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David Attenborough in Equestria

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I was discussing what "The Life of Ponies", by David Attenborough, would be like. For instance:


Attenborough: "These splendid creatures come in a dazzling array of colors. They can fly, they control the weather, and they perform some of the most extraordinary acrobatics in all of Equestria. They are, of course, the pegasi. But how they achieve these wondrous feats of strength and agility, and the mysteries of their family and social structures, are what we'll be looking at in the next program in The Life of Ponies." (sudden rainbow streak in the background)

Edited by Harvan
  • Brohoof 4
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Don't forget the Unicorns that can fly! (Geddit, because of the pengiun thing a few years back?) nah, That be cool. I'd be interested in watching a Fan Video on it, your description on what it'd be like was great!

Edited by ~Toa of Ponies~
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Well, it would definitely convert nature enthusiasts and Attenborough fans into Bronies, so I'm already supporting this idea :D


Although I think Pinkie will get in the way of everything. I mean, you know Pinkie. Come on, she's gonna break the fourth wall repeatedly in that kind of scenario xD

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  • 1 month later...

we already have a photoshopped picture of twilight and carl sagan, we need one of david attenborough and say fluttershy. Someone has to make one

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I'm still trying to figure out what the script would be for Attenborough watching Pinkie Pie play ten instruments at once.  Something like:


"That extraordinary performance is just one example of how far ponies will go to make those around them smile.  And indeed, it seems to have worked."  (camera focuses on a growing crowd of ponies dancing behind Pinkie.)  "Before long, the entire town is entranced.  So how DOES she do it?  Well, the truth is, nobody really knows."


(For those wondering, I'm channeling from the Lyrebird segment in The Life of Birds.)

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