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open Dragon Breath Jealousy (Equestria)

True Rarity

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Here's the registration thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/58270-dragon-breath-jealousy-equestria/#entry1401531

We are still accepting members!

And now, on to the roleplay.



"Oh, dear, this simply will not do," Rarity said to herself as she tried to choose fabrics for her newest fashion line. "I've used up almost all of my gems, and all my fabrics are so boring." She drew up a design for a magnificent dress. "Yes, Pinkie Pie will love this! ...if I only had the colors of fabric for it. Oh well, I suppose I will have to go shopping." Rarity pulled on a cute denim jacket. "And when I'm finished, I think I'll take Spike with me to find some jewels. Yes, for some reason that little dragon loved gem-hunting. I think it's because he likes to eat them so much," she giggled to herself. "When we're finished, he can have a basket of gems to munch on." Pulling her mane back in a high ponytail and donning some jeweled sunglasses, Rarity trotted off toward the shops.


She chose several bright fabrics and fake candies to lace Pinkie Pie's dress. She also noticed a simple pale pink satin which would be perfect for a dress for Twilight. After finishing with her shopping, Rarity headed for Twilight's library.


Using her magic to hold the bags above her, Rarity tapped on Twilight's door. "Anypony home?" she sang.

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Spike hummed to himself as he prepped for his day with none other than his secret crush; Rarity. "Oh I can't wait until Rarity gets here!" Spike said excitedly. The baby dragon 's love crush on the unicorn was as strong and durable as the scales on his body.


Spending the day with Rarity would surely help him relax as the work Twilight had been putting him through had been really stressing.


Suddenly he heard a knock at the door followed by the glorious voice that belonged to his crush. Spike sprinted over to the door. "I hope I look decent enough." Spike said checking himself one last time before he opened the door.


The appearance of the white Unicorn stunned him much like she often did. "Uh Hi Rarity..." Spike said with a little bit a trouble. "Are you ready to go gem hunting together?" He asked waiting for a reply.


Along with spending time with his lady friend he knew he'd be getting some nice jewels to snack on as an added bonus. It was a double win for him. He'd only have to sacrifice a few gems for Rarity since she needed some for her always spectacular dresses.

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Rarity smiled at the adorable little dragon who answered the door. "Yes, thank you, Spike! I see you're ready." She pulled a basket lined with green ribbon (something she made herself) out of one of her bags. "For every cluster of jewels we find, you may keep one for yourself in this basket. Oh, and you may also keep the basket!" She looked around and facehoofed. "Oh dear, I am afraid I forgot my wagon. I hope you don't mind a short detour back to the boutique to pick it up?" Rarity added as she wrote a quick note to Twilight letting her know where Spike went and how long they'd be gone.


My Dearest Friend Twilight,


I am taking Spike out to go gem hunting. We'll need quite a few so I'm afraid we won't be back until a couple hours before sundown.


Rarity looked at the note for a minute before adding with suppressed giggles:


Don't worry, I don't think we'll encounter Diamond Dogs this time.


Your Friend,



Rarity signed the paper with a flourish and pinned it to Twilight's desk. "There we are. Are you ready to begin?" She gazed down at Spike with a smile.

Edited by True Rarity
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"Thank ya kindly for your help with these here apple pies, Pinkie Pie," Applejack complemented as she carefully balanced an apple pie on the end of her nose. With expert skill, she flipped it into the air; the pie did a few spins and landed on the counter unharmed next to five other apple pies.


"No problem, Applejack! They don't call me Pinkie Pie for nothing!" Pinkie Pie declared happily as she hopped over to the counter and stared down at the apple pies, a wide grin on her face. Applejack and Pinkie Pie had spent the morning baking pies at Sugar Cube Corner; Big Mac and Granny Smith were renovating the kitchen back at Sweet Apple Acres, so Pinkie Pie offered to help Applejack fulfill the order in the mean time. Applejack snickered at Pinkie Pie's cute little joke as Pinkie Pie took a whiff of the apple pies. "Oh, they smell so good, I wish I could have one!" she exclaimed as thoughts of moist, crumbling bread and the sweet taste of apples swirled around in her noggin.


"Wish? Pinkie, why do you think there's six pies here?" Applejack asked as she cracked a coy smile at Pinkie, who furrowed her brow and stared at Applejack with a thoughtful expression.


"Because you're really super-duper hungry?" Pinkie Pie asked, causing Applejack to snort with laughter.


"I baked 'em for my friends, sugarcube!" Applejack answered as her laughter died down. Pinkie Pie gasped at the answer, and a huge smile spread over her face afterward.


"Then you mean..." Pinkie Pie began as excitement began to build up inside of her.


"Yes sirree!" Applejack answered before Pinkie could finish her thought. With that, Pinkie Pie turned toward the counter, grabbed one of the pies beneath her hoof and then stuffed her face into it, bits of apple pie flying everywhere, some even hitting Applejack, who tried her best to shield herself from Pinkie's furious pie-eating wrath. "You sure know yer table manners, Pinkie!" she joked as Pinkie pulled her face out of the pie and set the tin back on the counter.


"How do I look?" Pinkie Pie asked jokingly as she turned toward Applejack, giving her a pie-spattered grin.


"Like a dolled-up Unicorn going out for a stroll in Canterlot!" Applejack quipped as the two of them shared a hearty laugh. "Anywho, I gotta get four of these pies to Twi and the others, I think they'll be mighty appreciative of all the trouble you and I went through," she stated as Pinkie Pie stretched her tongue out and licked her face clean of pie.


"That's so nice! But uh... you might wanna hurry, cause I heard that Rarity and Spike are going to be collecting gems all day, so you might just miss her!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed, causing Applejack to tap her chin with her hoof in thought.


"Well, I could always just give the extra pie to Apple Bloom and her friends if we can't catch Rarity in time... but ya know, Spike has been spending an awful lot of time around Rarity as of late. You know what's up with our little scaly friend?" Applejack asked as Pinkie Pie smiled blankly at her.


"Nope!" Pinkie Pie stated in an upbeat tone. Applejack raised an eyebrow and gave Pinkie a strange look.


"Ya sure, cause-"


"Just friends being friends, silly! Like you and me!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she tapped Applejack on the nose with her hoof, wiping some leftover pie scraps on her face. Applejack laughed and then wiped the pie from her face before sighing.


"I guess yer right! Anyway, if you want, you can help me get these pies to everypony else," Applejack stated as she picked two pies from the counter up with her hooves and then placed them in a box on the floor.


"Sure, why not!" Pinkie Pie responded before helping Applejack load the rest of the pies. With that, the two ponies set out of Sugar Cube Corner to find their friends and give them some fresh and delicious apple pies.

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"Ready as I'll ever be." Spike replied returning a smile. The baby dragon walked over to the door and held it open for Rarity like a true gentlemen. "After you my Lady." Spike said. His mannerisims were well developed since he hanged out with Rarity all the time. He guessed all her high standards rubbed of on him ,but he really didn't mind. It was no problem compared to all the work he usually did with Twilight.


Speaking of Twilight Spike momentarily worried for his technical mother. She always seemed to have some of the craziest moments when wasn't around but he then thought she's more than capable of taking care of herself.


Spike grabbed the ribbon enticed basket and examined it thoroughly. It was kind of small but decently sized enough to hold a mouth-full of gemstones.


"Such a great gift from a great unicorn." Spike thought to himself as he walked alongside Rarity to her boutique to get her wagon. To him her generosity knew no bounds and that was another aspect of her that he really loved about her.


"Say, Rarity." Spike said breaking the ice. "What's your favorite gemstone to eat- er.... I mean use for your dresses?" He corrected himself.

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Rarity put on a thoughtful face as she trotted toward her boutique. "Oh my, my favorite gem? Well, let's see..." She scanned her mind for all the gems. "Well, there's emeralds, but they're such a horrid color... Rubies are nice, they have such a rich red! Oh, and sapphires are simply lovely! But I think I like diamonds the best!" she exclaimed, looking at a diamond on her jacket. "Oh, here we are!" Rarity threw open the door and set her bags on the table. "Hmm, I think the wagon's in the closet..." She trotted over to the closet and opened it. "Nope, that's the fabric closet. I always get those mixed up!" She giggled quite Pinkie-like.


Rarity headed for the heavy-duty closet instead. "I hardly ever look in this thing. Well, Sweetie Belle does enjoy it. I wonder what she puts in it"- She was interrupted by an avalanche of outdoor toys which poured out of the closet she had just opened, burying the unicorn. "Ohh, these things are filthy! Well, if I could just get out..." Her voice was muffled as she tried to move some of the heavy equipment on top of her. Nothing budged.

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"Rarity!!" Spike said after seeing the large amounts of tools that overwhelmed his crush. She was being buried alive under huge amounts of tools and other equipment..


He then dashed as fast as his little two legs could carry him towards the buried white unicorn.


"Hold on Rarity, I'll get you out of this mess." Spike said trying to get the heavy equipment off of Rarity, but to no avail. The equipment Rarity was under was to heavy to move.


"Uh don't worry. l'll get you out somehow." Spike reassured her. He started with what looked like the lightest of the things Rarity was under and moved it out of the way. Bit by bit the equipment became a little easier to move and the thing Rarity was under started to budge ever so slightly.


The baby dragon grunted as he pushed the equipment off of Rarity. Giving it his all; he started to move out off of Rarity and she was free one again.


"There......I told you.....I'd get you out." Spike said a bit exhausted from all the heavy lifting. Ot wasn't easy, but it was totally worth it. His lady was safe and it was all thanks to him. And there was the lesson where Twilight told him to always start small before taking on the big things. Luckily that applied here too.

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Steel Crescent's search for the greatest fashion designer in all of Equestria had led him to the small town of ponyville.Steel was told she was a white unicorn by the name of Rarity.It was rumored that the best lived here.Steel had finally arrived but had no idea were to find Rarity's Boutique.After searching for an hour Steel decide it was time to stop and ask for directions.


"Hello my fellow stallion.Do you know were i can find Rarity's Boutique?"The stallion nodded and then trotted off."Thanks anyway"Steel said dissapointed.After asking several more ponies were Rarity's Boutique could be found Steel was surprised to find that nopony knew were her shop was located.Realizing this was hopeless,Steel had decided to stop wasting his time and head to Twilight Sparkle's library like he should have in the first place.


A few moments later Steel heard loud noises coming for Twilight's library.Steel Rushed to her place assuming something bad happened.*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*"Is everything alright in there?I heard some noises coming from this direction and wanted to make sure everything was alright. 

Edited by Steel Crescent
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(Haha, his "crush" was crushed)



"Thank you, Spike!" Rarity said gratefully, exhausted from being trapped there. She pulled a few gems out of her chest and placed them in his basket. "Oh, I'm a mess. One moment." Rarity took off her jacket and pulled out her ponytail, shaking her mane down. Then she ran water over a comb and thoroughly combed her hair, finishing it by brushing it and making it shine. The natural curl bounced back into her mane as she did the same process with her tail and pulled on another jacket after shaking all the dust off of her white coat.


Rarity then turned around. "Now, where is that wagon?" She searched the pile of tools and playthings before finally finding the red wagon Sweetie Belle uses for the Cutie Mark Crusaders. It was filthy, and she sighed and began to "gave it a bath". "Oh, I do apologize for the delay," Rarity murmured to Spike as she searched for the sponge and soap. After wiping all the dust and cobwebs away, she rinsed it and found the shiny red wagon that had been sleeping in the closet so long.


"There. Now, shall we go?"

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(Twilight's point of view) (Sry i'm late btw)


Twilight was walking to her "treehouse" from Apple Acres when she saw Steel Crescent. "Good morning steel, and nodded her head toward him. Steel nodded back and Twilight opened the door to her "Treehouse" and was surprised to see a note saying, "My Dearest Friend Twilight,


I am taking Spike out to go gem hunting. We'll need quite a few so I'm afraid we won't be back until a couple hours before sundown.


at the very bottom was a little P.S, "Don't worry, I don't think we'll encounter Diamond Dogs this time".


Your Friend,


At this, she gave a little grin and began to walk towards Sugarcube corner to find Pinkie for some sweet treats.



(Silverstreak's POV (Point Of View))


Silverstreak just walked out of Pinkie's Shop with a bag full of taffy. Just as he rounded the corner, He bumped into Twilight. "G day Twilight! Want a piece of taffy?" Silverstreak Leaned the bag toward Twilight. "Sure! I'll take a couple peices!" "No Problem!" Twilight reached in the bag and pulled out a piece of taffy with Green and Blue  stripes. "Thanks!" Twilight walked off in the way of Pinkie's shop. Silverstreak strolled toward Applejack's farm. He had a plan for a party. Of course Pinkie knew, But she Pinkie Pie Promised not to tell anyone.

Edited by ~Galloping Rainbowdash~
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"Rarity, Spike, you in there?" Pinkie Pie called out as she knocked rapidly on the door of Rarity's boutique. Applejack stood behind her with a box of pies balanced on her back. "Hello?!" she exclaimed as she continued to knock.


"Lands sakes, Pinkie, give 'em a second to respond!" Applejack recommended as she swatted Pinkie's hoof away from the door.

"Heh, sorry, Applejack, I'm just so excited, I bet they'll smile so wide and- Wait a minute!" Pinkie Pie suddenly stated, interrupting her own flow of words.


"What? What's wrong?" Applejack asked, a little concerned.


"We didn't bake a pie for Spike, only one for Rarity!" Pinkie Pie pointed out as her mood dampened a little. "Oh, he's going to be so sad..." she lamented as Applejack smiled a little.


"Don't worry, I'm sure Rarity'll be kind enough to share her pie with Spike," Applejack said, trying to comfort Pinkie. "After all, Rarity's never been one to stuff face like you and me!" she joked as she poked Pinkie on the side, causing the pink pony to brighten up.


"Yeah, you're right, Rarity's probably watching her figure or something silly like that anyway!" Pinkie Pie rationalized as she and Applejack waited for a response.



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"Nice and clean," Rarity remarked as she dried her hooves on a towel. "I think this wagon can hold many jewels." She began to pull the wagon toward the door, but she couldn't hide her rumbling stomach. "I am so sorry, Spike," she said. "We keep getting interrupted. ...are you hungry?" Without waiting for an answer, Rarity placed a generous filly-sized heap of jewels next to the baby dragon.


She suddenly heard Pinkie Pie's voice and the sound of a hoof tapping on her door. "Oh, my," she murmured. "Just a moment, Spike, I'm certain Pinkie Pie has something to say."


Rarity trotted over to the door. Just as she was about to open it, the tapping stopped. "Hmm, maybe it was my imagination," she muttered as she turned from the door. She then heard Applejack's voice, followed by a reply from Pinkie Pie. Conversation went on outside the door.


"Well, I suppose I should see what they want," Rarity smiled, as she turned back to the door and used her magic to open it. "Well, hello, Pinkie Pie and Applejack! Are you here for some clothing?" She paused and sniffed the air, catching the mouthwatering aroma of fresh-baked crust filled with tempting apples. "Is that apple pie I smell?"

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"Howdy there, Rarity!" Applejack said as she smiled at the white pony that stood before her. "Well, we're not here for any clothes, but you're right about the apple pie part; I've brought a fresh apple pie over just for you, free of charge, of course," she stated as she turned her head around, stuck her face into the box that was resting on her back, grabbed the edge of the tin of one of pies with her teeth, and pulled it out, making sure not to drop it in the process.


"You'll love the pie, Rarity, it's scrumptious!" Pinkie Pie declared as she bounced up and down in excitement. Applejack let go of the pie and dropped it on her hoof and stretched her leg out toward Rarity, the pie balanced on her hoof.


"So from me to you, here's a delicious apple pie to start your day!" Applejack exclaimed as she grinned. "After all, you'll probably need all the energy you can get if you're gonna go hunt for gems like I heard."


"And for Spike too, if he's in the mood for a pie!" Pinkie Pie added, not wanting Spike to miss out on the mouth-watering pies that she had a hand in baking.



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"Hmm?" Spike mumbled. He heard something at the door but ignored it until Rarity had returned from cleaning herself.


"Whoa nice spread!" Spike said gratefully at the gems Rarity had placed in front of him. " Thanks Rarity."  He then started eating them frantically.


While he was still eating he saw Applejack and Pinkie by the door. "Hey guys." Spike saidwhile waving.


He then picked up the bowl of gems and walked over to the group. As Spike walked over there he heard them conversating about pies.


"Ooo I want pie!" Spike said as he grabbed a handful of gems in hand and popped them into his mouth. He also loved Pinkie Pie's pies a lot. The dragon mentally laughed at the word combination. 


Apple Pie was in particular, his favorite out of the variety of pies Pinkie and Applejack made and he knew from it's aroma it would taste heavanly. "Your guy's pies are the best in Equestria!" Spike praised  his friends.


Spike looked at Rarity as if hinting a piece of her apple pie. He knew she couldn't resist giving him a small piece of it if not at least half. 

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"Thank you," Rarity said, using her magic to lift the pie into the air. "I take it you have pies for Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Twilight as well?" she asked, seeing the rest of the boxes. She again used her magic to open a drawer and take out a knife. Rarity sliced 1/4 of the pie, and dug the slice out before putting it on a plate. Rarity then gave the rest of the pie to Spike. "Go ahead," she smiled as she bit into her own slice.


Rarity's eyes widened with delight for what seemed like the hundredth time since she'd tasted Applejack and Pinkie Pie's pies. "Mmmm, just as delicious as ever. You never cease to surprise me!" Rarity quickly but neatly ate the rest of her slice before mischievously stealing a centimeter-thick slice from Spike's portion. She savored the heavenly taste as she daintily ate the small slice. "You two sure do know how to cook!"


Rarity set the plate down at the table. "Now to repay you," she said, smiling. "I know what you're going to say, but a 'thank you' must be made, and now's a good a time as any." Rarity looked around her boutique for something to reward her friends with. "I could make you new outfits, or give you a share of the gems we will undoubtedly find..."

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"Shucks, guess you know me too well, Rarity," Applejack mused as she rubbed the back of her with her hoof. "But really, we don't need anything-"


"Ooo, let's get some gems, Applejack, we could totally bake a gem pie and see if Spike likes it!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly  the prospect of getting to bake something so new and strange being extremely exciting for her.


"Well uh... but you see, this was just an act of kindness-"


"Come on, Applejack, she said she wants to give us something in return!" Pinkie Pie reasoned, causing Applejack to sigh and chuckle lightly.


"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Applejack admitted before clearing her throat. "Well, Rarity, since Pinkie's so excited about it, I guess it would be fine if you just gave us a few of your extra gems you find so that we can try out Pinkie's gem pie idea" she stated as Pinkie nodded rapidly.


"And don't you worry, Spike, that gem pie we're gonna bake is going to be extra-special-super-duper delicious, and that's a mega Pinkie Promise!" Pinkie Pie swore as she made the motions of her signature Pinkie Promise.



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Rarity smiled as she heard her friends' reply. "That's the spirit! And the pie sounds wonderful. I'm sure Spike will love it, won't you, Spike?" She pulled an empty pie tin out of her cupboard. "I'll fill this with the gems we will give you," she told them. Rarity let the pie tin levitate next to her for placing jewels inside. "Now that that's all settled, I think we're about ready to go." she turned to Spike. "Uh, right after my hungry companion finishes eating." She laughed and turned to her sewing machine, where she continued on the dress she was making.


"You're welcome to stay and chat, unless you have to go. I'm sure the rest of our friends will be delighted to taste those spectacular pies," Rarity remarked to Pinkie Pie and Applejack. "I think I'll probably buy a couple more for Sweetie Belle and her friends... what was it? The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Uh, two pies should be enough." She took her purse from atop her designing desk. "How much would that cost?" Rarity smiled sweetly at her friends as she awaited their reply.

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"Wait, buy two more pies?" Pinkie Pie asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked from Rarity to Applejack and then back to Rarity. "But we can't do that, we only baked just enough pies to- mmfmmhmm!" Pinkie Pie began before Applejack shoved her hoof into her mouth, silencing her. Dollar signs appeared in Applejack's eyes and she gave a sweet smile at Rarity.


"Why of course, Rarity, you can buy two more pies! Since yer a good friend and all, it'll just be four bits for each pie, coming to a grand total of eight bits!" Applejack exclaimed as she gave Rarity the two pies in exchange for the eight bits. 

"But Applejack-" Pinkie Pie began again before Applejack pulled her close in and dropped her voice down to a whisper.


"Don't worry 'bout a thing, Pinkie, we can always bake more apple pies, I have an entire orchard of apples just waiting to be made into all sorts of things, including pies. But we could always use more money for the farm, and since Rarity is willing to pay... well, why the hay not?" Applejack reasoned to Pinkie in a hushed tone. Pinkie mulled over Applejack's words in her head.


"Okie Dokie Lokie, but we better hurry and bake more pies for our other friends or else they'll be so sad that we didn't make any for them," Pinkie Pie whispered back before the two of them turned their attention back to Rarity.


"I hope the Crusaders enjoy their apple pies, Rarity. As for me an' Pinkie, we better get going so we can deliver the rest of these pies. Good luck on your gem huntin'!" Applejack said warmly before turning around and heading toward the door, Pinkie Pie quickly following her out.



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"Thank you, girls," Rarity said, tossing them the eight bits. "Good luck baking those other pies! I'm sure our friends would love them. And thank you, I'm sure we'll find plenty of gems!" She shut the door after her friends had left. "We'll be off in just a moment, Spike," Rarity added to him. She placed the pies on the table and sliced each in half. "Sweetie Belle!"


Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Babs Seed(who was visiting for the weekend) dashed into the boutique. "Yes, Rarity?" they asked in unison.


"I bought these pies for you," Rarity said. "I need the wagon to go gem-hunting today, so I thought that perhaps you could spare me the wagon and try to get your cutie marks in... um, eating pie, I suppose." She flinched at the thought of four fillies flinging pie everywhere before adding, "Oh yes, and try not to make a mess, or you may have to try to get your cutie marks in cleaning as well."


The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at the pies. Hearts appeared in their eyes as they licked their lips.


"Thanks, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle said as she shoveled her half of the pie out of the tin onto a plate.


"Yes, I'm sure these will be great!" Scootaloo added, dragging her half onto her plate as well.


Apple Bloom and Babs Seed pulled their halves out of the tin and both took large mouthfuls of it, much to Rarity's dislike.


"Mmmmm," Apple Bloom said with her mouth full. "These taste like Applejack's pies."


Babs Seed nodded, but swallowed before saying, "Yes, and I think I feel a touch of Pinkie Pie in them!" She and Apple Bloom winked at each other, knowing their friends' cooking.


"Yes, Applejack and Pinkie Pie made them for you," Rarity said, trying not to look disgusted at their pie-eating style. "Speaking of which, I want you to write nice thank-you notes to them from the Cutie Mark Crusaders when you're finished with the pie... and possibly cleaning." She pointed out the craft supplies to them.


"Yes, Rarity," Sweetie Belle said, with her face in her pie.


Rarity looked at Spike. "Um, shall we go?"

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