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Haste stopped as the dark forms grew around her holding her down, "Let me go!" she screamed still being forced down to the floor

Edited by Pinkazoid




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"Keep her incapacitaded" ordered Strong Hooves, "notify the rest of the squad, we have another prisoner", he then turned to find Hailstorm once more, he came across him near a stream, and quietly kept in the underbrush and snuck up close to the pegasus


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Wing pony 4: sir if I may ask...can we set up here for the night ...being only the two of us our enemies could attack from anywhere.


Hail: I know your tired but we are just as vulnerable here as we would ne flying to regroup,plus we might find others who fight in the name of celestia...5 minutes we head out


Wing pony 4: ...yes sir


They both took a few bites of what field rations they had carried

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(over radio) " Squadron Delta, do you read me? We have another prisoner, repeat, we have another prisoner. Copy. Long Live Luna."

Edited by Dr. Derpy



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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Strong saw the second pegasus with Hailstorm, he crept through the shadows until he was directly behind him, then in one swift motion, pulled the second pegasus into the bush, breaking his neck in the process


(Sure you can call our squadron that)


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After reporting to Squadron delta and making sure the prisoner was successfully sent to war prison, Zanthak quickly teleported 20 feet away from Strong. Luckily he knew there would be enemies there so beforehand he veiled himself in shadows. He quickly crept up to Strong and said "So, what is the plan?"



"I am more silent than night itself..."

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Hail turned around to see why thing grew quiet.

Noticing he was now alone,hail took a defensice stance,ears turning like radar dishs


* I'm not alone...did the enemy find us or did he go to relieve him self without telling me...no that's not it he may be a rookie but he's smarter than that...*

His mind raced knowing that,lurking in the dark was some pony

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OOC: Wow, you guys did a lot




"S.C, we have a huge problem!" Applejack exclaimed. From Curatio's war planning desk, he looked up, his eyes bloodshot red from lack of sleep and his entire face displaying incredible fatigue.


Curatio sighed and placed his head between his front hooves. "What is it Bearer...what else happened?" He asked in an uncaring tone. In his mind, all he knew was that if he screwed up the current strategic positions the Lunar Republic held on Equestria, he'd be hanged by the Princess herself.


"The Solar Kingdom done attacked Dragon Mountain outright! They're suffocating the troops!" AJ stated in a firm, worrysome voice.


Curatio's face twitched and suddenly, he snapped, using his ability conjour wind currents to whip around his desk's smal fragments of paper in rage. "FOR THE LOVE OF LUNA! WHY DOES MIDNIGHT TAUNT ME SO?!"


He flew straght towards AJ and looked her in the eyes an inch away. "Send in your shock units. And don't tell Fluttershy that I'm sending her precious animals to maul the surviving Solar Kingdom soldiers."


"But S.C, they're not trained! They'll kill our soldiers too!" AJ said. Curatio started to sweat but then shook his head and flew into his personal chamber, locking it from the inside. Inside, screams or frustration and anxiety were heard, muffled.


Alright, battle plan for both parties: Vicious dinosaur like animals will be released. They're trained to target Celestia's soldiers but Luna's soldiers still need to watch out sinc they're not trained enough.

Edited by Espionage


Alea Jacta Est

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Strong Hooves took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for battle... calmly and quietly he stepped out of the shadows to face Hailstorm, "Well... its been a while... hasnt it... old friend?"


(Ooc:Sorry about the delay,nets buggy)


"Strong hooves?... I should have guessed you would be here...tell me old friend why are you fighting for such a lost cause...it's not like you? are you just another pawn in this fight promised something you want so dearly?


Hail dug his hooves into the soil,steadying his nerves against his own doubts and the knowlage that strong hooves was not an allie

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"Why dont you go on and tell me why you fight for Celestia?" countered Strong, "Since when have you ever been one to assert dominance over other species? Are the griffins any lesser of living things than we are? What about the dogs? Why are they so different that we have to rule over them instead of treat them as equals? Ha... you call what I fight for a lost cause, what you fight for is tyranny" Strong got himself into a battle stance, he wasnt sure as to who would strike first, but he would have to be ready...


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Hail flinched somewhat at strong hooves words,he had no real idea how to respond.

His heart raced as he calculated the possible outcome of the two titans clashing.


"Why I fight is my reason strong hooves even you of all ponies should know this...it has nothing to do with the sisters conflict over dominance over the none pony races"


With a flick of his hoof and the flap of his powerful wings,he sent dirt into the air directly at strong hooves. Following up with a full air tackle


Hail flinched somewhat at strong hooves words,he had no real idea how to respond.

His heart raced as he calculated the possible outcome of the two titans clashing.


"Why I fight is my reason strong hooves even you of all ponies should know this...it has nothing to do with the sisters conflict over dominance over the none pony races"


With a flick of his hoof and the flap of his powerful wings,he sent dirt into the air directly at strong hooves. Following up with a full air tackle

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