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Hey there.

Ethereal Cereal

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Glad to make everypony's acquaintance. I'm 23 and currently attending college to pursue a career in networking. I've been a fan of MLP:FiM for admittedly less than a month so far, but I'd been aware of and interested in both the show and the community for a good deal of time prior. That being said, it was only a matter of time before I caved and watched the series. It was no surprise to me after having done that, that the show has become as popular as it has.


Anyways, that aside, I have a small list of hobbies to choose from besides the obvious. I enjoy playing a good video game (I'm a devoted Fallout fan), I listen to a good deal of music (my username is a music reference...kudos if you know it without consulting Google), working to keep my computers in top form (as well as building machines for others), and finally, I collect and shoot firearms (mostly old military surplus).


Other than that, it's school, sleep and the occasional night out for me.

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I'm hoping the same thing. I'll be making an earnest effort, but if this gets me socializing more often then so be it.


Fallout for the win.


Without a doubt. I was definitely satisfied with the conclusion of New Vegas. Can I just say, though: the very first Fallout game is hands down my favorite.

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I did not like New Vegas at all. My favorite fallout would have to be 3.


Whoa. I can honestly say I don't hear or see that said very often. 3 was great, but I thought NV addressed a lot of problems that left me wanting more from 3. To each his/her own, right?

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