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Luna Looks for Love


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Chapter one has been out for five days now, but chapter two (which I intended to have out next week) is stalled at the moment due to RL issues. And for the record, I have no clue who Luna will end up with.



As is normal for me the first chapter, which is usually posted within four or five days of completion of my last story, is kind of rough (and i don't have a proofreader, so...).



Synopsis (for convenience):It's been a little over a year since Luna has fully regained her power, and less than one month since the re-emergence of the Crystal Empire, when the Princess of The Night decides she wants to find her soulmate. She calls upon the mane six to help find her dates and train her in the arts of dating and romance.


May Celestia have mercy on Canterlot.


Sequel to Luna's Power and Rainbow's Love, though you don't have to to read that story to understand this one.



Six ponies moved through Canterlot towards the castle, two unicorns, two pegasi, and two earth ponies answering a summons from a very important yet very familiar pony.


“What do ya think Luna wants?” Applejack asked.


“I dunno. I hope it's nothing too serious,” Twilight responded.


The summons they had received asked them to come to Canterlot castle today, and meet with the Night Princess, emphasizing that, while she needed their help with something, it was not a matter of life and death. Still, the six ponies were a bit worried about what was to come, though they were leaving their concerns unvoiced for the most part.


“Ah, she probably just wants our help planning some big royal event or something. After all, we did do an awesome job with the whole royal wedding,” Rainbow said.


“Well, maybe, though if that were the case, why would she suggest we plan for a long stay?”


“I dunno. Maybe it's a big, long festival she wants our help with?”


“Maybe,” Twilight said.


Shortly thereafter the six arrived at the castle gates, where they were stopped by a guard. Twilight handed over the summons and they were allowed to enter. When they reached the throne room, they found Celestia dealing with one last day court petitioner, who was currently asking for funds to rebuild a washed out road between two towns on the outskirts of Equestria. At the moment they were working out cost of materials, with gravel being a particular sticking point.


After several minutes of back and forth, they managed to resolve the issue to both of their satisfaction, and the petitioner left with the approval and promise of funds he needed. As he walked away, Celestia noticed the six ponies waiting to speak with her.


“Hello, Twilight. To what do I owe the pleasure?” Celestia said, singling out her student under the assumption that she was the reason they were here.


“You tell me,” Twilight said, floating Luna's summons to the sun princess.


Celestia unrolled the scroll and read through it before saying, “Huh. Luna didn't tell me anything about this. Let's go see what this is about, shall we?” She then stood up from her throne and informed the guard that day court was over for the day before heading down a nearby hallway.


The six ponies followed Celestia up a few flights of stairs to a pair of tall black doors with white crescent moons adorning them. Casually opening them, she lit up the room beyond, and before anypony could get a good look inside, she turned her head to her left and bellowed out in the Royal Canterlot Voice, “Time to get up, Lulu!” catching everypony present completely off guard, but especially her faithful student and the pony laying laying in the bed on that side of the room.


Scrambling to her hooves in a tangle of sheets and running purely on instinct, Princess Luna prepared to meet any threat that would disturb her dreams of flying through the night sky. Seeing Celestia, she calmed down, though briefly considered shooting an energy bolt at her sister in return for the rude awakening. Deciding against it, she floated her alarm clock to herself and looked at it before saying, “I still had a half hour before I was to awaken.”


“I know. I just thought I would wake you since the ponies you summoned have arrived, and I would like to know what's going on.”


It took a second for Luna's slightly groggy brain to figure out what Celestia was talking about, but when she did, she said, “Oh yes, that. I would prefer to discuss it over a warm dinner, and not in front of ponies who are chuckling at my rather unfortunate choice of socks,” Luna said, referring to her rather silly looking frilly pink socks. “Leave me to get ready for the night in the meantime.”


“Okay, just answer one question for me, please,” Celestia said.


“I am listening.”


“Does this threaten Equestria's security in any way?”


“It most likely will not, and if it does, I will do everything in my power to protect our country,” Luna said reassuringly.


“Okay. I'm trusting you on this.”


Luna's lips curled upward in a small smile, and the seven ponies who had entered her room turned and exited.


On the way out, Rainbow asked, “Where did she get those socks?”


“I don't know,” Celestia lied. In truth, they were a Hearths Warming Day gift she had given Luna because her room was so drafty. She had chosen frilly pink along with several less loud and embarrassing colors and styles specifically to embarrass Luna a bit, and with the full knowledge that she would wear them anyway. Having the six element bearers catch her with them on was just a very lucky coincidence.


She was well aware that Luna was already planning her revenge, however.




Dinner was served an hour later, and since the chefs had assumed that there was supposed to be a feast when told of the fact that there were six guests, there was a great deal of food to be had. Luna was out of her pink socks and in her familiar royal attire, though she still seemed unhappy with her sister, probably because of her very loud, very embarrassing awakening at her hooves.


As soon as everypony was served, Celestia asked the question on everyone's mind. “So why did you summon these six ponies, Lulu?”


“Simple, 'Tia. I want their help in finding me my soulmate.”


Celestia, who had been drinking apple juice at this point (She wasn't a big fan of wine and wanted something other than tea), immediately did a very loud, very messy spit take before asking, between coughs, “You want what?!”


Luna spent several seconds chuckling at her sister's misfortune before saying, “I want them to help me find my soulmate.”


The other six ponies seated at the table were just as surprised as the white alicorn at this revelation, but said nothing, waiting for Luna to explain herself.


Celestia, still recovering from her shock induced coughing fit, spoke first, however. “Seriously? Now? So soon after the reappearance of the Crystal Empire?”


“Yes, since, if history is any indicator, it will be months before we have another crisis to deal with, and I do not think this will take months to accomplish,” the normally more excitable alicorn said calmly, though with a small, mischievous smirk on her face.


Celestia took a second to stop coughing and calm down, before asking, “Okay, but why bring these six ponies into this? Couldn't you find your true love on your own?”


“Do you remember how ill equipped I was to meet with our subjects on Nightmare Night last year, 'Tia?”


“Yes. I recall you saying that you didn't realize that the Royal Canterlot Voice was no longer acceptable, and that ponies were fleeing in fear of you because they thought you were Nightmare Moon.”


“Indeed, that was the case, because I had had no opportunity to learn about modern society, and seeing as I have had no opportunities to learn anything about modern romance either, I wish to have these six help to ensure that I do not encounter similar issues, as well as hopefully help find me potential dates.”


Rarity spoke up, now that the full implications of what Luna was asking had sunk in. “Playing matchmaker? For a princess?” She then nearly fell out of her chair, fainting with a big smile on her face. The only reason she didn't hit her head on the floor was because Celestia held her up.


The older alicorn, well aware of her sister's bisexuality, then said, “Well, you have at least one pony in support of this, apparently. However, I must ask, we have six ponies here we both know very well and can trust. Why not try a relationship with one of them?”


“You mean aside from the fact that I would be tearing the away from their friends and commitments in Ponyville?”


“Well, yes.”


Luna cleared her throat and then said, “Okay, I will go down the table to explain my reasoning for not choosing any of them. First, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, as far as I know, are still in a committed relationship, correct?”


“Yes,” Fluttershy said.


“Yep,” Rainbow Dash said.


“And, since I have no desire for a three way relationship or to break up anypony else's relationship, they are off the table. As for Twilight, she is a bit...neurotic for my tastes judging by all of her, ah, stress induced breakdowns, never mind that you would kill me if I got her instead of you.” Celestia shot an angry glare on hearing this part, though nopony was sure if it was for falsely insinuating that Celestia took a romantic interest in Twilight or for revealing a rather unpleasant secret that the alicorn had.


Luna chuckled and moved to the other side of the table, where Rarity had just recovered, saying, “Rarity, as far as I can recall, is only interested in stallions and, regardless, would probably become far too wrapped up in being royalty for any of our tastes. And Applejack, I am led to understand is also only interested in stallions, and even if she wasn't she does have the issue of being very poorly suited to a royal lifestyle, would you not agree, Applejack?”


“Well, tryin' to be a city pony didn't work out for me, so I don't think bein' a royal pony would either,” Applejack admitted.


Luna nodded in acknowledgement, then said, “And lastly, the problem with Pinkie Pie is that the pony that would be happiest with her would be another high energy party animal, which I can assure you I am not.”


“And I have a marefriend anyway,” Pinkie pointed out.


“May I ask whom?”


“Vinyl Scratch. The DJ at the wedding.”


“Oh yes, I remember her. She seems to be a good match for you, if I am honest.”


“She is, I love her to bits!”


“Yeah, their relationship is very passionate and energetic to put it lightly,” Twilight said, shuddering at some of the memories.


“I see. Regardless, I will arrange for three suites to be prepared for you during you stay. Assuming you are all willing to help with this, of course.”


She received affirmative answers of varying enthusiasm from the group, ranging from Rarity's ecstatic and enthusiastic “Yes!” to Applejack's rather subdued “Okay, I'll help out.”


Luna smiled at this affirmation before going to work on a sweet potato.


Twilight then said, “I can see that we all have qualities you don't want, but, if we're going to help you out, I think we could use some information on what you do want in a romantic partner.”


Luna's smile became much more awkward at this point, causing her sister to chuckle. “I may not have thought that far ahead,” the dark alicorn admitted, through comically orange, sweet potato covered teeth. “I could have a list by morning, though.”


Twilight, trying not to laugh a Luna's comical appearance, said, “That's fine. Anything else you need us to do?”


“Hmm...” Luna said, while quietly licking the sweet potato off her teeth, “well, if you could make some dress designs for the dates, Rarity...”


She stopped talking when Rarity happily fainted again, saying a second later, “I was going to also say find some nice restaurants as well.”


“I would give her at least a few minutes to recover first. It's kind of annoying watching her faint again and again,” Rainbow said.


“You're probably right. Regardless, I would like help with coaching, finding potential dates, and locations for said dates. The guards would throw a fit if I tried to have all my dates here in the castle.”


“I can imagine,” Twilight said, remembering having to talk to the guards every time she went to or from the castle while studying directly under Celestia.


Rarity had mostly recovered, again, and was listening intently, while reaching for a sweet roll. Celestia, of course was keeping an eye on her in case there was yet another Luna induced fainting spell.


“Anything else?” The alabaster unicorn asked.


“Not at the moment, though I should have more information on what I am looking for in the morning,” Luna said, before focusing on her meal.


The other seven present ate and chatted away until they had their fill, with Luna joining in after a bit, while still planning something special for her revenge against Celestia, coming up with a great idea when she saw a carrot laying in front of her.



An hour later, Fluttershy was sitting in the castle garden, a toucan on her hoof. Luna, who had been looking for her, sat down next to the pegasus and said, “I see you're enjoying the garden.”


“Of course. I always liked coming out here with the animals.”


“Even when you cause a stampede chasing them into the ballroom?”


“I only did that once,” Fluttershy said, sounding annoyed.


Luna chuckled and said, “I know.” Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy had become close friends and, in Dash and 'Shy's case, lovers the year before, when the alicorn asked the two pegasi to help her regain the last of her power. They had planned for a long, simple journey into the wilds, taking about ten days, round trip.


Of course, like the best laid plans, that didn't go anywhere near to plan. Between a cockatrice trying to turn them to stone, a brush fire started by an improperly doused campfire, and hearing about Ponyville dam bursting, it had been an exciting, tiring trip, but one that brought the three of them much closer, and eliminated Fluttershy's fear of Luna once and for all.


The dark mare looked up and said, “I see Rainbow Dash is busy annoying the royal guards.”

“Yes, they stopped her a few times, but don't seem to want to do anything more than that,” Fluttershy said.


“Well, they know she's here on royal business. Still, I probably should have a word with her about this, when I get the opportunity.”


As if on cue, Rainbow descended towards the two mares in the garden. Several seconds later she alighted next to Fluttershy, then gave her marefriend a quick peck before sitting down in the grass next to her.


“Hello again, Rainbow Dash,” Luna said with a smile.


“Hi Luna,” Rainbow said, returning the smile.


“So, are you done giving the guards a hard time for the day?”


“They just can't handle my style,” Rainbow declared triumphantly.


“Or they think you're a big security risk and need to practice somewhere that isn't the castle,” Luna said, a hint of sternness in her voice.


“Okay, okay, I'll practice out in Canterlot tomorrow. Jeez.”


“Thank you. So, how have things been between you two?”


“Pretty well. We still argue a bit, but we make it work,” Rainbow said.


“It's all about finding ways to compromise. We aren't a perfect match, but we love each other, and we do our best to make it work, even if it's hard sometimes,” Fluttershy expanded.


Luna nodded, taking this in, thinking it would be relevant when she searched for her own soulmate. Remembering that that's what this was about, she asked, “So you two are willing to help me in my search for love?”


“Of course. You're our friend, and we couldn't just leave you hangin',” the rainbow maned mare said.


“That means a lot to me, thank you. By the way, do you have any advice you can share? I mean, I am quite new at this.”


“Rarity will probably be more helpful there, but I can say that even though Dashie and I knew each other for a long time before we got together, we still needed to talk things out, find out where we stood, and where we needed to compromise,” Fluttershy said


“Yes, I remember you arguing about things back in the wilds, including one argument about what was it? Alone time?”


“Yeah, I still feel a bit silly about that one. Flutters is always so much happier and more relaxed when she's had some time to herself and I can't imagine trying to take that away from her anymore,” Rainbow admitted.


“And I also remember you were so antsy at that point I had to order you to take your naps.”


“Well, I was really worried about Ponyville.”


“That was obvious. So how has Ponyville fared since the flood?” Luna asked.


“After we cleaned everything up and rebuilt, things got pretty much back to normal, though they're still building a new dam that hopefully won't break this time.”


“That's good to hear.”


They sat in silence for the next few minutes, before Rainbow asked, “So, you're honestly interested in dating mares?”


“Yes, and stallions, I admit, I don't have a preference on that front,” Luna said.


“Wait, you really don't care if your soulmate is a stallion or mare?”


“No, I don't. 'Tia might, however, since I am to announce the legalization of same-sex marriages tomorrow, and that could cause...complications.”




“Yes, it took a year of work to get things ready, but tomorrow is the day where same-sex marriages become legal. I will say, though, that it was merely a coincidence that I called you here to help me with this right before the announcement,” Luna explained.


“So, then why did you call us now?”


“Because, as I said over dinner, I'm pretty sure it will be a few months before the next big crisis is to hit Equestria, if history holds up. Too bad Cadance is too busy with modernizing The Crystal Empire to help me in this endeavor.”


“Does she know about this?” Fluttershy asked


“No, but she will. I'm positive 'Tia will see to that.”


“And how do you think she'll respond?”


“How do you think the Goddess of Love, and my own niece will respond?” Luna asked


“Like a pony who really needs to catch up on her sleep? I don't know if you heard, but she spent a week awake protecting The Crystal Empire from King Sombra, and she's a bit cranky,” Rainbow said.


“Ah. Even so, I don't think she will be opposed to this.”


Twilight, who had been driving the castle librarian batty for the past half hour and was now looking for somewhere peaceful to read, arrived in the garden and asked, “What is this about Cadance?”


“We were just discussing how she will react when she hears about my plans for finding a lover,” Luna said, hardly missing a beat.


“How do you know she'll find out?”


“I know 'Tia would not keep this from Cadance. Not when we're talking about the princess who's talent is spreading love. And throwing Blueblood into the reflecting pool, but mostly love.”


Twilight chuckled at the idea of giving Prince Blueblood a good dunking. She had known the entitled bastard from her studies under Celestia, and, if Rarity had said his name before the Gala, she would have done everything she could to convince the other unicorn that trying to woo him was a bad idea. This did give her an idea for the next time the two crossed paths, though.


Luna, seeing Twilight's amused reaction and guessing what she was thinking, said, “'Tia banned the practice after my return, unfortunately, but only because I began joining in on the fun.”


Twilight put on a mock pout for a few seconds, earning an eye roll from the alicorn, then asked, “How long do you think it'll be before Celestia hears back from Cadance?”


“I would say a day at most. She doesn't have a draconic connection to Cadance as she does with you, so that will slow things down a bit, but my niece is very punctual.”


“If she gets a pegasus to deliver it, I bet it'll be here tomorrow morning,” Rainbow said.


“It's royal correspondence, so it'll...” the four of them had a strange discussion about how long it would take the letter to make the round trip, until somepony (Rainbow) decided to bet on the arrival of Cadance's letter, and thus the royal betting pool was formed.



That night, as Luna presided over (read: sat through, reading a thick history text and considering canceling) night court, the six ponies she summoned were in their suites conducting various activities.


Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, inevitably, were sharing the tower suite where they, were most comfortable, since they had grown up in the clouds. At the moment, Rainbow was trying to convince Fluttershy to have their first time together.


“C'mon Fluttershy, it'll be fun!” The rainbow maned mare said.


“I dunno. I'm scared it might hurt or something.”


“It's not supposed to hurt, unless you're into that sort of thing.” Fluttershy's look of nervousness seemed to be verging on fear now. “Okay, I know you're not. It won't hurt, I promise, and if you're uncomfortable with something I do, just tell me.”


“If you say so, I'll do it,” Fluttershy said, still nervous despite Rainbow's reassurances, but starting to get a bit curious.


“Great! Just lay back on the bed with you wings out, and follow my lead.”


Fluttershy did as she was told while Rainbow moved on her.



Twilight and Rarity, meanwhile, were sharing an upper level suite, several floors below Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. This wasn't specifically out of a desire to bunk with one another, but rather a desire not to bunk with Pinkie Pie, since both of them had work to do and being around Pinkie was not conducive to that. And since Rainbow and Fluttershy were always going to be bunking together no matter what anypony said, they ended up sharing a suite. Twilight was starting on all the books she checked out from the castle, 32 in all which was the maximum the library allowed anypony to check out.


Rarity, meanwhile was working on dress designs for the alicorn who had summoned them, some simple, some very extravagant, but all having a theme of the moon and stars amongst them. Eventually, she broke her focus from her designs as a new though entered her head. “Twilight, I'm curious. Have you ever had a coltfriend?”




“A marefriend?”


“No, why?” Twilight asked, now wondering where this was going.


“I figured, since we're playing matchmaker here in Canterlot anyway, maybe I could help you find one for yourself.”


“I'm not interested in romance, Rarity.”


“Oh, c'mon, every pony needs somepony special in their life,” Rarity said.


“Then why don't you focus on finding your own special somepony before helping me find mine?”


“Why can't I do both? I will be on the lookout for my prince charming of course, but if I can help you too, then all the better.”


“Well, I don't need help. If I want to, I can find myself a date,” Twilight said adamantly, annoyed that Rarity was prodding her about her love life, or lack thereof.


“Are you sure about that, Twilight?”


Twilight didn't respond, which Rarity took as a sign that she had given in. “Is that a no?”


Convinced she would regret this, Twilight said, “Fine, you can help me find a date. Just...don't tell anypony else for now, okay?”


“Deal! Just tell me what you're looking for in your special somepony.”


Twilight thought for a second, then said, “An intelligent, scholarly stallion would be my preference. Good looks wouldn't hurt either.”


“Scholarly stallion, good looks,” Rarity recited, “I'll keep an eye out for you.”


“Uh, thanks?” Twilight said, still sure she would come to regret this.



In the ground floor suite, the two earth ponies were discussing the business they had with Luna.


“Isn't this exciting? We get to find Princess Luna a very special somepony!” Pinkie said, bouncing on the bed.


“I guess, though I'm not sure we're the right ponies for the job. She kinda implied that she wants somepony who lives here in Canterlot, and we live in Ponyville. I don't even know anyone here, for Celestia's sake.”


“We know the princesses,” the literal minded earth pony said.


“No one among the citizenry, I mean. Maybe Donut Joe now that I think about it, but that's it.”


“Well, we can always go out and meet some new ponies. It's not like they're all cooped up in their houses or something.”


“I guess you're right,” Applejack admitted, though far from convinced that this would go over well.



Late in the night, Luna took a break from night court and headed to the kitchen where she took eight carrots and a box. She then headed up to her sister's bedchamber and slid out a box full of toys from under her bed, before silently sliding the box of carrots in its place and teleporting Celestia's box to her own chambers where she would hide everything later. She then teleported herself to the kitchen and took a large bag of gummy flowers before trotting back to the throne room, grinning all the way.

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