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private Innocence

Feather Gem

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Darts hit the wall again. "No hope, whatever cave was here a second ago is completely sealed!" He gave one last powerful kick for good measure, nothing. He flew back down to the group. "It seems to have sealed itself up again, although I'm sure it isn't natural rock, I would have broken through that easy. Whatever is inside this mountain wants to keep us out." He turned to Chamois, "You all right? You're looking a little grey... Wait, sorry. I meant sick."

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
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Chamois listened slightly, getting more dazed by the seconds.  She didn't even hear Darts speaking to her.  Or to the others.  She didn't hear him say that the mountains entrance was blocked up.  Then she suddenly perked up.  "It can't be that bad guys!  Lets just get up there and see whats in there.  What are you expecting to find?  Not much can get up there and a dragon won't hurt us if we don't intimidate him," Chamois said, starting towards the mountain.  Wait, I don't want money!  Chamois stopped abruptly.  Unless...I always wanted to sell my art to make bits for charity.  But I wasn't having much luck...and all the bits I earned I had to spend on essentials.  Chamois paused, and then shrugged.  Never doubted my sudden feelings before!  Chamois started up the mountain.  Certainly didn't doubt them bringing me here.

Chrysalis almost growled.  She knew exactly who was responsible for this.  But she...she would be patient.

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"Hey! Didn't you hear anything I just said? It's sealed airtight!" Copper said flying after Chamois. "Are you sure you aren't feeling sick? The only way you're going to get in there is if whoever sealed it off decides he wants the ground to swallow you like it did Harp, and there is no telling if it will let you back out next time."

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
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Chamois stopped in her tracks and looked at him blankly.  "Don't be ridiculous," she said.  And then Chamois blinked and lowered her head.  She blinked again and reached up to touch her head.  She took a few steps back from Darts.  "I...I...what happened?" she asked, looking up at him.  "Wait...what...what?" she said, confused.

Chrysalis flew up to be by Darts side.  She gave Chamois a slightly odd look.  Chamois gave her the same look.  Chrysalis shrugged and then flew up like she wanted to inspect the cave.

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Discord frowned. That fool Sombra had sealed up the mountain. Did he really expect these ponies to be a threat? With a snap of his fingers, the wall of crystal disappeared.

"That should do it," he muttered under his breath, looking at the pony's confusion and disharmony.

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Sombra frowned when the wall disappeared. 'What is he doing? They will see us!' he thought. Whatever Discord did, Sombra couldn't reverse or fix. "I leave, going to slave pony" he said bluntly and headed down to the rooms with the shadow that contained Harp.

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Darts shook his head in confusion as the mountain opened up again. "I must be going crazy or something" he muttered and flew up next to Harp (Chrysalis). "Did you do something to it?" he asked confused, "I know for certain that the cave was sealed up tight!" Darts flew closer to the cave, inside was pitch black.

Edited by TheSteampunkNinja (TSN)
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Chrysalis found herself growing slightly impatient.  She flew up beside him, knowing she could shove him inside and get him easily...but then what?  She was powerful, but she didn't know this pony's strength.  "S-should we check it out?  We've gotten this far," Chrysalis said softly.


Nightmare Moon glanced at Sombra and gave a slightly roll of her eyes.  Her night sky mane wrapped around her and squeezed tightly around her.  She seemed to evaporate and disappeared, now only left a cloud of night sky.  She slipped silently across the ground, out the cave and slid towards Bright Spark.


Chamois stared up at Darts and Harp, her expression still slightly confused.  She sighed and shrugged a shoulder.  She began to trudge up the mountain.  "No idea whats going on.  But going to check it out.  Seems fascinating," she said blankly for no reason whatsoever.

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Bright Spark watched in pride as the illusion broke way. He was about to jump in when another cover showed up. He pojed it and listened to the hollow noise it made. "Strange..." the barrier then dissapeard "Eh? Some form of deflux... Perhaps." he shrugged and began to walk.

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Discord smiled. The ponies were coming into the cavern. He would have to prepare a warm welcome for them. Chrysalis was with them too. All the better. He had been looking for more excuses to terrorize her. Smiling, he disappeared in another flash of light.

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Darts landed in the cave entrance, trying to make out something in the darkness. He squinted his eyes, still nothing. He turned around as the rest of the group we're climbing up the mountain side. "Hey anyone got a light down there? I can't see anything in here!"

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Chamois was still climbing up the mountain.  She breathed heavily as she reached up for a stone to hold onto.  "Oh for Celestia's sake," she muttered under her breathe.  "This is going to take forever."  She stepped up a bit and looked up.  She growled when she saw she hadn't even gone half way up yet.  She moaned in frustration.  She glanced up at Darts and made her horn give a small spark of light.  "If you like green light," she said.  "But you'll have to wait a few years until I get up there."


Chrysalis pulled a face at Chamois.  She should have become a unicorn.  At least then she could use magic to fly.  She landed beside Darts and stepped towards the entrance, peering inside.  "You can't see?" she asked.  "I can see perfectly fine in there," she lied.  She looked at Darts innocently.


The blue cloud of smoke stopped when right in front of Bright Spark.  And as impatient as she was, the cloud began to form the shape of a pony.  And then the smoke moved away, pulling back as her mane.  And then Nightmare Moon was towering over him, smiling evilly.  And if those other ponies aren't complete idiots they'll get out of here.  And then I'll be closer to winning this ridiculous little game. 

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Chamois was still climbing up the mountain. She breathed heavily as she reached up for a stone to hold onto. "Oh for Celestia's sake," she muttered under her breathe. "This is going to take forever." She stepped up a bit and looked up. She growled when she saw she hadn't even gone half way up yet. She moaned in frustration. She glanced up at Darts and made her horn give a small spark of light. "If you like green light," she said. "But you'll have to wait a few years until I get up there."


Chrysalis pulled a face at Chamois. She should have become a unicorn. At least then she could use magic to fly. She landed beside Darts and stepped towards the entrance, peering inside. "You can't see?" she asked. "I can see perfectly fine in there," she lied. She looked at Darts innocently.


The blue cloud of smoke stopped when right in front of Bright Spark. And as impatient as she was, the cloud began to form the shape of a pony. And then the smoke moved away, pulling back as her mane. And then Nightmare Moon was towering over him, smiling evilly. And if those other ponies aren't complete idiots they'll get out of here. And then I'll be closer to winning this ridiculous little game.

Bright Spark was about to enter the cave when a blue cloud stopped in front of him and began to take the form of a pony. Soon enough, Nightmare moon was standing before him. Bright Spark did not react and took down the last of his whiskey before throwing the bottle over his shoulder.

"yes yes. Hello nightmare moon, princess of the night yada yada yada. Now why exactly did you stop me and why is it so important because I have a cave to explore and an idiot to get away from."

(OOC: school noa!)

Edited by darklord60
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Nightmare Moon was completely thrown.  And it registered on her face. "This is not how subjects treat a Princess!" Nightmare growled.  She put her face in his and hissed.  "And thou shallest be punished for it!"  She straightened herself and her mane grew out again.  It flew towards him and wrapped around him tightly.


(this post is sort of a a fail)

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Nightmare Moon was completely thrown. And it registered on her face. "This is not how subjects treat a Princess!" Nightmare growled. She put her face in his and hissed. "And thou shallest be punished for it!" She straightened herself and her mane grew out again. It flew towards him and wrapped around him tightly.


(this post is sort of a a fail)

Bright Spark sighed as he was left restrained. "Yes but you are not a princess and you have no subjects. A princess does not summon eternal night in a hope of gaining the respect from the people she O-so rightfully deserves. But, now you got me. So what you going to do eh? Put me to sleep with your nightly powers?"
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Discord teleported next to Nightmare Moon, clucking his tounge in disappointment. "Really, my dear Princes, is that any way to treat your subjects?" He winked at Bright Spark, laughed, and vanished in another flash of light.


He materialized next to Sombra. "You're falling behind, good friend. If you want to take second in this race, you'd better step up your game."

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Sombra looked towards Discord, then looked back to the shadow. "I say I first" he said as he walked along to a room suitable to hold his prisoner. "First one to capture pony, first one to turn into slave" he said simply. When he happened upon a small single door room with no windows, he took Harp out of the shadow and closed the door behind him, closing it up with crystals. "Let us see how fast you crack..."

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Nightmare Moon gritted her teeth together.  "Shut up!" she growled, throwing the head up and addressing Discord who had already disappeared.  She turned and walked back towards the cave, dragging Bright Spark with her.  The night sky magic moved up and covered his mouth.


Chamois looked up and saw Nightmare Moon.  Her eyes flattened back in slightly surprise, horror, and defense.  She turned around and started back down the mountain without speaking a single word.

I thought this would be fun.  Now this is just crazy! 

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Discord teleported, and flew above the retreating Chamois. Every time she would run five yards, Discord would teleport her back to where she started. "I wonder how long she will run until she realizes this..." he mused, waving extravagantly at Nightmare Moon, who was a little bit uphill.

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Chamois stopped trotting at the second time it happened.  Her ears stayed flattened back as she rose her face up to Discord.  Oh...buck.  Chamois turned to him and took a few steps back.  She didn't want to show how afraid she was the disturbing looking draconiqus.  "L-leave me alone," she said, meaning to say it loudly, full of power.  But it came out as an almost forced whimper.

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Discord disappeared, and reappeared by her side in the uniform of a Police Officer. "I'd love to let you off, ma'am, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to charge you for trespassing on private property. If you would just follow me to the station." he snapped his fingers, and they reappeared in a dimly lit, cavernous room.

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Chamois jumped when he appeared by her side.  She blinked when they appeared in another room.  She took another step back from him.  "Sorry I trespassed, do I have to sign something or are you one of those guys who takes bribes," Chamois growled.  Her heart though, was beating wildly in her chest.  She reached into her saddle bag and searched around for her bits.

Why are you playing along?

Shut up, I don't know what else to do.

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Discord laughed. "Perhaps if you amuse me enough." With another snap of his fingers, the large circular cavern lit as brightly as though it was day. "Let's see if you can triumph where the possessors of the Elements of Harmony failed, shall we?" With a flash, her horn was gone and stone walls appeared around her, in the form of a maze. "Best of luck to you, pony." he said, and disappeared.

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"What?  Hey!" she growled.  She touched the area where her horn should have been.  She glanced around, realizing she was alone.  She threw a foreleg up in annoyance and sat down.  "I'm not even going to try!  I'm just going to sit here until you get bored!" she said.  She didn't really know if he was watching or not, but still.

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Discord growled in frustration from the Theater he had made materialize for the sole purpose of watching the show. "Come on!" he yelled at the screen, throwing popcorn at it. "Nobody likes a movie without any action!" he mumbled darkly and sipped his soda.

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