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private Pawn in their Hand


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Pawn in their Hand



Power. Power corrupts ponies. In the hunt for it, ponies lose sight of reality. They do whatever they can to get it. The promise of power is just as sweet. Tell somepony they'll be powerful and they can do anything. They'll fight for you, kill for you, die for you. In the end, if someone promises power and you accept, you're just a pawn in their hand.


Rules and notes:

No Powerplay. You control your character.

Sorry, but no Alicorns. 

Your character can die

Spelling and grammar is important. What you type must be possible to read. I don't mind a few spelling errors.

No Mary Sue. End of.



'Twas a regular day in Ponyville. The sun was blaring high in the sky, bathing the residents in its warm embrace. The smell of pastries from Sugarcube Corner flooded the streets and and ponies began their trips to work, blissfully unaware of the true magnitude of today. This day would change the lives of ponies across Equestria.

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Due to the black color of her coat the sun's heat was affecting Selune more than other ponies. The weight of her back however small and practical she had made it to be was pulling her down. That was to be expected of course, since she had taken the long path from Manehatten to Ponyville. It took her a week to cross the mountains and make her way to Ponyville.


"But at last i have arrived." So it was indeed that she saw the great town hall of Ponyville from the nearby hills. She let a sigh of relief and she started trotting downhill and into Ponyville's streets with renewed interest. From what research she had done, before she chose a destination, she knew that Ponyville was something between a village bordering the definition of town. It was "peaceful" as she could tell, and the difference between this town and the buzzing streets of Manehatten was apparent from the first moment. Although she had tasted apples and could appreciate them she never had seen an actual farm and "Sweet Apple Acres" was indeed big to her eyes.


Wherever she went, she felt the Ponyville's residents eyes inspecting her as she went by. To their eyes she looked like the mix of a zebra and a unicorn,  but after their initial supervise followed smiles and greetings. Being the city where the bearers of the elements of harmony she thought that friendship was clearly apparent here. But there was something else, the smell of pastries from Sugarcube Corner strikes her as she breathed the "countryside" air as she called it. 


"Excuse me miss...." she called out to an earth pony. She had a coat of mulberry with a mane of cotton candy and pig pink, pig pink being the center streak. Her green eyes looked at her as she turned to her.


"That would be Cherilee my dear and you are? You must be new here, or else i would have noticed you."


"You got that right. I am Selune... Selune Darkeye nice to meet you." she said offering her hoof which she accepted shaking it milling. "Am i interrupting you from something? You look busy." she says raising an eyebrow hesitantly.


"Welcome to Ponyville Selune i am Ponyville's teacher. I have time for a question or two, it would be rude to leave a newcomer without instructions would it?"


"Oh do not worry miss i won't keep you for long. I just wondered where i could find the local pastry."


"It's just around the corner, at your right hoof." she points raising her hoof as they both turn the direction she showed


"I won't waste anymore of your time." she says turning around. "What a nice little town." she thought to herself as she starts trotting again. Seeing Sugarcube Croner  ahead after the turn, she opens her jaw wide. "I did not think it would actually live up to the name!"
  • Brohoof 1
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Standoff sat in a corner table and grouched. Business was unusually slow, and it seemed like the whole of Equestria had decided it was peacetime. Bah. He surreptitiously removed a bear sausage he'd recently pilfered from his many-pocketed vest and chewed thoughtfully. What was with this radio silence?



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Thought Shaper walks in to ponyvill. Maybe in a small little out of the way town like this. I can study magic in peace


with out having to "convince" everypony who try's to talk to me to go away he thought. Weak minded fools trying to


talk to me really makes me mad. Why should they waste my time? I am so lucky a got a home right on the edge of


town. hopefully I can be left alone there.

Edited by King Brony
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As much awe she was in when she entered Sugarcube Corner, nothing could compare with her "welcome" when she entered. An enthusiastic Pinkie Pie welcomed her on the spot, bring stuff to the room with speed that only a unicorn's magic or a Pegasus' wings could match perhaps. When her initial surprise was gone she smiled at the happy welcome and surprised Pinkie with a tight hug, though she didnt know if it was apropriate, it was the only thing that she could think of that could describe her hapiness and gratitude for this warm welcome right now. 

She got out, her hunger satisfied and her bag filled with fresh-baked goods. From the looks of it Ponyville was busier that it normally was. That could mean only one thing... either there was a big event, which Selune didn't see around here, or more newcomers. Having company and perhaps a little help on the journey never hurt, so she decided to find out.

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A pegasus shot into the town centre with a streak of yellow following behind.


"EVERYPONY! Get here quick! Something terrible has gone down! Stop what you're doing and listen!"


The pegasus was sweating buckets. It'd just flown a huge distance at full speed and was only still going on adrenaline.


"Everypony out! I've got news! And it ain't good."

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A pegasus shot into the town centre with a streak of yellow following behind.


"EVERYPONY! Get here quick! Something terrible has gone down! Stop what you're doing and listen!"


The pegasus was sweating buckets. It'd just flown a huge distance at full speed and was only still going on adrenaline.


"Everypony out! I've got news! And it ain't good."

The shouts of the pegasus coming from the center of the town reach Selune as she makes her way quickly. The pegasus sounded worried and he surely had knews that piqued her interest greatly. Afterall she though if this little town has serious news it must be worth it. She aproaches the pegasus. 


"What has happened sir? What is the reason of all this shouting?"

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Standoff stood up too fast and the table fell over. He shoved the whole sausage in his mouth and dashed out of Sugarcube Corner into the square, nearly bowling over a pinkish unicorn whose name he couldn't place. His eyes flicked around before settling on a weird-looking pegasus with a big backpack. He stole towards her, sticking out a hoof to slip it into her pack...

(Chaotic Neutral is best alignment.)

Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Thought Shaper hears the Pegasus and wonder's what is going on. Ug I hate how Pegasus can get upset so easily Its probably just some little problem he could not salve on his own he thought. Still he did seem very upset. I guess I might as well hear what he has to say, Maybe I can even get something out if it if I am lucky

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Standoff grinned, slipping his hoof out of the pack and pocketing the first thing he'd got his little grabbers on- a knife. Lucky day. Standoff had a special place in his heart for knives, and this particular specimen was a beaut. He acted natural, sliding the knife into his vest.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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The pegasus was visibly shaking. After a few breaths to settle itself, it finally told the news.


"Princess Luna has gone missing on her trip to the Crystal Empire."


As soon as the news broke, frenzied murmurs shot around the crowd.


"He's lying."

"That's horrible!"

"This isn't good..."



The pegasus began to speak again.


"I think we should get a group to check on what's happened, before we get any lies thrown at us. So come on, who's up?"

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The pegasus was visibly shaking. After a few breaths to settle itself, it finally told the news.


"Princess Luna has gone missing on her trip to the Crystal Empire."


As soon as the news broke, frenzied murmurs shot around the crowd.


"He's lying."

"That's horrible!"

"This isn't good..."



The pegasus began to speak again.


"I think we should get a group to check on what's happened, before we get any lies thrown at us. So come on, who's up?"

"Would you just all calm down?" she shouted to the crowd grabbing her head for a moment. They were causing her a headache.


"Now sir... calm down... and tell me. Are you sure about this? I might believe you if i didnt think Princesses dont get lost that easily that is. However i am willing to listen and should that be true i am willing to help.

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Finally. A matter of national security? Count me in. "Let's make this quick and clean. I'm in." As he trudged up to the pegasus, Standoff noticed some of the townsfolk gawping at him. He cut a mean figure, with all the scars, the eyepatch, the permanent grouchy scowl...



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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"Believe what you will, but this is true. Princess Luna has dropped off the radar."




"Heh, someone's keen. But by yourself, you will be killed. Anything that can take away a Princess can easily get rid of your or I. You might need a few more ponies to be in.

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Wow this was big after all thinks Thought Shaper. Maybe if I save luna I can make it big.


I will help find luna Thought Shaper says. I can even do it on my own. And if somepony wants to help they just better not get in the way.


Got it you two, Zebra unicorn and what ever you name is?

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@King Brony

"All right, that sounds fun. You go totter off and get yourself murdered, and I'll use you as a bandit magnet to make my job easier. Good idea. Thanks for suggesting it." Standoff had no patience for hotdoggers. He'd spent some time with them on and off the job, and they were among his least favourite entities.

Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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The name is Selune... Selune Darkeye. thanks for asking you two. Keep your temper down and we won't get into un-nessecary trouble. If you guys need help in finding out what the Princess has gotten herlself into then count me in. Its time i practiced my magic a little. I dont want to get rusty. Alright first of all... may i have your names? It would be nice knowing with who i will be co-operating.

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"My name is Thought Shaper and I am glad that Somepony here has a little since". I said looking at Standoff. What kind of magic are you going to be using any way? Is it a tracking spell or something? Also standoff shut the buck up you don't know what your saying.

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"My name is Thought Shaper and I am glad that Somepony here has a little since". I said looking at Standoff. What kind of magic are you going to be using any way? Is it a tracking spell or something? Also standoff shut the buck up you don't know what your saying.

If we have any chance of finding her or at least a clue to her whereabouts we will have to use "Divination" the magic sector that specializes on "finding" things or ponies. Luckily i happen to be studying in this sector and its opposite "Illusionism". Now easy there Thought Shaper... none of us wants to get into a fight now i believe right? *she says looking to Standoff.

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@, "Hey, if Short Pants here wants a fight, I'll give him a fight." Standoff eyeballed the stallion. "What do you do, anyway? You don't seem like a good mage, you're about as resilient as a blancmange, and you're none too pretty, either. Not that I should talk. Heh." Not waiting for an answer, Standoff looked away.

Edited by baman



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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The pegasus groaned. "With a pony like that in your team, I can't expect you to get far. But anyway, I'd say that divination would be a good idea. The last thing anypony has been told is that she was heading North to the Crystal Empire. Apart from that, you're completely blind."

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@, "Hey, if Short Pants here wants a fight, I'll give him a fight." Standoff eyeballed the stallion. "What do you do, anyway? You don't seem like a good mage, you're about as resilient as a blancmange, and you're none too pretty, either. Not that I should talk. Heh." Not waiting for an answer, Standoff looked away.

Let me tell you this... if as a unicorn mage you're getting hit by another pony you're doing something wrong with your spellcasting.


The pegasus groaned. "With a pony like that in your team, I can't expect you to get far. But anyway, I'd say that divination would be a good idea. The last thing anypony has been told is that she was heading North to the Crystal Empire. Apart from that, you're completely blind."

Easy there my friends... i understand that none of us knows each other yet and doesn't know who to trust. However we need to give each other the benefit of doubt. Now stand back a little. 


Edit/update:Selune starts casting a spell her horn encased within a white glow. Her eyes swirl with the same magical power as she seems to be looking into the beyond. After some time she comes back and the magic stops. It appears the princess was headed to The Crystal Empire from Canterlot. She disappeared in The Crystal Mountains, an area near the Crystal Empire. I suggest if you ponies do want to go there you get prepared. 


Supplies, maps, tents for lodging, tools for surviving in the wilderness everything that would help you in cases of emergency is welcome.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Before we rush off any where. I want to know what's in it for me. If what ever evil we are going to fight was powerful enough to take down luna there is a good chance we could die. So what am I going to get that's wroth risking my life for? I am not going if I don't get something out of it.

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Before we rush off any where. I want to know what's in it for me. If what ever evil we are going to fight was powerful enough to take down luna there is a good chance we could die. So what am I going to get that's wroth risking my life for? I am not going if I don't get something out of it.



Let me tell you this... if as a unicorn mage you're getting hit by another pony you're doing something wrong with your spellcasting.


Easy there my friends... i understand that none of us knows each other yet and doesn't know who to trust. However we need to give each other the benefit of doubt. Now stand back a little. 


Edit/update:Selune starts casting a spell her horn encased within a white glow. Her eyes swirl with the same magical power as she seems to be looking into the beyond. After some time she comes back and the magic stops. It appears the princess was headed to The Crystal Empire from Canterlot. She disappeared in The Crystal Mountains, an area near the Crystal Empire. I suggest if you ponies do want to go there you get prepared. 


Supplies, maps, tents for lodging, tools for surviving in the wilderness everything that would help you in cases of emergency is welcome.

(I can't read the first page, so forgive me if this post is a little off.)


Roto pulled out a strange trinket from his coat pocket that seemed to be a remote carved out of stone with a single button on top. He fidgeted with it while he talked in a raspy and slightly accented voice. "I'm not trusting any of you until I'm given proof that this is worth my time."


Previously known as: Supahsnail, Snails, SnailZOID, Snails (The Beautiful), The Beautiful Snailzuki, Pretty Koenma, SecretAgentSnails, Topaz, SnailZOID Reynolds, SnailZOID Cage, and Snails The Klayman

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7ks7cTevfRojdvkwD5yROg

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@, And you are? Nevermind... if you dont want to tell us your name fine!

Look everypony... i know this is hard for you but THINK! We can't always rely on the Princesses to do things for us! Even they need the elements of harmony... and even then they're not the only ones they rely upon. Equestria isn't safe just because there is power in a single pony... it  is safe because we all work TOGOTHER! 

Now... besides the fact that we are doing what's right. You say what's in it for you? Glory, fame, the princesses' favor? Not to mention that any treasure we find along the way is actually ours for the taking and none will question us? 

I know trust isn't taken for granted... its built upon situations and interactions with the others!

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