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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Cicada smiled at Clare, who returned it. "That's great," she said. "Stephen has been very helpful to me, as well; it's thanks to him that I got a job and was able to come over here."




Rarity smiled. "I'm going to work out the designs in my notepad first," she said. "I'll make your suit first, then something for each of the girls, as well as a dress for Colette. I know she doesn't really wear dresses, but I'm sure I can make one which she'll want to wear."


Pinkie grinned all over her face. "We're gonna have a party at Colette's, soon," she said. "I hope you can come!"


When the bronies joined the group, Pinkie turned towards them and grinned. "Are you friends of Rainbow's?" she asked them as a whole. "If so, then you're my friends too! Everypony is my friend!"

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"H'aww, you bet!" Rainbow took a second to point as the pack came speeding towards the grandstands. "Hey, guys! That's the one we're rooting for! Right--there!"
"With the Planters Peanuts car?"
"No, no, the....the red guy...okay, just shout 'Preybird' and you'll be good!"

Then, temporarily, all was drowned out in the screams and roaring engines passing by like the angel of death.





"Eep!" Fluttershy blushed scarlet as she felt herself suddenly pulled against Colette's side. For a second she was dazed and felt like a timid performer yanked off-stage by the crook--which they still had the audacity to use in one particularly vicious Ponyvillean music hall. But she smiled, shortly, as Colette accompanied her closely back to the grandstands. Colette wanted to be at her side too! She smiled over at the grinning face near hers. "Well, they seem rather nice," she whispered to Colette. "I'm sorry we didn't find any--er--video games though." She giggled shyly. "Well, maybe after the race. I'll--I'll try them again if you want to teach me. I wasn't very good the first time."

Edited by Dawn Stripes
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@@Dawn Stripes, @Ragin' Red Talon, Dennis joined the others in rooting for Jack. He claps, raises his fist, whistles, whatever he can think of that will help. Suddenly an idea strikes to him maybe a song would make this better? "You know what would make this even better? A song!" he gets his phone out and quickly sets a song by "The Doors" and starts singing

"Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm

There's a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin' like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet memory will die
Killer on the road, yeah
Girl ya gotta love your man
Girl ya gotta love your man
Take him by the hand
Make him understand
The world on you depends
Our life will never end
Gotta love your man, yeah


Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we're born
Into this world we're thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out alone
Riders on the storm

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
" Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@Pripyat Pony

@Dawn Stripes


Twilight laughed nervously at the bronies crowding around her.

"Well," Twilight responded in an uncomfortable tone, "I... appreciate the loyalty, but I don't really have any authority over you, you know."

She followed trail behind Colette, and made her way back to the grandstand.

"As for Jack?" Twilight responds to Colette, "Well, I guess one of the guys fixing his car must have made a tiny mistake."

She thought about it for a bit, but things didn't really add up to her.

"If it was a small mistake, I don't understand why they would get so angry about it. It's just a tire test and all," Twilight said, clearly unfamiliar with the hectic world of motorsports. Just then, the yellow and blue Sunoco car that Jack was piloting zoomed past, successfully blocking a pass by Marco Andretti.

"Looks like he's doing fine now," Twilight responded, "Did you see how he just threw himself in front of that car without even hitting?! How does he do that?!"


(Dennis plays the song)


Twilight laughed a bit at Dennis enthusiastically singing along.

"I don't think Jack can hear you," Twilight said, laughing a bit at the strange looks Dennis was getting.


(OOC: Jack's gonna have a mechanical failure soon, prematurely ending his test session. Let me know when I need to trigger it!)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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@ Pripyat Pony

Charles smiles to Rarity since she is going to make a suite for him and then looking at Rarity. "That will be great and I will wear it in my Special Events." While he seeing Nick talking to Pinky and smiles.

"Sure I will be there Pinky." Nick saying as he seeing her talk to others and then he was thinking. *Did I talk to a girl? Wow first time got though my fear and now I am not shy no more Pinky is the true girl I want since she do understand where i coming form*

Charles looking at the group while smiles then turn to watch the race and then looking at Rarity while smiles to her. *Wow big group*

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David stays quiet, he gives a quick glance at her. He zips the bags and says quietly "if you know the reason then there's now reason to discuss it" he pulls away with her. He grabs he earbuds and cirgrates "if you need me I'm going to be outside"He opens the door and leaves. He sits at the bottem of the stairs liting a cirgrate. He inhales feeling the warmth of the smoke. He looks around staring at the people walking on the streets. He thinks about what had happen, and feels...alone. The thought of chrysails leaving made him feel depress. He inhales one more time before putting on his earbuds.

Edited by Meteorite
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@, Dennis smiles "It's the thought that counts mostly! If we here are having a good time whilst cheering him on then our feelings will find their way to his mind!"

@@Dawn Stripes, "Did you like the song? There are a lot of songs suitable for racing!"

@@Meteorite, No... this musn't happen... they must not grow distant from each other. Not now... that she needs him, she follows him from behind. Looking left and right she find David walking down the street... she stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder and turns him to her. "I choose my own destiny... no matter what others say. And if i have the will to be with you... then i will find a way." She pulls him close, giving him the most passionate kiss. All things she wants to say, all things that need to be told she wishes to convey within this kiss. She hugs him close, firmly embracing him letting him feel her heart beneath her breaths beating with the life she wishes to share with him. A silent tear rolls down her cheeks.... none shall deprive her of this love none.

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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@@Dawn Stripes, @, @,


"Really??" Colette said incredulously as she faced Twilight, "So what if he screwed up! Jack's on the track again, isn't he??" As if in answer, Colette was greeted with the uproarious sound of the racing cars flying past, momentarily drowning out anything else. "That was damn loud!"


Colette chuckled as as she heard Fluttershy. Turing back to her, she noted how the Pegasus was absolutely adorable when she blushed. "I wouldn't worry about that, Flutters! No one's good at video games when they start out!" Wait… Flutters wanted to try video games again?? There was nothing wrong in her showing interest in playing them again, but-- "Uhm~ I can show you how to play, but- I'm mostly into video games that're scary*… I'll try and find something I can show you, though!"


Colette then turned her attention to Dennis as he sang as Jack passed by yet again. Sing-cheering... Okay!


((*Since they're bound to find out anyhow, anyone or anypone can overhear Colette divulge this info to Fluttershy!))




@@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @, @@00Pony,


"Really?! We can come? For real??" The tall Brony asked, his eyes widening. William lifted an eyebrow and cleared his throat when heard this however, clearly less than enthused at the thought of adding even more people come back to his home.


"Eh… Pinkie, I don't think that's such a hot idea." Stephen said, having approached and placing a hand on her shoulder. Turning to the crestfallen fans and smiled. "I'm sorry you can't come with us, but tell ya what… Not only will we have Rainbow takes picture with you guys, plus we'll make sure she mentions you all by name in her next show. Deal??"


(( just go ahead and trigger that failure in your next post))

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Fluttershy's smile drooped a little. "Oh. Why would anyone want to play a game that's scary on purpose!"
A Brony leaned onto the rail next to her with an expository grin. "Some people like to be scared, Fluttershy. For fun!" He pointed at Rainbow Dash, who was being restrained by one of the other Bronies from getting up on the slippery rail to make herself more visible to Jack. "Like your adorable friend there. Here, lemme' show you."


Tiptoeing cartoonishly up behind Rainbow Dash and her tunnel-vision occupation with the race, he threw both arms around her neck, roaring in her ear at the same time. Without skipping a beat, Rainbow Dash let her eyes bug out, dipped, spun, and pulled the guy on top and over her, throwing out an ineffecutal karate-chop with an exaggerated, "Hyaaaah!" She then joined the ground-pancaked Brony in raucous laughter.

Fluttershy leaned into Colette and shrugged. "Okay, then. It's fine if you like it, Colette. Um...just out of curiosity, do you have any...calm, quiet hobbies?"

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@@Dawn Stripes,


"Bwa hah hah hah hah! What the hell, man??" Colette mananed to call out between fits of roaring laughter. One should know better than that than to try pulling that on Dash! Catching a glance at her father, Colette noticed that he too, was laughing at the Brony's utter foolishness. Finally, a smile on his face!


Colette's laughter died down after a moment as she was brought to think long and hard about what she liked to do best. Calm, quiet hobbies? Does sleeping in until noon count?? Colette wracked her mind as to what WOULDN'T scare Fluttershy. Oh man, going out with the butter yellow Pegasus was going to be a lot harder than she thought of would be!


"Um… no," she said finally. "The only thing I can think of is sing and play guitar. I usually play faster paced songs, but I'll play some slower songs for you when we get home. As for the video games, the rest are~ well~~ too violent and or scary!"

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"Violent?" Fluttershy's eyes widened temporarily before she lowered them to the track. "I don't understand some of the games humans like to play..."





Rainbow Dash took up singing a new chorus of  "Riders of the Storm" after the video had ended.


(OOC: Jack...get with the plot already. Everypony's hanging on you)

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Jack felt the g forces crushing his body at every turn, and the wind rushing past at every straightaway. Despite the less than optimal pit stop, he was still setting respectable lap times, and eventually, managed to dethrone Helio Castroneves as the fastest car on the track. He passed the front grandstand, knowing full and well his friends were watching him intently. However, he kept his eyes glued on the road, as losing focus for even a split second could be catastrophic. Many things can happen in that split second. A braking point could be missed, a lane you were going for could suddenly close up, or you could inadvertently veer into another opponent. The next lap, Jack raced side by side with a Planter's Peanuts sponsored car. It was driven by a rookie driver in IndyCar, and an even less experienced driver than Jack. The poor rookie tried making a pass on Jack, but got too jittery, and touched wheels with Jack's car. The two spun down the front straightaway, and, like every good racer, Jack locked his brakes to create a more predictable slide. However, the rookie tried to straighten his car by smashing the throttle, hitting Jack in the rear. It was a slight touch, but it was enough to knock the rear tire out of line on Jack's car, and send the Planter's Peanuts car straight into the wall, disintegrating most of it. Jack ended up stalling the car, leaving it dead in the middle of the racetrack. Jack climbed out of his car as safety crews raced towards the accident. He saw the young rookie emerge safely from his car, quite a miracle to many, but Jack was not concerned with his safety, rather, the fact that he screwed a great day for Jack. He was visibly frustrated, and as he climbed out of the car, Jack gave the rookie drive the double bird to show him what was on his mind. (inspired by the greatest moment in IndyCar's 2013 season)



"What happened here?" Twilight asked, looking at the wreckage and the angered drivers, "He was doing fine. Then what happened?"

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@ Ragin' Red Talon

Charles was finishes talking to Rarity, then he see Jack got crash into the wall, since that Rookie Driver cause it and shaking his head. Then went to Twilight while explain it to her and smiles. "That Rookie Driver cause Jack to crash into the wall and mess up his day. I wounder who Train Rookies drivers how to drive like that?"

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Twilight stood and took in Charles' explanation of what happened.

"If he's that inexperienced and prone to accident," Twilight said, "He shouldn't be piloting these machines. Somepony could get hurt because of him!"

Twilight watched as Jack managed to climb out of his car, breathing a sigh of relief to see the two were okay. Jack then flipped the poor rookie off with both middle fingers, and a confused Twilight looked on, not knowing what the gesture meant. She followed suit, extending both her middle fingers in an attempt to figure out what he was saying or trying to do.

"Hmmm," she said, analyzing her extended Talons of Fury, "I'm guessing... It could mean... Well... Maybe he wants to use magic? Maybe those fingers contain magical powers unicorn horns have..."

Twilight was getting some stares for her almost casual display of her two birds, some laughing, others somewhat offended.

"Maybe I have to point it at somepony... Let's try casting a basic spell..." Twilight then turned to a somewhat elderly couple, showing them her birds. Aghast, the couple just sat there, eyes wide open, and jaws dropped all the way to the ground.

"Hmmm... The spell doesn't seem to work..."

Twilight's antics were drawing a considerable amount of attention as she tried "using magic" on surrounding spectators.

"Why is everypony staring at me, all of a sudden?" a confused Twilight Sparkle asked.


(Figured I'd inject a bit of humor into this post, since it's something I don't do often. That, and I'm making an effort to put out better posts! School and work obviously get in the way, but hey, A for effort)

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(Just had someone on another site comment on my 'new' rp'ing style. This place has improved me!)


@@Pripyat Pony,


"Oh, you got a job?" Diliges says, raising an eyebrow, "That's... something I had completely forgotten about, actually."

He makes a face, "I feel like I could have been a lot more productive with my time now.."


He glances up at the sound of the wreck, but isn't able to get a full view if the event, "That sounded unfortunate..."





"You!" Angie shouts at Colette, having wandered somewhat closer to her, and managing to overhear.

She advances on the younger woman, pointing a finger at her, "You and I! Video game duel as soon as we get back to your place!"

Before she can get much more out, a horrendous sound. The sound of rending metal. She quickly shifted her gaze to the track. Someone had wiped out, ramming their car into the wall. Not Jack, luckily. Though, judging by his gesturing, he wasn't to pleased with the recent turn of events. Angie slowly released the railings and lowered her leg. She hasn't quite noticed she was in a vaulting position until that point. The EMT in her still screamed to get down there and check the two racers, despite their healthy appearance.



(I'm going to gmod AJ and Logan's positions a bit, since I don't think we ever stated just where they were.)


Cat had been watching in relative silence. She could have been socializing with the rest of the, admittedly large, group. But her focus was mainly on that of Jack. Try as she might, she couldn't get the memory of his dream from her mind. Needless to say, when his car seemed to malfunction, and the rookie rammed into the back of his vehicle, she stood from her seat, hands gripping the railing in a white knuckle strength. She relaxed slightly, when she saw he was alright, and let out a sigh. And a prayer, to whoever kept him safe.



A smile, if faint, had remained on Logan's face since his interactions with Applejack. They'd moved to the seats, rather than the walkway leading towards them, and had sat watching the race. Ulysses had even claimed his own seat, next to Applejack, rather than Logan, as usual. The antic caused Logan amusement. The dog certainly approved.

Upon Jack's accident, Logan had sat forward in his seat. Both racers were reletively unscathed, fortunately. Logan let out a slight sigh, "Thank God.." He added under his breath.

He glanced around at some rather... Appalled, reactions. He finally caught why. Twilight was mimicking Jack's dual bird gesture, her expression clearly stating she had no idea what it meant. Logan groaned, standing and stepping quickly over to the Princess. He pushed her hands down, speaking levelly with her, "Twi. Would you kindly stop that? You're liable to get yourself in some bad situations like that," he glanced up at some of the other attendees, "That gesture isn't a kind one."

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@Fireblaze @Pripyat Pony @Mellon Collie @00Pony @Hypn0ticD @,

 @Dawn Stripes Dennis grimaced seemingly feeling the pain of the crash, damn... this was nasty... thank god Jack none was too hurt. Turning to Twilight he sees her flipping the crowd of and laughs at how she confused an offensive gesture for magic... he goes closer and tries to get her attention and possibly turn the subject around so she doesn't do something else she might regret. "Excuse me Princess... but that's a really offensive gesture humans do... if you raise your middle finger that way to someone else it kind of means "Screw you". Ain't such thing as magic in our world i'm afraid... or perhaps theres very little of it. If you want i could tell you about our world... we got lots of stuff that resemble magic. Kind of like those computers you saw... did you know the machine language of computers is entirely based on a "language" created by math?"

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@@Dawn Stripes,@@00Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @


"Uh.. Um... I--"  Shit! This was gonna a LOT harder than she thought! Still... "Fluttershy, I--"


“You!” Colette was cut off at the sound of another woman addressing her. "You and I! Video game duel as soon as we get back to your place!"


Colette was about to accept Angie's challenge when the horrible sound of metal crunching and twisting cut her off yet again. Turning her eyes to the track, she saw one car was reduced to outlet more than a pile of twisted metal. Was that Jack's car?? No. No it wasn't! Jack emerged from another car, seemingly in one peice, but none too happy at the other drover, who emerged from the heap, receiving the double bird from Jack.


Colette's attention was then turned to the princess, who was now showing the crowd the same gesture! "Ah~!" Colette rose to her feet, sitting down again and sighing as Logan and Catherine pulled her aside. They were joined by Dennis moments later, so Colette leaned back a little. Jack seemed fine, albeit pissed, and Twilight was made to stop flipping off the crowd before someone got really mad... After a bit more looking around, Colette had spotted her challenger making an attempt to vault over the rail! Was she going for Jack?? Colette found herself sighing yet again as Angie lowered her leg and took a step away from the railing.


"Well, whatever happened, things sure escalated quickly!" Colette said finally, to no one in particular.

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@@Pripyat Pony




@@Dawn Stripes



Shortly after all of this, a safety worker led Jack to the ambulance, where he would make a mandatory trip to the infield care center. IndyCar wisely chose to send two ambulances, as Jack was visibly livid at the rookie driver's antics. Jack got into the ambulance, and before the paramedics closed the doors, Jack shouted was sounded like "fuck you" to the driver. Of course, the sounds of sirens, safety crews, and the like were drowning everything else out. An assistant quickly shut Jack up, closed the doors, and headed for the infield care center.


"Oh..." Twilight responded to Logan, "I... didn't really know what that meant. I thought it was some kind of way to use magic, but if it's a lewd gesture... oh dear Celestia..."

She was clearly embarrassed about inadvertently flipping off the double-double to the spectators, and all the awkward stares she was getting were one too many. They eventually returned to whatever it was they were doing, after awhile. Then again, it wasn't likely Twilight would see any of these people again.

"Magic, you say?" she responded to Dennis, "A language machines can respond to? I didn't know machines were alive!"

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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"Gyaaah!" Rainbow Dash vaulted the rail and ran after the team leading Jack away from the wreckage it was car, reacting in delayed time once it was utterly clear that his race was over. She didn't make it to the van before the doors closed and with wailing lights, pulled him away.


Dash stood at the edge of the track, drawing a small crowd, and shrugged off the vests who tried to pull her away. She picked a pebble off the shoulder. "Aww, buffalo biscuits!" 

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"Gyaaah!" Rainbow Dash vaulted the rail and ran after the team leading Jack away from the wreckage it was car, reacting in delayed time once it was utterly clear that his race was over. She didn't make it to the van before the doors closed and with wailing lights, pulled him away.


Dash stood at the edge of the track, drawing a small crowd, and shrugged off the vests who tried to pull her away. She picked a pebble off the shoulder. "Aww, buffalo biscuits!"


Twilight turned her head for a moment, to see Rainbow Dash climbing up the catch fence!

"Rainbow Dash! What are you doing?" she shouted. Of course, by that point, there wasn't stopping the rainbow pegasus. "That girl just keeps getting herself into more and more trouble."

Dash ran towards the ambulance carrying away Jack, but it was already pulling away. A few track workers tried to get a hold of Rainbow Dash and get her back to the grandstands, but she kept shoving the attendants away.

"Ma'am, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" one of the attendants shouted at her, "We're going to get you back into the grandstand. It's too dangerous for you right here!"

Of course, her antics were drawing quite a crowd. Her rainbow colored hair didn't really help her case, as it made her stand out even more like a sore thumb. She was even met with a bit of jeering from a few of the more conservative folks.

"Get back to the grandstand, you lesbian fuck-up!" A voice bellowed from the pits.


(Egging on Dash a bit since this can get a bit interesting...)

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@@Dawn Stripes,@@00Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @ @@Meteorite


The woman sighed, continued to serve customer after customer long after the Pony Party left, smiling a little as she heard her young relief enter the small stand. “Now that you're here, Imma take a quick break before making my rounds in the stands. You gonna be okay by yourself??” At the bored teen's confirmation, the woman smirked as she made her way out of the stand, heading for her car…


Field Agent Report




Time: 14:49 hours


Agent Reporting: Agent Abernathy


I'm "on break" in my undercover position. Add to that, I'm exhausted, so this report will be a bit more informal than normal. Right then, on to the report.


I have engaged in verbal communication with the subject known as Rainbow Dash whilst I was serving foodstuffs to other racegoers. My brief interaction with her interesting, to say the least! It has also further proved and demonstrated Rainbow Dash's incredible adaptibility to human interaction. She even went so far as to attempt to barter me with her autograph in lieu of payment for food, but she quickly resorted to having several die hard fans to pay for her food. Talk about luck!


Gotta hand it to 'er, Rainbow Dash is really something! Almost makes me feel bad I didn't accept her offer.


I have also made visual confirmation of subjects Fluttershy and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Interaction was far more limited, as Rainbow Dash's "Finder", Colette Irving, was the most active and vocal when engaging me in a standard transaction. Fluttershy and the Princess were caught up with the fans aforementioned, and thus were unavailble.


Also accompanying them was a boy by the name Dionysios "Lampros" Papagiannis - English name Dennis PriestJohn. A quick search revealed that he's a Greek exchange student who attends the same school as Colette Irving, and will be entering 11th grade in the upcoming school year. From what I gleaned, while he is not a "Pony Finder", he is heavily associating himself with Rainbow Dash, in what seems to be an attempt to court her. Quick observations also revealed that Colette may be courting Fluttershy, but I will need to observe the pairs further before I can make any confirmation. This is an interesting development nonetheless!


It's time I make my way back. I need to make my rounds in the stands. If three of the Ponies are here, it's a safe bet they're all here, watching Jack Preybird race! I'll post a follow up report detailing my findings.


Agent Abernathy signing off.

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@, @,


Logan nodded to Twilight, "Yeah. I understand you didn't know. Try to keep from that in the future, though."

The Princess seemed to take great interest in something Dennis said pertaining to technology. Logan stepped away from them. Techy stuff wasn't really his forte. That was Scott's playground. He was nearly back to his seat in the grandstands when he heard some people shouting. One person with an admittedly rude reference to homosexual females. Logan turned his attention down to the track and saw.. One of the Equestrians, Rainbow Dash, down there, "Girl really is fast", He thought to himself.


Then what the pit member had said came back. Logan sighed. He was a conservative himself, so he didn't condone homosexuality, but he was amiable to people who chose to be. After all, it was their life, their choices. He had no say in what they did. But it wasn't the allusion to the former Pegasus' sexual preferences that aggravated Logan, but rather the general assumption that, because of her hair color, she identified as homosexual. The media had decided the rainbow mean 'change', or something like that. As such, homosexual movements decided to make it their symbol. 


Logan found Dash's hair color ironic, personally. Her 'Element of Harmony' was 'Loyalty', as Angie had explained. In Logan's opinion, rainbows represented an undying promise. Or, in some interpretations, loyalty. As such, he really wanted to jump into the pit and punch whoever had yelled at Dash. However, jumping down would probably make matters worse. Logan sat back down in the seat, "This can only end well." He said, quietly.


(hooray for lengthy rants about a character's opinion that is the same as my own and doesn't progress the plotline at all!)





Angie made a short laughing sound as she turned back to Colette, "Yeah. That's for sure."





"Message received and understood, Agent Abernathy. I've already sent the hounds down after them. Kind of excited about this to say the least, Ma'am." Was Warlord's reply to the message streaming into his ear.

He had stayed in the air, under the guise of being a news surveillance helicopter of some kind. He'd landed only briefly to drop Artisan and Composer off. Luckily, no one really noticed, somehow. He shrugged it off. These people seemed to have been doing this kind of thing most of their lives. Not to mention they were both former military elite.


The former Air Force pilot briefly found himself wondering why a giant of a man like Composer had chosen such a... refined, name. Perhaps it was his call sign in the Marines or Special Forces. Probably spawned by the treble clef tattoo on his right deltoid. Warlord chuckled to himself and banked the chopper slightly, as if getting a better view of what was happening on the ground below. He was streaming a camera feed, but it wasn't to any news station, rather the surveillance network at The Docks. 



Composer and Artisan had themselves heard Abernathy's message. They were both in the grandstands, a few rows away from the Equestrians and their Finders. Artisan seemed to refuse calling the entire group 'ponies', stating that at least two of them were another race called 'Changelings'. Composer had long given up trying to understand how that woman's mind worked. She had been working with the Agency longer than he had, so he figured that was just what happened to you after a few years. He was nearing that point himself, if that was the case.


Artisan wasn't seated any longer, instead standing near the end of the grandstands towards the track, watching as a rainbow haired teenager ran out onto the track. The former SEAL was speaking into her phone, having received Abernathy's transmission on the device. Whether the Agent heard Artisan or not didn't seem to faze her. For all Composer knew, she was talking to herself, "There actually quite a few romantic interests flitting around between the humans and Equestrians. Kind of obvious, if you know what to look for," She hummed slightly, "I'll send you a message of some sort if I notice anything else."


The fiery blonde haired woman sent her phone to sleep and slipped it back into her pocket, turning to face her companion, "Feel like running a little recon?"


Composer grunted and stood, stretching, the muscles beneath his skin easily visible, "Should we try to nab one?"


Artisan shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest, "No. Not yet, at least. Wait for the order from Abernathy. Or Orchestrator, though I think he's placed us under Abernathy's jurisdiction for this run."


She slid her phone back out, tapping a few buttons on the screen interface, "Warlord, you got eyes on us?"


"I can see you clear as day, ma'am. Maybe only because I have your IFF tags right here in front of me, but hey. You guys are blending pretty well down there, if I may say so." Was the reply.


Artisan hummed in acknowledgment, "Very good, Warlord. Let us know if anything goes south."


"Just think of my like the Angel on your shoulder."


The comm link went dead, and Artisan turned to look back out at the track, speaking to Composer without looking at him, "Feel like stepping in to defend her? Could be an interesting way to gather data.."


Composer shrugged, "Could be worth a shot."



(OOC: Fun Fact: Composer is actually a massive fan of classical music. Especially Ludovico Einaudi. Wouldn't think it yo look at him, huh?)

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"Gyaaah!" Rainbow Dash vaulted the rail and ran after the team leading Jack away from the wreckage it was car, reacting in delayed time once it was utterly clear that his race was over. She didn't make it to the van before the doors closed and with wailing lights, pulled him away.


Dash stood at the edge of the track, drawing a small crowd, and shrugged off the vests who tried to pull her away. She picked a pebble off the shoulder. "Aww, buffalo biscuits!" 


Twilight turned her head for a moment, to see Rainbow Dash climbing up the catch fence!

"Rainbow Dash! What are you doing?" she shouted. Of course, by that point, there wasn't stopping the rainbow pegasus. "That girl just keeps getting herself into more and more trouble."

Dash ran towards the ambulance carrying away Jack, but it was already pulling away. A few track workers tried to get a hold of Rainbow Dash and get her back to the grandstands, but she kept shoving the attendants away.

"Ma'am, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" one of the attendants shouted at her, "We're going to get you back into the grandstand. It's too dangerous for you right here!"

Of course, her antics were drawing quite a crowd. Her rainbow colored hair didn't really help her case, as it made her stand out even more like a sore thumb. She was even met with a bit of jeering from a few of the more conservative folks.

"Get back to the grandstand, you lesbian fuck-up!" A voice bellowed from the pits.


(Egging on Dash a bit since this can get a bit interesting...)


@@Dawn Stripes,@@00Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @ @@Meteorite


The woman sighed, continued to serve customer after customer long after the Pony Party left, smiling a little as she heard her young relief enter the small stand. “Now that you're here, Imma take a quick break before making my rounds in the stands. You gonna be okay by yourself??” At the bored teen's confirmation, the woman smirked as she made her way out of the stand, heading for her car…


Field Agent Report




Time: 14:49 hours


Agent Reporting: Agent Abernathy


I'm "on break" in my undercover position. Add to that, I'm exhausted, so this report will be a bit more informal than normal. Right then, on to the report.


I have engaged in verbal communication with the subject known as Rainbow Dash whilst I was serving foodstuffs to other racegoers. My brief interaction with her interesting, to say the least! It has also further proved and demonstrated Rainbow Dash's incredible adaptibility to human interaction. She even went so far as to attempt to barter me with her autograph in lieu of payment for food, but she quickly resorted to having several die hard fans to pay for her food. Talk about luck!


Gotta hand it to 'er, Rainbow Dash is really something! Almost makes me feel bad I didn't accept her offer.


I have also made visual confirmation of subjects Fluttershy and Princess Twilight Sparkle. Interaction was far more limited, as Rainbow Dash's "Finder", Colette Irving, was the most active and vocal when engaging me in a standard transaction. Fluttershy and the Princess were caught up with the fans aforementioned, and thus were unavailble.


Also accompanying them was a boy by the name Dionysios "Lampros" Papagiannis - English name Dennis PriestJohn. A quick search revealed that he's a Greek exchange student who attends the same school as Colette Irving, and will be entering 11th grade in the upcoming school year. From what I gleaned, while he is not a "Pony Finder", he is heavily associating himself with Rainbow Dash, in what seems to be an attempt to court her. Quick observations also revealed that Colette may be courting Fluttershy, but I will need to observe the pairs further before I can make any confirmation. This is an interesting development nonetheless!


It's time I make my way back. I need to make my rounds in the stands. If three of the Ponies are here, it's a safe bet they're all here, watching Jack Preybird race! I'll post a follow up report detailing my findings.


Agent Abernathy signing off.


@, @,


Logan nodded to Twilight, "Yeah. I understand you didn't know. Try to keep from that in the future, though."

The Princess seemed to take great interest in something Dennis said pertaining to technology. Logan stepped away from them. Techy stuff wasn't really his forte. That was Scott's playground. He was nearly back to his seat in the grandstands when he heard some people shouting. One person with an admittedly rude reference to homosexual females. Logan turned his attention down to the track and saw.. One of the Equestrians, Rainbow Dash, down there, "Girl really is fast", He thought to himself.


Then what the pit member had said came back. Logan sighed. He was a conservative himself, so he didn't condone homosexuality, but he was amiable to people who chose to be. After all, it was their life, their choices. He had no say in what they did. But it wasn't the allusion to the former Pegasus' sexual preferences that aggravated Logan, but rather the general assumption that, because of her hair color, she identified as homosexual. The media had decided the rainbow mean 'change', or something like that. As such, homosexual movements decided to make it their symbol. 


Logan found Dash's hair color ironic, personally. Her 'Element of Harmony' was 'Loyalty', as Angie had explained. In Logan's opinion, rainbows represented an undying promise. Or, in some interpretations, loyalty. As such, he really wanted to jump into the pit and punch whoever had yelled at Dash. However, jumping down would probably make matters worse. Logan sat back down in the seat, "This can only end well." He said, quietly.


(hooray for lengthy rants about a character's opinion that is the same as my own and doesn't progress the plotline at all!)





Angie made a short laughing sound as she turned back to Colette, "Yeah. That's for sure."





"Message received and understood, Agent Abernathy. I've already sent the hounds down after them. Kind of excited about this to say the least, Ma'am." Was Warlord's reply to the message streaming into his ear.


He had stayed in the air, under the guise of being a news surveillance helicopter of some kind. He'd landed only briefly to drop Artisan and Composer off. Luckily, no one really noticed, somehow. He shrugged it off. These people seemed to have been doing this kind of thing most of their lives. Not to mention they were both former military elite.


The former Air Force pilot briefly found himself wondering why a giant of a man like Composer had chosen such a... refined, name. Perhaps it was his call sign in the Marines or Special Forces. Probably spawned by the treble clef tattoo on his right deltoid. Warlord chuckled to himself and banked the chopper slightly, as if getting a better view of what was happening on the ground below. He was streaming a camera feed, but it wasn't to any news station, rather the surveillance network at The Docks. 



Composer and Artisan had themselves heard Abernathy's message. They were both in the grandstands, a few rows away from the Equestrians and their Finders. Artisan seemed to refuse calling the entire group 'ponies', stating that at least two of them were another race called 'Changelings'. Composer had long given up trying to understand how that woman's mind worked. She had been working with the Agency longer than he had, so he figured that was just what happened to you after a few years. He was nearing that point himself, if that was the case.


Artisan wasn't seated any longer, instead standing near the end of the grandstands towards the track, watching as a rainbow haired teenager ran out onto the track. The former SEAL was speaking into her phone, having received Abernathy's transmission on the device. Whether the Agent heard Artisan or not didn't seem to faze her. For all Composer knew, she was talking to herself, "There actually quite a few romantic interests flitting around between the humans and Equestrians. Kind of obvious, if you know what to look for," She hummed slightly, "I'll send you a message of some sort if I notice anything else."


The fiery blonde haired woman sent her phone to sleep and slipped it back into her pocket, turning to face her companion, "Feel like running a little recon?"


Composer grunted and stood, stretching, the muscles beneath his skin easily visible, "Should we try to nab one?"


Artisan shook her head, crossing her arms over her chest, "No. Not yet, at least. Wait for the order from Abernathy. Or Orchestrator, though I think he's placed us under Abernathy's jurisdiction for this run."


She slid her phone back out, tapping a few buttons on the screen interface, "Warlord, you got eyes on us?"


"I can see you clear as day, ma'am. Maybe only because I have your IFF tags right here in front of me, but hey. You guys are blending pretty well down there, if I may say so." Was the reply.


Artisan hummed in acknowledgment, "Very good, Warlord. Let us know if anything goes south."


"Just think of my like the Angel on your shoulder."


The comm link went dead, and Artisan turned to look back out at the track, speaking to Composer without looking at him, "Feel like stepping in to defend her? Could be an interesting way to gather data.."


Composer shrugged, "Could be worth a shot."



(OOC: Fun Fact: Composer is actually a massive fan of classical music. Especially Ludovico Einaudi. Wouldn't think it yo look at him, huh?)

@ Ragin Red Talon

@ Pripyat Pony

@ Dawn Stripes

@ HypnoticD

@ Ryuuguu Rena



Charles see Dash in the Pits, then shaking his head while looking at Rarity and going to save her friend. "Rarity stay with my nephew I am going to save your friend before she get into more trouble." Charles turn to Nick. "Nick stay with Rarity, Pinky Pie I will be right back and got to save Dash form getting her self form any trouble." Charles saying


"Right Uncle." Nick saying

Then he running towards the Pits as he jump over the rail as he take out his NSA Badge showing it to the two attendants. "Hay I will take it from here and take her back to the stands. Sorry for that and it will never happen again too." Then he turn to the one form the Pits. "HAY BUB THAT NO WAY TALK TO A LADEY OK!" Then he take Rainbow Dash back to the Railing. "Dash you can't go into the Pit Crew area that off liments durning the race."

Edited by Fireblaze
  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: Tell you the truth, I am just a tad disappointed. She was starting to get on so well with the other characters...)


Rainbow Dash shook at Charles' gentle grip, storming before the audience in the pit and locking all their eyes at once. "Alright, who said that!?" She was steaming practically at the nostrils--and someone, the riotous noise was like the hiss of surf, and each one might as well have fallen silent, for all she could tell who had spoken.


It wasn't as if Rainbow Dash was particularly offended for herself. Sure, since she'd found out a couple of the things humans used rainbows to symbolize, she'd wondered if she might get into misunderstandings. But that wasn't the end of the world, and hayseeds, just as much had happened back home. When she heard that voice, curling with blind disgust...

Well, to be honest, that didn't bother her for herself either. She used to think fillyfoolers were...weird. The idea had creeped her out. It still did. But that took a backseat to other things now. Because when that burlesque voice intruded on her rant....he was taking a stab at Fluttershy.


No one got away with that.


Rainbow Dash jumped down into the pit, stalking among the crowd like a rainbow-striped tiger, refusing to give up on the hunt. "Huh?!? Come on out, ya' fucking coward!" she shouted brazenly into every ear. "Say it to me face!"

  • Brohoof 1
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(OOC: Tell you the truth, I am just a tad disappointed. She was starting to get on so well with the other characters...)


Rainbow Dash shook at Charles' gentle grip, storming before the audience in the pit and locking all their eyes at once. "Alright, who said that!?" She was steaming practically at the nostrils--and someone, the riotous noise was like the hiss of surf, and each one might as well have fallen silent, for all she could tell who had spoken.


It wasn't as if Rainbow Dash was particularly offended for herself. Sure, since she'd found out a couple of the things humans used rainbows to symbolize, she'd wondered if she might get into misunderstandings. But that wasn't the end of the world, and hayseeds, just as much had happened back home. When she heard that voice, curling with blind disgust...

Well, to be honest, that didn't bother her for herself either. She used to think fillyfoolers were...weird. The idea had creeped her out. It still did. But that took a backseat to other things now. Because when that burlesque voice intruded on her rant....he was taking a stab at Fluttershy.


No one got away with that.


Rainbow Dash jumped down into the pit, stalking among the crowd like a rainbow-striped tiger, refusing to give up on the hunt. "Huh?!? Come on out, ya' fucking coward!" she shouted brazenly into every ear. "Say it to me face!"

(I'm really sorry for that. I'll try not to go too overboard in the future)


The person who jeered Rainbow Dash was standing near the Verizon team. Dash was drawing nearer, eyeing the crews and spectators, the crews confused as to what she was doing here. His eyes met hers, and he instantly looked away nervously.

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