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private The Equestrian Exploration Team and the unfortunate event (Survival) CONT.


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"Don't let it get to you. I've been in worse plus I have eyes everywhere." sightly laughing. "If you help sleeping I could make you something that could knock you out." running his hoof in the sand. "Plus it's the first night on a strange island. You'll feel like that in most places. Trust I've been traveling a long time." Nodding at Kyz.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Gearbox looked up from his log he was writing on to so everypony at the fire. He smiled when he realized they couldn't see him. If he was more of a playful or social person he'd scare one of them, but gearbox was typically anti-social, yet found this trip kept bringing him into more and more social situations. He wasn't sure if he like that, but as he tried to work again he found he couldn't focus. He eventually gave up, deciding to walk over to the fire.

"At least im not the only one who can't sleep." He said, finding a place to sit down.

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"I think we should sing campfire songs! It's not going to kill anyone if we do so why not!? I mean we're going to get to know each other better anyway. Plus songs are fun!" Novella says optimistically still staring at the stars. Something was off about this island. The sand didn't feel right and now the she looked more closely, the placement of the constellations wasn't right for the season and month..."Strange..." She thought to herself.

"This ain't a party

Get off the dance floor

You want the get down

Here comes the gang war"

~My Chemical Romance

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"Umm...I'm not the singing type." Rubbing the back of head. "I'm a great sorry teller if you want to hear one of my travels." Calling one of his bird. Whispering something to his bird the bird nodded then flew away. "Sorry about that I need him to check on the soup in my cave."


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"I'm not one for singing either, sorry, novella. I have a story or two of my own to tell, if we all just want to exchange stories." Gearbox said, looking over at Plauge's mask. He wondered if any of his stories would include anything behind that mask. He thought about his own goggles, hiding his own mark which he wouldn't talk about either. Perhaps he'd single him later to ask, but he assumed that he'd know the answer.

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Compass trotted over to the fire and sat down. It was quite pleasant. Novella must have been taking her job seriously. 


"Stories?" she asked. "I love stories. That's why I like reading. Who wants to tell a story first? A scary story would be good, to help keep us awake." 


She wondered why her good mood was lasting so long. Maybe someone had put something in that leaf that she had eaten.

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@@harmonyplus@@MyLittleCell,@,Selune woke up gasping from the nightmare she had seen. It was a giant sea-serpent swallowing their ship. She shook her head and went to wash her face in the water of the sea, then she aproached the ponies at the campfire. "Hey there guys... have i missed anything?"

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Gearbox smiled at selune. "We were considering telling stories. Me and Plague apparently both have any adventures to tell, but if you got any scary ones to tell, that seems to be what compass wants to hear." He looked down into his hooves, distracting himself.

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Compass looked towards Gearbox. "Any sort of adventure will do. You can tell a non-scary adventure story.I'm just fine with those" 


A warm breeze gently swept through the beach and caused the trees to rustle. Compass jumped. "Oh, ha-ha. That scared me."


"I just got an idea for a scary story."

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"No matter, captain. I'll wait my turn. besides, i got some thinking to do..." His voice trailed off, and he began writing things the the sand with a stick he held in his mouth, writing strange equations and bizarre drawings that made little sense beside the reason it did in his mind. Gearbox then recalled his search for an apprentice, and his disappointment with all those that thought themselves worthy. They were to brash, didn't take their time. He sighed as he began to space off.

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Compass Rose cleared her throat and began to tell the story.


"Once apon a time, there was a little village, just beyond Everfree. It was a mysterious place with many odd rules. The main one was a curfew that required all ponies, big and small, to stay in their houses once the clock struck 6:00. That curfew was not broken for many years.


One day, a young colt named Swampy Hooves was playing with a new ball. He was having so much fun that he didn't notice the time. It was 7:01. Suddendly, the ball rolled into the forest, so he had no choice but to follow it. He was deep into the forest when he had spotted his ball, when it suddendly dissapered. Swampy Hooves looked up to see the moon had been covered by a cloud. It quickly became pitch black. Swampy continued his search, when suddendly he heard rusting noises all around and an unatural green light illuminated the forest. Some chanting noises were heard and the green light turned red. The noises were coming from the bushes, so Swampy peeked over to see what was happening.


He saw three red figures the size and shapes of ponies. The red was probably a cloak. The chanting stopped. Finally, the tallest figure said "So, we have a rule breaker. A sacrifice to the gods. Bring him and tie him to a tree." Two more figures appeared behind Swampy and took him to a tree. They case some odd magic so that he could not move. "Sillence, young one" Whispered the tall figure. The tall figure took a knife and slit Swampy's throat. The last thing Swamy Hooves saw was a bright flash of light and the other figures chanting "Destroy the village! Destroy the village!"



Compass Rose cleared her throat once more and asked "Was that good for ya?"

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"Good story indeed, but you missed one thing..." His mask eye sockets started to glow red and his body started to float in the air. "You missed the jump scare." Opening his cloak a swarm of crows flew past everypony around the fire. When they left the only thing of Plague's was his hat.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Compass screamed and flinched. She looked at the hat and muttered to herself "Thank you for demonstrating, Plauge." She stared at the rest of the ponies and asked "Anypony else want to demonstrate a jumpscare?" Her voice dripping with sarcasam. "If not, we can move on to the next story. Adventure or horror, frankly I don't care."

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A dark figure with glowing red eyes appeared behind Compass putting his hoof on her shoulder, "Don't worry I got many more tricks." Whispering into her ear. 


Picking up his hat, "Anypony heard of the wondering Doctor?" Putting his hat back on sitting back down.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Compass looked at the doctor, somewhat unamused. "As long as these tricks of your's help us survive, I'm fine with them." Compass sighed and replied. "No, I have not heard of this Wandering Doctor. This better be a good story, okay?" Then she made herself comforable in her "Sand-chair", levitated a small leave towards her and started nibbling it.

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"Well hopefully it's up to your standards." Holding out a vial of a green gas, "Inside this vial contains a small thing of the plague. This story starts in Appleloosa where everything seemed great, but the towns ponies didn't know something foul was coming to their homes. As the ponies harvested the apples. One pony rolled into town looking pale, so they brought him to the local doctor the doctor was stumped on what happen to the pony he had no idea how to treat his illness. A week later more and more ponies come in with the same signs as the first pony. The signs were cough with blood, high fever, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and finally difficulty breathing."


Putting the vial in the sand he looked at the fire blacking out. "The doctor passed away a few weeks later leaving the town without a doctor. That's when a small colt stepped up to the challenge. The little colt figured out how to stop the spread of the disease...they must be burned. Setting out he dug mass graves for the infected he piled body after body setting them ablaze." Looking at Compass with a dark expression. 


"He stopped the spread of the disease, but he still had the problem of curing the infected living. Testing on anypony willing to give their life to have a chance at a cure. He lost over 30 ponies to test...he started to break down from all the death. One day he was watching one of his massive graves burn he took a step into the grave. Burning he laid there waiting for death until a idea for a cure came into his head. Climbing out of his grave still ablaze he walked to his workshop. Curing the disease the stallion made a promise to help anypony in need. He gathered his supplies and set out to wonder all of Equestria." Sighing with a sign of regret. 


"Wondering doctor wasn't the only name he gained. Some called him the plague bringer, mad doctor, or even death's cloud. It's up to you how you judge him." Standing up he looked to the group, "Excuse me I need to take a walk..." A shakiness to his voice.


((Probably not the best story, but whatever.))


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Compass Rose clapped. "Good story, Plauge! Try not to get killed on your walk!" Then she muttered under her breath " I really hope that guy doesn't turn evil on us. He can kill us very easily." She went to gather a few more twigs and asked "Does anyone else want to tell a story?"


((That's a pretty good backstory. I'm starting to get the feeling that Plague Doctor is a bit overpowered. Also, does he speak with the "Appleloosan" accent?))

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"Killed...something that I've seen to much of." Mumbling as he left for his walk.


He rushed to get as far as possible from the group he ripped off his mask trying to get air. Falling to the floor he laid there breathing heavily, "This isn't good..." Crawling towards his mask.


((Yea I had a idea for his backstory, but he is going to act like he isn't the colt from the story. Don't worry about overpowered I know when to stop. As for the accent it's slightly there.))


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Compass used her magic to try and reanimate the fire and once again fell on the floor panting, while cheering for herself. She wondered if Plague Doctor was okay, he seemed really nervous when he had stated he was going on a walk. Compass took a sip of water and looked up. The stars are really nice... she thought to hereself.

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Trying to stand he could feel something wrong with him, "Need to get to my shelter." Grabbing his mask walking towards the tree line. Reaching his hoof out he planted it onto a tree, "I'm not going to make it there..." Leaning against the tree looking out to the ocean. "Calm down Plague." Putting his hoofs on his head trying to calm himself down. "You did what had to be done. No other pony could of figured it out." Speaking to himself calmly. Putting the mask back on watching the waves crash and moon natural light.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Compass Rose saw barely Plauge Doctor take off his mask, fall to the ground, comfort himself and put his mask back on. What an odd fellow. She thought to herself. Perhaps he needs help. Unfortunately, Compass was still very tired from casting the fire spell and barely managed to get up.

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"Never thought something from my past could haunt me so much." Running his hoof on his mask. "Plus my marks are not my proudest thing..." Closing his eyes he could picture the flames. "I must stay focus on the problem in front of me. We must get off this island just need to keep myself away from the group." The eye sockets glowing red once again looking towards Compass he wondered about this pony.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Compass thought a bit, but she couldn't come to any conclusions. Plague could not be insane, as mental stability was very important in these sorts of missions and if Plague was crazy then he would have not have come on the mission. "You okay there?" she yelled, very weakly.

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"Yea I'm fine." Shouting back. The glow from his eyes pierced the night's veil it almost had a creepiness to it. Walking back to the fire Plague sat down, "Anypony care to join me for a bowl of soup? It's cooking back in my shelter." Showing a small smile through the crack in his mask.


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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"Soup?" she asked. "Alright, I'll come." Compass slowly got up and followed Plauge Doctor. "Say, is everything alright, Doctor?" she asked. "You've been acting weird ever since you finished your story." Compass could feel her energy coming back, so she quietly sighed in relief.

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