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private An Unexpected Trip to the Human World (Closed!)


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Composer growled, "Son of a ffu-," He cut his sentence short with a growl, "One of those Finders beat me to it."

Artisan sighed. Sure enough, one of the Finders, who if she remembered correctly from the dossiers was called Charles, the one who'd found Rarity. Rainbow had pounced into the pits. An apt word, considering she almost seemed like a predatory cat as she stalked through the crowd of people. Surprising, that no security was present at this moment. To bad Composer wasn't wearing a disguise. He could definitely hop in there and detain her. Heck, it was to bad she... Oh well. She looked at the large man, who was himself watching with what seemed to be amusement, "You thinking about hopping down there and helping her out, aren't you?"

"If by that you mean punching the guy in the face, yeah." Composer said without looking at her, "Though I am pretty curious to see how this'll end on its own."


"I think it might be wiser to just let it go for now. I think you getting yourself mixed in would be a bit to conspicuous. Might blow our cover." Artisan said, narrowing her eyes as one man in the pits looked away from Dash. So, that was the offender then.


"Maybe if it blows up into a fist fight and the guys bodies start to help defend him. Then I'll jump down there." Composer said, cracking his wrist.


Artisan raised an eyebrow at him, "You planning on being chivalrous?"

"Ha! More like common courtesy. 'Specially if the fight skews horribly in one's favor." Composer said, glancing at the shorter woman out of his peripheral before turning his full attention back to the scene below. 

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(OOC: Oh no, by all means go overboard. Otherwise we won't have fun in the first place. I'm not blaming you for anything!)


Fluttershy came closer to biting her nails--that would be a dreaful habit it she didn't watch it--and looked to Colette for reassurance. "There's not going to be a fight, is there!" she all but whimpered. "I don't want anyone to fight...everyone seems so angry...."




Rainbow Dash spun, turned, glared, and got no response. Her righteous anger was soon being cooled in a cold bucket of awkward, as she faced them and got no response. None that she could discover, anyway. So, as a last recourse to save her precious dignity, she crawled out of the pit, throwing one backwards glance like a brutal master tossing the last bone to his dog from the temple. "Buncha' fucking gasheads," she said none to quietly, storming away.


(OOC: By the way, I thought the agents thought the ponies were...aliens. They aren't horrified that humans are dating them? )

Edited by Dawn Stripes
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@ Dawn Stripes
@ Ragin Red Talon

Charles wipe his head, as he was walking towards the railing then got over while went back to the others and then looking at Dash while thinking how he will say this to them. But was looking at her then went back to Rarity and then looking at the race. *That was close and good move Dash*



Jameson was looking at Rarity, other ponies in the grandstand since he was in his citizen clothing as he was taking pictures then he see another one next to Rarity  and then he was shock who it was. *Charles NSA great now this mission will be hard* Then he went down and find one of his agents while telling them something else. *I wounder other Agents will have a problem with him*

Edited by Fireblaze
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@@Dawn Stripes,@,@@Fireblaze,



Artisan narrowed her eyes, a sly smile coming across her lips. She could easily provoke the former Pegasus into getting into a fight. All it would take would be throwing her voice, making it sound like the pit member's. And making it sound like it came from down there. Shouldn't be to hard. She was pretty talented in this sort of work. Taking a few seconds to prep her throat, and focus a little, she subtly cupped her hands around her mouth and called out in an impressively masculine voice, that sounded like it may as well have come from the pits, "Yeah, that's right! Walk away you crazy bitch!"


She leaned back down on the rails, looking to Composer with an appalled expression. To any observers, they might assume she was just shocked. Composer returned her look with equally surprised one, though his was genuine. He knew where the voice had come from, but he hadn't expected her to do it, "You're insane."


Artisan smiled a little at that, "I know."

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(OOC: Alright, let's have it out then)

Rainbow Dash took seconds to whirl around and charge into the pit. THe man who looked up from a cell phone, mortified, straight at her, quickly locked her sights and set the target for her incoming whirlwind.


Well, more like a barrage of flailing. Despite altheticism in a former life, and quite a bit of grandstanding, Rainbow Dash didn't really know much about fighting. But she more than made up for it with fervor. The guy didn't stand a chance to so much as get his hands free before Rainbow was sharpening her knuckles on his stomach.




Fluttershy fell to tears. "Colette." She clutched at her date's shirt, clinging for support. "We have to do something! We can't let them fight!"


(OOC: I might wait for Hypno before I post again, just so you know)

Edited by Dawn Stripes
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@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @,


Colette looked to Fluttershy, but was not able to answer her right away. Dash looked wild and furious now, pacing the pit like wolf cornering her prey... Drop it, Dash! That shitstain's not worth it!

She was about to answer her as she saw the still raging Pegasus make her way back to crash gate when the idiot just HAD to press on! She saw Rainbow explode and rush the schmuck, crumpling in on himself when a formerly Equine hoof connected with the man's stomach.


She pulled Fluttershy into a tight hug for a moment as she broke into sobs, stroking her back and kissing her on the cheek before whispering into her ear. "Wait here." she was on her feet, but was abruptly stopped by a long, masculine arm, a deep baritone voice at her ear, uttering only one word. "No." 


In flash, William was rushing down the stairs at a speed that one would never think he possessed. In an instant, he was on the fence, scaling it in at an impressive speed, albeit markedly slower than the Rainbow haired pugilist. In another few moments, he was down on the other side, bounding over to the brawling mare.


In one fluid motion, he stepped behind Rainbow Dash, pulling her off her victim and restraining her by the shoulders. "Knock it the hell off!"


((A bit extreme, but I need to use Colette's dad more!))

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@@Dawn Stripes,@@Hypn0ticD@Ragin' Red Talon, ((OOC:It seems that my posting speed doesn't allow me to post about a talking topic for more than 2 posts... i feel like smashing something...)) Dennis was about to continue talking to Twilight when Rainbow Dash started being... Rainbow Dash really... She didn't do something "evil" or something like that but it just confirmed the fact that she still had to learn a lot of things about the human world. Like not climbing into giant fences attempting to enter races and stuff. Those were made to hamper hooligans from entering. Still hooligan or not when another of the spectators called her "Lesbiang fuck-up" he felt a vain tingling in his forehead. "Thats MY lesbian fuck-up you're insulting motherfucker!" he thinks on the inside but with a deep breath he relaxes managing to hold his impulse to smash the guy's brains to goo... He expected the situation to wear-off, he expected that the guy wouldn't be as stupid as to cause trouble by coming to respond to Dashie's challange... But he did! God dammit! Fluttershy was scared of the fighting and Dennis was momentarily stunned, at that moment Colette's Dad stepped in and restrained Rainbow Dash, but this would prove to be a mistake if the guy didn't stop. He steps in the middle and extends his hands to both trying to create some distance. He is somewhat angry/dissapointed "Will you guys stop acting like a bunch of 15 year old hooligans?" he turns to Dashie's opponent "Lesbian fuck-up? You're as brave and smart as Internet nerds hiding behind their keyboards raging from their comfortable spots just... go get a life." he says withdrawing towards Colette's and Dashie's way with a look saying "He isn't worth my time."

Edited by nioniosbbbb
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Clare smiled at Diliges. "You're plenty productive," she said. "You're a terrific help; I'd never be able to cope with all the housework without your assisstance, so don't worry about that."


"That's right," Cicada replied. "Stephen got me one. It's not so bad, quite amusing at times and of course," she lowered her voice, "plenty of opportunities to snatch emotions."




Agent Louise Burton was waiting, ready to intercept the woman she knew as Agent Abernathy. When the agent had signed off after obviously making her report, Agent Burton stepped forward. "May I have your attention?" she asked, flashing her FBI ID. "My name is Louise Burton and I work for the FBI. I believe that we are working towards the same goal, so perhaps we could join forces."






Rarity gasped as Charles waded into the fight which Rainbow had started. She was worried for both of them, and was relieved when William broke it up by restraining Rainbow.


Pinkie was annoyed at the way that people were yelling at Rainbow. She bounced with impatience, wishing she could go and help, but there were too many people between her and the fight.

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(OOC: Alright, let's have it out then)


Rainbow Dash took seconds to whirl around and charge into the pit. THe man who looked up from a cell phone, mortified, straight at her, quickly locked her sights and set the target for her incoming whirlwind.


Well, more like a barrage of flailing. Despite altheticism in a former life, and quite a bit of grandstanding, Rainbow Dash didn't really know much about fighting. But she more than made up for it with fervor. The guy didn't stand a chance to so much as get his hands free before Rainbow was sharpening her knuckles on his stomach.




Fluttershy fell to tears. "Colette." She clutched at her date's shirt, clinging for support. "We have to do something! We can't let them fight!"


(OOC: I might wait for Hypno before I post again, just so you know)

Right, however, when Rainbow Dash approached and challenged him, he went from nervousness, to full on fighting stance. Adrenaline rushing through his body, he was ready to take her on. He swung his fist at the rainbow colored mare, and aimed it straight for her face.

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(OOC: Attempting to make all the post-you-guys-made-at-once somewhat synthesized)

(OOC: Ninnios, how do you have a slow posting speed? Last I remembered, you were like the fastest poster here)


Several things happened at once.

Rainbow Dash was in a fit of righteous fury, uninterrupted by sensory input, up until the moment a strong arm wrapped around her neck and forcefull yanked her back. Rainbow found herself on her toes, stretching for air, barely able to move. She tried to yank away, but the firm crook around her windpipe left her stuck, strangling like a puppet. "Wha...?" she just barely, barely managed to gurgle.


Next, Dennis jumped into the pit, trying to stand between her and the douchenozzle she was delivering her judgment unto.

Then, in the same moment, the guy finally regained his feet and threw a sucker punch right into Rainbow Dash's immobilized face. "Oughc..." Rainbow's head lolled against the tall chest pinning it in place, ringing with checkered flags and red bells. Her nose didn't bleed--pegasi didn't easily get nosebleeds, so Rainbow hadn't expected one--but it left a nice bruise, and made her too dizzy to even think further of breaking free.

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@@Dawn Stripes,@,@@Fireblaze,



Artisan narrowed her eyes, a sly smile coming across her lips. She could easily provoke the former Pegasus into getting into a fight. All it would take would be throwing her voice, making it sound like the pit member's. And making it sound like it came from down there. Shouldn't be to hard. She was pretty talented in this sort of work. Taking a few seconds to prep her throat, and focus a little, she subtly cupped her hands around her mouth and called out in an impressively masculine voice, that sounded like it may as well have come from the pits, "Yeah, that's right! Walk away you crazy bitch!"


She leaned back down on the rails, looking to Composer with an appalled expression. To any observers, they might assume she was just shocked. Composer returned her look with equally surprised one, though his was genuine. He knew where the voice had come from, but he hadn't expected her to do it, "You're insane."


Artisan smiled a little at that, "I know."




Clare smiled at Diliges. "You're plenty productive," she said. "You're a terrific help; I'd never be able to cope with all the housework without your assisstance, so don't worry about that."


"That's right," Cicada replied. "Stephen got me one. It's not so bad, quite amusing at times and of course," she lowered her voice, "plenty of opportunities to snatch emotions."




Agent Louise Burton was waiting, ready to intercept the woman she knew as Agent Abernathy. When the agent had signed off after obviously making her report, Agent Burton stepped forward. "May I have your attention?" she asked, flashing her FBI ID. "My name is Louise Burton and I work for the FBI. I believe that we are working towards the same goal, so perhaps we could join forces."






Rarity gasped as Charles waded into the fight which Rainbow had started. She was worried for both of them, and was relieved when William broke it up by restraining Rainbow.


Pinkie was annoyed at the way that people were yelling at Rainbow. She bounced with impatience, wishing she could go and help, but there were too many people between her and the fight.


@@Dawn Stripes,@@Hypn0ticD@Ragin' Red Talon, ((OOC:It seems that my posting speed doesn't allow me to post about a talking topic for more than 2 posts... i feel like smashing something...)) Dennis was about to continue talking to Twilight when Rainbow Dash started being... Rainbow Dash really... She didn't do something "evil" or something like that but it just confirmed the fact that she still had to learn a lot of things about the human world. Like not climbing into giant fences attempting to enter races and stuff. Those were made to hamper hooligans from entering. Still hooligan or not when another of the spectators called her "Lesbiang fuck-up" he felt a vain tingling in his forehead. "Thats MY lesbian fuck-up you're insulting motherfucker!" he thinks on the inside but with a deep breath he relaxes managing to hold his impulse to smash the guy's brains to goo... He expected the situation to wear-off, he expected that the guy wouldn't be as stupid as to cause trouble by coming to respond to Dashie's challange... But he did! God dammit! Fluttershy was scared of the fighting and Dennis was momentarily stunned, at that moment Colette stepped in and restrained Rainbow Dash, but this would prove to be a mistake if the guy didn't stop. He steps in the middle and extends his hands to both trying to create some distance. He is somewhat angry/dissapointed "Will you guys stop acting like a bunch of 15 year old hooligans?" he turns to Dashie's opponent "Lesbian fuck-up? You're as brave and smart as Internet nerds hiding behind their keyboards raging from their comfortable spots just... go get a life." he says withdrawing towards Colette's and Dashie's way with a look saying "He isn't worth my time."


@@Dawn Stripes, @@00Pony, @,


Colette looked to Fluttershy, but was not able to answer her right away. Dash looked wild and furious now, pacing the pit like wolf cornering her prey... Drop it, Dash! That shitstain's not worth it!


She was about to answer her as she saw the still raging Pegasus make her way back to crash gate when the idiot just HAD to press on! She saw Rainbow explode and rush the schmuck, crumpling in on himself when a formerly Equine hoof connected with the man's stomach.


She pulled Fluttershy into a tight hug for a moment as she broke into sobs, stroking her back and kissing her on the cheek before whispering into her ear. "Wait here." she was on her feet, but was abruptly stopped by a long, masculine arm, a deep baritone voice at her ear, uttering only one word. "No." 


In flash, William was rushing down the stairs at a speed that one would never think he possessed. In an instant, he was on the fence, scaling it in at an impressive speed, albeit markedly slower than the Rainbow haired pugilist. In another few moments, he was down on the other side, bounding over to the brawling mare.


In one fluid motion, he stepped behind Rainbow Dash, pulling her off her victim and restraining her by the shoulders. "Knock it the hell off!"


((A bit extreme, but I need to use Colette's dad more!))




(OOC: Attempting to make all the post-you-guys-made-at-once somewhat synthesized)

(OOC: Ninnios, how do you have a slow posting speed? Last I remembered, you were like the fastest poster here)


Several things happened at once.

Rainbow Dash was in a fit of righteous fury, uninterrupted by sensory input, up until the moment a strong arm wrapped around her neck and forcefull yanked her back. Rainbow found herself on her toes, stretching for air, barely able to move. She tried to yank away, but the firm crook around her windpipe left her stuck, strangling like a puppet. "Wha...?" she just barely, barely managed to gurgle.


Next, Dennis jumped into the pit, trying to stand between her and the douchenozzle she was delivering her judgment unto.

Then, in the same moment, the guy finally regained his feet and threw a sucker punch right into Rainbow Dash's immobilized face. "Oughc..." Rainbow's head lolled against the tall chest pinning it in place, ringing with checkered flags and red bells. Her nose didn't bleed--pegasi didn't easily get nosebleeds, so Rainbow hadn't expected one--but it left a nice bruise, and made her too dizzy to even think further of breaking free.


@00Pony and @ Pripyat Pony


Agent Jameson went to the food area, as he saw two Workers but realize there were CIA agents as he can remember there appearance too. Then then he went over to the female as he wiser to her and saying this. "Are you Agent Artisan? My boss saying he want me to meet you three right now." Then he turn to Agent Louise as he take out his badge saying CIA. "Agent CIA and Also that guy who with the ponies is Charles Roberts but HE NSA and I think we stepping into Big Leagues now so we can join forces but let talk somewhere in privet."



@ Pripyat Pony


Charles came back to Rarity, Pinky as he seeing Collett dad William have Rainbow Dash Restrained and Dennis stepping in to help too. "Well just want to make sure your friend don't go too overboard hurting the guy lucky William have her restrain for now and Dennis is helping too."


Nick looking at this and shaking his head at the Racing Fans while looking at Pinky who wasn't happy too. "I gust you don't like anyone yelling at your Friend Rainbow Dash."


Then Charles saw Dash got punch. "Ok That Not Cool." Then He Running back to the Pits as he jump over the railing then he went up to the guy who punch Dash and then push him. "HAY Why you did that? That wasn't cool there pall A Sucker punch? She wasn't ready and you punch her. Well I Dare YOU TO PUNCH ME INSTED!"

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@, @,


(OOC: Attempting to make all the post-you-guys-made-at-once somewhat synthesized)

(OOC: Ninnios, how do you have a slow posting speed? Last I remembered, you were like the fastest poster here)


Several things happened at once.

Rainbow Dash was in a fit of righteous fury, uninterrupted by sensory input, up until the moment a strong arm wrapped around her neck and forcefull yanked her back. Rainbow found herself on her toes, stretching for air, barely able to move. She tried to yank away, but the firm crook around her windpipe left her stuck, strangling like a puppet. "Wha...?" she just barely, barely managed to gurgle.


Next, Dennis jumped into the pit, trying to stand between her and the douchenozzle she was delivering her judgment unto.

Then, in the same moment, the guy finally regained his feet and threw a sucker punch right into Rainbow Dash's immobilized face. "Oughc..." Rainbow's head lolled against the tall chest pinning it in place, ringing with checkered flags and red bells. Her nose didn't bleed--pegasi didn't easily get nosebleeds, so Rainbow hadn't expected one--but it left a nice bruise, and made her too dizzy to even think further of breaking free.

A brave member from the Verizon team jumped in, breaking up the fight.

"Get outta here, you little punk," he growled at the assailant. He then turned to Rainbow Dash.

"You can let go, guy," he then said to Dennis and William, "I can take it from here. Don't let a little punk like him get in your head. The name is Gary Leux. Are you alright?"

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@@Pripyat Pony


Diliges couldn't help but smile at Clare's praise, "Well, that makes me feel better about myself," He gives a short laugh, before nodding, "Thank you, Clare."


He turned his attention back to Cicada, as she described her job, partially. Mainly that it wasn't bad, and a little amusing. Plus, plenty of opportunity for feeding. The Changeling Captain smiled a little wider at that, lowering his own voice slightly, "The humans don't really guard their emotions all that well, do they?" He said, "The community where I've been staying with Clare is a rather populated place. I pretty much just have to stand outside and it's like walking into an all-you-can-eat buffet."






Composer's facial expression was actually somewhat amusing. The ex Marine was definitely not amused by the reactivate tendencies of the Finders. Except, only one of the guys down on the track were Finders, "Well.. At least we know that we have more than one to worry about." He says, gesturing to William.


Artisan follows his gesture, and nods, "William Irving. Colette Irving's father. Seems he actually knows somewhat what he's doing," she glances down, "That highschool student down there is the boy Abernathy mentioned, Dennis," - the woman laughs shortly - "He's got something of a crush on Rainbow Dash. Cute."


Her large companion looked at her incredulously, "What makes you think that?"


"Mixture of Abernathy's intel and simple female intuition."
Artisan noticed the man she'd framed start to stand back up, and continued to watch as he made his way across to the struggling former Pegasus, and strike her hard across the face. Hard. She only faintly noticed the blur of motion beside her as Composer made toward the fence and seemed to prepare to pull himself over, when one of the other pit members broke up the fight. Artisan briefly allowed herself to wonder just where the track security was during all of this. Didn't matter. Composer was already doing something, probably inwardly raging, and it was about time she changed position. Abernathy had been down around the foodstands, if she remembered correctly. Makes sense, then to head down there if you wanted to meet the woman. Composer moved somewhere ele in the stands, and just stayed there, watching.


(I was to slow in working on this post, it seems. I really wanted Composer to punch someone. It's all good, though.)




Except it wasn't Abernathy that Artisan met down there. At least, not just her. There was another female there, who she figured might as well be an agent from one of the other agencies. FBI, maybe? She carried herself like one, if faintly. There was also a male there. This one actually introduced himself as CIA. And he recognized Artisan. Inwardly, she growled in irritation. Orchestrator was letting other agencies see their files, she knew it. How else would somebody be able to recognize her? The woman shrugged it off as she stepped up to them, crossing her arms once again, nodding to Jameson, "I am."
Was her simple response. Orchestrator had already signed them on to help Abernathy, so if these two were going to end up helping her, then they might as well help Artisan's agency.

Edited by 00Pony
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@Ragin' Red Talon@nioniosbbbb@Fireblaze@Pripyat Pony@00Pony @Hypn0ticD,


(OOC: Ok I'm just falling back on mentioning everyone again. Rainbow Dash still hasn't been let go, so she can't do much)


Rainbow struggled, wheezing against the grip of who she realized now was Colette's father. Which she thought was supposed to make her feel slightly safer than if a random goon had grabbed her--but it was hard to be sure.

"I'm okay now," she rasped out, eyeing Dennis, and the other uniformed fellows of various stripes who came crowding the pit. She tried to give Dennis a thumbs-up, which came off a little shaky but positive. "It's cool. I'm...god-damnit...yeah, I'm--I'm good. Don't worry."




Fluttershy closed her eyes, let Colette kiss her cheek, and ended up with her chin planted over Colette's shoulder, turning away because she didn't want to look. "Is it over?" she murmured once or twice at long intervals.

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@Ragin' Red Talon, [/size]@nioniosbbbb, [/size]@Fireblaze, @Pripyat Pony, @00Pony @Hypn0ticD,


(OOC: Ok I'm just falling back on mentioning everyone again. Rainbow Dash still hasn't been let go, so she can't do much)


Rainbow struggled, wheezing against the grip of who she realized now was Colette's father. Which she thought was supposed to make her feel slightly safer than if a random goon had grabbed her--but it was hard to be sure.

"I'm okay now," she rasped out, eyeing Dennis, and the other uniformed fellows of various stripes who came crowding the pit. She tried to give Dennis a thumbs-up, which came off a little shaky but positive. "It's cool. I'm...god-damnit...yeah, I'm--I'm good. Don't worry."




Fluttershy closed her eyes, let Colette kiss her cheek, and ended up with her chin planted over Colette's shoulder, turning away because she didn't want to look. "Is it over?" she murmured once or twice at long intervals.

Gary sighed, looking Rainbow Dash over. She clearly looked beaten from the skirmish, and figured she'd need a little medical attention.

"Look, we're going to need to get you to the infield care center," Gary said to her, "And as far as I know, maybe you'll luck out and get an autograph from Warren Matheus, the Planter's Peanuts guy, and maybe even Jack Preybird! They're both in the infield care center. But first, you'll need to let go of her."

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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@@Dawn Stripes,@@00Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @ @@Meteorite

((Mimicking Dawn in mentioning everyone.))

William released Rainbow, took a step back and grunted, glaring daggers at the man who was stupid enough to pop the Pegasus in the face. Making a mental note to find the man and visit him later when he was alone, he turned hos attention to the man calling himself Gary Leux.

"Yeah, I'm just fine." He responded, straightening his collar. Colette was right, this girl was absolutely out of control! He said nothing as Gary looked her over. He merely nodded at the suggestion of Rainbow getting looked at in the infield care center, tapping Dennis on the shoulder, gesturing for him to follow. "Come on, young man. Let the medics do their work."


Colette stroked the back of her date's head as she watched Rainbow get escorted out of the pit, and no doubt to whatever medical facility they had here. God damn, Rainbow can't go five minutes without getting hurt in some way! What the hell was she gonna with her?!

"Yeah, it's over." She answered softly. "They're taking Dash somewhere, and dad and everyone else is heading back." Colette said before sighing. "What the hell're we gonna do with Dash?!"


Agent Abernathy glanced up she made her way back from her car, as another woman approached her, her eyebrows lifting as her eyes fell on the badge. "Ah~. Pleasure meeting you Agent Burton. I'm from Observer Unit from the Special Circumstances. Don't let the name fool you, though. We do far more than just observe should the need arise. I take it you saw my last report??”

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Applejack watched this all unfold with Ulysses, unsure what exactly to do. She was foreign to human ways, even after her brief stay in this world, so she wasn't sure if meddling in things would just make things worse. It was best to let Logan and the experts deal with things. Applejack hugged the doggy.

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@@Hypn0ticD@Dawn Stripes,@00Pony@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze@Pripyat Pony@Ryuuguu Rena @Meteorite Dennis was a little bit conflicted... this didn't sound like the time he should leave Dashie alone... last time he did that... No he shouldn't leave. "I... shouldn't leave her at this point. We don't want to lose sight of her now do we? I'll just stand in a safe distance till the medics do their work, it's just... she doesn't know her way around this place. I promise i won't get in the way." Dennis kept her eye upon Dashie from afar trying to just stay out of the professional's way... He had that "feeling" that something bad was gonna happen, that paranoid feeling. But it's always good to be on the safe side right? Even when we are paranoid?

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@@Dawn Stripes



"I suppose you can come with," Gary (hooray for pulling names out of my ass!) responded to Dennis, as they walked down to the infield care center. "I can understand not wanting to leave your friend. Now might I ask, what's your names, both of you guys?"




Jack was checked over by the doctor, who, unsurprisingly, found nothing wrong with him, aside from a bit of dehydration. He passed everything fine: reaction tests, eye tests (I have honestly no idea what kind of tests they do to the drivers in the care center), and the like. Right then, however, Trent walked into the room after the doctor left.

"Trent!" Jack nearly shouted, "Did they fix the car yet?! I can get back out there! It was only the rear toe that was knocked out! Surely the mechanics can fix that!"

Trent merely shook his head.

"I think you've had enough for one day," Trent responded, "We gathered enough data about the tires, so I think we're fine."

Jack groaned a bit. Does that mean Trent didn't want him on the team?!

"And early word out of IndyCar, that little obscene gesture you gave to the Brazilian guy who wrecked you is gonna be a fine. 20k. I think that's a bit ridiculous, though, as drivers should be allowed to show a bit of emotion."

Jack breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that at least Trent had his back in some way.

(Slowing down a bit so that Rainbow can end up running into Jack at the care center)

Edited by Ragin' Red Talon
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@, @@Dawn Stripes, Dennis turns to Gary in an emotionless expression. He blinks once or twice, "Think of a fake name... think of a fake name for Dash". "I am Dennis and this is... Nicke." ((OOC:Sorry if this sounds like godmodding)) He coughs twice to clear his throat while he focuses "It's not something bad right? She won't have to go to hospital or anything?" He worries that maybe Dash will "break her cover" again, on the other hand he thinks to name if quite fitting... Nicke... it means "Victory" and it was the name of the winged Greek Goddess of Victory. The faster flyer in mythology... a symbol of how fast the news of victory travel from place to place.

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Fluttershy drifted off of Colette's shoulder with a sniff, swiveling her gaze down to the pit, cautiously, to see that nobody was fighting anymore. After a pink-pent breath she returned her gaze to Colette, found her face an inch away and that her arms were still around Colette's upper torso. Turning the same color as her air, she unattached herself and wound her arms safely around her own chest.

"Mmm...." she mewled for a moment before gathering herself to whisper anything in answer. "I...I--I've been asking that question for a long time, Colette." With a lopsided smile for the audacity of it, she gingerly reached out and entwined her delicate fingers with one of Colette's hands. "You shouldn't try to hard to answer it; there might not be an answer. Let's make sure she's okay."





A pair of leftover medics had Rainbow surrounded; there was nowhere to move. "She'll probably be fine," she could hear one of them saying, probably to Dennis, "but she has to come in anyway to get looked over. Standard procedure. Besides," the voice, disembodied by crowd-shuffle, continued as she was shuffled rather unceremoniously into a second van, "the cops might want a word with her too, after this."

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@, @@Dawn Stripes, Dennis turns to Gary in an emotionless expression. He blinks once or twice, "Think of a fake name... think of a fake name for Dash". "I am Dennis and this is... Nicke." ((OOC:Sorry if this sounds like godmodding)) He coughs twice to clear his throat while he focuses "It's not something bad right? She won't have to go to hospital or anything?" He worries that maybe Dash will "break her cover" again, on the other hand he thinks to name if quite fitting... Nicke... it means "Victory" and it was the name of the winged Greek Goddess of Victory. The faster flyer in mythology... a symbol of how fast the news of victory travel from place to place.



@@Dawn Stripes



"I suppose you can come with," Gary (hooray for pulling names out of my ass!) responded to Dennis, as they walked down to the infield care center. "I can understand not wanting to leave your friend. Now might I ask, what's your names, both of you guys?"




Jack was checked over by the doctor, who, unsurprisingly, found nothing wrong with him, aside from a bit of dehydration. He passed everything fine: reaction tests, eye tests (I have honestly no idea what kind of tests they do to the drivers in the care center), and the like. Right then, however, Trent walked into the room after the doctor left.

"Trent!" Jack nearly shouted, "Did they fix the car yet?! I can get back out there! It was only the rear toe that was knocked out! Surely the mechanics can fix that!"

Trent merely shook his head.

"I think you've had enough for one day," Trent responded, "We gathered enough data about the tires, so I think we're fine."

Jack groaned a bit. Does that mean Trent didn't want him on the team?!

"And early word out of IndyCar, that little obscene gesture you gave to the Brazilian guy who wrecked you is gonna be a fine. 20k. I think that's a bit ridiculous, though, as drivers should be allowed to show a bit of emotion."

Jack breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that at least Trent had his back in some way.

(Slowing down a bit so that Rainbow can end up running into Jack at the care center)



@@Hypn0ticD@Dawn Stripes,@00Pony@Ragin' Red Talon@Fireblaze@Pripyat Pony@Ryuuguu Rena @Meteorite Dennis was a little bit conflicted... this didn't sound like the time he should leave Dashie alone... last time he did that... No he shouldn't leave. "I... shouldn't leave her at this point. We don't want to lose sight of her now do we? I'll just stand in a safe distance till the medics do their work, it's just... she doesn't know her way around this place. I promise i won't get in the way." Dennis kept her eye upon Dashie from afar trying to just stay out of the professional's way... He had that "feeling" that something bad was gonna happen, that paranoid feeling. But it's always good to be on the safe side right? Even when we are paranoid?



Applejack watched this all unfold with Ulysses, unsure what exactly to do. She was foreign to human ways, even after her brief stay in this world, so she wasn't sure if meddling in things would just make things worse. It was best to let Logan and the experts deal with things. Applejack hugged the doggy.



@@Dawn Stripes,@@00Pony, @, @, @@Fireblaze, @@Pripyat Pony, @ @@Meteorite


((Mimicking Dawn in mentioning everyone.))


William released Rainbow, took a step back and grunted, glaring daggers at the man who was stupid enough to pop the Pegasus in the face. Making a mental note to find the man and visit him later when he was alone, he turned hos attention to the man calling himself Gary Leux.


"Yeah, I'm just fine." He responded, straightening his collar. Colette was right, this girl was absolutely out of control! He said nothing as Gary looked her over. He merely nodded at the suggestion of Rainbow getting looked at in the infield care center, tapping Dennis on the shoulder, gesturing for him to follow. "Come on, young man. Let the medics do their work."




Colette stroked the back of her date's head as she watched Rainbow get escorted out of the pit, and no doubt to whatever medical facility they had here. God damn, Rainbow can't go five minutes without getting hurt in some way! What the hell was she gonna with her?!


"Yeah, it's over." She answered softly. "They're taking Dash somewhere, and dad and everyone else is heading back." Colette said before sighing. "What the hell're we gonna do with Dash?!"




Agent Abernathy glanced up she made her way back from her car, as another woman approached her, her eyebrows lifting as her eyes fell on the badge. "Ah~. Pleasure meeting you Agent Burton. I'm from Observer Unit from the Special Circumstances. Don't let the name fool you, though. We do far more than just observe should the need arise. I take it you saw my last report??”



Gary sighed, looking Rainbow Dash over. She clearly looked beaten from the skirmish, and figured she'd need a little medical attention.

"Look, we're going to need to get you to the infield care center," Gary said to her, "And as far as I know, maybe you'll luck out and get an autograph from Warren Matheus, the Planter's Peanuts guy, and maybe even Jack Preybird! They're both in the infield care center. But first, you'll need to let go of her."



@Ragin' Red Talon@nioniosbbbb@Fireblaze@Pripyat Pony@00Pony @Hypn0ticD,


(OOC: Ok I'm just falling back on mentioning everyone again. Rainbow Dash still hasn't been let go, so she can't do much)


Rainbow struggled, wheezing against the grip of who she realized now was Colette's father. Which she thought was supposed to make her feel slightly safer than if a random goon had grabbed her--but it was hard to be sure.

"I'm okay now," she rasped out, eyeing Dennis, and the other uniformed fellows of various stripes who came crowding the pit. She tried to give Dennis a thumbs-up, which came off a little shaky but positive. "It's cool. I'm...god-damnit...yeah, I'm--I'm good. Don't worry."




Fluttershy closed her eyes, let Colette kiss her cheek, and ended up with her chin planted over Colette's shoulder, turning away because she didn't want to look. "Is it over?" she murmured once or twice at long intervals.



@@Pripyat Pony


Diliges couldn't help but smile at Clare's praise, "Well, that makes me feel better about myself," He gives a short laugh, before nodding, "Thank you, Clare."


He turned his attention back to Cicada, as she described her job, partially. Mainly that it wasn't bad, and a little amusing. Plus, plenty of opportunity for feeding. The Changeling Captain smiled a little wider at that, lowering his own voice slightly, "The humans don't really guard their emotions all that well, do they?" He said, "The community where I've been staying with Clare is a rather populated place. I pretty much just have to stand outside and it's like walking into an all-you-can-eat buffet."






Composer's facial expression was actually somewhat amusing. The ex Marine was definitely not amused by the reactivate tendencies of the Finders. Except, only one of the guys down on the track were Finders, "Well.. At least we know that we have more than one to worry about." He says, gesturing to William.


Artisan follows his gesture, and nods, "William Irving. Colette Irving's father. Seems he actually knows somewhat what he's doing," she glances down, "That highschool student down there is the boy Abernathy mentioned, Dennis," - the woman laughs shortly - "He's got something of a crush on Rainbow Dash. Cute."


Her large companion looked at her incredulously, "What makes you think that?"


"Mixture of Abernathy's intel and simple female intuition."

Artisan noticed the man she'd framed start to stand back up, and continued to watch as he made his way across to the struggling former Pegasus, and strike her hard across the face. Hard. She only faintly noticed the blur of motion beside her as Composer made toward the fence and seemed to prepare to pull himself over, when one of the other pit members broke up the fight. Artisan briefly allowed herself to wonder just where the track security was during all of this. Didn't matter. Composer was already doing something, probably inwardly raging, and it was about time she changed position. Abernathy had been down around the foodstands, if she remembered correctly. Makes sense, then to head down there if you wanted to meet the woman. Composer moved somewhere ele in the stands, and just stayed there, watching.


(I was to slow in working on this post, it seems. I really wanted Composer to punch someone. It's all good, though.)




Except it wasn't Abernathy that Artisan met down there. At least, not just her. There was another female there, who she figured might as well be an agent from one of the other agencies. FBI, maybe? She carried herself like one, if faintly. There was also a male there. This one actually introduced himself as CIA. And he recognized Artisan. Inwardly, she growled in irritation. Orchestrator was letting other agencies see their files, she knew it. How else would somebody be able to recognize her? The woman shrugged it off as she stepped up to them, crossing her arms once again, nodding to Jameson, "I am."

Was her simple response. Orchestrator had already signed them on to help Abernathy, so if these two were going to end up helping her, then they might as well help Artisan's agency.




Fluttershy drifted off of Colette's shoulder with a sniff, swiveling her gaze down to the pit, cautiously, to see that nobody was fighting anymore. After a pink-pent breath she returned her gaze to Colette, found her face an inch away and that her arms were still around Colette's upper torso. Turning the same color as her air, she unattached herself and wound her arms safely around her own chest.

"Mmm...." she mewled for a moment before gathering herself to whisper anything in answer. "I...I--I've been asking that question for a long time, Colette." With a lopsided smile for the audacity of it, she gingerly reached out and entwined her delicate fingers with one of Colette's hands. "You shouldn't try to hard to answer it; there might not be an answer. Let's make sure she's okay."





A pair of leftover medics had Rainbow surrounded; there was nowhere to move. "She'll probably be fine," she could hear one of them saying, probably to Dennis, "but she has to come in anyway to get looked over. Standard procedure. Besides," the voice, disembodied by crowd-shuffle, continued as she was shuffled rather unceremoniously into a second van, "the cops might want a word with her too, after this."

@ Dawn Stripes, @HypnoticD, @nioniosbbb, @00Pony, @ Pripyat Pony, @Ragin, Red Talon, @Ryuuguu Rena


"Great I have to talk to the Police too, letting them know what happen since I was involed too but NSA agent got to do this anyway." Charles saying while he was plan chat with the police and telling them that this was a little accident.



"Yes and we need find a more place to think since our Competion NSA will try to stop us form reaching our Goal." Jameson saying as he was looking at the agents while he was thinking how to get Rarity away form Charles.

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@@Dawn Stripes,@,Cops? Dennis blinked twice before speaking. He follows them sitting into the ambulance they got in and hesitantly spoke "I... is this really nessecary? I mean... things like that happen all the time... besides we stopped it before anything got out of control..." Dang it! He was trying to patch it up left and right, but was there really a way out of this? "Shouldn't the other guy be caught too? I mean... he was the one who provoked her alright."  He sighs... there's no escaping there from this is it? "What will the cops do? Will they make us pay a fine or something? She won't go to jail or something like that right?" God this was quickly spiraling out of control! He was a little panicked and the more he thought about it the more he was worried... what would happen if the cops found out she was an alien? Would the FBI or CIA get involved? Would they get Rainbow Dash into custody? Treat her like the experiements in Area 51 he saw in the movies? Moment by moment his thoughts got more paranoid. He was "chewing his finger nails" from the anxiety... no... not my Rainbow Dash he thought. He felt protective towards her, they wouldn't harm her so long as he had a say in it. How could this all happen... from one single fight?

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The field medic raised one eyebrow just before the door shut. "Geeze, calm down kid. No one's going to jail. They'll just ask her a couple questions, make sure everyone's story's straight about what happened." He shrugged. "I see this all the time at the races. Anyone gets charged with battery, they'll probably get off real light. You want to visit before she gets out, the clinic's two blocks down to the left out of the front gate."



@Ragin' Red Talon

(Sorry about sudden first tense....I'm normally much better than this. But I felt like it)

A perfectly innocent white hallway, docorated with the occasional click of heels and leather-shod loafers on well-polished tile. Suddenly a flurry of blue and rainbow; for a moment, catching the sun, almost like a burst of plumage out the front of a waiting from.

Rainbow Dash shakes herself through the portal, taking off through the hallways before anyone can bother to follow. In a few minute's she's standing over a hospital bed containing one passingly familiar racer.

"Hey, Jack." Rainbow frowned. "Are they gonna' let you race again? They better.'

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@@Dawn Stripes,@Ragin' Red Talon "I'll do that... thanks." ((OOC:also you confused me... i thought i followed her into hospital... i feel like a pest now following her and i really got confused... is Jack hurt now? I thought Dash was the one who got hit...)) Dennis takes a walk, by himself as it appears, heading towards the hospital. He had also heard something about Jack going there... although he didn't know why... he thought he was okay, or so it would seem. Maybe it was out of precaution that they took him there? Well he didn't know much about races so he assumed the safe thing. 15 minutes later he is in the hospital. He sits in the chairs waiting in the hallway patiently in case Dash gets out. When he notices the secretary in the entrance free he dares ask... "Excuse me... is there someone by the name Jack Preybird here? Racer? And another... Nicke i think? Maybe she gave a nickname... Rainbow something?" he tries to play dump about Dashie's real identity... either or else giving half the name in the end might confuse others even more. Learning half the truth is worse than not knowing it at all...

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