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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Clare said to Cat, "Sorry, I didn't realise that you were all going someplace. Should we come along too? It would be easier, cuz we don't have anyplace to stay here. My name's Clare, and this is Diliges. You'd better explain to everyone."




Cicada nodded. "But you'll have to tell everypony at some point," she said. "One of my subordinates, Diliges, is here now. He arrived with his finder, Clare, a few moments ago."

"Alright," Twilight responded, "Do you and your other Changeling friends want to ride with Catherine and Jack to the raceway?"

Twilight, while knowing that the Changelings were their ticket home, still had the thought back in her mind that they might end up betraying her pony friends. Jack got into his car with Catherine, and called out to the Changelings.

"You wanna ride with us?" he asked.

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@@Pripyat Pony,@


Catherine nods shortly. This was a lot to take in, but she managed, "I suppose so. My name is Catherine Bellamy. Come with me. I'll introduce you to Jack, my boyfriend."


After introducing Clare and Diliges, and managing to track down Cicada with help from Diliges, Jack asked the Changelings if they wanted to ride with them.


Diliges response was a simple shrug.


(I really hope I got her last name right)

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@@Pripyat Pony,@


Catherine nods shortly. This was a lot to take in, but she managed, "I suppose so. My name is Catherine Bellamy. Come with me. I'll introduce you to Jack, my boyfriend."


After introducing Clare and Diliges, and managing to track down Cicada with help from Diliges, Jack asked the Changelings if they wanted to ride with them.


Diliges response was a simple shrug.


(I really hope I got her last name right)

(Her last name is right)


"So... who do we have here," Jack said, counting off the passengers. "We have Cicada, Clare, Diliges, and Catherine. That's about as much as this car can hold."

Jack pulled out of the driveway, and headed for the airport helipad.

"So, you guys are changelings?" Jack asked.

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"That's right," Cicada replied. "I'm my Queen's second in command, and Diliges here is one of my captains. We came into this world at the same time that the ponies did. Despite what they might think, we're not evil."


Clare was happy enough to be going with the group; she hoped that she'd get a chance to speak with the ponies sometime.

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@@Dawn Stripes,


((This is just a filler post… There's still room for two more in William's car, BTW!))


"We'll be in the car, dad!" Colette called as she led Fluttershy back out to his car, getting in the back seat with the butter yellow Pegasus. Once inside, Colette looked around, then planted a kiss on Fluttershy's lips. "If we're lucky, it'll be just us…


((Yes, that's an invitation!))




@@00Pony, @, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Meteorite, @, @,


"Anyone need a ride? There's room for four more in each of our cars." Stephen said, referring to both himself and his twin. "Follow us if ya do!" Shawn added.


((Can't think of much else other than to have whomever ride with!))

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(OOC: Sorry for dropping off the edge of Equestria! Had some mondo internet jankeddations!)




Rainbow Dash buckled up, not really noticing what car she was getting in as she sat beside Applejack and began babbling desperately.

"Well I talked to the guy who likes me, right? I was like, 'dude, I'm not attracted to you, you're a human' but really he's a cool dude, I mean he flew me to Scotland just because of one of my stupid ideas, right? But then he's like 'No, I don't care about that', and I'm like 'What? You want to be with me but you don't?' and....uugggh! Coming out wrong!" Rainbow Dash rubbed her forehead, pushing orange and yellow locks out of the way. "I don't get it, AJ. You know I was never into all that...mushy kissy-face romantic stuff. But if he doesn't want that, what does he want me to do?" She held up her hands uselessly. "What does he want?"




A lip-stifled "EEP!"

Fluttershy panicked, pulling back, jumping more like, leaving her back against the window, one arms flailing around the headrest and the other braced against the cup holders in the back  of the van, which quickly darted down to secure her sundress.

After a few heavy breaths, she felt bad, and just as quickly resumed a normal sitting posture. "S--s--sorry," she said---it was a couple seconds before she could look at Colette, but when she did she blushed and inched a few fingers across the seat to take one of the girl's hands. "That---that was....you just startled me." She was still shaking, it had been--oh my. It was scary.

She hadn't expected everything to happen...so fast. And it wasn't the same anyway, not as being a mare. This being on all the time---well at first Fluttershy had thought it would be unbearably annoying--and she felt bad for stallions--but now, at least until a few seconds ago, she'd seen the upside. There was a little extra buzz that came with every time Colette touched her. Only it could be too strong, and it had just electrocuted her and she still felt like her hair was standing straight up. She was almost light-headed, afraid she might float away.


(OOC: And a reminder, people using quotes! When you quote a pot with mentions, you spam people with invalid notification emails! So be careful how you use that button!)

Edited by Dawn Stripes
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@@Hypn0ticD, "I'm up!!!" Dennis says not knowing with whom so go with. @@Dawn Stripes, He gave a smile at Rainbow, who was togother with Applejack, winking and turned to Stephen and Shawn. "I don't think we've introduced ourselves... or at least with one of you that is. I am Dennis... that is if one of you hasn't told each other. You... you're brothers right? You look like twins thats why."

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Rainbow Dash buckled up, not really noticing what car she was getting in as she sat beside Applejack and began babbling desperately. "Well I talked to the guy who likes me, right? I was like, 'dude, I'm not attracted to you, you're a human' but really he's a cool dude, I mean he flew me to Scotland just because of one of my stupid ideas, right? But then he's like 'No, I don't care about that', and I'm like 'What? You want to be with me but you don't?' and....uugggh! Coming out wrong!" Rainbow Dash rubbed her forehead, pushing orange and yellow locks out of the way. "I don't get it, AJ. You know I was never into all that...mushy kissy-face romantic stuff. But if he doesn't want that, what does he want me to do?" She held up her hands uselessly. "What does he want?"

"Ah dunno. Ah guess...well...maybe its not about all that mushy stuff. Maybe it's about...just bein' with somepony...somebody...and carin' about them. It's about enjoyin' bein' with 'em and feelin' close to 'em. Ah guess he really likes you. If ya don't wanna....be with him like that, ya gotta be firm. Be strong. Make it clear ya don't want that. If you do...well...do what makes ya happy."

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Rainbow Dash abruptly interrupted her conversation to wave innocently at Dennis, breaking off with Applejack as though they hadn't been discussing the human who'd just showed up. Blast! Of all times for her to have a follower--except even Scootaloo was never this stressful. She couldn't reply to Applejack if he stayed the car ride with them--it might just have to wait until later.

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Diliges nods,  "We have reasons for what we do. The ponies simply paint us as monsters. And since they generally refuse to see anything we do in any other light, we kind of have to conform."





Logan waved a hand at Colette, shaking his head slightly, as he had a vehicle of his own. Angie sidled up next to him, arms crossed, "I think we almost have to many vehicles."


The officer looked down at her -  she was nearly half a foot shorter than he was - and raised an eyebrow, "How do you mean?"


"Some of these seat a decent amount of people." She punches his arm as she continues, "But now that you're back in commission, I can return my Challenger." She chuckle, almost muttering, she added, "Which I swear someone was sitting on."

Logan gave a brief laugh, "You can do that after the race. I don't think we'll have time to before hand. You'll have to get someone else to give you a ride, though."

Angie looked up at him, "And why is that, Logan Alexander?"

It wasn't very often Logan's middle name was used in conjunction with his first. It had really only been his mother who used it, when he'd done something incredibly stupid growing up, or she was simply putting emphasis on getting his attention. Angie used it simply as a joke. He started to walk towards his car again, opening the door for Ulysses to hop in, "Because I'm going mountain climbing with AJ afterwards." He said, simply.


Angelica stumbled slightly, "Woah, really? Mountain climbing?"


"She chose it." He replied, in a matter-of-fact way.


Angie smiled, "Well, have fun with that. Maybe I can convince the Scottish guys to give me a ride afterwards."

"You just want to hear them talk some more, don't you?"

"... ... Yes."


Logan chuckled and shut the door after the dog as Angie jogged across the yard to where she'd parked her car. Logan got into the driver seat of his car and let the door open, waiting for everyone else to pull out before doing so himself.

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"That's right," Cicada replied. "I'm my Queen's second in command, and Diliges here is one of my captains. We came into this world at the same time that the ponies did. Despite what they might think, we're not evil."


Clare was happy enough to be going with the group; she hoped that she'd get a chance to speak with the ponies sometime.





Diliges nods,  "We have reasons for what we do. The ponies simply paint us as monsters. And since they generally refuse to see anything we do in any other light, we kind of have to conform."





Logan waved a hand at Colette, shaking his head slightly, as he had a vehicle of his own. Angie sidled up next to him, arms crossed, "I think we almost have to many vehicles."


The officer looked down at her -  she was nearly half a foot shorter than he was - and raised an eyebrow, "How do you mean?"


"Some of these seat a decent amount of people." She punches his arm as she continues, "But now that you're back in commission, I can return my Challenger." She chuckle, almost muttering, she added, "Which I swear someone was sitting on."

Logan gave a brief laugh, "You can do that after the race. I don't think we'll have time to before hand. You'll have to get someone else to give you a ride, though."

Angie looked up at him, "And why is that, Logan Alexander?"


It wasn't very often Logan's middle name was used in conjunction with his first. It had really only been his mother who used it, when he'd done something incredibly stupid growing up, or she was simply putting emphasis on getting his attention. Angie used it simply as a joke. He started to walk towards his car again, opening the door for Ulysses to hop in, "Because I'm going mountain climbing with AJ afterwards." He said, simply.


Angelica stumbled slightly, "Woah, really? Mountain climbing?"


"She chose it." He replied, in a matter-of-fact way.


Angie smiled, "Well, have fun with that. Maybe I can convince the Scottish guys to give me a ride afterwards."

"You just want to hear them talk some more, don't you?"

"... ... Yes."


Logan chuckled and shut the door after the dog as Angie jogged across the yard to where she'd parked her car. Logan got into the driver seat of his car and let the door open, waiting for everyone else to pull out before doing so himself.

"Changelings, eh?" Jack responds, "Well, if that's the case, I think it would be best that the rest of the ponies are unaware of that fact. Does anypony else know of this?"

Jack did have worry about the Changelings, more specifically, how everypony else would react upon discovering this. Twilight knew, unbeknownst to Jack, but she vowed to work with the Changelings, even with doubts in the back of her mind.




Twilight got in the car with Logan and Angie. She wondered how they would react if she told them about Cicada.

"Uh, Logan," she said, "I... think you might need to know this."

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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@@Dawn Stripes,


((It's a car))


"Sorry! Sorry…" Colette said as she backed away a bit. Wow, Flutters was skittish! She gripped her hand in return, smiling a little -- wondering whether of not she'd end up scaring the poor mare half to death one day!

"Let's just take things a little bit more slowly, huh??"



@@Pripyat Pony, @@Meteorite, @,


William got into the driver's seat, rolling his window down and leaning out a little. "Room for two more! All aboard who's comin' aboard!"


((Hint hint wink wink!))

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(OOC: Yeah, I basically guessed)


Fluttershy nodded and smiled gratefuly. "Oh....I was worried you wouldn't want to. Th--thanks." With a shy smile, she scooted a little closer, breathing easily now. "So, you work at this store...Hot Topic?" It sounded a little disapointing that Colette couldn't have a job that she really enjoyd, but then--maybe it was different for people. They didn't have cutie marks, and she did see very many of them working jobs they didn't seem to love that much. "How did you wind up there?" 

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@@Hypn0ticD,@@Dawn Stripes, ((OOC:This is just a comment/thoughts post)) After Dennis saw Applejack and Rainbow from afar togother he realised one thing... Dashie trusted Applejack in matter of "delicate" nature... she had already called her once. From the way they looked those moment he got to see them they were talking about something serious... something he should not interrupt. Then when she waved back he realised... this was wrong. She needed time afterall as she said, so he created some more distance by placing Shawn... or was it Stephen? Whatever... he truly wished he could enter Rainbow's mind right now... but he didn't want to do something... goofy. Afterall he had already pestered her enough to know her limits, and know when to stop.

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Rainbow Dash's eyes peered after Dennis, watching as he glimsed Rainbow and then left following the Scotsman of Questionabl Trustworthiness. Rainbow Dash allowed her eyes to narrow after him for a moment, then turned back to Applejack.

"Okay, he's gone. Anyway. That's not the point. I already know I'm not lettin' anyone or anypony do that to me 'gainst me say-so. I'm not Fluttershy or something..." she scratched her head. "Hmm, anyway. All that hangin' out stuff like you just said, is what I'm saying...isn't that what we're doing now?" She shrugged. "We're being 'closer', aren't we? But this can't be all he wants outta' me. But what is it he thinks I'm going to be like when we're with each other, then? I just don't--get it." She flung herself against the next seat forward, moaning in frustration. "This thing is hard. But you gotta' know what he's talking about, right Applejack?" 

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@ Pripyat Pony

"Rarity, Pinky Pie want to ride with me and Nick?" Charles saying as he was getting the car ready while Nick was in the back seat of the car with his seat belt on and was looking at his uncle too while he was reading a digital comic book MLP on the iPad while he was thinking. Then Charles start the car up while getting it ready and checking everything too.

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"Of course I would like to," Rarity replied. She got into the car carefully, so that she didn't flash her panties while doing so. Pinkie Pie then bounced up. "I'll come too!" she said with a giggle, practically jumping into the backseat with none of the understated elegance of Rarity.

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Rainbow Dash's eyes peered after Dennis, watching as he glimsed Rainbow and then left following the Scotsman of Questionabl Trustworthiness. Rainbow Dash allowed her eyes to narrow after him for a moment, then turned back to Applejack.

"Okay, he's gone. Anyway. That's not the point. I already know I'm not lettin' anyone or anypony do that to me 'gainst me say-so. I'm not Fluttershy or something..." she scratched her head. "Hmm, anyway. All that hangin' out stuff like you just said, is what I'm saying...isn't that what we're doing now?" She shrugged. "We're being 'closer', aren't we? But this can't be all he wants outta' me. But what is it he thinks I'm going to be like when we're with each other, then? I just don't--get it." She flung herself against the next seat forward, moaning in frustration. "This thing is hard. But you gotta' know what he's talking about, right Applejack?" 

"Ah...ah don't know. Maybe y'all shouldn't be so scared of him. Spend some time with the guy. If you like him, be his friend or more. Do what y'all want. If ya don't like him, y'all don't have to do anything. Just give him a chance. Ah...that's what I'm doin'...ah...Ah have a human ah kinda like too..."

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Rainbow Dash gagged. She wished she had a soda in hoof so she could do a spit-take, like Pinkie Pie.

"You what? How? Why? Er...all those other W questions!" Rainbow Dash put several fingers through her disheveled mane, wondering at the placid freckled girl beside her. She could understand AJ having found someone cool to hang out with, but...AJ? The mare who famously bucked no fewer than five suitors on the chin for putting hooves on her when she looked away? And a human? ...On second thought, maybe it did make sense. But still. "Gah! You gotta' friends stuff like that right away!" 

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Rainbow Dash gagged. She wished she had a soda in hoof so she could do a spit-take, like Pinkie Pie.

"You what? How? Why? Er...all those other W questions!" Rainbow Dash put several fingers through her disheveled mane, wondering at the placid freckled girl beside her. She could understand AJ having found someone cool to hang out with, but...AJ? The mare who famously bucked no fewer than five suitors on the chin for putting hooves on her when she looked away? And a human? ...On second thought, maybe it did make sense. But still. "Gah! You gotta' friends stuff like that right away!" 

"Y-yeah...um...ah...I'm still figurin' things out...but...h-he likes me like that...and...ah kinda like him too. Uh...it's Logan. The human with the dog. He's...uh...really nice and all. I figured I'd spend some time with him and see where it leads. Maybe y'all should do that too. I'm sorry I can't help ya more, Rainbow Dash..."

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@,@@Pripyat Pony,


Diliges nodded, "Yeah, I don't think many of them would really appreciate us being here. In time however, they'll know. I think Cicada may have told one of them. Twilight, was it?"



(Angie's actually in her own vehicle, just letting you know.)


Logan nodded to Twilight as she got into the car's passenger seat. He shut his door, seeing everybody was getting a ride one way or another. Ulysses didn't waste time in sticking his head between the seats to greet her. Twilight said something about needing to tell him something. Logan raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh? What might that be?"

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Rainbow Dash shrugged. "It's okay. Maybe he's just..." she closed her eyes. "Crazy or somethin'. How would I know, right? Well. It'll be fine. I'll think of something later. This thing's not moving, so wake me up when the racing's going to start, alright?"

Drifting off, she began to list on the slick hairs of the seat; tilting away from Applejack, she ended up with her face squashed against the window, which woke her instantly with a muted grumble. "Mm, maybe nevermind..." she re-settled herself, leaning away from the window.

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@,@@Pripyat Pony,


Diliges nodded, "Yeah, I don't think many of them would really appreciate us being here. In time however, they'll know. I think Cicada may have told one of them. Twilight, was it?"



(Angie's actually in her own vehicle, just letting you know.)


Logan nodded to Twilight as she got into the car's passenger seat. He shut his door, seeing everybody was getting a ride one way or another. Ulysses didn't waste time in sticking his head between the seats to greet her. Twilight said something about needing to tell him something. Logan raised an eyebrow at her, "Oh? What might that be?"

(@Pripyat Pony, I still need your post as Cicada!)


Twilight took a deep breath and formulated her response, unsure of how Logan would respond.

"Well, you see," she began, "Cicada and Diliges are Changelings. I didn't tell the other ponies, as I don't think they'll react too kindly to that, but I figured I'd fill you in for reference."

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"I applied last year for a summer job and got lucky." Colette began as her father pulled out of the driveway. "It's not all bad, though! I know some good buddies there, and I get to laugh my ass off whenever Rainbow comes in and decries alla the new MLP merchandise." Colette then chuckled a little "don't tell her this, but I've been recording her tantrums because her fans asked." You're talking about Dash again! "Oh-- I was able to buy my guitar with all the money I made with my job, as well as the sound equipment-- that Dash took over for her show." Stop it!




((Eeny meeny miny-- fuck it, Shawn!))


"We're twins," Shawn said as he led Dennis to his car. "I'm Shawn, and that's Stephen over there," he added as he pointed to his brother, who was getting into his own car. "Did you want to ride with me??" He then unlocked and opened his car, popping the passenger door once hhe was in. "Hop in. You look like you have a lot on your mind!"

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, Rainbow Dash." She hunkered down in the backseat as she heard engines grumble to life, creating a cozy space with her and Colette. "That sounds like fun! I don't have that much talent for anything musical, but I guess it's nice that you have some money to buy fun things--oh!" She thought for a moment, blushed, brought out a small notepad from her pocket. "I--I can sort of draw." Backing off an inch and sticking her tongue out of her mouth, she looked up at Colette, down, and began to sketch.

Edited by Dawn Stripes
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