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open Help me with the animals


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I think that it would be better if we just walked to Twilght Sparkle's house then you teleporting because that seams to be causing you a lot of trouble right now so lets start walking now and try not to teleport right now that will cause even more trouble.

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"I dont think i have control of it at all" Aquaris said as a board teleported above him. "I dont remember t-OW" Board fell on top of him. "Yeah let go before a hammer or a snake falls on top of me" Aquaris said jumping off the roof and started running towards Twilight's place. "Twilight help me I cant control my magic anymore"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Twilight Sparkle: Oh my that is a problem it's ok I'll search for the antidote. Luna: Well can you find the antidote before tomarrow? Twilight: Well of course I can find the antidote before tomarrow don't be so silly like that. Luna: Oh well I'm sorry that I get over worried.

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"Please hurry before somet-" A hammer teleported and fell on his head. "OW IM GETTING TIRED OF THIS" Aquaris said getting really annoyed by this. "Twilight hurry up befor another thing falls on my head and possibly knocks me out' Aquaris said pacing back and forth

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Twilight: Ok well I found the antidote now that should be easy now you need to tell Zecora about what is going on and then your magic will be better. Luna: Thank you very much Twilight Sparkle. Twilight: Oh your welcome. Luna: Ok let's go and see Zecora. *walking to the Everfree Forest*

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"I think it finally sto-" Aquaris was cut off by being teleported to Zecroa's hut and then back with Luna. "Ok...Zecora is home....and im getting tired of this teleporting crap" Aquaris said as he walked normal and made it to the hut. "Hey Zecora...can you help us out a bit my magic is going a bit crazy and i can control it"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Zecora: It's a good thing that you came to me because I have the antidote that you need. Luna: Oh that's good and thank you so much Zecora. Zecora: You are very much welcome Luna and Aqua, now I'll start making the mix and all you have to do is drink it. *Zecora is making the antidote*

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"Ok..hopefully so-" Aquaris was interrupted by shooting a snow ball out of his horn. "Sorry like I said I have no control over it right now and it's getting really annoying" Aquaris said as he waited outside in case his magic shoots something else. "I hate magic so much right now"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Zecora: Now that the antidote done the curse that you have will be gone. Luna: Ok I'll give this to Aqua, hay Aqua the antidote is done and don't forget you are supposed to drink the antidote and you should drink it right now before it gets cold you need to drink it warm.

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Aquaris drank all the antidote. "Ugh that tasted horrible..." Aquaris said coughing a bit. "Anyways lets get going back to Fluttershy and fix the roof" Aquaris said as he teleported to Fluttershys place. "Hi Fluttershy im back and my magic isnt acting crazy any more" Aquaris said as he teleported to the roof.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Fluttershy: Oh that's good. Luna: Ok I'm here now so I'm going to get started again too. Fluttershy: Oh hi Luna are you really that slow *giggling*. Luna: I'm not slow he just teleported and not having magic I had to fly with is faster then a earth pony but slower then teleporting unicorn.

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"Im halfway done Luna all I need is...what is that..."  Aqua said seeing something slither on the roof next to him. "Just ignore it Aqua it's nothing...just nothing" Aqua said as he finished the roof. "Ok im finished" Aqua said as he teleported down next to Fluttershy

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Luna: Well it seams like we are done with the holes. Fluttershy: Ok thank you Aqua and Luna for helping me I really do appreciate all of the help that you have me. Luna: Oh your welcome Fluttershy I'll do almost anything to help a friend out in need. Fluttershy: Your so nice.

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"Yeah it's no problem at all" Aquaris said as he teleported the stuff next to him and made it float. "Well I need to head home now...unless anyone else needs any help at all" Aqua said as he yawned a bit. "Im happy to help anyone in need no matter what....I should help Derpy at some point incase she ever does need help...or anything....or moving a piano....or muffins...wait now im speaking nonsense" Aqua said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yay I think that it's time for you to get some sleep so just go home for the rest of the day I'll see you tomorrow!(now that I think of it I need to go to sleep to I'm really tiered) see you tomorrow Aqua bye *Luna is walking home* Oh hay Celia I'm home we should go to bed now.

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"See you later Luna" Aquaris said as he headed home and was greeted by Sparkz. "Hey Sparkz how have you been since I was gone" Aquaris said as he headed up to his room and Sparkz headed to his tree house and they both fell asleep. Next morning Aquaris woke up.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Good morning Celia today you will get some training well the first think I want you to do is fetch this stick. *though a stick outside* go and get it Celia thats a good wolf now sit good girl now lie down yay you are such a good girl now play died good girl.

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Aquaris woke up and saw Sparkz dead. "OH NO NO NO NO" Aquaris said almost crying before he saw Sparkz get back up and sounded like he was laughing. "Sparz don't do that you scared the living daylights out of me" Aquaris said filling up his food bowl and getting some cereal for himself.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Well Celia you have been a very good girl today you really do deserve a treat so where is one *looking for a treat* oh I think that this will work here you go Celia a nice little treat and it's your favorite to well Celia enjoy ok now I sould get something to eat now.

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Sparkz and Aqua finished eating and they both got up and headed to Fluttershys place. "Hey Fluttershy you need any help with the animals or anything in particular" Aquaris asked wondering if Fluttershy needs any help today. "If not i'll just go and find Luna see if she needs any help

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Fluttershy: Well there is something that you can help me if you don't mind building two bird nest and I think that Luna should be here soon to. Luna: Hay Fluttershy and Aqua, Fluttershy sorry that I'm late I was training Celia a little bit today. Fluttershy: Oh that's ok al least you are here now.

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"So two birds nest...easy enough Luna you build one and I will build one we can finish that and anything else Fluttershy need help with" Aquaris said before he heard a snake and teleported into t tree. "and I wll help as soon as the snake is gone" Aquaris said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Luna: You know that you don't really need to be in a tree just to make a bird nest silly. Fluttershy: well some of the animals need to be feed if that's not to much trouble for you. Luna: Well of course it's not to much trouble for us at all I'll help you am I right Aqua.

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"It's not funny i HATE snakes" Aquaris said as he got down from the tree and started making  the bird house. "Mad an utter fool of myself...how am I suppoesd to impress Luna when im alwyas afraid of damn snakes all  the time....maybe I should just face my fears" Aquaris said

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Luna: Your funny Aqua the way that you hate snakes is funny and I'm not trying to make fun of you it's just that your funny in a good way. Fluttershy: Oh it's ok Aqua you will get over your fear of snakes like I got ride of my fears of bears and yes I used to be afraid of bears.

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