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private Whisper: The City of Darkness (DEAD)


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Don't Turn Away
Don't Give into the Pain.

Dont try to Hide
Though they're Screaming your Name.
Don't close your Eyes
God knows what Lies Behind them.
Don't turn out the Light
Never sleep. Never die.
Save us from Evil
Servatis a Maleficum....... - Whisper by Evanescence

OOC Thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/45618-whisper-the-city-of-darkness-ooc/

The Mane 12:
Cancer: played by Thunder Knight
Aries: played by Psych Ward
Taurus: played by Crystal Dancer
Gemini: played by MaleTrixie
Leo: played by SurfSkateSoar
Libra: played by BlackShardNixium (me)
Virgo: played by Rosebud
Scorpio: played by Rolle
Saggitarius: played by White Out
Capricorn: played by King_Sombrero
Aquarius: played by PONI3SFTW
Pisces: played by Galvin Starlight

Other Characters:


As far as the mundanity of daily life went, Libra could not complain. She had the things many would consider finer than most, and she was dead lucky at that. Her parents had fought horn and hoof for the life they had at the moment: what other ponies would consider "middle class".
But that was just fine with her.
She had a home, a family, she went to school every day, and most importantly......Her family had managed to escape the rough scrutiny of the King. "What King?" You may ask. The one that lives in the Palace, oh so far away from where she lived. The King that never left his quarters. The King that payed so little to his subjects, he'd let them fall into despair and disrepair.
Canterlot was a slumyard. Only the lowliest of society entered there now. The sun dare not shine, nor the moon peek her weary, weary head from behind the clouds, just to see what had become of her beloved kingdom......
As she rose in the morning, the dull grey, and cloudy morning, she got herself ready for yet another day of school......

Edited by BlackShardNixium
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Arianna, always an early one to rise had been laying on her stomach, reading ahead in her textbooks.  She turned each page carefully with her almost neon orange aura of magic.  She peered out the window and nearly jumped out of her bed as she realized the time.  She quickly got out of bed, packing her bag for school and hurrying to her bathroom to wash the tangles and dirt from her mane and tail.  It was a long process, considering the bed head she had awaken with.  She finally exited the bathroom, slipping her neon orange headband into her long, straight, black mane.

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


Tlalli wearily opened her eye to find it was morning, she groaned and lifted herself up off the ground and stretched her back, 'Morning' she said to herself. She looked around, Same as last night, no one around, just her little earthy den; Tlalli shook the dust out of her brown and green mane and threw some books and quills from yesterday into her saddle bag before finding she had no more food, She sighed and trotted outside to try find some berry bushes

Edited by Crystal Dancer

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Cancer was running. He didn't know where to or why; he just knew that he was running. As he ran, he began to pick up speed, more speed than a pony his size should have been able to have.

There was a mountain in the path.

Cancer tried to swerve, but something kept him on the straight path he was following.

He hit the rock with a solid thud, and he woke up.

Groaning, he opened his eyes. His back half was still on his bed, but his front half was firmly planted on the floor.

"Son of a buck..."

The rusty earth pony glanced at his clock.


Oh, buck me sideways. Class is in fifteen, and I haven't had anything to eat yet! How did- his thoughts trailed off as he noticed that the alarm had mysteriously been deactivated in the middle of the night. Again!? It keeps happening! Why? He righted himself, loaded his saddlebags with his books, and slipped them on. Having not much time for anything else, he grabbed a piece of bread from the pantry with his mouth and ran down the corridor to class.


((By the way, I'm probably not going to be able to post as often as some of the others here due to school and having a bunch of other projects going on.))

Edited by Clockwise Gear

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Libra had never had too many qualms with having to walk through the Slums to get to the Academy...

Ah the Academy! Libra was love struck with the idea of Law School, which happened to be a course they taught at the Academy for Higher Education. She planned to be the most fearsome prosecuter this side of the River! Oh yes, she'd change a thing or two around here, starting with that King!

Libra stopped short, berating herself angrily. One didn't just think such things about the King of Equestria!! His Indisputable Majesty would have you taken to the other side of the River if it was ever found that you harbored such a well-developed sense of malice towards him!

The River.... That was another matter. Everfree River was all that remained of the once feared forest... It cut the Kingdom off from....Libra shuddered.... The Presence....

The Dark manifestation lurked just beyond to river... Skulking in the shadows.

And if there was one thing Libra knew, it was that nothing bad enough could happen to you in Equestria that was worse than what could be done to you beyond Everfree River.....

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Midnight had had a rough life, but he made it through just fine, he had no parents to speak of, but he was lucky enough to grow up with a wealthy family that took pity and took him in, giving him everything he needed.

he never asked for much, just a roof over his head, someone to talk too when he was troubled, and somepony loving to care for him when he was hurting.


streaching his wings, and yawning, as he floated to the streets in his uniform, he started his trot to school, he was a peculer and quiet pegasus, everypony thought he was the strange creep, and it hurt his feelings that they thought so, but he never spoke up to defend himself.

shaking his head of these thoughts, he pushed open the gate to the school and looked up at the building that he had seen since he was a fresh faced colt almost 17 years ago.

Edited by King_Sombrero


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Arianna galloped out of her home and down the streets to the school she had been attending for years.  "Oh hello, Midnight," Arianna said as she walked through the gates herself.  She recognized the pony stallion from some classes she had but she never really noticed him that much.  "Good morning."  She didn't expect a response and kept walking on her way.

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


After gobbling down breakfast and quickly grabbing her saddlebags, Tlalli started galloping to school, She was lucky she had enough to GO to school, But she didn't really need anyone to know that she lived alone under a tree with no family. As Tlalli jumped a small river and started up a small hill, The Emeralds in her Braclets banged her chest and caused her to fall, Tlalli whinned softly with pain, but became quiet when she heard breathing from behind her, She spun her head around to just see the end of a tail whip into woods 'Was that tailing me the entire time? How did it run so fast?' Tlalli thought to herself, But she shook it off and cantered into the school enterance then slowing to a trot as she headed to class..

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Pisces groggily opened his eyes, his dry mouth smacking
loudly as he stretched his hooves. Pieces was rather tired this morning, as he
had been unable to decide on a decent time to go to bed last night. Yet school beckoned
him nonetheless and the mistakes of past Pisces would have to be suffered by
present Pisces. The pink stallion rolled of the left side of his bed…. No wait,
make that the right side…. You know what, Pisces sits up and gets off at the
foot of the bed, being completely unable to decide which side of the bed to get
out of.


Pisces looks at himself in the mirror. His sea blue mane is
a complete horror of tangled knots. This is without a doubt the worst case of
bed mane in existence and a pony with any sense of style or fashion would no
doubt faint on sight of seeing the horrid abomination that was attached to his
head. Pisces stares into the mirror for nearly half an hour attempting to
decide whether or not he should tidy himself up. Eventually he realizes that he
has class in a manner of minutes, turns back to the mirror and says, “Eh, good
enough,” and trots out of his room.


Onward to another exciting day school.

Edited by Galvin Starlight
  • Brohoof 1
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  On 2013-02-03 at 4:20 AM, Psych Ward said:

Arianna galloped out of her home and down the streets to the school she had been attending for years.  "Oh hello, Midnight," Arianna said as she walked through the gates herself.  She recognized the pony stallion from some classes she had but she never really noticed him that much.  "Good morning."  She didn't expect a response and kept walking on her way.

midnight smiled, at least some ponies that went to the school, he could at least call friends, "hello arianna, good morning to you." he said before she got out of earshot.

as he continued walking to his first class, he noticed the three mares that seemed to torment him the most at this school and he hated them with every fiber of his being, but there was nothing he could do, oh he wanted to do plenty, but he was just to timid.


shaking his head, he pushed past them, and they seemed to not notice and he breathed a sigh of relief as he made it to his first class, all about dark spells, and how to defend oneself from them a, defense against the dark arts, of sorts.

all his classmates smiled when he entered, he was actually liked in this class being the only pegasus in the entire class of unicrons.


(har, har, see what i did thar XD)

  • Brohoof 1


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Sagittarius stared at a toaster.

He did not like that toaster. That toaster was the only thing for the past few months that gave him access to warm breakfast, and now it was broken. The pieces of bread, in blatant mockery, decided that no, they weren't going to magically turn into a filling part of his complete breakfast that day. He glared at those pieces of bread, hoping that the term 'burning holes with your gaze' could take literal form. But no, unfortunately for him, as an earth pony, magic was a fakey-fake thing that didn't exist, and he had to deal with broken toasters and the sort.

Didn't he have something more important than bread to be staring at? Like, a board? At school?

Yeah, he should probably have been on his way to school at that point. Stupid bread.

Well, bread wasn't going to stop him from getting an education. It also wasn't going to stop him from eating said bread, as it had no form of defense from being chewed on.

And to school he went. If anypony were to ask the often-ignored pony, he would have given his opinion of the establishment as a waggled hoof and a 'meh'. Not to say he didn't like the place, but aside from art class, he didn't do much but half-pay attention while doodling. 'Aside from art class', because while in art class, doodling and doing his work were one of the same.

Well, school was school, and school would always be school, and Sagittarius was alright with that.

The gates, as usual, stood before him. He waltzed in without a word, deciding to ignore the idea of a passing 'hello' to the ponies already there.

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(XD  I do indeed!)


Arianna turned and smiled back at him before she turned the corner to her first class.  It was just her basic magic class of the day, one of her most simple classes.  She enjoyed it nonetheless.  She sat down at her desk at the very front of the room and took her textbook out, continuing to read ahead until class began.

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Paratyl - Virgo


Paratyl awoke with a sudden thud in his ears 'Paratyl! Time for school!' it was the calling voice of SweetHeart, His 'Mother', Paratyl got out of bed without a word and headed into the kitchen where his breakfast of an apple was sitting there 'Morning' he said, ignoring the apple and grabbing his things for school to put in his bag, 'You'd better grab your things and go, Look at the time' Sweetheart said looking at the clock, Paratyl simply nodded and used his wing to put his bag around his neck, He trotted over to Sweetheart 'Bye' he said nuzzling her, she returned and he grabbed the apple in his mouth and flew off to school


Once landing infront of the gates, he quickly walked inside, Half-Smiling at some ponies and ignoring the rest, He finally got his way to history class and sat down in his seat, Preparing for another long boring day of School.


Stay Rosy! xox

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Pisces finally arrived at school, the towering structure fitting
quite well with the Canterlot architecture. Pisces walked through the front
gate, brushing past several of ponies there carrying on their own conversations.
Deciding he just wanted to get to class early in hopes of getting maybe a few
more winks before class started (he had only gotten about 27 and a half out of
the required forty last night) Pisces makes his way to his first, and favorite
class, pony psychology. Pisces sat in his assigned seat and closed his eyes
waiting for class to start. It was good thing this class had assigned seats
otherwise Pisces might have wasted a whole hour deciding which seat to sit in.

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus


Tlalli giggled as she saw two love-ponies blush as they bumped into eachother in the hallway, 'I wonder what being in love is like..' Tlalli quickly stopped to shake herself out of it, she couldn't care less about dating at this very moment, She continued trotting down the forever hallway, Looking inside some of the doorways, First doorway to come was Dark Magic class, She saw Midnight inside and smiled, He confused her but he was still pretty cool, She next went by the Normal Magic classes, Magic always seemed like fun to Tlalli, But she was quite happy being a strong earth pony, She found herself thinking about Pegasi, Flying around doing their Air Tricks, She gigglied again to thinking how weird that would be for her, She passed Pony Psychology to see Pisces just taking a seat, She always found him sort of.. Weird, But not bad weird, Just Weird Weird. Tlalli Finally stopped infront of her first class for the day, History; She saw she wasn't yet late and took her seat next to Paratyl 'Hey Paratyl' She said with a grin as she took off her saddlebag

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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Arianna looked up as her class began.  She took her usual detailed notes as the early lesson went on.  She had covered this in her independant reading last week and it was a breeze. She found herself constantly raising her hoof to answer questions the teacher asked.

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First class? First class was...he forgot. Something something 'pony' something. Sagittarius was better at remembering room locations than the actual classes taught, so the one that was down that first hallway, up those stairs, and three lefts, a right, and finally giving up and looking at the map in his saddlebag, he arrived in...Magic Study 101. What?

Oh, he had the map up-side down. Another walk across the school later, and the bluish-gray earth pony waltzed into the correct class. He was pretty sure it was math. Or philosophy? There was stuff written on the board, and that 'stuff' looked suspiciously like either very advanced mathematics symbols or the 'therefore' symbols you'd find in philosophy books. Either way, he took a seat in the closest chair, and waited patiently for the sound of a hundred screaming angels of death to announce the beginning of the class.

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Paratyl - Virgo


  On 2013-02-03 at 5:01 AM, Crystal Dancer said:

'Hey Paratyl' She said with a grin as she took off her saddlebag

Paratyl's heart beat extra hard as he turned his head with a blush and saw the beautiful Tlalli, He wanted to say 'Hey Beautiful, Want to catch up for lunch later?' but he was much too shy for that, so he replaced it with a smile and a whisper: 'Hi', Suddently there was a snap at the blackboard, All the chatting ponies fell to a hush when they saw the history teacher, She scowled at everyone and bickered at us how she wanted to be paid attention to when she entered, then started with the class. A Few Minutes in, Paratyl wrote a note saying 'Are you busy at lunch?' and put it to the edge as where Tlalli was 'Psst, Tlalli' he whispered, Hoping not to get caught..

Edited by RoseBud


Stay Rosy! xox

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midnight waved as another pony he knew passed by, tlalli, she was an eccentric pony, but she made midnight smile alot, and to him, that was perfect.


as the teacher entered the classroom she shut the door and smiled, "hello everypony."


"hello mrs shine." everypony replied,


mrs shine, a purple coated unicorn mare who always seemed to be wearing reading glasses, with a dark blue mane, smiled at everypony then at midnight, who smiled back.


"alright class, today is the test, all of you will be practicing the spells we have been learning against live dark spells, everypony line up, midnight im sorry, but since, your, well a pegasus, you cant participate, but wed be happy to let you watch."


midnight nodded, "of course mrs shine."

Edited by King_Sombrero


                                                                           Electrobolt is my waifu x3

 Midnight moon (my main OC)

                                                                            siggy by: Toa of Ponies

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Cancer sprinted down the halls as fast as his legs could carry him. Pony Psychology was on the other side of the building.

Buck buck buckity buck buck!

He slammed into the closed door, forcing his bread to pancake against his face. Rubbing his bruised snout, he opened the door to find most of the class already in their seats. Luckily, the class had not yet started, and Pisces was there. Cancer slid into his seat and nudged the pink earth pony. "'Sup."

Edited by Clockwise Gear

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Quick this is an opportunity to say something cool. Say something awesome or mysterious or…mystawesome?

Now the rusty earth pony was staring at him expecting an answer.

Say something or he’ll get angry!

This dude is always angry; don’t say anything and he might go away.

That’s rude, at least acknowledge his presence!


Smooth Pisces. Smooth.

Edited by Galvin Starlight
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Finally, the class was filled with plenty of whatstheirfaces, and the prime whatshisface himself (the teacher? He was pretty sure it was the teacher) walked to his usual spot, and everypony looked about as excited as Sagittarius was, which meant that this class was definitely either Math or Philosophy. Or some combination of the two. The teacher was blue, which meant something something 'pony' something. He wasn't very good at paying attention to pointless details.

"Alright class, today we're going to be starting on-"

And out came the paper and pencils. Sagittarius was pretty sure he was going to draw...something...doodle-y. The taste of No. 2 pencil was an acquired one, and one that the bluish earth pony had definitely acquired. Some unicorn magic would be pretty cool. He bet unicorns didn't even know what paint tasted like.

Scribble scribble scribble.

No, he was not a talented artist. Saggitarius was a pretty horrible one, if he did say so himself. In fact, he was so bad at drawing that he liked to consider his work a whole new level of shitiness. Like, if there was an x and y plane on which you could rate art based on shitiness, he would be somewhere along the z axis, and he loved every moment of it.

A glance up from his 'masterpieces' revealed that he still didn't recognize anypony in the room, which fit moderately well considering nopony usually recognized him either. Another day, another shitty drawing.

Edited by White Out
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The yellow Pegasus stormed around the empty hallway, Gen was late, Again. Which class was he supposed to go to? Who was in his class? He started to panick, but he stopped and flapped upwards so he was hovering above the ground, He touched his Agate with his hoof, and everything cleared his mind; He landed and trotted over to Pony Psychology. Gen entered and took his seat behind Cancer and Piscies 'Hey Guys' he said, leaning forward 'I miss anything yet?'

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Ah ha! Another chance.
At last, awesomeness is within my grasp. Now, to give Gen an answer so convoluted and mysterious his mind will be completely blown and he will stand in awe of my very presence for all time.

“Nothing much.”

What is wrong with me today?! Pisces slams his head against his desk due to his inability to ever think of something remotely cool to say.

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Tlalli Amithi - Taurus



  On 2013-02-03 at 5:14 AM, RoseBud said:

a smile and a whisper: 'Hi'

Tlalli was happy to see her friend smile, He didn't smile much at all actually, She focused her attention to the front of the class where the teacher was scowling us, Again. 'She really needs to calm down, or she'll get even more stress marks' she joked to herself in that weird brain of hers


  On 2013-02-03 at 5:14 AM, RoseBud said:

'Psst, Tlalli'

Her Ear pricked up, she looked to her left to see that Paratyl had put a note in her eyes sight, 'Are you busy at lunch?' it read, Tlalli put on a cheeky smile and wrote a note back to him 'Its a Date', When the teacher wasn't looking she nudged Paratyl with the same cheeky smile from 8 years ago..  

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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