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ooc Adventures in Ponyville

Umbral Noir

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Hey everypony! I'm looking for 5 or 6 ponies to create a new role play with me. I am looking for active users who want to take part in an action/ adventure story. Romances will be allowed as long as they are not explicit and as long as you ask permission of the other pony's user first. No Mary Sues or Gary Sue please. I am also looking for ideas for the story, and hope to get it running as soon as it is planned and prepared. The title is still not necessarily the name of the role play. I hope to hear from you soon!


Edit: The roleplay is out! Here is the link!



Edit: I am afraid we are not accepting any more users until we progress further in the story. I'll let you know again when we are accepting more users.

Edited by DJ-BRONI3
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I would enjoy being a part of your role play. I am willing to post at least once a week with my OC. I can make a new one if you feel that it would enhance thw RP.


Good luck and thank you! :)

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by dear Sir Lunashy, a pony everypony should know.


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Wow! Glad to see I've already got two people interested! I would be happy to have you guys participate in the role play. If you have any ideas for the plot, please tell me as I'll need all the help I can get!

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It's great to see that half of the places for the roleplay have filled up already! I was wondering if there were any users with unicorn OCs or female OCs that would want to participate in the roleplay, just so that we can have a balanced group of ponies.

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A good idea for the plot?

Hmm, from what I see it can kind of be like the Mane Six adventures but of course it would be more adventure. Maybe the six of us explore a certain area or unknown area of Equestria?

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Ooooh oooh may I join, please? I have two OC's that are married, so if too many pegasi join in, then i have my secondary OC, an Earth pony for use. <3 I love the daily life RP's. <3

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Looks great! Another idea could be not just going to a certain place, but of course there are certain obstacles/villians. Suppose the six of us go to Las Pegasus and things get a little out of hoof and one of us has to get us all back together, or even finding some ancient treasure, or maybe fighting Sombra or Chrysalis or a new one we could have slice of life moments like each pony's story or one of us needs everypony else's help. I'll see if I can come up with more.


EDIT: I can also see if I can get Sport's wife in it. I'll talk to her admin. But she's a pegasus too lol.

Edited by Sonicrules831
  • Brohoof 3


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Looks great! Another idea could be not just going to a certain place, but of course there are certain obstacles/villians. Suppose the six of us go to Las Pegasus and things get a little out of hoof and one of us has to get us all back together, or even finding some ancient treasure, or maybe fighting Sombra or Chrysalis or a new one we could have slice of life moments like each pony's story or one of us needs everypony else's help. I'll see if I can come up with more.


EDIT: I can also see if I can get Sport's wife in it. I'll talk to her admin. But she's a pegasus too lol.

Oh my Celestia....Like the Hangover? The Hoofover? Oh geez, I'm cracking up so bad at this idea, loooool we have to have a wedding, oh god there has to be a wedding, I have a couple, we could do a wedding.

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I like that idea and oooh we should have a name like the Mane Six. What could be a good name? Wing Six? (Since all but one is a Pegasus lol).

Actually, my mane OC is actually a pegasus, and even her husband is an Earth pony called Quickjet who can fly. I was only going to use him if there was an overrun of pegasi, but if EVERYONE is a pegasus, thats kind of awesome, makes the trip to Las Pegasus that much cooler....you could say it makes it-----


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Sport: Am I the only one that can't fly here? Bummer.

Me: It's ok Sport. You're gonna have fun in this RP

Sport: Ok


Anyway sounds great, but I guess we'll see what DJ-BRONI3 says. Again I would love to add my OC's wife but I need his approval first lol.

  • Brohoof 1


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I love the ideas guys! Great to see another user joining the role play! We have space for two more users, I can't believe how quickly they have filled up! I was thinking of making it an everyday life role play just like in the show, but with more adventures to other places as well. Keep the ideas flowing!

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Sport: Am I the only one that can't fly here? Bummer.

Me: It's ok Sport. You're gonna have fun in this RP

Sport: Ok


Anyway sounds great, but I guess we'll see what DJ-BRONI3 says. Again I would love to add my OC's wife but I need his approval first lol.

So far, does that make three wives? We should have a wife corner. Lol which is funny because technically, i'm the wife. Quickjet is my fiancee's oc lol



By the way....your name has gotten the song seriously stuck in my head. Every time i see you it's just like,

sonic rules, sonic rules sonic ruuuuules

Edited by SkyeRibbonPwny
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Cool! This is my first RP actually. I'm pretty excited for it! So with all these pegasi, how does Wing Six/Seven sound? lol.


Also, I'll think of any other ideas.

Wing Seven. I love that. Lol so, am I playing as my huge, buff, earth pony husband? Or my pretty purple petit pegasus pony?

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Well, then I guess I am playing as both. Oooh, maybe since it's a trip, it could be like we are all life long friends taking a vacation together, and for the married couples, it could be like a second honeymoon! And everything goes well....til somebody raids the mini-bars....img-1338941-1-ohmy.png


Edit: Can this not be g-rated as long as we're all adults and stay (somewhat) tasteful? I kinda wanna get Quickjet drunk now lol

Edited by SkyeRibbonPwny
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Nice! And there's that one (like Twilight) that has to get them back together and such. And of course happy ending. Man this RP is gonna be fun! :D


EDIT: I don't see why not. Depends I guess what DJ wants since he started this.

Edited by Sonicrules831
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I was thinking that you could use both characters in the story if have you have two, but it might be easier if one is your main character while the other is a secondary character. I thought that maybe later on in the story the group could investigate the mystery surrounding the rainbow factory and the disappearing ponies. What does everypony think?


Don't forget that we will still accept two more users to the roleplay, so if you know of anypony that might be interested, tell them about it.

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I sent a message to Twinkle Bloom's admin (sports wife) so hopefully she's in for it.


Ooh I have a fan art idea. I could take all 7 of us and put us in a pony background on photoshop and make "The Wing Seven" picture just like the mane six.

  • Brohoof 2


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I would prefer the story to stay rather mild, but the odd case of drunkenness might be acceptable, as long as it's not too often! I suppose that cider would be allowed, as it's in the show, but let's try not to introduce too many alcoholic moments. I would also ask that we do not add anything explicit to the story, but other than that I think pretty much everything else will be fine.

The fan art sounds like a good idea. I like the sound of it! Once we get our last two members for the story, I think that a picture of the group would be great!

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