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"Might be a good idea...has he gotten bigger" Aqua asked knowing Sparkz was smaller when he last saw him. "Besides that we need to get the supplies before we even start Luna" Aqua said noticing the lack of supplies and all the bits they have right now. "So you stay here and I will be right back" Few minutes later. "Ok got the stuff and we still got tons of bits left" Aqua said placing all the supplies outside in a neat pile.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok now lets get started well at least I'm better at fences then houses so the fence part should be very easy for me and this is how you put up a fence first you have to angle it at about 90 degreas and you need to be careful to so that ... ow I wasn't being to careful I accadintly hit my hoove with the hammer.

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"I know how to put up a fence...a crooked fence but hey we are not all perfect" Aqua said remembering he made a few fences and all of them were very crooked. "Anyways do you want me to get you anything for your hoof cause I got bandages in my bathroom if you need them.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yes pleases sorry about that I tried to be careful but I'm a clumsy pony well not as clumsy as Derpy though and I'm still sorry about that *mumbling* why do I have to be so clumsy *mumbling stops* ok now I should be ready to start making the fence thank you Aqua.

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"It's kinda cute actually" Aqua mumbled. "Anyways yeah let's work on the fence" Aqua said hoping Aqua didn't. "Or do you want to do this on your own and I get started of the tree house for Sparkz" Aqua asked seeing that Luna probably doesn't need help but is just wondering.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Yah I think that I build the fence by myself plus we would get done with both much more faster if we split up then it's like we both get half of the choses so lets get started now. *humming a little tune as she works* (ok this is going great ill be done in a while)

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"Okay" Aqua said as he used magic for he hasnt in a while to teleport into the tree and start building the tree house by bringing the items up as they are needed. [This should go quick...all I need to do is not drop anything at all]Aqua thought to himself as he worked on the tree house. "I ju-" Aqua froze as he a snake. "HOLY CELESTIA WHAT WAS THAT" Aqua jumped out of the tree on landed on the ground after seeing the snake he heard.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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*Luna stops humming* Are you alright Aqua what happen did you see a snake well it looks like it but that was a long fall so I hope that he is ok I wonder if hes ok maybe I should take him to the hospital because its not really good for you if you pass out so many times.

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"I'm fine...ow...just a bit hurt but im fine" Aqua said before the snake landed on him and then Aqua passed out. "Oh dear another snake" Flare said as he came in to the backyard of Aqua's house. "I keep telling him he needs to face his fears but he never listens" Flare said as he gave Aqua a adrenalin shot. "He should wake up in a bit" Flare said as he left.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok Aqua some day you need to face your fear of snakes and I could help you with that to if you want me to, and why are you so scared of snakes in the first place I got rid of my fear already so I want to help you get rid of yours and I might have the perfect plan.

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"It's because they are evil...just evil they are poisonous and can kill some one in their sleep" Aqua said  as he got up and got back up into the tree. "At least the snake is gone now" Aqua said looking around for the snake and didn't see it anywhere in the tree.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok ... so lets get started working again and this time if you see a snake pleases don't pass out again and just deal with it (maybe Zecora can fix his fear of snakes) ok now I'm finished with the fence do you want me to help you with the tree house that you are making.

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"I'm fine...really" Aquaris said as he noticed another snake climbing up the tree. "And now I don't want to even move cause there is another snake" Aquaris said as he almost fell out of the tree again but caught himself. "I hate snakes" Aqua as he moved the snake with magic .

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Oh stop worrying over a little snake I take care of them everyday and I don't care if they are around me I'm actually really used to it by now and they are so cute expecaly when they are a little baby snake with there cute big eyes and how little they are.

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"I dont care I just dont like snakes at all...been bitten by one and I almost dies" Aqua mumbled as he finished working on the tree house. "There all finished" Aqua said as he got down from the tree. "Now we can work on the leaks at Fluttershy's place" Aquaris said as he fed Sparkz and saw him go inside his tree house.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Ok now lets go to Fluttershy's cottage *walking to the cottage* ok we are almost there and now we are here. *knocking on the door* Fluttershy: Oh hi Luna and Aqua what are you doing here. Luna: We are here to fix the holes so when it's raining you won't get wet anymore.

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"Yep" Aqua said as he teleported the stuff the need here except it fell right on top of him. "Remind me to never teleport stuff to our current location" Aqua said as he moved the stuff with magic off of him. "Anyways lets get started shall we" Aqua said getting up.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Luna: Ok never teleport stuff to our current location, yep lets get started now, so Fluttershy are you happy that we are helping you. Fluttershy: Yes this makes me very happy thank you Luna and Aqua for helping me and being so kind to. Luna: It's ok no problem I'll help you anytime.

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"Let's get started now" Aqua said teleporting up to the roof and teleporting the stuff to him making it fall on him again. "And of course the first thing I do is teleport the items -_-" Aqua said feeling really stupid after he just did this once and the same thing happened to him.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Oh it's ok it happens to ponies (at least I'm a pegasus and don't have to deal with magic) so what is the whole purpose of having magic in the first place and why is it so important to unicorns in the first place, I think that wings are better then a horn but thats my opinion.

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"Yeah well I wish I had wing cause using magic causes things like this to happen" Aquaris said as he started on the holes. "When om done there will be no need to worry about Angel getting wet every time it rains" Aauaris said as he finished on of the holes and moved onto the next one.

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Luna: Yep no more wet Angel bunny from now on. Fluttershy: Oh thank you so much for helping me do you want some lemonade? Luna: I am glade to help you and yes I would like some lemonade pleases. Fluttershy: Ok here you go and Aqua would you like some lemonade to.

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"Yes please" Aqua said as he forgot he had a board above him and accidentally dropped it on top oh him. "Oh come on and it wasnt even teleported at all" Aqua said being a bit annoyed on why his magic is acting up a lot. "Maybe I should go see twilight about my problems with magic"

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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Luna: Are you ok and I think that there is something wrong whith your magic if things like this keep happening then that is a big problem. Fluttershy: Oh Twilitght Sparkle can help you with this and I think that you should go and see her right now because your horn is acting weird.

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"I will when im done w-" Aquaris teleported into her house. "Really ri-" Aquaris teleported again in front of Luna and Fluttershy. Maybe your ri-" Aquaris teleported again. "OK THIS IS GETTING ANNOYING" Aquaris said as he telepoter to twilights. "T-"  he teleported again on Fluttershys house. "Ok i think thats done":

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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