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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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@@Dawn Stripes, @,


((She was addressing Fluttershy, but Twilight could interact with Colette!))


"Nah. I'm not into sports to begin with," Colette admitted before popping a nacho into her mouth, "I'm more into music and video games-- scary video games especially..." she looked over to Fluttershy, hoping against hope that she didn't frighten the poor Pegasus at the revelation.


Colette smiled a little upon hearing the Princess, though, as with luck, Fluttershy wouldn't be able to dwell too much on her habit! "I'll show ya where the concession stand is. Wanna come with, Dash??"


((Twilight can be interested in human science. Also, Colette's big into horror games and [good] creepypastas. You've been warned, so don't say anything if either she or Dash get ahold of Colette's and have a heart attack!


Also, don't f-f through the concession stand just yet! Got an idea for my agent's post!))




My brother and I were born in Johnstone, but we moved to Glasgow for university-- not a whole lot to say about either town, really." Shawn said. "What about you?? Where ya from??"




@, @@Pripyat Pony, @@Fireblaze,


Stephen sat next to William, both men shouting and cheering Jack on as his car zipped past, both enjoying the sharp rush of air as it hit their faces. Stephen perked his head up as he saw his twin approach with Angie.


William looked around as well, raising an eyebrow as he spotted the other couples as well. What was it with these people and hooking up??

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(OOC: It's an RP, you see)


Dash rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh-eh, heh..." she grinned awkwardly. "Suuuuree!" Just so long as it wasn't immediately obvious where she got the money to pay for those snacks.

The two ex-pegasi trailed Colette to the concession stand. Rainbow Dash walked behind the other two, trying to make less obvious the crowd of brightly colored students that were trailing her.

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(Love is in bloom...)




Logan chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you are."
Whether voluntarily or not, he himself had taken a few steps closer. He swore he could almost smell her now. He imagined she would smell like apples. Sure, it sounded silly. But, hey, it could not be helped. Well, it could. Screw it. Logic need not apply.

They were only a few inches apart now. The thought of kissing her crept into the corners of his mind, and from there, began to weasel its way deeper in. Logan pushed it back. It was far, far to early for that. Wasn't it? They'd only met a few weeks ago, and only started really getting to know each earlier that day. In the end, the thought urge proved enough for him to lean forward and give her a small, quick kiss. He takes a step back, though still keeping her hand in his own, "Sorry," he said, "That was probably a bit to soon."





 "Not much to say except that they're in Scotland." Angie says, with a hint of amusement.

She shrugs, gesturing broadly with one hand, "I'm from way down in Fort Worth, Texas. I was born there, and lived there until I was about six. After that, I moved up to Manheim, Pennsylvania, which is where I met Logan. I've always wanted to visit Scotland, but never managed," She places her hand back near her hip, resting it slightly on the handle of her XDM subcompact, "This your first time here in the States, Shawn?"

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@Pripyat Pony

@Dawn Stripes


The battle between the American greenhorn and the Aussie veteran was cut short when the crew chief called Jack in for a pit stop. Jack pulled out of the racing line exiting turn 14, and headed down pit road, where the pit crew leapt into action. Two men carried jacks with them, lifting the car off the ground in order to change the tires. The tire changers hopped over the wall next, with the refueler following close behind. The airguns buzzed like honeybees as they ripped the bolts from the tires, allowing crew members to easily remove them from the car. It was a sight to behold for most of the pony finders not at the race the day before. The tire changers were leaping and running all over the place, while carrying the heavy tires... with only one arm. However, something went awry during the pit stop. A tire changer lost his grip on his airgun, and it slipped out of his hand. Of course, this was only a tire test, but crews still could not make mistakes habitual. One second on pit road costs roughly 100 feet on the racetrack. The mistake cost about 4.6 seconds, and in race conditions, possibly the race itself. The jackmen lowered the car back onto the ground, and Jack sped out of his pit stall, leaving two black lines and a cloud of smoke, which danced around in the summer Wisconsin air before dissipating. The crew chief, however, was not exactly pleased. As a matter of fact, he was pissed. No, not pissed, but spitting nails.

"A slipped airgun?" he shouted, "Fuck, you guys, if we could fuck this up any worse today! Jesus Christ, I can't believe you haven't learned shit from training. Hell, if it was a race, we woulda lost it right fucking there! All you are is a fucking embarrassment!"

The crew chief was loudly berating the poor tire changer, who held his head low in shame. It was a mere mistake, but such a mistake is too costly for the driver. Trent knew how frustrated his crew chief was, but just stood there, wondering if he made the right choice hiring the man.




Twilight was following closely behind Colette, who then heard the crew chief cursing at the tire changer. Unfortunately for the Sunoco Team, it was quiet enough on the front straightaway for the tirade to be audible.

"Is... that Jack's team?" Twilight asked, very embarrassed for Jack. She shook her head in disappointment; what a poor leader the crew chief was! Berating someone for a mistake is by no means an effective way of correcting problems, Twilight had learned.

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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Logan chuckled, "Yeah, I guess you are." Whether voluntarily or not, he himself had taken a few steps closer. He swore he could almost smell her now. He imagined she would smell like apples. Sure, it sounded silly. But, hey, it could not be helped. Well, it could. Screw it. Logic need not apply. They were only a few inches apart now. The thought of kissing her crept into the corners of his mind, and from there, began to weasel its way deeper in. Logan pushed it back. It was far, far to early for that. Wasn't it? They'd only met a few weeks ago, and only started really getting to know each earlier that day. In the end, the thought urge proved enough for him to lean forward and give her a small, quick kiss. He takes a step back, though still keeping her hand in his own, "Sorry," he said, "That was probably a bit to soon."

Applejack enjoyed being close to him, but was surprised when he suddenly gave her a peck on the lips. She blushed deeply, looking at him, staring into his eyes. When he apologized, she found herself leaning in and kissing him back, holding the kiss this time.

  • Brohoof 1
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@, Hypn0ticD 00Pony nioniosbbbb Mellon Collie Pripyat Pony Dawn Stripes 
While watching the race Dennis was enjoying the wind of the speedy cars, smelling the really addicting oil smell (he never knew why the hell it was addicting), but the yelling interrupted his focus. He goes closer to hear and eventually getting closer to Twilight and the others. It seemed as if the team run into some kind of problem, a problem that might costs them even some seconds. Dennis had watched quite a few Formula 1 races to know that even the slightest second mattered, it could make the difference between victory and loss. In this kind of races tons of money were played... time was litteraly money here. Wanting to start a conversation anew with the Princess he speaks

"Looks like Jack's team is having trouble... i hope it's nothing big."

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Rarity smiled at Charles. "Thanks," she said. "I just can't wait to get into dressmaking again. Of course, humans are a different shape from ponies, but I can adapt."


Pinkie Pie bounced with excitement as the cars whizzed by. "They're fast," she said, "But nowhere near as fast as Rainbow Dash can fly!" She turned to Nick again. "Do you like parties?" she asked, randomly.




Clare stood next to Diliges and Cicada. Racing cars wasn't really her thing; she'd much have prefered to have attended a race meet. Tho, she thought belatedly, that would seem very weird to the ponies, seeing horses racing. She snickered a little at the thought, but hurriedly composed herself.


Cicada, meanwhile, was chatting to Diliges. "So, how do you find this place?" she asked. "It's so good to finally see you face to face, rather than just communicating thru the Hive Mind."

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Well, she didn't punch him in the gut yet. That was a good sign. But then again, she might just be winding up very subtly.

What happened next took Logan by surprise. Applejack leaned in and kissed him. He'd been expecting a slap, or a punch, but no. And she was holding the kiss, not just a peck like what he'd done. It took Logan half a second to get over the initial shock before he returned it, pulling away after another second or two, and smiling, resting his forehead on hers. After a second, he leaned back and looked at her. Again, he was struck by how beautiful she was, "We're.. kind of in public."

He said, chuckling slightly and squeezing her hand, pulling her gently in for a hug. It just seemed like the right thing to do. He chuckled slightly, "I'm going to assume that this means you've made up your mind,  then?


Ulysses had back up slightly when the two humans had gotten to close for him to stand partially between them, as he had been. He stood back, his entire body shifting as his tail wagged. Of course, almost the entire concept kissing was lost on him. All he knew was that it usually made the humans smell very sweet and happy, whether he kissed them, or they kissed each other. Same with hugs, though he found that humans sometimes hugged dogs when they had a depressing scent, not only just when they were happy. Did humans do that to? 


@@Pripyat Pony


Diliges nodded in response to Cicada, smiling in amusement, "Oh yes! It is much better to actually hear your voice from you in the flesh, rather than just hearing it bounce around my mind," he tapped his temple for emphasis, before answering her first question, "I have found this place.. intriguing. It's treated me well, so far. Except one time I accidentally locked myself out of the house and ended up triggering an alarm. But other than that, it's been fantastic."


He heard Clare snicker about something, and he turned slightly so he could look at her, before adding, "Clare's been incredibly hospitable as well, as I mentioned before."


(I just now realized I missed a perfect opportunity near the beginning to spawn some interesting questions. Manheim is the Amish mothership of America. Very easily could have had a horse and buggy pass Logan and Twi in the beginning.)

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Rarity smiled at Charles. "Thanks," she said. "I just can't wait to get into dressmaking again. Of course, humans are a different shape from ponies, but I can adapt."


Pinkie Pie bounced with excitement as the cars whizzed by. "They're fast," she said, "But nowhere near as fast as Rainbow Dash can fly!" She turned to Nick again. "Do you like parties?" she asked, randomly.




Clare stood next to Diliges and Cicada. Racing cars wasn't really her thing; she'd much have prefered to have attended a race meet. Tho, she thought belatedly, that would seem very weird to the ponies, seeing horses racing. She snickered a little at the thought, but hurriedly composed herself.


Cicada, meanwhile, was chatting to Diliges. "So, how do you find this place?" she asked. "It's so good to finally see you face to face, rather than just communicating thru the Hive Mind."

@ Pripyat Pony


"True love, you will become the best designer dressmaking in the world too and I will stand by you for that." Charles saying while watching the race.


"Yep I do like Parties Pinky and they are fun too since I remember them." Nick saying while looking at her and smiles too.

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Well, she didn't punch him in the gut yet. That was a good sign. But then again, she might just be winding up very subtly. What happened next took Logan by surprise. Applejack leaned in and kissed him. He'd been expecting a slap, or a punch, but no. And she was holding the kiss, not just a peck like what he'd done. It took Logan half a second to get over the initial shock before he returned it, pulling away after another second or two, and smiling, resting his forehead on hers. After a second, he leaned back and looked at her. Again, he was struck by how beautiful she was, "We're.. kind of in public." He said, chuckling slightly and squeezing her hand, pulling her gently in for a hug. It just seemed like the right thing to do. He chuckled slightly, "I'm going to assume that this means you've made up your mind, then? Ulysses had back up slightly when the two humans had gotten to close for him to stand partially between them, as he had been. He stood back, his entire body shifting as his tail wagged. Of course, almost the entire concept kissing was lost on him. All he knew was that it usually made the humans smell very sweet and happy, whether he kissed them, or they kissed each other. Same with hugs, though he found that humans sometimes hugged dogs when they had a depressing scent, not only just when they were happy. Did humans do that to?

She squeezed his hand and hugged him back. "Yeah...I...I've decided," she said simply as she broke the hug, staring into his eyes, a big smile across her face. "Ah...ah like ya a lot..." She was blushing, her face as red as the apples she bucked back home. Her heart was pounding and she felt so happy, she could barely contain herself.

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 Logan nodded, smiling in return before kissing her on the cheek one more time, "I am honored, Applejack."

He chuckled, "You're pretty cute when you blush, you know that?"


He squeezed her hand once more before turning his attention to the track. He was satisfied. Well, satisfied was something of an understatement. While he didn't express it very obviously, Logan was relieved.  And ecstatic, that Applejack returned his feelings for her. He could feel his heart beating in his chest as he let out a sigh, contemplating just how things would work out from now on. Today was going to be a good day, he was sure of it.

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@@Dawn Stripes, @,@,

((What did Dash do THIS time?? Also, Twilight has unusually keen hearing – wouldn't the screaming be obscured by the crowd, as well as the other cars?))

Colette couldn't help but snicker and grin at the stares the small group were getting-- four girls and not a single head of normal colored hair!

"Sooo, Princess...” Colette began, trying to think of something to start a conversation, also seeming to forget what Fluttershy said, “How'd you become a princess??” What a lame question! But what else could she ask?? Looking back to her, she spotted Dennis just behind her, startling a little. “Dennis!”
((God damn writer's block! Imma just skip ahead to the concession stand!))

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 Logan nodded, smiling in return before kissing her on the cheek one more time, "I am honored, Applejack."

He chuckled, "You're pretty cute when you blush, you know that?"


He squeezed her hand once more before turning his attention to the track. He was satisfied. Well, satisfied was something of an understatement. While he didn't express it very obviously, Logan was relieved.  And ecstatic, that Applejack returned his feelings for her. He could feel his heart beating in his chest as he let out a sigh, contemplating just how things would work out from now on. Today was going to be a good day, he was sure of it.

"T-thanks," she said with a smile. Applejack nodded, turning her attention back to the track as she reached down to pet Ulysses, showering him in affection like always. Her heart was beating wildly, full of happiness and excitement. She took a deep breathe. It smelled of gasoline and rubber, but that wasn't bad. It still felt refreshing somehow. She was the happiest mare ever, she thought.

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@@Hypn0ticD,@Ragin' Red Talon "Hey there Col..." he has a curious look. Mostly because Colette seems startled... sure he was behind Twilight, but why be startled? He wasn't making her uncomfortable right? Right now he had no idea what the hell he did "I startled you? Didn't do something wrong did i?" He says looking at his left and right. 

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Dawn Stripes, @,@,((What did Dash do THIS time?? Also, Twilight has unusually keen hearing – wouldn't the screaming be obscured by the crowd, as well as the other cars?))Colette couldn't help but snicker and grin at the stares the small group were getting-- four girls and not a single head of normal colored hair!"Sooo, Princess...” Colette began, trying to think of something to start a conversation, also seeming to forget what Fluttershy said, “How'd you become a princess??” What a lame question! But what else could she ask?? Looking back to her, she spotted Dennis just behind her, startling a little. “Dennis!”((God damn writer's block! Imma just skip ahead to the concession stand!))

(I was able to hear some really pissed off crew chiefs when I was at Watkins Glen from the front straightaway grandstands. It was quieter, with all the cars off on the back straightaway or the corners, but I could still hear a really pissed of crew chief berating a pit member that screwed up on refuling. And after all, it is a tire test, so there's not that many people in the grandstands to begin with. lol)


"I became a princess upon completing an unfinished spell," Twilight responded to Colette, "It was an old spell from a great wizard known as Starswirl the Beareded. However, he never knew anything about friendship, and therefore, the spell was never finished. Princess Celestia sent it to me so that I could finish it, as I have come far in my studies on friendship. I accidentally cast it, and all of my friends' destinies were changed. After I was able to reverse it, and therefore, complete the spell, Princess Celestia decided it was time to promote me to the status of Princess. I still have a hard time believing it myself, to tell you the truth."

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“This is actually my third time here, though I've never been in this part of the country before.” Shawn said. “I've been to New York City once with my family, and to the Grand Canyon by myself for a hiking trip once. What about you? You ever been outta the county before?? If you want, I can see about getting you over ta Scotland after alla this~"




"You just appeard outta nowhere is all." Colette said as she continued to lead the Mares and Brony to the concession stand. She turned and faced Twilight, walking backward as the stand came into view. "You changed their destinies? How so, what did everyone do??"


Once there, they were greeted by a somewhat portly woman who looked to be in her fifties, staring at all of the girls quizzically. "Wigs, or dye job??" "Dye job, alla us!" Colette answered with a laugh. "I did the best job, but I gotta touch up soon. The red is fading a little and my roots are starting to come in again." The lady only blinked back on respone. "Uh huh. What'll it be, then??"


((I WILL get over this writer's block! I WILL write a halfway decent post! Go ahead and post Twilight's response, Red. Also, notice how Colette's only addressing her by Princess or Your Highness?))

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Rainbow Dash coughed awkwardly in the background. "Eyeh, I'll uh...try that rainbow popsicle myself." She blinked behind her at a quartet of the brightly-dressed. "Eyer...make that four?"

The lady raised one eyebrow.


---------Wavey flashback lines--------


"That'll be ten-fifty-three." The counter lady put a cone of cotton candy in one of Rainbow's hands, and the nachos in the other.

Oh. Yeah. Paying for it. Well, once again, not the most carefully-laid plan, but Rainbow Dash was good at improvising! She grinned inanely at seeing a small but INTIMATELY familiar tattoo on the back of the woman's arm and leaned over the counter. "How 'bout I pay you with an autograph?"
She raised a charcoal-stained eyebrow. "Of who?"

Rainbow gasped and squeaked. "Of Rainbow Dash, of course! Just who do you think I am?"

"Uh-huh." The woman crossed arms "Nice voice. But I'll take cash."

"As they say across the pond--bollocks." Rainbow Dash endured the awkward coughs of those waiting in line behind her, before a flash of color and a more pointed throat disruption caused her to spin about--and the irascible smile returned. There were four college-looking pedestrians in hoodies bearing animated pictures of herself and her friends, trying to get her attention.

"Sup, everypony!" She put on her best face and approached.

"Dude! Are you like, you her!" The girl seemed flabbergasted. "I told you she'd totally come to a race, guys!"

One of the guys seemed skeptical. "No way."
"Uh-huh!" The other one hung off his shoulder. "Remember me? TeiaTroll132? What's your favorite color, member?"
She bit her lip--she had to remember this--and in an exuberant flash, it returned to her. "Oh yeah! And I said 'More like, who's color's favorite pony? Me!'"
"Hah!" Money changed hands.

Now there was a thought. "So...." she said smoothly. "You guys here to buy autographs?"
"Would I! How much?"

"Good question." She spun back to the concession counter. "How much were those snacks again?"

"Ten fifty three."
"That much!" She gave a thumbs up. "Buy four and I'll throw in a, uh...backstage tour! Of something! Meet the whole gang!"



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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @,


"And here's your change!" Colette interjected suddenly, snatching the money and handing it back to the followers. She then pulled Rainbow away from the followers, giving her a look. "What are you doing??" Colette quickly hissed before paying the woman herself. "Eh heh heh, this one's a bit loopy!" She said before leading everyone back to the stands. Leaning in close to Rainbow, she added, "Will you knock it off?? You're all supposed to be undercover!"

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(OOC: Um....not sure what to do with this...those 'wavy flashback lines'...that was supposed to be a flashback from when she was buying snacks for Cole and Flutteshy earlier...not....at the present...when she was there...


So, I'm not normally a fan of retcons, but maybe just this once you'd care to tweak that post, since it's very small?) 

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“This is actually my third time here, though I've never been in this part of the country before.” Shawn said. “I've been to New York City once with my family, and to the Grand Canyon by myself for a hiking trip once. What about you? You ever been outta the county before?? If you want, I can see about getting you over ta Scotland after alla this~"


"You just appeard outta nowhere is all." Colette said as she continued to lead the Mares and Brony to the concession stand. She turned and faced Twilight, walking backward as the stand came into view. "You changed their destinies? How so, what did everyone do??"

Once there, they were greeted by a somewhat portly woman who looked to be in her fifties, staring at all of the girls quizzically. "Wigs, or dye job??" "Dye job, alla us!" Colette answered with a laugh. "I did the best job, but I gotta touch up soon. The red is fading a little and my roots are starting to come in again." The lady only blinked back on respone. "Uh huh. What'll it be, then??"

((I WILL get over this writer's block! I WILL write a halfway decent post! Go ahead and post Twilight's response, Red. Also, notice how Colette's only addressing her by Princess or Your Highness?))

(I have a horrid case of writer's block. Only when the stars and suns align a certain way do I put out a decent post. ;p And yes, I did pick that up, but didn't take it as anything important)


"Well, basically, everypony's cutie marks were switched by me accidentally casting the spell, and as a result, so were their destinies," Twilight explained, "Ponyville fell into complete pandemonium, as they were trying to do things they never were meant to do. And when I was able to get them to try to do what they were meant to do, they rediscovered themselves, got their cutie marks back, and, well, the rest is history."

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(with things established, I cannot really think of much else. This will change once we are in the next 'scene'/'arc' thing, most likely)





"Ooh? Really? That would be absolutely awesome of you!" Angie says, giving him a light pat on the shoulder, before answering the next half of his sentence, "I've been all over the States, but I've only ever been out of the country once. I went to New Zealand for my senior trip. That was a fun experience."

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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @,


Colette paid for the order, handing everyone and everypone their food, and even going over to the four most obvious Bronies in the state, knowing full well who they were following. "What did Crazy say to you??" She asked in an usually sweet tone as she handed Rainbow's fans their popsicles. Just what the HELL was Dash doing this time??


"Are you really Rainbow Dash's Finder??" The tall Brony asked, eyes wide, making Colette jump back a little. "Uh, um--yeah, I--" "FOR REAL?? You're the luckiest Pegasister in the world! What's it like living with The Dash? It must be so friggin' awesome!" The Brony continued to gush as he shook Colette's hand furiously, all the while Colette turning her head slowly toward Dash, shooting the glare to end all glares. RAINBOW DASH~!!


((Had to improvise in order to make this part of the post longer. And not suck as hard Also, I'm working on a post now, @00Pony))

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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(OOC: Yeah, open on these humans... I really got no plans for 'em)


Rainbow Dash reared back, knowing full well who that insinuating look was being aimed at. "What?" she squeaked plaintively. "I'm trying to be friendly! What's wrong with that? It's not like the Indy is your house. I swear if I did something wrong I'm sorry, I..."

She looked at a loss.


One of the humans let out a little gasp and stepped towards Fluttershy--Rainbow Dash quickly sidestepped in front of them--ooh, she was getting slicker in this obnoxious and clumsy form--and whispered a few words in their ear, patting them on the back, before sliding back out of there way. The gentlemen approached Fluttershy, carefully now, and outstretched a hand, leaning down until they had a hand on one knee.

"Hi," he murmured. "I'm Jim. Well, everyone calls me Rainbow Dash, actually, but uh...you better call me Jim." He blushed and shook her hand chuckling.

Fluttershy blinked out a demure smile and shook. "Oh, it's nice to meet. Are you, um, enjoying the race?"
"Very much. I'm not much into cars, but it's swell to meet you guys. I've looked up to you for a long time."

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@, @@Dawn Stripes, @,


Colette sighed and made her way to over to Fluttershy, taking her free hand as the Brony greeted her. Once he was done, she wrapped an arm around her waist and pulling her close, not caring what the others or Bronies thought...Well, the thought of making the male Bronies jealous made her smile a bit. Flutter Butter's mine, bitches! Suck it down!


The tall Brony tuned his sights to Twilight Sparkle after Colette , taking a few steps toward her before bowing deeply. "Your Highness, it's just an honor to meet you! If you want anything at all, please, just give me the word, Princess. I'm at your service!" he said happily, bowing again. "You can ask me anything, and I'll do everything in my power to see that it's done!


@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @


Colette then led the group back to the others moments later, Bronies in tow. She needed to do something with Dash, and quick, but what?? Thanks to Dash, there were four more people joining the already large group. She waved to Stephen as he was the first to take notice of their return, raising an eyebrow at the four extra members of the return party, stars in their eyes at the sight of the other Humanized Mane6. Upon getting close enough, Colette leaned in and told him to thank Brash for the extra company.


"How's Jack doin'??" Colette asked as she sat down next to her father, motioning for Fluttershy to take the seat next to her. "Twilight heard someone go off on someone earlier. Anyone know what that was about??"


((FINALLY! A post that breaks 1,000 characters!))

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@@Dawn Stripes, @@Hypn0ticD,@, Dennis was a little bit confused... all those bronies showing up like out of nowhere... what the hell. She eyes them up, they are like paying their respects to their kings... except they didn't know how to stay a little bit quiet, did they even care for their privacy? Would they be chased around by a drooling crowd of nerds? Oh yea... the irony... he was supposed to be one of them... he didn't feel like it at that time. Having being "ditched" per say so many times by the others ((OOC:No offense)), or the subject of the topic having changed so many times... he "gave up" of sorts.  He aproaches Dashie carefully not to startle her. "You sure know how to make friends..." he says a bit ironically smilling "How's the race for you? Enjoying it?"

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