Discharge only wanted to keep moving, but he knew there was no way that could happen without a direction. 


(Alright so, we're heading for another time skip pretty soon. A few more posts till we set up a camp or something and then we'll skip. After this skip, everypony's wounds are pretty much healed up, and we'll advance the story on quickly too. Lets try and get this RP back on the go shall we?)

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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@@chattydash, @,


"Well, if you insist." Maroon Sky shrugged. Nothing could go wrong with trying it, he guessed that much. He turned to Lost Knowledge and shrouded the small key in his telekinesis.  "Excuse me Lost, I will need the key for a while."


Maroon Sky held the key a bit higher from his horn, just in case something went horribly wrong and his innate ignition spell went awry. He took a deep breath and spoke the mantra Chatty Dash said earlier while channelling his magic into the key, "I hold this key to my horn and the key will lead to way it belongs." He kept channelling the magic, just in case the spell needed more. He waited.


It was a rather uneventful minute. Maroon held the key on his horn and recited the mantra, but nothing happened. Other than the key started to heat up, there was nothing else. He shook his head as he released the key from his telekinesis, which dropped to his waiting hoof below. "I'm sorry, but it's either my magic won't work, or there is something missing from the 'spell.'" He put an emphasize on the word spell. After the key cooled down, Maroon Sky handed the key to Ardent.

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"Well that was a dud" Ardent laughed. "So...what now? Seriously? Do we follow the path or follow the tracks? Personally I don't have a clue." Ardent sat down and looked back at the chariot now in the distance. "We've come this far along the path, but I don't know how much further we have to go exactly, or what we'll even find. These tracks though, they lead from the chariot into the forest, and there's signs of a struggle." He paused for a second "and something else..." Sighing heavily, he threw his hooves up in the air "my money's on the tracks leading us to the guards, and this path leading us to the mountain. What do you all think we should do?"


(I am actually at a loss as to where to go, so seriously some input would be great xD I would prefer to go along the tracks, but I have a story for either way...still need to fit that scene in somewhere too) 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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