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private Pony Mystery Theater: Act II, Exit Trixie, Stage Right.

Key Gear

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After he had asked his questions, Electrobolt was hoping that Kay would have some answers for him. However, instead of getting any answers, he received nothing but silence from the feline. Perhaps she was deep in thought and he was worrying over nothing, but he was worried about what might have happened to Alex. As he continued to follow the cat, he looked around at the statues, wondering why he shouldn't touch them. But another thought entered his mind. As he looked over to Kay, his mind began to put a few things together.
*This cat... Kay...* Electrobolt thought to himself while still following her. *She resembles my sister in a number of ways... She also likes me, and even gave me the name Traveller... It fits my birth name of Travel Map... Yet I never really told anypony except for my sister that was my true name... So how would she have known, if she did...? Just... Who IS this feline?* Shaking his head and sighing, he began to look around at the group, before his eyes stopped on Wind Dancer as she began to ask some questions of her own, specifically asking about the statues.

"Why... Exactly where these ponies erased exactly, and can they be unerased? They obviously still exist here, perhaps one of the princesses would be able to reverse whatever foul magic erased them," she stated trying to sound helpful even though she had no idea of how the makings in this world worked.

After hearing Wind's question, his eyebrows raised in curiosity. Now that she brought it up, he had to wonder WHY these creatures were "erased", and what would happen if they were to be "unerased". However, as he looked back to Kay, she was just as silent as ever. Was she trying to hide something from the group? Was she unable to answer these questions and just chose to stay silent? Or was there some other reasoning behind this...? Regardless of why Kay was silent, his mind was not eased at all. Something was very much wrong here.

Wind Dancer's voice interrupted Key Gear's own thoughts. It was a good question, and Key couldn't help herself. Key Gear spoke up. "Yeah, and I have a question too. Were you erased? Why did you ignore my brother's questions? Why did you bring us here? What's your real name? Because, I seriously doubt that you didn't have one. Where exactly are we going? How long until we get there? If it's a trap, you should just tell us now. It would save us a lot of trouble. It's not like we could do anything about it..."

When Electrobolt heard his sister questioning the cat as well, he began to grow ever more curious. He wanted to get some answers to a number of things, and one of Key's questions was basically one of his own. Why DID Kay ignore his questions? What was her purpose for not answering his queries? What was the reasoning for all of this? After Key had finished her own questions, Electrobolt also spoke up, hungry for some answers. Hopefully this time, he would be fed some good ones.


"Kay," he began, "I'm wondering why you chose to ignore my questions as well... What is your motive for disregarding my questions now? And what of Alex? You didn't just leave him behind, did you? Where is he now? Also..." Electrobolt stopped for a moment as he tried to think of how to word his next question. He wasn't sure what this would accomplish, but he had to try. "The name you gave me... Traveller... It goes well with the name I was given at birth... Yet I told nopony except my sister about this. Just... Exactly just how much do you know me?"

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Asteria was delighted to see the glow return to Wraith's eyes. She smiled back at the cat when he did. It seemed whatever she had done, it had caused him to brighten up. Literally. His voice was filled with so much positive emotion, it make her a little excited. She almost squeaked when the cat mentioned the power of friendship. It was as though Wraith could see right into her soul.
Asteria felt a little scared when the ground started moving, but she gathered her focus and listened to Wraith's words. Her heart skipped a beat when the cat mentioned Lapis, the train, and their destination. How did he know about all that? She couldn't recall telling him about it, and she didn't remember Magicon saying anything, either. Though, Magicon had been alone with the cat, but Magicon didn't trust him as far as she could tell. The red stallion seemed too strong willed to concede information to a perceived enemy. So how did Wraith know?
She bit back a remark, though. But just for the moment. The idea of many adventures made her heart do another backflip. “Reunion? Ya mean meeting up again in my world? I'm pretty sure a big talking cat would draw more attention than one might think necessary.” she said with a glint of pure curiosity in her eyes. She thought about all the places they could go. Not too many came to mind, since there was still the whole “big talking cat” thing. She continued to listen, though, hoping Wraith would come up with an idea she'd like.
Something seemed odd about what Wraith was saying. Did the cat work on a ship? She had once heard that cats were kept on ships to catch any mice or rats that had sneaked aboard, so it seemed plausible. And there were far too many choices. She tapped her head a few times before speaking again. “How about a whole day of fun? Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and loads of stuff in between! Maybe we can go to the carnival? Or an arcade? Something positively fun is the only option!” she exclaimed. She smiled brightly and approached the cat. She wrapped her forelegs around the cat's neck and hugged Wraith. “I'm glad we're friends. You're a whole lot more fun than Lapis.” 
As she felt his warm fur against her face, she was suddenly reminded of something that had bothered her a little while ago. “Say, how did you know about Lapis, the train, and Las Pegasus? I'm pretty sure I didn't tell you about them.” She released the cat and sat close to him, looking up at Wraith with eyes wide with interest. The expression on her face was rather passive, as if she didn't know what to think. How much did Wraith know? Why did he know these things? In her mind, she felt the easiest explanation was probably the right one, though. Magicon may have said something without thinking. And she herself might have mentioned Lapis at least once. Wraith seemed like a smart creature, capable of piecing things together. But it still didn't fit exactly.

Lapis was somewhat confused as to why Midnight had laughed. And the way she spoke seemed cheerful, as if she was amused and delighted. Lapis listened inquisitively, his attention heightened. He was quite relieved he'd get some amount of answers. Wandering around in the dark not know where he was going, what he was after, or who he was with was a tad unnerving.
The order of importance seemed fair enough, so he didn't say a word about it. Lapis grimaced a little when Midnight revealed the cat had probably only taken Asteria on a whim. Some of what she said confused him, jumbling up his thoughts some more. Lapis realized this was actually all too much for him, and he refused to let it make his head spin. How could a cat be in more than one place at once? He nodded and listened, hoping he'd at least understand something.
He began to wonder who could have brought her here. And to what ends? At the realization his guide lacked a cutie mark, Lapis had to do a double take. Normally, he didn't stare at other ponies' flanks, not unless some color out of place caught his eye. So, he had simply missed such a crucial detail. He was beginning to think he wasn't a very good researcher after all....
He just listened after that, not exactly liking what he was hearing. How could these other scribes just disappear? Was it some sort of contest, where stronger scribes destroyed weaker ones, or did this realm wear at them? His mind boggled at the implications of either theory. His thoughts were cut short when Midnight decided it was his turn to answer a question. “Yes, I can swim. It's a standard practice to teach traveling researchers at the Guild the basics of survival. I'm pretty sure it isn't a very good idea to send ponies out into the world without enough knowledge to avoid death.” he replied, chuckling softly. “So, I guess we'll take your shortcut if we have to.”
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Vim immediately took Magicon’s hoof with a grim face, pulling the unicorn to his hooves before speaking as Magicon straightened out his cape. Scarlet had climbed onto her hooves, duster herself off, and sat somewhat away from them, her eyes watching them, cold and distant. Magicon took no notice of the other events with Arcanel, Dawn, and Ambrosia. His attention was solely focused on the earth pony and the unicorn.


Vim’s older voice spoke with no hesitation or even any emotion as he began telling the story of his family and the tragic rail accident that had befallen them. Had this been a friendlier environment and if Magicon wasn’t in a somewhat angry, yet apologetic state, he would’ve been more sympathetic. Instead, he took the words with indifference on the exterior. His facial features made no reaction, though his inner emotions showed great care, concern, and sorrow for the conductor.


He then began talking about the big picture, a thought that immediately took root in Magicon’s mind. Vim said the Big Picture wasn’t enough; it didn’t allow you to see all the tiny turns and corners hidden along the path. That idea had never occurred to Magicon but it made sense. If one was a bird flying above the big forest, they could not see the tiny paths that snaked through the forest, below the tree line.


Vim’s Big Picture segued to a comparison on him and Scarlet. It made Magicon uneasy at first and he bit his lower lip as Vim began but the more Vim talked the more Magicon understood and made sense of what he said. As he listed off more details about the things that Scarlet had done or didn’t do, the fire itself reignited inside Magicon.




You know what I think? I think she sized you up, used you, manipulated you. I'll go another step.


Vim was making sense and in a good way. It was cold, in-your-face, straight-forward sense. It was logical, it was right, and it made the fire inside him burn. Though Vim hadn’t been there when Magicon first met Bringer and Scarlet with Asteria, he was able to see something that Magicon couldn’t: see past their facades. It was making sense; everything was. Why Scarlet and Bringer had escaped this world and entered the real one. Bringer hadn’t tagged along, he was part of the plan that they had created together. Scarlet was just as much a part of Bringer’s dark plans as she was. Why they wouldn’t truly hurt each other: it was because they were allies. Maybe Bringer controlled Scarlet or vice versa, it no longer mattered. What mattered was the fact that Magicon had been used by Scarlet, brilliantly used like a machine and he nearly killed a pony because of her.


The anger inside him made him shut his eyes in fury. He was angry at himself for having fallen into this disgusting trap. Angry at Bringer for all of this to happen. But even angrier at Scarlet for her deception. She wanted him to act to stop the agents of Bringer; he almost did, but he was no certain he would do so.


Yet a small part of him seemed hesitant. Was Vim now using him as well? Was he just a puppet to be toyed around with? No, he wasn’t. Vim was on his side. Vim wanted to help him and he had done so by setting the record straighter than any fine line.


As Vim finished Scarlet began clapping for him, in a malicious manner. It was the type of clap a villain gives a hero for figuring out their plans. Magicon knew how that would end, especially with a pony or creature as powerful as Scarlet. He wouldn’t let it happen. Ambrosia had approached Vim as well, as if she knew the meaning behind the deliberate clap as well.




Scarlet stopped clapping her hooves and the red eyed unicorn's impassive voice spoke commandingly. "Yes. Magicon. Tell Scarlet? What do you think?"


Magicon lowered his gaze and faced Scarlet head on, his blue eyes burning. His voice was direct and fierce as he spoke, comparable to that of a spurned lover.


“You used me. You had your own plans. You’ve been working with Wraith the entire time.  Whether this plan is his, yours, or both of yours I don’t care. You used me to get what you wanted. Well, Scarlet, or whatever your real name is, I say this only once: nopony and I mean nopony, uses me! You said to stop the agents of Wraith, well I’ll do so, starting with you!”


While he spoke he charged his horn with his most powerful magic. He didn’t care if Scarlet saw it happening. He knew it would a fight worth having. He wanted it, to save Asteria, to stop Wraith, to avenge his misdeeds, to be a true hero.


Gathering as much magical energy as possible he focused it into a single short red beam of magic that erupted from his horn and flew right at Scarlet. He intended for a spell to knock Scarlet off her hooves and send her flying backwards. Even if the spell worked improperly the power behind would at least frighten her. He would not fail. Everypony was counting on him. He would be the hero he never was.


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As Arcanel lied in the ground, looking at Dawn in her eyes, he couldn't help but feel guilt as he did. He knew that Dawn was confused. He knew, even in the pained state as he was, that she struggling to know what to do. And he felt it was his fault, for not being able to have avoided being struck.



The sight of Arcanel in so much pain was too much for her to bear. She made a sound, it was a soft, quiet, agonized wail. It was filled with grief. Her tears followed soon after, flowing freely.


The wail of the light blue unicorn had struck him in his very core. It was too much for him. "No... Dawn... don't cry..." he said in pure sadness, a few tears of his starting to scape as well. The sole fact that he was the reason Dawn had started crying was being too much for him to bear. And the worst was, that he couldn't do a single thing to help her. To stop it. But then suddenly, something caught his eye.


In his mind he was too distraught to actually think of any possibility of it being real or not, but Arcanel swore he was watching cats recreate from snowflakes. Cats that he knew, somehow, had to do with Dawn. But the event was so odd that not even in his state could he stop looking at it in awe. However, just as he watched more cats materialize into the place they were, a pony suddenly appeared in front of him. One that not only was familiar, but looked rather odd, even if she was familiar.


"Am...brosia...?" he asked in wonder, still in veritable amounts of pain. He looked at Ambrosia in slight awe, as the yellow mare had a slightly bright, yellowish color in her eyes. He couldn't help but wonder what was happening to her. He saw her trying to get Dawn's attention, failing at first because of the crying state the poor medic was, something he still could not bear to watch, but then the Dawn finally turned around and looked at the yellow earth pony directly.


Ambrosia's voice was, to him, so gentle, yet ominous. As if she was somepony else. And yet, he could see it was definitely her. He could also see Dawn looking very lost, as if she had forgotten were she was, or even who she herself was. *Oh Dawn...* was all he could think off as he watched the mare struggle with herself.


Suddenly, when Ambrosia stretched her hoof and Dawn took it, the latter closing her eyes, Arcanel could see a change in Dawn. He saw her focused, concentrated, and then she touched him. What Arcanel felt next was one of the most invigorating feelings he had ever felt in his life. "Woah... this is just..." was all that he could say, considering he had never felt so much pain go away so instantly. After the pain went away he tried standing and he managed to do it without a single ounce of hurt, just checking his hooves so that he didn't lose balance, but he felt as he was completely knew.


After Dawn finished talking with Ambrosia, the purple maned mare mentioned that she did nothing more than to touch her hoof. *Heh... Ambrosia... whether you're intending it or not... I'm pretty sure that you know you did a lot more than just that.* He thought with a smile on his face, happy to know that she had helped Dawn, not even caring that she had saved his life by doing so, which reminded him that she should thoroughly thank her as well for that. Such an act would not go without something in return.




"Hello... my friends..." She said to the cats, hesitating slightly. She looked back at the pegasus, and after another second of hesitation, wrapped her hooves around him. "Cat friends, meet my Arcanel friend!" She exclaimed while starting to cry again. Tears of happiness, this time, not sorrow.


As he smiled for Dawn, he had forgotten completely about the housecats lying around, and as he heard Dawn's words, after which she hugged him, he was slightly surprised, but quickly returned the hug as strong as he could, rubbing the back of the mare's head. "Don't cry Dawn... I am ok now... thank you so very much for healing me... and probably saving my life... thank you..." he said, another smile on his face spreading quickly as he spoke. "Hehe... I think... this makes us more than even... now I'm the one owing you." The white pegasus chuckled slightly. Suddenly, he saw the cats gathered around them again, and felt just slightly awkward as he saw them, remembering that Dawn had introduced him to her friends, the cats. "Ummmmmm... hi..." he gave a sheepish wave as if saying hello.


However, something interrupted his line of sight when he saw something red caught the corner of his eye. He quickly looked around and saw Magicon, again, charging up a spell and releasing it against the silvery coated mare, Scarlet. "Magicon!" he couldn't help but scream, while hugging Dawn even stronger. He saw fury in the crimson unicorn's eyes. And he had the feeling that this time, it wasn't without reason.

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The silence that encompassed the darkness was still giving that eerie feeling that was crawling up Alex's spine.  He waited for what felt like minutes before hearing what seems to be delegation.  




In the distance, the light brightened. The silhouette was gone, completely. After a few moments, a voice spoke. "Well, like you said, that wasn't a thought provoking answer at all, which is not a bad thing. I am, quite honestly, not used to thinking very much at this point... Good for you."


Alex looked to see that the light within the darkness started to appear much brighter.  He would've paid much more mind had it not for the new voice speaking up around him.  When he received the first part of his answer, He wasn't sure if he should thank the cat, but decided to not speak as to not interrupt her.




The voice sounded tired. "I think we need to reach an understanding on a few things before we go much further. First, I agree with you about the shock. I was once like you, new to this place and everything in it. I did and said things that were perhaps not wise at that time. However, there were consequences to my actions. They helped me to learn. See, that's what I believe in. Consequences. Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. This is how some form of balance is maintained, even in the midst of chaos."  


"Second, here, in this place, pegasus ponies don't exist. Instead, there are things with wings that fly. We call them birds. If I called you a bird, it was not an insult. It was, to me, a statement of fact. If you had never seen another pegasus and all you had seen were birds, then what would you have called yourself? See? It's fairly straightforward.


Third, I didn't taunt you about freedom. If you didn't notice, I was trying to give the exact steps that were needed to escape from that place."  


"Fourth, you accuse me of lying despite that I was the one that told you that something was false? Do you believe me to be a fool? I was trying to help you and your friends to escape. I was trying to do this without attracting the attention of the one that was tasked with watching over that room. That required me to be tricky. This place, the place that you are in, is the place that supplies the building materials of your dreams. The consequences for mistakes here are large. I could have just said exactly what I meant, but then we could have all been destroyed. Is that what you want?"  


"Now, I must continue to evaluate you. It is my turn to provide additional information and perhaps further questions, but before we continue, perhaps you would like to turn around and see who you are speaking with? I've been here this entire time. However, whether or not I was actually visible is less certain." Seated no more than a meter behind Alex was an earth pony mare with a coat of fur that was the exact same color as Key Gear's. 


The words spoken from the cat were slowly starting to sink in for Alex as he stood all alone in the dark.  He heard about how she was like him in a new place, trapped with no means of knowing a way out.  When she spoke about how Pegasus ponies don't exist in this place, he started to think of how it did make sense to Alex and felt stupid and a little guilty of taking it the wrong way.  Finishing up her explanations to his own answer, he now felt terrible as his own anger and being trapped in an unfamiliar place blinded him to see how she was actually trying to help him and his friends.  Flicking an ear in curiosity, Alex turned around to see a mare sitting behind him bearing a fur coat color of an exact shade of blue as Key Gear.




Her mane was short in length and carefully maintained. Her tail was medium length and simply, minimally styled. Both her mane and her tail were as dark as the darkest night. Combined with her coat color, they presented an extremely formal appearance. Her eyes were focused intently, nearly unblinkingly on the pegasus. They were an extremely dark grey color, almost as black as her mane and tail. Her face was unsmiling, expressionless. Her cutie mark was a map with a single location indicated.  


"Hello. Sadly, I no longer have my real name, but Kay is fairly close to it and it has something to do with maps. I was a traveller once. My skill was to always know where to go and what to do. I guided others to safety and reported on the events of the journeys. However, this is not important. I am not certain that I can release you from this place. My criteria for judging you are fairly simple. You cannot interfere with what I want. Right now, I only care about allowing two ponies to reach safety. I am willing to sacrifice the others, including myself, to allow these two to progress further."


 For some reason, Alex felt nothing but sadness and sympathy for this pony as he looked at her.  It was the look of a pony who never experienced joy or had not experienced it for a very long time.  He wondered just how long that Kay was stuck in this place.  Alex took a curious glance at her Cutie Mark, seeing that it held the image of a map with a single location on it.  Hearing that he might not be able to get out of this place didn't make him feel so much better, but it was only a chance that he might not be able to.  When she mentioned of how he must not interfere with having two ponies be able to reach safety, Electrobolt and Key Gear came to his mind.  He didn't like the idea of having to sacrifice others just to ensure that the both of them can be able to escape, but he decided to bide his time and wait for her to finish.




"As I said, I have a condition that I require. I will only allow you to leave this place if I can be certain that you will not interfere with their safety. By not listening to me and forcing me to explain myself, you have damaged my faith in your ability to be trusted. I realize that this and other things that I have said may sound harsh, but I have earned the right to be harsh. This is a direct consequence of what I have survived. Now, I can afford no mistakes. If this requires brutality, then it is the necessary and required cost. Which, brings me to my final inquiry."  


She blinked owlishly before continuing. "You offer your help to me? This is interesting, because I do not remember asking for your assistance in any way, nor do I believe it to be strictly necessary. However, it may prove useful for me, in this moment. I have questions about this offer. First, why did you make it? It is beyond clear that you dislike me. What benefit could you possibly get by offering to help me?"  


"Second, what would you be willing to do to assist me? While your offer is not strictly necessary, as I said, I may have a use for it. To be truthful, as I generally am, I only have one real wish. Electrobolt and Key Gear are my own foals. I would very much like for them to escape this place, completely unharmed. However, I have other things that I wish. I wish for them to be protected even after they leave this place. I am also interested in leaving here myself."  


She tilted her head slightly to the side before continuing. "I can hardly ask you to guarantee their safety for life. Assuming I allow you to leave this place, you are young and have much of your own life ahead of you, perhaps foals of your own one day? It would be unreasonable to task you with guardianship of two other ponies for the rest of your given days. However, a solution would be to assist my escape. I can then watch over them for the remainder of my own existence."  


"As you probably suspect... I have only indirect control over the cat that you interacted with earlier. It is just one of the normal nightmare creatures that lurk in this place, periodically. However, I was able to use her, from here, for my own purposes. Now that I have acquired a name through her, I can do slightly more. I know how the scribes in this place function, but this is not enough to escape. I require more assistance. Would you be willing to help me, as you said you would?"



As she went on about her inquiries, Alex already started on thinking of what to say to her to ensure that she can trust him.  Even though she is not going to do anything detrimental to his health right now, he knew that can change rather quickly.  Alex stood up on his hooves feeling ready to speak.  "Well, when you put it that way I now feel so much better about myself."  Alex said to her a bit sarcastically, although he knew that she was right about her explanations.  "For your first question, I wish to help you because I care for Key, Bolt, and the others.  I also blame myself for judging you too harshly and my being in an unfamiliar place clouded my judgement.  It is another reason as I wish to make it right for you."  Alex said to Kay who was looking at him unblinkingly.


"Secondly, I am willing to help in any way I can.  I however won't do anything that will directly endanger the lives of my friends that are trapped here just like you and me.  Other than that, I will do everything in my power to help you with whatever it is you need to get us out as well as you."  Alex said to Kay further in his explanation.  He stepped just a bit closer to Kay while still allowing distance from him and her.  "To answer all of your questions, yes.  I'm willing to help you.  To help Electrobolt, Key, you, and the others escape from this strange plane of existence...  If my own safety can't be achieved, then...  So be it..."  Alex said to her, his tone a bit somber.


To be honest with himself, he had lived a lone life ever since he left Fillydelphia after his special somepony was .  He didn't even know his own parents and he had no idea if they were out there somewhere.  The only ponies that would know he existed were his friends that were trapped here with him and Kay.  He nodded towards Kay, his resolve returned to him.  "How do we begin?"  Alex asked Kay, awaiting her answer in the still darkness that is accompanied by a single bright light.

Edited by Alex Night
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Twitch channel: Alexnight91

YouTube: Alex Night

My OCs: Alex Night


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As she followed along with the others, Flow thought about the place they were in, "Where in Equestria are we? This is a pretty big field filled with stones....stones of ponies and other creatures that...well....according to Kay..have been erased from....the real world? That makes me want to ask how did they get erased? Was it because they had done something deemed unforgivable? I wonder-" 




"Why... Exactly where these ponies erased exactly, and can they be unerased? They obviously still exist here, perhaps one of the princesses would be able to reverse whatever foul magic erased them,"



When Wind began asking questions, it greatly interested Flow, she too had the same thoughts, but also suggested that any one of the princesses have the magic that is capable of freeing these creatures. "Err...really? You mean to say that...these creatures are...imprisoned?...Hmm..."




"Yeah, and I have a question too. Were you erased? Why did you ignore my brother's questions? Why did you bring us here? What's your real name? Because, I seriously doubt that you didn't have one. Where exactly are we going? How long until we get there? If it's a trap, you should just tell us now. It would save us a lot of trouble. It's not like we could do anything about it..."



When Key asked her share of questions, it baffled Flow a bit "If she was asking for the cat's real name...then that means that Kay was just a given one, and more of Key's questions made me ponder....yeah why were we brought here in the first place?"



Short post because of lazyness and college pressures, sorry guys.


Edited by Flow
  • Brohoof 3


OCs: Flow / Love Bloom

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~~~Ice Storm~~~


Ice was relieved when she heard Dusky tell her that he was aware of what the beast was trying to do to them. He admitted that it had originally started to work on him, but as he listened to her argue the monster, it reminded himself of what he was and helped him remember who he was. He added that she also gave him a new idea, but one that he couldn't really talk about at the moment as he was certain that they were still being listened to and the thing was still here. Ice Storm wasn't really worried about the nightmare thing or the dragon. She watched as the dragon attempted and failed to melt the massive shelf of ice heading towards it. When it made contact, loud shrieking and jet blue flames appeared as the creature was sent forth back to which it came.


No sooner had the dragon been defeated the creature spoke again. It seemed to be almost mocking her, and then added that everything that was now going to occur was her doing, not Dusky's. Ice's eyes narrowed defiantly. "Please... As if there it something you could do to me that I haven't already been through," she commented as the creature gave what appeared to be a final warning to guard his and he'll watch his own. This thing apparently thought that nothing could match him. Ice was ready to prove him wrong whenever it was actually ready to go hoof-to-hoof with her.


Dusky then began to speak again. He told her that he didn't think that the creature was gone, but at the same time, it wasn't here to begin with. He explained that the dragon was real, but everything else was an illusion. Something that made both Ice proud, but unnerved her a bit at the same time. On one hoof, she picked the right creature to attack. If she had sent the ice mass towards the other illusion. Nothing would have happened and the dragon would have been upon them. Of course, it wasn't that she couldn't have taken it. After all, she was surrounded by an infinite amount of ice. At this particular moment, she felt as if she was completely invincible.


Dusky explained that he was building something, that they didn't need to freeze the ocean anymore. That it wouldn't help Asteria, but they could possible help others now. He explained that he could never reach the mountain in front of them because of the fact that his magic could never stretch to that extent. He added that she was now here, and that her magic wasn't limited in this area like his was, and that hey had now frozen the ocean up to the mountain. The question he asked next made Ice smirk. What if they could move the mountain to them. Dusky's magic was already starting to take hold and she could hear the cracking sound off in the distance. He added that this ice compresses, and that it did so quite nicely to that extent.


He explained that the Ice created a webnet for him to be able to use to shift it. He began to move it around and way off in the distance, the Mountain began to shift slightly. Another smirk came from her at this. This was going to be easier than she thought. As soon as she thought that though, more cracking began to occur, and she saw more fire in the distance. It looked like this creature wasn't don't playing with it's toys yet as more dragons were beginning to break out of the surface of the ice. Dusky had apparently noticed them as well and he also pointed them out. He said that as long as they are distracted by each other, they should be fine. That the only one they needed to worry about was the one dragon flying towards them. When Dusky asked how much time he had if she couldn't handle it, Ice smiled and looked over her shoulder back at him. "All the time in the world," she said smugly.


No sooner did she finish her statement she turned back to the dragon still in her armor of ice that she had created from the first one. With a quick flick of her magic, the armor was even thicker, and took the form of plate, to allow her a great degree of movement in the way that it was made. With one last spec of magic, she began charging after the dragon. She began to teleport from side to side to try to confuse the dragon before she got to it. She quickly raised a shield of ice to block an incoming attack that she knew was going to be made against her before leaping into the air and casting one more teleport spell before landing on the back of the dragon and freezing herself in place on it's back. If this thing was just going to keep throwing dragons at them, why not tame one for their side? that was her plan anyway.


Without any hesitation she created a full set of Ice armor around the dragon before speaking to it. "Now listen, and listen closely. You're going to do exactly as I say, or you're going to die. This Ice armor around you I can make pierce into you like spikes on a whim, so don't try anything funny. I know that you can understand what I'm saying," she told him making one of the non-vital plates shoot into the dragon to make him aware that she wasn't joking when she said she could kill him at a whim. "Join us or die, Those are your choices. What will it be?"

Edited by Ice Storm
  • Brohoof 5


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